86 research outputs found

    Microbial faecal pollution of river water in a watershed of tropical Ethiopian highlands is driven by diffuse pollution sources

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    Journal of Water and HealthTropical communities in the developing world depend heavily on riverine systems for their socioeconomic development. However, these resources are poorly protected from diffuse pollution, and there is a lack of quantitative information regarding the microbial pollution characteristics of riverine water, despite frequently reported gastrointestinal diseases. The aim of our study was to apply faecal taxation (i.e., faecal pellet counting in representative test areas to estimate the potential availability of diffuse pollution sources) in combination with a detailed microbiological faecal pollution analysis in a riverine environment to elucidate the importance of diffuse pollution. To realize this approach, ambient faecal pellets, a multiparametric data set for standard faecal indicator bacteria (SFIB), including Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens spores and enterococci from catchment soil and river water, and a number of riverine water physicochemical variables were analysed during a one-year cycle. We demonstrated that the abundance of ambient faecal pellets, which were consistently counted at reference sites in the catchment, was associated with faecal pollution in the river water. Water SFIB, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, conductivity and total suspended solids were strongly linked with the abundance of ambient faecal pellets in the river catchment, as demonstrated by principal component analysis (PCA). Elevated concentrations of SFIB in the riverine water in the absence of rainfall also suggested the direct input of faecal bacteria into the riverine water by livestock (e.g., during watering) and humans (e.g., during bathing). Statistical analyses further revealed that the microbiological water quality of the investigated riverine water was not influenced by SFIB potentially occurring in the soil. This study demonstrates the importance of diffuse faecal pollution sources as major drivers of the microbiological quality of riverine water in the Ethiopian highlands. In addition, the new successfully applied integrated approach could be very useful for developing predictive models, which would aid in forecasting riverine microbiological quality in tropical developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spring Water of an Alpine Karst Aquifer Is Dominated by a Taxonomically Stable but Discharge-Responsive Bacterial Community

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    Alpine karst aquifers are important groundwater resources for the provision of drinking water all around the world. Yet, due to difficult accessibility and long-standing methodological limitations, the microbiology of these systems has long been understudied. The aim of the present study was to investigate the structure and dynamics of bacterial communities in spring water of an alpine limestone karst aquifer (LKAS2) under different hydrological conditions (base vs. event flow). The study was based on high-throughput 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, study design and sample selection were guided by hydrology and pollution microbiology data. Spanning more than 27 months, our analyses revealed a taxonomically highly stable bacterial community, comprising high proportions of yet uncultivated bacteria in the suspended bacterial community fraction. Only the three candidate phyla Parcubacteria (OD1), Gracilibacteria (GN02), Doudnabacteria (SM2F11) together with Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes contributed between 70.0 and 88.4% of total reads throughout the investigation period. A core-community of 300 OTUs consistently contributed between 37.6 and 56.3% of total reads, further supporting the hypothesis of a high temporal stability in the bacterial community in the spring water. Nonetheless, a detectable response in the bacterial community structure of the spring water was discernible during a high-discharge event. Sequence reads affiliated to the class Flavobacteriia clearly increased from a mean proportion of 2.3% during baseflow to a maximum of 12.7% during the early phase of the studied high-discharge event, suggesting direct impacts from changing hydrological conditions on the bacterial community structure in the spring water. This was further supported by an increase in species richness (Chao1) at higher discharge. The combination of these observations allowed the identification and characterization of three different discharge classes (Q1–Q3). In conclusion, we found a taxonomically stable bacterial community prevailing in spring waters from an alpine karst aquifer over the entire study period of more than 2 years. Clear response to changing discharge conditions could be detected for particular bacterial groups, whereas the most responsive group – bacteria affiliated to the class of Flavobacteriia – might harbor potential as a valuable natural indicator of “system disturbances” in karst aquifers

    The neutralizing effect of heparin on blood-derived antimicrobial compounds: impact on antibacterial activity and inflammatory response

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    Acting through a combination of direct and indirect pathogen clearance mechanisms, blood-derived antimicrobial compounds (AMCs) play a pivotal role in innate immunity, safeguarding the host against invading microorganisms. Besides their antimicrobial activity, some AMCs can neutralize endotoxins, preventing their interaction with immune cells and avoiding an excessive inflammatory response. In this study, we aimed to investigate the influence of unfractionated heparin, a polyanionic drug clinically used as anticoagulant, on the endotoxin-neutralizing and antibacterial activity of blood-derived AMCs. Serum samples from healthy donors were pre-incubated with increasing concentrations of heparin for different time periods and tested against pathogenic bacteria (Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus) and endotoxins from E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa. Heparin dose-dependently decreased the activity of blood-derived AMCs. Consequently, pre-incubation with heparin led to increased activity of LPS and higher values of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). Accordingly, higher concentrations of A. baumannii, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa were observed as well. These findings underscore the neutralizing effect of unfractionated heparin on blood-derived AMCs in vitro and may lead to alternative affinity techniques for isolating and characterizing novel AMCs with the potential for clinical translation

