35,208 research outputs found

    Typology The Study Of Hadith Orientalist: Thinking A. Kevin Reinhart In “Juynbolliana, Gradualism, The Big Bang, And Hadith Study In The Twenty First Century”

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    Abstract This article explores the typology of orientalist hadith studies with a focus on one of the works of orientalist figures, namely: A. Kevin Reinhart with the title "Juynbolliana, Gradualism, The Big Bang and Hadith Study in the Twenty-First Century". The research method in the article is descriptive-qualitative with library research. The purpose of the article is to examine comprehensively the typology of hadith studies, useful for readers in conducting hadith studies and for adding knowledge and insight for readers to think critically. The results of this paper indicate that: first; Kevin is a leading expert at Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire, the United States who was born on February 15, 1952. Second; KR offers the term "gradualism and big bang" as an attempt to make an analogy by it and the study of large (giant) gravity fields that often occur in black holes (meaning that there is no light (emitter) that escapes from the black hole). Third; KR tries to provide a mapping of "counterfeiting and faith" using a model study conducted by Ignaz Goldziher and Josep Schacht. Fourth; Finally, KR would like to try to study the criticism of Sanad hadith academically represented by an orientalist figure who was very involved in his study, namely G.H.A. Juynboll and other scholars who came from the west and were sceptical, such as; Michael Cook, Herberg Berg, Harald Motzki, Gregor Scholer, Norman Calder and Andreas Gorke. There are also other figures, namely; Fuad Sezgin and Nabia Abbot. In addition to examining the science of isnad KR also discusses the authority of sunnah/hadith and the inevitable study of the question of the authenticity of the hadith in which the two themes are represented by the orientalist Jonathan Brown. Keywords: A. Kevin Reinhart, Gradualism dan Big Bang, Pemalsuan dan Iman   Abstrak Artikel ini mengeksplorasi tentang tipologi kajian hadis orientalis dengan fokus kepada salah satu hasil karya tulis tokoh orientalis yaitu: A. Kevin Reinhart dengan  judul “Juynbolliana, Gradualism, The Big Bang and Hadith Study in the Twenty First Century”. Metode penelitian dalam artikel bersifat deskriptif- kualitatif dengan penelitian yang berjenis pustaka (library research). Tujuan dari artikel  adalah ingin mengkaji secara komprehensif terkait dengan tipologi kajian hadis, berguna bagi para pembaca dalam melakukan kajian hadis dan untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan maupun wawasan bagi para pembaca agar dapat berpikir secara kritis. Hasil dari tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa: pertama; Kevin merupakan ahli terkemuka di Darmouth college Hanover, New Hampshire, Amerika Serikat yang dilahirkan pada tanggal 15 Februari 1952. Kedua; KR menawarkan istilah “gradualism dan big bang” sebagai usaha untuk dianalogikan olehnya serta kajian mengenai medan grativasi yang besar (raksasa) sering terjadi lubang hitam (maksudnya tidak terdapat cahaya (pemancar) yang lolos dari lubang hitam tersebut). Ketiga; KR berupaya memberi pemetaan terhadap “pemalsuan dan iman” dengan menggunakan model kajian yang dilakukan oleh Ignaz Goldziher dan Josep Schacht. Keempat; Terakhir KR ingin  mencoba mengkaji studi kritik sanad hadis secara akademi diwakili oleh tokoh orientalis yang sangat andil dalam studinya adalah G.H.A. Juynboll serta cendikiawan lainnya yang berasal dari barat dan bersifat skeptis, seperti; Michael Cook, Herberg Berg, Harald Motzki, Gregor Scholer, Norman Calder dan Andreas Gorke. Juga terdapat tokoh lainnya, yaitu; Fuad Sezgin dan Nabia Abbot. Selain mengkaji tentang ilmu isnad KR  juga membahas tentang otoritas sunnah/hadis serta studi tidak terhindarkannya dari pertanyaan keaslian hadis yang mana kedua tema bahasan tersebut diwakili oleh tokoh orientalis Jonathan Brown. Kata Kunci: A. Kevin Reinhart, Gradualism dan Big Bang, Pemalsuan dan Ima

    On the probability of a random lattice avoiding a large convex set

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    Given a set C in R^d, let p(C) be the probability that a random d-dimensional unimodular lattice, chosen according to Haar measure on SL(d,Z)\SL(d,R), is disjoint from C\{0}. For special convex sets C we prove bounds on p(C) which are sharp up to a scaling of C by a constant. We also prove bounds on a variant of p(C) where the probability is conditioned on the random lattice containing a fixed given point p. Our bounds have applications, among other things, to the asymptotic properties of the collision kernel of the periodic Lorentz gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit, in arbitrary dimension d.Comment: 53 pages, 6 Figures. The introduction has been extended and all the figures added, prompted by suggestions of the referee. The paper has now been accepted and will appear in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. (However the published version will differ slightly from the present version.

    National innovation systems, developing countries, and the role of intermediaries: a critical review of the literature

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    Developed over the past three decades, the national innovation system concept (NIS) has been widely used by both scholars and policy makers to explain how interactions between a set of distinct, nationally bounded institutions supports and facilitates technological change and the emergence and diffusion of new innovations. This concept provides a framework by which developing countries can adopt for purposes of catching up. Initially conceived on structures and interactions identified in economically advanced countries, the application of the NIS concept to developing countries has been gradual and has coincided – in the NIS literature – with a move away from overly macro-interpretations to an emphasis on micro-level interactions and processes, with much of this work questioning the nation state as the most appropriate level of analysis, as well as the emergence of certain intermediary actors thought to facilitate knowledge exchange between actors and institutions. This paper reviews the NIS literature chronologically, showing how this shift in emphasis has diminished somewhat the importance of both institutions, particularly governments, and the process of institutional capacity building. In doing so, the paper suggests that more recent literature on intermediaries such as industry associations may offer valuable insights to how institutional capacity building occurs and how it might be directed, particularly in the context of developing countries where governance capacities are often lacking, contributing to less effective innovation systems, stagnant economies, and unequal development

    Disputatio de paradoxis: quam suffragante amplissimo in Academia Aboensi philosophorum choro sub auspiciis viri clarissimi, mag. Christiern Alandri, eloq: rom: prof: ordin: exhibebit Benedictus Krook, Nyland: ad diem (si Deo videbitur) 4. Decemb. ao. 1701

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    Invocatio: J.N.S.S.T.Dedicatio: Ericus Bosin, Ericus Tigerstedt, Petrus Serlachius, Fabianus Gudseus, Andreas Orraeus, Michael Norringius, Samuel Alvenius, Ericus Majander, Justinus Totilius, Samuel Wekman.Grat.: Torst. Rudeen, Christiern. Alander [lat. & kr. pr.], Gabriel Hartman, Henricus E. Justander, Henricus Rosaeus.Arkit: 3 arkintunnuksetonta lehteä, A-B8.Painovuosi nimekkeestä