740 research outputs found

    Palmira - ܬܕܡܘܪܬܐ: cidade porta do Império Romano para o Oriente

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    The basis of this research project was the documentary, bibliographic and photographic survey with visits to the excavations in the field, as well the Palmyra Museum and the last visit to the Damascus Archaeological Museum in 2002. The justification for choosing this city, besides the strategic position of control of the peripheral territories of the Roman Empire far from the capital, Rome, is also evidenced by the strong presence of trading points that promoted part of the Empire’s wealth through trade with other Central Asian countries, India, China and all territories in around the Persian Gulf. The architecture of the city’s reconstruction and the archaeological remains of the Roman era reveal the grandeur and importance Palmira assumed when it was declared the City of the Roman Empire.A base deste projeto de pesquisa foi o levantamento documental, bibliográfico e fotográfico, com visitas às escavações em campo, assim como ao Museu de Palmira e ao Museu de Arqueologia de Damasco, em 1999 e 2001. A justificativa da escolha dessa cidade, além da posição estratégica de controle dos territórios periféricos do Império Romano longe da capital, Roma, revela-se também pela forte presença de pontos comerciais que promoviam parte da riqueza do Império pelo comércio com outros países da Ásia Central, Índia, China e todos os territórios em volta do Golfo Pérsico. A arquitetura da reconstrução da cidade e os restos arqueológicos da época romana revelam a grandiosidade e a importância que Palmira assumiu quando declarada Cidade do Império Romano

    O contexto funerário do povo cita: um estudo arqueoetnológico

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    Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project

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    In the last few years the amount of manuscripts digitized and made available on the Web has been constantly increasing. However, there is still a considarable lack of results concerning both the explicitation of their content and the tools developed to make it available. The objective of the Clavius on the Web project is to develop a Web platform exposing a selection of Christophorus Clavius letters along with three different levels of analysis: linguistic, lexical and semantic. The multilayered annotation of the corpus involves a XML-TEI encoding followed by a tokenization step where each token is univocally identified through a CTS urn notation and then associated to a part-of-speech and a lemma. The text is lexically and semantically annotated on the basis of a lexicon and a domain ontology, the former structuring the most relevant terms occurring in the text and the latter representing the domain entities of interest (e.g. people, places, etc.). Moreover, each entity is connected to linked and non linked resources, including DBpedia and VIAF. Finally, the results of the three layers of analysis are gathered and shown through interactive visualization and storytelling techniques. A demo version of the integrated architecture was developed

    La Modellazione Diacronica di Risorse Termino-Ontologiche nell'Ambito delle Digital Humanities: Esperimenti su Clavius

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    Abstract English. In this work, we present an experiment in the modeling of a diachronic termino-ontological resource named CLAVIUS through both the N-ary relations model and the 4D-fluents approach. Some of the salient differences of these two models are discussed. The overall objective of this research is to illustrate the main advantages and disadvantages in the adoption of a given model to build diachronic resources. Italiano. In questo lavoro, si illustra un esperimento di modellazione di una risorsa termino-ontologica diacronica (CLAVIUS) secondo due approcci, quello N-ario e quello dei 4D-fluents. Le differenze salienti dei due approcci verranno presentate e discusse. L'obiettivo generale della ricerca qui introdotta è quello di mostrare i principali vantaggi e svantaggi che l'adozione di un determinato modello può comportare nella modellazione di risorse diacroniche. Introduzione Pànta rei è la celebre espressione attribuita da Platone ad Eraclito. Tutto è sottoposto alla inesorabile legge del mutamento: la realtà, le categorie attraverso le quali la organizziamo e le parole che usiamo per parlare di essa. Quali sono gli strumenti a disposizione dell'umanista digitale di oggi, che si trovi a dover rappresentare in modo esplicito e formale tale evoluzione diacronica dei concetti e dei termini in un determinato ambito, in modo che tale formalizzazione sia computabile ad un calcolatore? In questi ultimi anni, ed in particolar modo nell'ambito delle Digital Humanities, si è sottolineata l'importanza di operare con tecnologie che siano alla base del Semantic Web e dei Linked Open Data per garantire interoperabilità e riuso delle risorse all'interno della comunità scientifica In questa ottica, le ontologie -e l'OWL, il loro linguaggio di rappresentazione standard -giocano un ruolo fondamentale. Tuttavia, il carattere fondamentalmente statico di questi ultimi e la necessità di modellare aspetti di evoluzione temporale sembrano a prima vista inconciliabili. Le riflessioni che presentiamo in questo articolo nascono dalle esperienze condotte in seno al Progetto Clavius on the Web 1 . Tra gli obiettivi del Progetto, infatti, vi è anche quello di creare una risorsa termino-ontologica (RTO) che rappresenti l'evoluzione delle teorie matematicoastronomiche dall'antichità al XVI -XVII secolo, così come viene descritta da Clavius nei suoi Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV. Accessit XVI e In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco Commentarius. Il Contesto Come sottolineato nell'Introduzione, il linguaggio OWL (e la sua estensione OWL2) è lo standard W3C per la creazione e condivisione di ontologie nel Semantic Web. In particolare, OWL DL implementa la logica descrittiva SHOIN (D n ), che garantisce una maggiore espressività rispetto a RDF e RDFS, senza compromettere la decidibilità e il meccanismo inferenziale. Tuttavia, OWL è un linguaggio statico; in esso le proprietà e le relazioni tra entità sono fondamentalmente binarie, espresse sotto forma di triple <Subject predicate Object>. Tale restrizione sintattica rende più complessa la rappresentazione 1 http://claviusontheweb.it (ultimo accesso: 13/10/2016

