1,697 research outputs found

    Spin-wave interference in three-dimensional rolled-up ferromagnetic microtubes

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    We have investigated spin-wave excitations in rolled-up Permalloy microtubes using microwave absorption spectroscopy. We find a series of quantized azimuthal modes which arise from the constructive interference of Damon-Eshbach type spin waves propagating around the circumference of the microtubes, forming a spin-wave resonator. The mode spectrum can be tailored by the tube's radius and number of rolled-up layers.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Digital sikkerhetskultur i kraftsektoren – en studie av kjennetegn ved den digitale sikkerhetskulturen i kraftsektoren

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    Sammendrag VÄrt moderne samfunn preges av i stor grad av digitalisering. Digitalisering handler enkelt sagt om Ä bruke teknologi til Ä forbedre og fornye vÄre virksomheter i samfunnet, samtidig som man ivaretar god sikkerhet. Norske virksomheter opplever digitale angrep tett pÄ kroppen daglig, og det har vÊrt flere eksempler pÄ alvorlige dataangrep i Norge de siste Ärene. Dette stiller nye krav til hvordan virksomhetene driver sitt sikkerhets- og beredskaps arbeid. Det digitale sikkerhetsarbeidet mÄ stÄ i stil til hvilken digital risiko virksomhetene blir utsatt for. Nasjonale risikovurderinger peker spesielt mot mennesket som et yndet mÄl for dem som prÞver Ä trenge igjennom digitale systemer. Ettersom mennesket alltid vil vÊre brukeren av de digitale lÞsningene, betyr det at de ogsÄ kan pÄvirkes i ulik retning til Ä gjÞre feil eller dele sensitiv informasjon om virksomheten. VÄre samfunnskritiske virksomheter, som kraftsektoren, vil alltid vÊre utsatt for stÞrre digital risiko siden de arbeider med vÄre grunnleggende verdier. PÄ bakgrunn av dette har vi valgt Ä ta for oss de menneskelige og organisatoriske faktorene som spiller inn pÄ arbeidet med Ä skape en god digital sikkerhetskultur i virksomhetene i kraftsektoren. Vi kom frem til fÞlgende problemstilling: Hva kjennetegner norske kraftvirksomheter sitt arbeid med digital sikkerhetskultur, sett fra fagansatte og ledelsen sitt perspektiv. Litteraturen i studien har vi hentet fra tradisjonelle teorier rundt menneskeskapte og hÞypÄlitelige organisasjoner og sikkerhetskultur. Digital sikkerhetskultur er et relativt nytt begrep og dermed er de tradisjonelle teoriene viktige for Ä beskrive fenomenet. Vi har ogsÄ benyttet oss av nyere nasjonal og internasjonal forskning pÄ digital sikkerhetskultur. I tillegg har vi trukket inn offentlige dokumenter som beskriver hvordan nasjonale myndigheter tilnÊrmer seg digital sikkerhetskultur. Norske kraftselskaper er i all hovedsak eid av offentlig sektor, og dermed mÄ de forholde seg til nasjonale fÞringer pÄ omrÄdet og er underlagt norske lover og regler. Forskningsprosjektet vÄrt ble gjennomfÞrt som en deskriptiv flercasestudie, med deltakelse fra to ulike kraftvirksomheter. Datainnsamlingen ble gjennomfÞrt ved bruk av kvalitativ metode inspirert av Grounded Theory og stegvis-deduktiv induktiv metode, og vi gjennomfÞrte totalt 11 intervjuer av fagansatte og ledere i to forskjellige kraftvirksomheter. Videre transkriberte vi alle intervjuene, kodet dem og kategoriserte dem med bruk av analyseprogrammet NVivo. Etter en omfattende prosess med koding satt vi igjen med bredt datamaterialet som dannet grunnlaget for tre hovedkategorier av empiriske funn: «digital sikkerhet», «digital sikkerhetskultur» og «barrierer». Disse kategoriene dannet grunnlaget for vÄr drÞftelse og konklusjon i studien. Forskningsprosjektet har som formÄl Ä bidra til innsikt i hva som kjennetegner den digitale sikkerhetskulturen sett fra ledelse og fagansatte i kraftsektoren. Gjennom vÄr analyse og drÞfting har vi funnet direkte knytninger mellom oppgavens empiriske funn og eksisterende litteratur pÄ omrÄdet. RisikoforstÄelse, ledelsens pÄvirkning og forebyggende arbeid pÄvirker hverandre gjensidig og spiller en viktig rolle for Ä utvikle en god digital sikkerhetskultur. VÄr konklusjon er at for Ä skape en god digital sikkerhetskultur i kraftbransjen kreves det god bevissthet rundt digital sikkerhet hos de ansatte gjennom kunnskap og risikoforstÄelse. Ledelsen spiller en sentral rolle i