630 research outputs found

    On a Formal and User-friendly Linguistic Approach to Access Control of Electronic Health Data

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    The importance of the exchange of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) between hospitals has been recognized by governments and institutions. Due to the sensitivity of data exchanged, only mature standards and implementations can be chosen to operate. This exchange process is of course under the control of the patient, who decides who has the rights to access her personal healthcare data and who has not, by giving her personal privacy consent. Patients’ privacy consent is regulated by local legislations, which can vary frequently from region to region. The technology implementing such privacy aspects must be highly adaptable, often resulting in complex security scenarios that cannot be easily managed by patients and software designers. To overcome such security problems, we advocate the use of a linguistic approach that relies on languages for expressing policies with solid mathematical foundations. Our approach bases on FACPL, a policy language we have intentionally designed by taking inspiration from OASIS XACML, the de-facto standard used in all projects covering secure EHRs transmission protected by patients’ privacy consent. FACPL can express policies similar to those expressible by XACML but, differently from XACML, it has an intuitive syntax, a formal semantics and easy to use software tools supporting policy development and enforcement. In this paper, we present the potentialities of our approach and outline ongoing work

    Medical Waste Regulation: Recommendations for Cleaning Up the Mess

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    In many applications, design or analysis is performed over a finite frequency range of interest. The importance of the H2/robust H2 norm highlights the necessity of computing this norm accordingly. This paper provides different methods for computing upper bounds on the robust finite-frequency H2 norm for systems with structured uncertainties. An application of the robust finite-frequency H2 norm for a comfort analysis problem of an aero-elastic model of an aircraft is also presented

    La accesibilidad universitaria : Tensión entre los derechos y la ideología de la normalidad

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    Partiendo de la idea de que el entorno social, las instituciones educativas, las condiciones de vida y las características de algunos sujetos pueden condicionar las posibilidades de habitar, participar y convivir en los espacios sociales, sostenemos que no son las barreras legales o los límites físicos los que delimitan la falta de accesibilidad a diferentes lugares e instituciones. Existe una construcción de la limitación-déficit-discapacidad que se plasma en el orden de lo simbólico, a través de prácticas y discursos que entran en tensión con los avances de la normativas existentes y ponen en riesgo la plena vigencia de los derechos de un número significativo de sujetos “portadores” de sordera, ceguera o alguna otra discapacidad que los ubica en el lado opuesto de lo normal, al lado de otros grupos cuya portación pasa por la pobreza, la homosexualidad, la diferencia cultural; demás está decir que la combinación de ellas pueden tener resultados desvastadores para los sujetos. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Mesa 37: Sociología política de la educación. Políticas educativas, Gestión institucional y el escenario de la educación como derechoFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    The Independent Directors in the Energy Utilities: An Empirical Analysis

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    Problematiche di progetto e costruzione delle opere postume

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    The Italian Guidelines on Risk Classification and Management of Bridges: Applications and Remarks on Large Scale Risk Assessments

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    Bridges are essential for guaranteeing the functioning of transportation systems since their failure can cause serious threats to the safety, well-being and economy of modern communities, especially in emergency conditions. Following recent bridge failures, among which include the Morandi bridge in 2018, specific guidelines on risk classification and management, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges have been issued in Italy by the Minister of Infrastructure as a mandatory code. They pay particular attention to the evaluation of the residual life span of critical transportation infrastructure dating back to the 1950s and 1960s of the last century. Being a newly issued tool, the Guidelines need to be applied and tested in order to find possible drawbacks and to point out the main factors influencing their results. Therefore, in this study, after a short description of the Italian Guidelines, pointing out some differences with other approaches adopted worldwide, some advantages and disadvantages are discussed by an application to a bridge stock located in the Basilicata region (Italy). Data needed to apply the Guidelines are gathered by a purposely set up procedure that exploits existing databases on road infrastructure (OpenStreetMap) complemented by additional data retrieved by means of public image repositories (Google Street View). By accounting for the qualitative nature of the risk classification results obtained by applying the lower analysis levels of the Guidelines, a prioritization method is proposed for ranking bridges for higher assessment levels and possible interventions, as well as consequent funds allocation. The application shows that the Guidelines' approach tends to provide conservative results. In fact, even in case of bridges with low degradation levels, the final risk classification induces actions undertaken for preliminary or detailed assessment; thus, normal operation (with periodic inspections) would not be possible anymore