126 research outputs found

    An optical particle counter for the regular application onboard a passenger aircraft: instrument modification, characterization and results from the first year of operation

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    To understand the contribution of aerosol particles to radiative forcing and heterogeneous chemical processes in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere (UT/LMS), the knowledge of the particle size distribution is mandatory. Unfortunately, measurements in the UT/LMS are costly. Research aircrafts are expensive and thus their application is limited in time and space. Satellite remote sensing measurements provide a good temporal and spatial (horizontal) coverage, but only a limited vertical resolution and currently cannot resolve the particle size distribution. Therefore, within this thesis an optical particle counter (OPC) unit was modified for the application onboard a passenger long-haul aircraft within the CARIBIC project (www.caribic-atmospheric.com). The CARIBIC OPC unit provides regular and cost-efficient particle size distribution measurements of accumulation mode particles in the UT/LMS. In April 2010, the new OPC unit was installed for the first time onboard the Lufthansa Airbus A340 600 (D-AIHE) for the measurement of the volcanic ash cloud from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption (April to May 2010). Since June 2010 the OPC unit measures on usually four intercontinental flights per month the UT/LMS particle size distribution in the particle size range 125 to 1300 nm particle diameter. As the data acquisition stores the scattering raw signal and all housekeeping data as well, during the post flight data analysis the temporal- and size channel resolution can be flexible set. Within this work the data were analyzed with 32 size channels and 300 seconds. As aircraft-borne measurements are always time-consuming, the development of the OPC unit and the analysis routine, as well as its characterization and certification took more than two thirds of the total working time of this thesis. Therefore, the analysis of the data is limited to the first year of regular measurements until May 2011. Nevertheless, this dataset is sufficient to demonstrate the scientific relevance of these measurements. To validate the OPC data, a comparison to particle size distributions measured from board research aircraft was carried out. The analysis of the volcanic ash flights in April and May 2010 showed strongly enhanced particle mass concentrations inside the plumes and agreed in some regions very well to the particle mass concentration predicted by a dispersion model. A further case study shows the occurrence of a surprising large (1000 km) and high concentrated pollution plume over eastern Asia close to Osaka (Japan). Inside the plume the highest particle number- and mass concentrations measured with the OPC unit in the analysis period were observed (except volcanic ash flights). A detailed analysis of the in parallel measured trace gasses as well as meteorological- and LIDAR data showed, the observed plume originate from biomass burning and industrial emissions in eastern China. A third case study gives a first attempt of a mass closure/validation between the particle masses derived by the CARIBIC OPC unit and the CARIBIC impactor particle samples. First statistical analyses to the vertical, meridional, and seasonal variation of the accumulation mode particle size distribution and therefrom derived parameter indicate a stratospheric vertical increasing gradient for the particle number- and mass concentration. In general in the mid-latitude LMS the concentration of accumulation mode particles was found to be on average 120% higher than in the mid-latitude UT. The mid-latitude LMS particle size distribution shows a seasonal variation with on average 120% higher concentrations during spring compared to fall. This results can be explained with general dynamics in the stratosphere (Brewer-Dobson Circulation) and in the tropopause region (stratosphere-troposphere-exchange, STE). An anti-correlation of gaseous mercury to the stratospheric particle surface area concentration (R²=0.97) indicates that most likely stratospheric aerosol particles do act as a sink for gaseous mercury. Finally, two comparisons of the OPC data to data from satellite remote sensing and a global aerosol model underline the OPC potential and the benefits of creating an in situ measured reference dataset.Um