    Chapter Rappresentazione, costruzione e visualizzazione di risorse terminologiche diacroniche nell’era del web semantico

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    This article introduces the model DIATERM, devoted to representing the diachronic evolution of concepts and terms in a given domain, according to Semantic Web standards and Linked Data technologies. The approach adopted for the representation of temporal information is based on the reification of N-ary relationships. DIATERM is articulated on three levels, textual, terminological and conceptual. Each level can be affected, more or less simultaneously, by change. The use of SWRL rules allows to automatically assign temporal information, thus facilitating the construction of the terminological resource and highlighting any inconsistencies. Two examples of interrogation and visualization of diachronic terminological resources will be illustrated. The first example is taken from the resource dedicated to the astronomical terminology introduced by Christopher Clavius in his Commentary on the Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de Sphaera. The second example is taken from the electronic lexicon of Ferdinand de Saussure's linguistic terminology

    From Inscriptions to Lexica and Back: A Platform for Editing and Linking the Languages of Ancient Italy

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    Available language technology is hardly applicable to scarcely attested ancient languages, yet their digital semantic representation, though challenging, is an asset for the purpose of sharing and preserving existing cultural knowledge. In the context of a project on the languages and cultures of ancient Italy, we took up this challenge. This paper thus describes the development of a user friendly web platform, EpiLexO, for the creation and editing of an integrated system of language resources for ancient fragmentary languages centered on the lexicon, in compliance with current digital humanities and Linked Open Data principles. EpiLexo allows for the editing of lexica with all relevant cross-references: for their linking to their testimonies, as well as to bibliographic information and other (external) resources and common vocabularies. The focus of the current implementation is on the languages of ancient Italy, in particular Oscan, Faliscan, Celtic and Venetic; however, the technological solutions are designed to be general enough to be potentially applicable to different contexts and scenarios

    Compressor station facility failure modes: causes, taxonomy and effects

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    This report addresses the failure modes of compressor stations as key facilities of gas transmission networks. This is done by finding possible failure causes, establishing a taxonomy and identifying possible effects. Given the interest of this study to analyse and identify potential critical facilities in gas transmission networks, and their possible impact on energy security, loss of capacity (partial or total) has been identified as the effect of interest of the different failures. Probabilistic results provided are unavailability, expected number of failures per year, downtime and average downtime.JRC.C.3-Energy Security, Distribution and Market

    Tolerancia a las heladas por superenfriamiento en cultivares de nogal (Juglans regia) y almendro (Prunus amygdalus)