organiseringen og forankringen av digitalt sikkerhetsarbeid i virksomhetene. De bÞr selv gÄ frem som gode rollemodeller for Ä Þke tilliten til de ansatte. Forebyggende arbeid gjennom myke barrierer mÄ prioriteres for Ä endre holdninger og kunnskap de ansatte har til digital sikkerhet.Our modern society is characterized by a large degree of digitalisation. Digitization is simply about using technology to improve and renew our businesses in society, while ensuring good security. Norwegian businesses experience digital attacks on a daily basis, and there have been several examples of serious data attacks in Norway in recent years. This places new demands on how businesses conduct their security and preparedness work. The digital security work must be in line with the digital risk the businesses are exposed to. National risk assessments point in particular to humans as a favorite target for those who try to penetrate digital systems. As the person will always be the user of the digital solutions, this means that they can also be influenced in different directions to make mistakes or share sensitive information about the business. Our businesses critical to the function of our society, such as the power sector, will always be exposed to greater digital risk since they work with our fundamental services. Based on this, we have chosen to address the human and organizational factors that play a role in the work to create a good digital safety culture in businesses in the power sector. We arrived at the following problem: What characterizes Norwegian power companies work with digital safety culture, seen from the perspective of professional employees and management? We have used literature in the study from traditional theories around man-made and highly reliable organizations and safety culture. Digital security culture is a relatively new term and thus the traditional theories are important to describe the phenomenon. We have also made use of recent national and international research on digital security culture. In addition, we have included public documents which describes how national authorities approach digital security culture. Norwegian power companies are mainly owned by the public sector, and they must comply with national guidelines and are subject to Norwegian laws and regulations.Our research project was carried out as a descriptive multiple case study, with participation from two different power companies. The data collection was carried out using a qualitative method inspired by Grounded theory and a step-by-step deductive inductive method, and we conducted a total of 11 interviews of specialist employees and managers in two different power companies. Furthermore, we transcribed all the interviews, coded them and categorized them using the analysis program NVivo. After an extensive process of coding, we were left with broad data material that formed the basis for three main categories of empirical findings: "digital security", "digital security culture" and "barriers". These categories formed the basis for our discussion and conclusion in the study. The purpose of the research project is to contribute to insight into what characterizes the digital safety culture from the perspective of management and specialist employees in the power sector. Through our analysis and discussion, we have found direct connections between the thesis' empirical findings and existing literature on the subject. Risk understanding, management's influence and preventive work mutually influence each other and play an important role in developing a good digital security culture. Our conclusion is that in order to create a good digital security culture in the power industry, a good awareness of digital security is required among employees through an understanding of risk and knowledge. The management plays a central role in the organization and in the anchoring of digital security work in the businesses. They themselves should act as good role models to increase trust in the employees. Preventive work through soft barriers must be prioritized in order to change employees' attitudes and knowledge of digital security

    The Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 genome encodes a homologue of the V. cholerae CqsA and L. pneumophila LqsA autoinducer synthases