die Rolle von Aerosolpartikeln beim Strahlungsantrieb und der heterogenen chemischen Prozessen in der oberen Troposphäre und untersten Stratosphäre (OT/US) verstehen zu können, ist es unabdingbar die Partikelgrößenverteilung zu kennen. Messungen der Partikelgrößenverteilung in dieser Region sind allerdings aufwendig. Der Einsatz von Forschungsflugzeugen ist teuer und deshalb zeitlich und räumlich nur begrenzt. Satellitenmessungen bieten zwar eine gute zeitliche und räumliche (horizontal) Abdeckung, aber nur eine begrenzte vertikale Auflösung. Weiterhin können bisherige Satellitenmessungen die Partikelgrößenverteilung nicht auflösen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde deshalb ein optischer Partikelzähler (OPC) Messeinschub für den Einsatz an Bord eines Langstrecken-Passagierflugzeugs aufgebaut (CARIBIC Projekt, www.caribic-atmospheric.com). Mit diesem Messeinschub kann regelmäßig und kosteneffizient die Partikelgrößenverteilung des Akkumulationsmodes in der OT/US gemessen werden. Im April 2010 wurde der neue OPC Einschub erstmals an Bord des Lufthansa Airbus A340-600 (D-AIHE) installiert um die Vulkanasche der Eyjafjallajökull Eruption (April bis Mai 2010) zu messen. Seit Juni 2010 misst der OPC Einschub auf durchschnittlich vier Interkontinentalflügen pro Monat die Partikelgrößenverteilung der OT/US im Größenbereich zwischen 125 und 1300 nm Partikeldurchmesser. Während des Fluges speichert die Datenerfassung alle Rohsignale ab und ermöglicht dadurch eine nutzerspezifische Datenauswertung nach dem Flug (z. B. Anzahl der Größenkanäle oder Zeitauflösung). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Daten mit 32 Größenkanälen und 300 Sekunden analysiert. Da fluggetragene Messungen immer sehr aufwendig sind, beanspruchte die Entwicklung des OPC Einschubs und des Analysealgorithmus, sowie die Charakterisierung und Zertifizierung mehr als zwei Drittel der Gesamtarbeitszeit dieser Arbeit. Daher ist die Analyse der Messdaten auf das erste Jahr der regulären Messungen bis Mai 2011 beschränkt. Dennoch ist dieser Datensatz geeignet um die wissenschaftliche Relevanz dieser Messungen zu demonstrieren. Um die OPC-Daten zu validieren, wurde ein Vergleich mit bisherigen OPC Messungen von Bord Forschungsflugzeugen durchgeführt. Die Analyse der Vulkanascheflüge im April und Mai 2010 zeigte in der Abluftfahne stark erhöhte Partikelmassekonzentrationen, welche in einigen Vergleichsregionen sehr gut mit der Vorhersage eines Disperionsmodells übereinstimmten. Eine weitere Fallstudie zeigt das Auftreten einer überraschend großen (1000 km) und hoch konzentrierten Abluftfahne über Ostasien nahe Osaka (Japan). In der Abluftfahne wurde die im Analysezeitraum höchste mit dem CARIBIC OPC gemessene Partikelanzahl- und Massenkonzentration beobachtet (ausgenommen Vulkanascheflüge). Eine detaillierte Analyse der parallel gemessenen Spurengase, sowie meteorologischer Daten und LIDAR Profile zeigte, dass die beobachtete Abluftfahne eine Mischung aus Biomasseverbrennungs- und Industrieabgasen aus Ost-China war. Eine dritte Fallstudie stellt einen ersten Versuch einer Massenschließung/Validierung zwischen der aus den CARIBIC OPC-Daten abgeleiteten Partikelmasse und der Partikelmasse aus CARIBIC Impaktorproben dar. Erste statistische Analysen zur vertikalen, meridionalen und saisonalen Variabilität der Partikelgrößenverteilung im Akkumulationsmode und daraus abgeleiteten Parametern zeigen einen vertikal ansteigenden Gradienten für die Partikelanzahl- und Massenkonzentration. Generell war in der US der mittleren Breiten die Konzentration von Akkumulationsmode Partikeln im Mittel um 120% höher als in der OT der mittleren Breiten. Weiterhin wurde in der US der mittleren Breiten eine jahreszeitliche Schwankung gefunden. Im Frühling war die mit dem OPC gemessene Partikelkonzentrationen im Mittel um 120% höher als im Herbst. Diese Befunde lassen sich mit der atmosphärischen Dynamik in der Stratosphäre (Brewer-Dobson Zirkulation) und in der Tropopausenregion (Stratosphäre-Troposphäre-Austauschprozesse) erklären. Eine gefundene negative Korrelation von gasförmigen Quecksilber mit der stratosphärischen Partikeloberflächenkonzentration (R²=0.97) ist ein starker Indikator dafür, dass in der US Aerosolpartikel eine Senke für gasförmiges Quecksilber darstellen. Zum Abschluss unterstreichen zwei Vergleiche der OPC-Daten mit Satellitenmessungen und Ergebnissen eines globalen Aerosolmodels das Potential und den Nutzen der CARIBIC OPC Daten als in-situ gemessenen Referenzdatensatz