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    El nogal y el almendro son cultivados en los valles irrigados de Patagonia norte. El daño por heladas es el estrés ambiental más importante que afecta la productividad de estos cultivos. El período de riesgo por heladas se extiende desde el otoño hasta finales de primavera (abril a octubre). Las plantas pueden evitar el daño por congelamiento al prevenir la formación de hielo extracelular bajando la temperatura de congelamiento (superenfriamiento). Nuestros objetivos fueron: 1) evaluar los cambios en el grado de resistencia antes y durante el invierno en segmentos de tallos de un año de edad de nogales (cv Chandler y Franquette) y 2) determinar los umbrales de superenfriamiento en flores de almendro (cv Guara, Ferragnes y Farraduel). Para el estudio se comparó el análisis térmico y la evaluación del tejido sano después del enfriamiento controlado, basado en el amarronamiento del tejido dañado. Nuestras observaciones y resultados indican que para nogal el grado de tolerancia a las heladas depende de la historia climática previa. Durante fines de verano y otoño el valor de temperatura de nucleación del hielo (TNH) es de -5 ºC, alcanzando la LT50 a -7,7 ºC y 100% de daño con temperaturas mínimas de -10 ºC por más de una hora. En pleno reposo invernal la TNH es de -6,5 ºC y se llega al 25% de daño con temperaturas mínimas de -15 ºC. La desaclimatización inducida disminuye la tolerancia del tejido (TNH de -5,6 a -4,6 ºC) y aumenta la variabilidad de respuesta a las bajas temperaturas, con heladas de -8 ºC el grado de daño puede ser del 10 al 50% y con -15 ºC de 25 al 100%. En madera joven de nogal, la concentración de azucares solubles es el principal indicador y regulador fisiológico de la tolerancia a las heladas. Las flores de almendro tienen un TNH de -1,7º a -2,5 ºC. La exposición por más de una hora a estas temperaturas provoca la muerte del 45% de los órganos. Si el período prefloración es fresco, el grado de desaclimatación es menor, los valores de TNH disminuyen a -3,8 ºC otorgándole mayor tolerancia a las heladas.Walnuts and almond grown in irrigation valley of Patagonia. The freezing damage is one of the most important environmental stresses that affect productivity. The periods of frost risk is from autumn to late spring (April to October). Plants can avoid freezing damage by preventing extracellular ice formation below the equilibrium freezing temperature (supercooling). The objectives were to: 1) evaluate changes in the degree of hardening before and during winter in walnuts stem segments of one-year-old (cv Chandler y Franquette); 2) determine the threshold for supercooling of almond blossom (cv Guara, Ferragnes y Farraduel). To study were compared thermal analysis and the evaluation of tissue health after controlled freezing, based on tissue browning. Our observations and results indicate that the degree of walnut frost tolerance depends on the previous climate history. During late summer and autumn the value TNH is -5ºC, reaching the LT50 to -7.7ºC and 100% damage with minimum temperatures of -10°C for more than an hour. In the winter rest TNH is -6.5ºC and reaches 25% damage with minimum temperatures of -15°C. The desaclimatización induced decreases tissue tolerance (TNH -4.6ºC to -5.6ºC) and increases variability in response to low temperatures, with frost -8ºC the degree of damage can be from 10 to 50% and -15ºC of 25 to 100%. Young walnut wood, the concentration of soluble sugars is the main indicator and physiological regulator of frost tolerance. Almond flowers have TNH of -1.7ºC to -2.5°C. Exposure for more than an hour at these temperatures causes the death of 45% of the organs. If the pre-flowering period is fresh, the degree of desaclimation is lower, TNH values decrease -3.8ºC giving it greater tolerance to frost.EEA Alto ValleFil: Rodríguez, Andrea Betiana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Benitez Piccini, José Edgardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, Angel Rafael. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Alto Valle; Argentin

    Data Integration in Cardiac Surgery and Resource Management

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    At "G. Pasquinucci" Hospital in Massa, a section of CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, an information system for cardiac surgery has been in use during the last years. This system was integrated with the Hospital Information System, already set up at the head of our institute in Pisa. Anesthesia data are recorded in the Operating Room (OR) as well as materials used during cardiac surgery operations. From the OR, data are transferred into the central clinical database, creating surgery reports in the medical record and filling in standardized clinical registers. Since 2000 a total of 2185 adult and 956 pediatric cardiac surgery operations were recorded

    A Formação de Redes como Alternativa para o Desenvolvimento Regional

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    The formation of networks between companies, government, financial and educational institutions as an organizational framework, beyond society in general, contribute to regional development. The target of this research was to analyze this network structure, as an alternative of regional development and the relations the actors involved in the process establishes with society in general. The cities comprised by the Regional Development Agency (ADR) of Quilombo – Santa Catarina are object of this study. In documentary analysis and interviews it was possible to realize that the Quilombo ADR has a relevant role in obtaining and directing the needs of cities that ADR is composed of acting as a link between town council and the state government. However, the interactions between government, companies or business entities, educational and financial institutions still needs to be improved. On the other hand, entrepreneurs and associations actively try to obtain alternatives for business competitiveness and consequently the development of the region. The Santa Catarina State Government Program – “Crescendo Juntos” –, is contributing to the participation of all actors in the process of the formation of regional networks, being the State stimulating actor, besides helping, mainly, with the educational and financial institutions