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    Janthinobacteria commonly form biofilms on eukaryotic hosts and are known to synthesize antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 was recently isolated from an aquatic environment and its genome sequence was established. The genome consists of a single chromosome and reveals a size of 7.10 Mb, being the largest janthinobacterial genome so far known. Approximately 80% of the 5,980 coding sequences (CDSs) present in the HH01 genome could be assigned putative functions. The genome encodes a wealth of secretory functions and several large clusters for polyketide biosynthesis. HH01 also encodes a remarkable number of proteins involved in resistance to drugs or heavy metals. Interestingly, the genome of HH01 apparently lacks the N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent signaling system and the AI-2-dependent quorum sensing regulatory circuit. Instead it encodes a homologue of the Legionella- and Vibrio-like autoinducer (lqsA/cqsA) synthase gene which we designated jqsA. The jqsA gene is linked to a cognate sensor kinase (jqsS) which is flanked by the response regulator jqsR. Here we show that a jqsA deletion has strong impact on the violacein biosynthesis in Janthinobacterium sp. HH01 and that a jqsA deletion mutant can be functionally complemented with the V. cholerae cqsA and the L. pneumophila lqsA genes

    Ascites’ neutrophil function is significantly impaired in patients with decompensated cirrhosis but can be restored by autologous plasma incubation

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    Systemic immune cell dysfunction is a typical feature of liver diseases and increases the risk of bacterial infection, especially spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. We evaluated functional properties of neutrophil granulocytes in blood and ascites of patients both with and without decompensated cirrhosis. We collected blood and ascites samples from 63 patients with cirrhosis and eight without cirrhosis. Phagocytosis activity (PA) and oxidative burst activity (OBA) were evaluated after ex vivo stimulation with E. coli, while fluorescence signals were measured by flow cytometry. Ascites’ neutrophil function tests were repeated after incubation with autologous plasma. Ascites’ neutrophils showed an impaired PA and OBA (median blood PA 98.1% (86.8–99.8) vs. ascites’ PA 50.5% (0.4–97.3), p < 0.0001; median blood OBA 98.7% (27.5–100) vs. ascites’ OBA 27.5% (0.3–96.7), p < 0.0001). Patients with non- cirrhotic ascites showed higher PA but equally suppressed OBA. Ascites’ neutrophil function could be partially restored after incubation with autologous plasma (median increase PA: 22.5% (−49.7 – +93.2), p = 0.002; OBA: 22.8% (−10.4 – +48.8), p = 0.002). Ascites’ neutrophils of patients with cirrhosis are functionally impaired, but could be partially restored after incubation with plasma. Further investigations are needed to identify the factors in ascites that are associated with neutrophils’ function

    Nach Bologna: Warum das Neue (manchmal) nicht in die Hochschule kommt. Das Beispiel Praxisphasen im Studium

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    Der Beitrag prĂ€sentiert Ergebnisse einer multiperspektivischen, empirischen Untersuchung zur curricularen Verankerung von Praxisphasen im Studium und beschreibt exemplarisch dabei auftretende praktische Umsetzungsprobleme. Die Ergebnisse, die im Rahmen des BMBF-Forschungsprojektes ProPrax mittels Dokumentenanalysen und Studierendenbefragungen ermittelt wurden, verweisen auf eine Diskrepanz zwischen den Forderungen nach Reformen (z. B. BeschĂ€ftigungsfĂ€higkeit) und der Umsetzung im Hochschulalltag. Als mögliche GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr werden sowohl strukturelle als auch hochschulspezifische Aspekte diskutiert. Empfehlungen fĂŒr eine QualitĂ€tssicherung von Praxisphasen werden abgeleitet. 02.11.2011 | Wilfried Schubarth, Karsten Speck, Andreas Seidel, Corinna Gottmann, Caroline Kamm, Andrea Kopp & Maud Krohn (Potsdam und Oldenburg

    Reported barriers to evaluation in chronic care: experiences in six European countries.