    Methodical Comparison of Alternative Powertrain Technologies for Long-Distance Mobility Using Germany as an Example

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    The main barriers to the wide acceptance of electric vehicles, such as the limited driving range or the high acquisition costs, are to be countered by various technology alternatives for the powertrain of the future. Promising developments include improved battery technologies, fuel cell technologies or a constant power supply of the vehicle while driving, for example through dynamic inductive charging. In this context, a holistic technology comparison would contribute to a comprehensive and understandable information situation by making the heterogeneous technological concepts comparable with regard to different evaluation criteria. Therefore, this work describes the basic assumptions of the proposed holistic comparison of alternative powertrain technologies for long-distance mobility. Relevant framework conditions are structured and a procedure for the evaluation of infrastructure expenditures is shown. Building on this, a selection of key performance indicators is defined and explained. The proposed KPI framework is applied to a passenger car in the economic area Germany. The results show that by using electrified roadways, ecological as well as economic advantages against other alternative powertrain designs can be derived

    An optical particle size spectrometer for aircraft-borne measurements in IAGOS-CARIBIC

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    The particle number size distribution is an important parameter to characterize the atmospheric aerosol and its influence on the Earth's climate. Here we describe a new optical particle size spectrometer (OPSS) for measurements of the accumulation mode particle number size distribution in the tropopause region on board a passenger aircraft (IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory: In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System - Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container). A modified KS93 particle sensor from RION Co., Ltd., together with a new airflow system and a dedicated data acquisition system, is the key component of the CARIBIC OPSS. The instrument records individual particle pulse signal curves in the particle size range 130-1110 nm diameter (for a particle refractive index of 1.47-i0.006) together with a time stamp and thus allows the post-flight choice of the time resolution and the size distribution bin width. The CARIBIC OPSS has a 50 % particle detection diameter of 152 nm and a maximum asymptotic counting efficiency of 98 %. The instrument's measurement performance shows no pressure dependency and no particle coincidence for free tropospheric conditions. The size response function of the CARIBIC OPSS was obtained by a polystyrene latex calibration in combination with model calculations. Particle number size distributions measured with the new OPSS in the lowermost stratosphere agreed within a factor of 2 in concentration with balloon-borne measurements over western North America. Since June 2010 the CARIBIC OPSS is deployed once per month in the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory

    El Niño-Southern Oscillation influence on tropospheric mercury concentrations

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    The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects the tropospheric concentrations of many trace gases. Here we investigate the ENSO influence on mercury concentrations measured in the upper troposphere during Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an instrumented Container flights and at ground at Cape Point, South Africa, and Mace Head, Ireland. Mercury concentrations cross-correlate with Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with a lag of 8 +/- 2 months. Highest mercury concentrations are always found at the most negative SOI values, i.e., 8 months after El Nino, and the amplitude of the interannual variations fluctuates between similar to 5 and 18%. The time lag is similar to that of CO whose interannual variations are driven largely by emissions from biomass burning (BB). The amplitude of the interannual variability of tropospheric mercury concentrations is consistent with the estimated variations in mercury emissions from BB. We thus conclude that BB is a major factor driving the interannual variation of tropospheric mercury concentrations

    Zinc Binding Catalytic Domain of Human Tankyrase 1

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    Tankyrases are recently discovered proteins implicated in many important functions in the cell including telomere homeostasis and mitosis. Tankyrase modulates the activity of target proteins through poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation, and here we report the structure of the catalytic poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) domain of human tankyrase 1. This is the first structure of a PARP domain from the tankyrase subfamily. The present structure reveals that tankyrases contain a short zinc-binding motif, which has not been predicted. Tankyrase activity contributes to telomere elongation observed in various cancer cells and tankyrase inhibition has been suggested as a potential route for cancer therapy. In comparison with other PARPs, significant structural differences are observed in the regions lining the substratebinding site of tankyrase 1. These findings will be of great value to facilitate structure-based design of selective PARP inhibitors, in general, and tankyrase inhibitors, in particular

    Mercury plumes in the global upper troposphere observed during flights with the CARIBIC observatory from May 2005 until June 2013

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    Tropospheric sections of flights with the CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrumented Container) observatory from May 2005 until June 2013, are investigated for the occurrence of plumes with elevated Hg concentrations. Additional information on CO, CO, CH, NO, O, hydrocarbons, halocarbons, acetone and acetonitrile enable us to attribute the plumes to biomass burning, urban/industrial sources or a mixture of both. Altogether, 98 pollution plumes with elevated Hg concentrations and CO mixing ratios were encountered, and the Hg/CO emission ratios for 49 of them could be calculated. Most of the plumes were found overEast Asia, in the African equatorial region, over South America and over Pakistan and India. The plumes encountered over equatorial Africa and over South America originate predominantly from biomass burning, as evidenced by the low Hg/CO emission ratios andelevated mixing ratios of acetonitrile, CHCl and particle concentrations. The backward trajectories point to the regions around the Rift Valley and the Amazon Basin, with its outskirts, as the source areas. The plumes encountered over East Asia and over Pakistan and India are predominantly of urban/industrial origin, sometimes mixed with products of biomass/biofuel burning. Backward trajectories point mostly to source areas in China andnorthern India. The Hg/CO and Hg/CH emission ratios for several plumes are also presented and discussed