243 research outputs found

    La Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible aplicada a la enseñanza-aprendizaje del alemán como lengua extranjera

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    Desde la irrupción de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, que constituye para todas las personas una oportunidad y una exigencia para responder a los desafíos del mundo, las universidades europeas dentro del espacio generado por la European Higher Education Area (EHEA) asumen su responsabilidad. El carácter integral de la Agenda 2030 permite a la Universidad la construcción de un mundo comprometido con el desarrollo sostenible e inclusivo, la justicia, la dignidad y la igualdad de las personas, dando respuesta a los desafíos que el contexto global presenta para las universidades y para la sociedad internacional en su conjunto. La Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS), por lo tanto, concibe los espacios de educación superior como campos estratégicos de transformación-acción de manera que participen de las políticas de sostenibilidad y fomenten iniciativas que contribuyan a un mundo más sostenible y justo. En este artículo proponemos una unidad didáctica en la asignatura de “Alemán como lengua extranjera” para estudiantado matriculado en el Grado de Negocios Internacionales, la cual tematiza cuatro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). En este sentido, planteamos la posibilidad de vincular el aula de lengua extranjera como instrumento para el desarrollo de competencias en el ámbito de la comunicación lingüística y cultural, que favorezcan un estudiantado creativo, crítico y comprometido

    Young people's understanding of European values: enhancing abilities, supporting participation and voice

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    This report is prepared as part of the Jean Monnet Network on Citizenship Education in the Context of European Values. It investigates: the knowledge of young people in European countries about civil society, its principles, citizenship, European values and the European Union; and the citizenship experiences and young people’s attitudes to European values and institutions, their willingness to participate in societal life and spread democratic ideas, Europeanism and global responsibility. Understanding values has always been important. In a time when we are exposed to so many different explanations and commentaries, when social media allow and almost require instantaneous responses, that seem to have to be short, pithy, emphatic. Opinions appear as sharper, less nuanced, insistent. Conspiracy theories can become magnified, imperative and divisive. Young people in particular need to develop the resilience to resist the subversion of values, and have, in some senses, fewer resources and experiences to do so. Yet many of them can do this, and can display depths of understanding and tolerances of diversity. Presentation of the analysis: A: The demographic characteristics of the survey population. This gives a short description of the data set: the countries surveyed, the distribution of ages and gender, the population of the locations, and parental occupations B: A pattern of rights. This section provides an overview of how young people referred to values across Europe as a whole. The intensity of discussions is analysed, and the number of overall individual references are given, contrasting these with the number of individual young people who made multiple references to the same value. C The European values in depth. The first level of detailed analysis is of the value. Each is introduced in turn, and for each there is • an overview of the value in the current European context: its source in the Convention and the Charter, and its development and contemporary meaning; • an analysis of how young people discussed the value – • differences in different Regions of Europe, and • differences in the characteristic descriptions, by timing, location, and type of othering (described in statistics and by illustrative quotations of remarks by young people) • a discussion of the implications of this for pedagogic practice about furthering the understanding of the specific value. D An analysis of regional and other factors. E Teaching issues. We draw together the implications of the analysis for educating young people about understanding these values F Conclusions and recommendations. We conclude by summarising our principal conclusions, and making recommendations at teacher/lecturer, school/college, state and European level

    Medienerziehung und Projektmethode. Zur Theorie und Praxis handlungsorientierten Unterrichts am Beispiel "Zeitung in der Schule"

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    Die Tageszeitung hat nach wie vor in unserer Mediengesellschaft eine bedeutende Stellung inne, jedoch in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Konkurrenz durch elektronische Medien bekommen. Da gerade in diesen Bereichen ein rasantes Wachstum stattfindet, ist die Schule mehr denn je gefordert, Medienkompetenzen zu vermitteln Trotz der scheinbaren Antiquiertheit ist der Weg über ein Zeitungsprojekt hierzu ideal geeignet, da die Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Regel mit diesem Medium vertraut sind und sich handlungsorientiert und fächerübergreifend (selbst-)gewählten Themen nähern können. Die Vielfalt methodischer Möglichkeiten sowie die Chance, eigene Artikel zu veröffentlichen, runden im Idealfall ein solches Projekt ab. (DIPF/Orig.)The daily newspaper still holds an important place on our media-dominated society, although it has experienced an increase in competitors in the last few years through the development of the electronic media market. Because this field, in particular, is growing incredibly fast, the school, more than ever before, needs to transmit media competences. Despite its apparent antiquity, a newspaper project seems the ideal way to fulfill this need because the students are normally acquainted with this medium which allows them to approach (self)-chosen topics in an action-oriented and interdisciplinary manner. The variety of methodological possibilities and - in the ideal case - the chance to publish the students\u27 articles round off such a project. (DIPF/Orig.

    Civic Education for Sustainable Development and its Consequences for German Civic Education Didactics and Curricula of Higher Education

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    Since the nineties, the principle of sustainable development has increasingly been adopted by policy makers and civil society in Germany and, of course, in many countries of the world. With the acceptance of this principle, the significance of education for sustainable development (ESD) has also been recognised. Increased awareness of the problems of environmental challenges, globalisation and poverty has meant that the concepts of environmental education, global learning, and education in development policy have been consistently oriented towards more sustainability. This leads to an increased awareness that globalisation processes must be shaped in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development, both nationally and internationally. By encouraging the idea of sustainability to take root in all areas of education systems, the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development from 2005 to 2014 intended to take significant steps towards greater educational sustainability

    ¿Sueño o pesadilla en Mallorca? Un proyecto pedagógico interdisciplinario adecuado a la cultura de ocio y diversión

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    The increase of the leisure culture also generates sources and approaches to environmental education processes and alterations. The present article uses some methodological guidelines and princi-ples to establish an education oriented towards a policy of sustainable development. A pedagogy applied to the leisure culture looks for to generate a conscience of environmental protection. A special element of mass tourism, as it is characterized to Mallorca, must be concentrated to the preservation of the cul-tural identity threatened by diverse attributes like language, customs, values and interests that a tourist does not obviously consider. A suitable interdisciplinary approach to the philosophy of sustainable de-velopment demands to the single tourist basically the predisposition to conduct rules that look for the collective welfare and the protection the environment. The contribution of young people to this peda-gogical concept is applied to ensure a multiplying succes

    Zur Ausstellung im "Haus der Wirtschaft"

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