Comparison of Regulations on Food Labeling in the United States and the Republic of Croatia with Labeling Examples


U ovom je radu opisana i uspoređena zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanja hrane u Republici Hrvatskoj (RH) i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (SAD). Na primjerima označavanja sireva, mineralnih voda i voćnih sokova pokazano je kako proizvod mora biti označen na tržištu SAD-a, a kako na tržištu RH. U radu su opisani i opći uvjeti za uvoz hrane iz RH u SAD i iz SAD-a u RH. Ovaj je rad pokazao da se zakonska regulativa o hrani i označavanju hrane kao i uvjeti uvoza hrane u RH i SAD-u značajno razlikuju o čemu hrvatski izvoznici koji žele ući na tržište SAD-a moraju voditi računa, a isto važi i za američke izvoznike zainteresirane za hrvatsko tržište. U radu je korištena metoda komparativne analize.This paper has described and compared legal framework for food and food labeling in the Republic of Croatia and the United States of America (US). With labeling examples of cheeses, mineral wateres and fruit juices this paper demonstrated food labeling for the US market and food labeling for the Croatian market. Additionally, this paper describes, in broad strokes, general conditions for food imports from the Rebublic of Croatia to the US and from the US to the Republic of Croatia. This paper has demonstrated that legislative for food and food labeling as well as food import requirement in the US and the Republic of Croatia are significantly different, which is important for Croatian exporters interested in the US market and the US exporters interested in the Croatian market. In this paper method of comparative analyses was used

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