482 research outputs found

    Botulinum Toxin as Preventive Treatment for Migraine: A Randomized Double-Blind Study

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    Aim: To determine if botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) injections can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Methods: Patients (n = 127) were randomized to receive placebo or two doses of BoNT-A (Dysport (R)). The primary endpoint was reduction in number of migraine attacks up to week 8 and between weeks 8 and 12 after injection. Patient diaries were used to record secondary endpoints, including frequency, severity and duration of migraine attacks. Results: There was a mean reduction of 0.54 and 0.94 attacks/month with placebo and BoNT-A, respectively, and absolute attack count was less in the verum group (3.6 vs. 4.2 attacks/month), but this was not statistically significant. The patients' global assessment of efficacy was significantly better than placebo in the high-dose group (p = 0.02) but no effects were seen for the other secondary efficacy parameters. Conclusion: Our study showed a trend towards a reduced attack rate with verum but did not show any statistically significant efficacy of BoNT-A in the prophylactic treatment of migraine. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Are you still comparing or already learning?:experience report of a Facility Management benchmarking for laboratory buildings

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    The founding of the "IFMA Benchmarking® Research Group Chemistry, Pharma and Life Science" actually has its roots in the former professional association IFMA Deutschland e.V., which preceded the organization Rea1FM e.V.. The acronym was redesignated as "Industrial Facility Management Benchmarking" and the right to this name was secured. With the founding of the research group in 2004, the goal was set to identify the most efficient concepts related to the special requirements of constructing and operating laboratory and office buildings in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry through benchmarking. The research group has grown to include 15 participating companies. The results of this long-standing and successful cooperation are being increasingly acknowledged outside of the research group and more and more inquiries from third party companies are being made. The present article entails key fin- dings of our conducted benchmarking study

    Integral descriptors of the vertical structure of the ocean

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    12 pages, 12 figuresWe propose a simple polynomial expression for neutral density and nutrients as a function of potential temperature, pressure and salinity. The expression is applied to the 1988 North Atlantic A16N WOCE meridional section and the polynomial coefficients are calculated using an inverse technique. The resulting polynomials show good skill in reproducing the nutrients and density structure, as verified through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The large-scale changes in the polynomial coefficients occur between equatorial (E), tropical (T), subtropical (ST), and subpolar (SP) waters. The temperature and pressure coefficients experience substantial changes at all transitions (E-T, T-ST, and ST-SP), while the salinity ones only have major variations at the T-ST transition. Mesoscale-like oscillations occur all along the section but are relatively small, except between about 40 and 50°N, in a region of rough bottom topography. The density field is reconstructed using individual and group coefficients, and the contribution of each coefficient is identified. The method is also applied to analyze the neutral density distribution in a nearly identical 2003 section, removing near-surface density values that may be related to different warming/cooling of the surface layer. The results show close resemblances but also some significant variations, which are discussed in terms of interdecadal variability. Hence, we argue that the set of calculated coefficients provides good integral descriptors for the vertical structure of the oceanThis work has been carried out with support from the CANOA Project (CTM2005-00444/MAR), funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. The first author wishes to acknowledge funding through the Juan de la Cierva ProgrammePeer reviewe

    Array-A-Lizer: A serial DNA microarray quality analyzer

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    BACKGROUND: The proliferate nature of DNA microarray results have made it necessary to implement a uniform and quick quality control of experimental results to ensure the consistency of data across multiple experiments prior to actual data analysis. RESULTS: Array-A-Lizer is a small and convenient stand-alone tool providing the necessary initial analysis of hybridization quality of an unlimited number of microarray experiments. The experiments are analyzed for even hybridization across the slide and between fluorescent dyes in two-color experiments in spotted DNA microarrays. CONCLUSIONS: Array-A-Lizer allows the expedient determination of the quality of multiple DNA microarray experiments allowing for a rapid initial screening of results before progressing to further data analysis. Array-A-Lizer is directed towards speed and ease-of-use allowing both the expert and non-expert microarray researcher to rapidly assess the quality of multiple microarray hybridizations. Array-A-Lizer is available from the Internet as both source code and as a binary installation package

    Ram pressure statistics for bent tail radio galaxies

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    In this paper we use the MareNostrum Universe Simulation, a large scale, hydrodynamic, non-radiative simulation in combination with a simple abundance matching approach to determine the ram pressure statistics for bent radio sources (BRSs). The abundance matching approach allows us to determine the locations of all galaxies with stellar masses >1011MSol> 10^{11} MSol in the simulation volume. Assuming ram pressure exceeding a critical value causes bent morphology, we compute the ratio of all galaxies exceeding the ram pressure limit (RPEX galaxies) relative to all galaxies in our sample. According to our model 50% of the RPEX galaxies at z=0z = 0 are found in clusters with masses larger than 1014.5MSol10^{14.5}MSol the other half resides in lower mass clusters. Therefore, the appearance of bent tail morphology alone does not put tight constraints on the host cluster mass. In low mass clusters, M<1014MSolM < 10^{14}MSol, RPEX galaxies are confined to the central 500 kpc whereas in clusters of >1015Msol> 10^{15}Msol they can be found at distances up to 1.5Mpc. Only clusters with masses >1015MSol> 10^{15}MSol are likely to host more than one BRS. Both criteria may prove useful in the search for distant, high mass clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі

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    Посібник містить навчально-методичні матеріали для вивчення дисципліни "Маркетинг роздрібної торгівлі". Блок навчально-методичного забезпечення включає методичні поради до кожної теми дисципліни: необхідні пояснення до теми, план семінарського заняття, основні питання для обговорення, практичні завдання, завдання для перевірки знань та контрольні питання. Призначено для студентів економічних спеціальностей всіх форм навчання