    High genetic diversity ofVibrio choleraein the European lake Neusiedler See is associated with intensive recombination in the reed habitat and the long-distance transfer of strains

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    Coastal marine Vibrio cholerae populations usually exhibit high genetic diversity. To assess the genetic diversity of abundant V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 populations in the Central European lake Neusiedler See, we performed a phylogenetic analysis based on recA, toxR, gyrB and pyrH loci sequenced for 472 strains. The strains were isolated from three ecologically different habitats in a lake that is a hot-spot of migrating birds and an important bathing water. We also analyzed 76 environmental and human V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 isolates from Austria and other European countries and added sequences of seven genome-sequenced strains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the lake supports a unique endemic diversity of V. cholerae that is particularly rich in the reed stand. Phylogenetic trees revealed that many V. cholerae isolates from European countries were genetically related to the strains present in the lake belonging to statistically supported monophyletic clades. We hypothesize that the observed phenomena can be explained by the high degree of genetic recombination that is particularly intensive in the reed stand, acting along with the long distance transfer of strains most probably via birds and/or humans. Thus, the Neusiedler See may serve as a bioreactor for the appearance of new strains with new (pathogenic) properties.The study was financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, project nr P21625-B20. In addition, CP and ISD were partially supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, P25745-B20. CA thanks to the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte and FEDER funds for the grant AGL2014-58933-P. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.Peer Reviewe

    Automated online monitoring of fecal pollution in water by enzymatic methods

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    RÉSUMÉ: To facilitate the prompt management of public health risks from water resources, the fluorescence-based detection of the enzymatic activity of β-d-glucuronidase (GLUC) has been suggested as a rapid method to monitor fecal pollution. New technological adaptations enable now its automated, near-real-time measurement in a robust and analytically precise manner. Large data sets of high temporal or spatial resolution have been reported from a variety of freshwater resources, demonstrating the great potential of this automated method. However, the fecal indication capacity of GLUC activity and the potential link to health risk is still unclear, presenting considerable limitations. This review provides a critical evaluation of automated, online GLUC-based methods (and alternatives) and defines open questions to be solved before the method can fully support water management

    Real-time monitoring of beta-d-glucuronidase activity in sediment laden streams: A comparison of prototypes

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    AbstractDetection of enzymatic activities has been proposed as a rapid surrogate for the culture-based microbiological pollution monitoring of water resources. This paper presents the results of tests on four fully automated prototype instruments for the on-site monitoring of beta-d-glucuronidase (GLUC) activity. The tests were performed on sediment-laden stream water in the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory (HOAL) during the period of March 2014 to March 2015. The dominant source of faecal pollution in the stream was swine manure applied to the fields within the catchment. The experiments indicated that instrument pairs with the same construction design yielded highly consistent results (R2 = 0.96 and R2 = 0.94), whereas the results between different designs were less consistent (R2 = 0.71). Correlations between the GLUC activity measured on-site and culture-based Escherichia coli analyses over the entire study period yielded R2 = 0.52 and R2 = 0.47 for the two designs, respectively. The correlations tended to be higher at the event scale. The GLUC activity was less correlated with suspended sediment concentrations than with E. coli, which is interpreted in terms of indicator applicability and the time since manure application. The study shows that this rapid assay can yield consistent results over a long period of on-site operation in technically challenging habitats. Although the use of GLUC activity as a proxy for culture-based assays could not be proven for the observed habitat, the study results suggest that this biochemical indicator has high potential for implementation in early warning systems

    Have genetic targets for faecal pollution diagnostics and source tracking revolutionised water quality analysis yet?

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    The impacts on faecal pollution analysis using nucleic acid-based methods, such as PCR and sequencing, in health-related water quality research were assessed by rigorous literature analysis. A wide range of application areas and study designs has been identified since the first application more than 30 years ago (>1,100 publications). Given the consistency of methods and assessment types, we suggest defining this emerging part of science as a new discipline: genetic faecal pollution diagnostics (GFPD) in health-related microbial water quality analysis. Undoubtedly, GFPD has already revolutionised faecal pollution detection and microbial source tracking, the current core applications. GFPD is also expanding to many other research areas, including infection and health risk assessment, evaluation of microbial water treatment, and support of wastewater surveillance. In addition, storage of DNA extracts allows for biobanking, which opens up new perspectives. The tools of GFPD can be combined with cultivation-based standardised faecal indicator enumeration, pathogen detection, and various environmental data types, in an integrated data analysis approach. This comprehensive meta-analysis provides the scientific status quo of this field, including trend analyses and literature statistics, outlining identified application areas, and discussing the benefits and challenges of nucleic acid-based analysis in GFPD