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    INTRODUCTION: The growing movement of innovative approaches to chronic disease management in Europe has not been matched by a corresponding effort to evaluate them. This paper discusses challenges to evaluation of chronic disease management as reported by experts in six European countries. METHODS: We conducted 42 semi-structured interviews with key informants from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain involved in decision-making and implementation of chronic disease management approaches. Interviews were complemented by a survey on approaches to chronic disease management in each country. Finally two project teams (France and the Netherlands) conducted in-depth case studies on various aspects of chronic care evaluation. RESULTS: We identified three common challenges to evaluation of chronic disease management approaches: (1) a lack of evaluation culture and related shortage of capacity; (2) reluctance of payers or providers to engage in evaluation and (3) practical challenges around data and the heterogeity of IT infrastructure. The ability to evaluate chronic disease management interventions is influenced by contextual and cultural factors. CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to our understanding of some of the most common underlying barriers to chronic care evaluation by highlighting the views and experiences of stakeholders and experts in six European countries. Overcoming the cultural, political and structural barriers to evaluation should be driven by payers and providers, for example by building in incentives such as feedback on performance, aligning financial incentives with programme objectives, collectively participating in designing an appropriate framework for evaluation, and making data use and accessibility consistent with data protection policies

    Auto-aggressive metallic mercury injection around the knee joint: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accidental or intentional subcutaneous and/or intramuscular injection of metallic mercury is an uncommon form of poisoning. Although it does not carry the same risk as mercury vapour inhalation, it may cause destructive early and late reactions.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>Herein we present the case of a 29-year-old male patient who developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder causing auto-aggressive behaviour with injection of elemental mercury and several other foreign bodies into the soft tissues around the left knee about 15 years before initial presentation. For clinical examination X-rays and a CT-scan of the affected area were performed. Furthermore, blood was taken to determine the mercury concentration in the blood, which showed a concentration 17-fold higher than recommended. As a consequence, the mercury depots and several foreign bodies were resected marginally.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Blood levels of mercury will decrease rapidly following surgery, especially in combination with chelating therapy. In case of subcutaneous and intramuscular injection of metallic mercury we recommend marginal or wide excision of all contaminated tissue to prevent migration of mercury and chronic inflammation. Nevertheless, prolonged clinical and biochemical monitoring should be performed for several years to screen for chronic intoxication.</p

    Classification of death causes after transplantation (CLASS):Evaluation of methodology and initial results

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    Correct classification of death causes is an important component of transplant trials.We aimed to develop and validate a system to classify causes of death in hematopoietic stem cell (HSCT) and solid organ (SOT) transplant recipients.Case record forms (CRF) of fatal cases were completed, including investigator-designated cause of death. Deaths occurring in 2010 to 2013 were used for derivation; and were validated by deaths occurring in 2013 to 2015. Underlying cause of death (referred to as recorded underlying cause) was determined through a central adjudication process involving 2 external reviewers, and subsequently compared with the Danish National Death Cause Registry.Three hundred eighty-eight recipients died 2010 to 2015 (196 [51%] SOT and 192 [49%] HSCT). The main recorded underlying causes of death among SOT and HSCT were classified as cancer (20%, 48%), graft rejection/failure/graft-versus-host-disease (35%, 28%), and infections (20%, 11%). Kappa between the investigator-designated and the recorded underlying cause of death was 0.74 (95% CI 0.69-0.80) in derivation and comparable in the validation cohort. Death causes were concordant with the Danish National Death Cause Registry in 37.2% (95% CI 31.5-42.9) and 38.4% (95% CI 28.8-48.0) in the derivation and validation cohorts, respectively.We developed and validated a method to systematically and reliably classify the underlying cause of death among transplant recipients. There was a high degree of discordance between this classification and that in the Danish National Death Cause Registry