    Spatial patterns of enzymatic activity in large water bodies: Ship-borne measurements of beta-D-glucuronidase activity as a rapid indicator of microbial water quality

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    This study used automated enzymatic activity measurements conducted from a mobile research vessel to detect the spatial variability of beta‑d‑glucuronidase (GLUC) activity in large freshwater bodies. The ship-borne observations provided the first high-resolution spatial data of GLUC activity in large water bodies as rapid indication of fecal pollution and were used to identify associations with hydrological conditions and land use. The utility of this novel approach for water quality screening was evaluated by surveys of the Columbia River, the Mississippi River and the Yahara Lakes, covering up to a 500 km river course and 50 km2 lake area. The ship-borne measurements of GLUC activity correlated with standard E. coli analyses (R2 = 0.71) and revealed the effects of (1) precipitation events and urban run-off on GLUC activity in surface waters, (2) localized point inlets of potential fecal pollution and (3) increasing GLUC signals along gradients of urbanization. We propose that this ship-borne water quality screening to be integrated into future water inventory programs as an initial or complementary tool (besides established fecal indicator parameters), due to its ability to provide near real-time spatial information on potential fecal contamination of large surface water resources and therefore being helpful to greatly reduce potential human health risks.Austrian Science Fund (FWF)Vienna University of TechnologyNorth Temperate Lakes–Long Term Ecological Researc

    Global Distribution of Human-Associated Fecal Genetic Markers in Reference Samples from Six Continents

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    Numerous bacterial genetic markers are available for the molecular detection of human sources of fecal pollution in environmental waters. However, widespread application is hindered by a lack of knowledge regarding geographical stability, limiting implementation to a small number of well-characterized regions. This study investigates the geographic distribution of five human-associated genetic markers (HF183/BFDrev, HF183/BacR287, BacHum-UCD, BacH, and Lachno2) in municipal wastewaters (raw and treated) from 29 urban and rural wastewater treatment plants (750-4»400»000 population equivalents) from 13 countries spanning six continents. In addition, genetic markers were tested against 280 human and nonhuman fecal samples from domesticated, agricultural and wild animal sources. Findings revealed that all genetic markers are present in consistently high concentrations in raw (median log10 7.2-8.0 marker equivalents (ME) 100 mL-1) and biologically treated wastewater samples (median log10 4.6-6.0 ME 100 mL-1) regardless of location and population. The false positive rates of the various markers in nonhuman fecal samples ranged from 5% to 47%. Results suggest that several genetic markers have considerable potential for measuring human-associated contamination in polluted environmental waters. This will be helpful in water quality monitoring, pollution modeling and health risk assessment (as demonstrated by QMRAcatch) to guide target-oriented water safety management across the globe.Fil: Mayer, René E.. Vienna University of Technology; Austria. Interuniversity Cooperation Centre for Water and Health; AustriaFil: Reischer, Georg. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Ixenmaier, Simone K.. Vienna University of Technology; Austria. Interuniversity Cooperation Centre for Water and Health; AustriaFil: Derx, Julia. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Blaschke, Alfred Paul. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Ebdon, James E.. University of Brighton; Reino UnidoFil: Linke, Rita. Vienna University of Technology; Austria. Interuniversity Cooperation Centre Water And Health; AustriaFil: Egle, Lukas. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Ahmed, Warish. Csiro Land And Water; AustraliaFil: Blanch, Anicet R.. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Byamukama, Denis. Makerere University; UgandaFil: Savill, Marion. Affordable Water Limited;Fil: Mushi, Douglas. Sokoine University Of Agriculture; TanzaniaFil: Cristobal, Hector Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Edge, Thomas A.. Canada Centre for Inland Waters. Environment and Climate Change Canada; CanadáFil: Schade, Margit A.. Bavarian Environment Agency; AlemaniaFil: Aslan, Asli. Georgia Southern University; Estados UnidosFil: Brooks, Yolanda M.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Sommer, Regina. Interuniversity Cooperation Centre Water And Health; Austria. Medizinische Universitat Wien; AustriaFil: Masago, Yoshifumi. Tohoku University; JapónFil: Sato, Maria I.. Cia. Ambiental do Estado de Sao Paulo. Departamento de Análises Ambientais; BrasilFil: Taylor, Huw D.. University of Brighton; Reino UnidoFil: Rose, Joan B.. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Wuertz, Stefan. Nanyang Technological University. Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering and School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; SingapurFil: Shanks, Orin. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Estados UnidosFil: Piringer, Harald. Vrvis Research Center; AustriaFil: Mach, Robert L.. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Savio, Domenico. Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences; AustriaFil: Zessner, Matthias. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Farnleitner, Andreas. Vienna University of Technology; Austria. Interuniversity Cooperation Centre Water And Health; Austria. Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences; Austri
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