6,190 research outputs found

    When is a parasite not a parasite? Effects of larval tick burdens on white-footed mouse survival

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    Many animal species can carry considerable burdens of ectoparasites: parasites living on the outside of a host's body. Ectoparasite infestation can decrease host survival, but the magnitude and even direction of survival effects can vary depending on the type of ectoparasite and the nature and duration of the association. When ectoparasites also serve as vectors of pathogens, the effects of ectoparasite infestation on host survival have the potential to alter disease dynamics by regulating host populations and stabilizing transmission. We quantified the impact of larval Ixodes scapularis tick burdens on both within-season and overwinter survival of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) using a hierarchical Bayesian capture-mark-recapture model. I. scapularis and P. leucopus are, respectively, vectors and competent reservoirs for the causative agents of Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. Using a data set of 5587 individual mouse capture histories over sixteen years, we found little evidence for any effect of tick burdens on either within-season or overwinter mouse survival probabilities. In male mice, tick burdens were positively correlated with within-season survival probabilities. Mean maximum tick burdens were also positively correlated with population rates of change during the concurrent breeding season. The apparent indifference of mice to high tick burdens may contribute to their effectiveness as reservoir hosts for several human zoonotic pathogens.Fil: Hersh, Michelle H.. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Estados Unidos. Bard College. Program in Biology; Estados Unidos. Sarah Lawrence College; Estados UnidosFil: LaDeau, Shannon L.. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Estados UnidosFil: Previtali, Maria Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Ostfeld, Richard S.. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Estados Unido

    FDTD analysis of the tunneling and growing exponential in a pair of epsilon-negative and mu-negative slabs

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    Pairing together material slabs with opposite signs for the real parts of their constitutive parameters has been shown to lead to interesting and unconventional properties that are not otherwise observable for single slabs. One such case was demonstrated analytically for the conjugate (i.e., complementary) pairing of infinite planar slabs of epsilon-negative (ENG) and mu-negative (MNG) media [A. Alu, and N. Engheta, IEEE Trans. Antennas Prop., 51, 2558 (2003)]. There it was shown that when these two slabs are juxtaposed and excited by an incident plane wave, resonance, complete tunneling, total transparency and reconstruction of evanescent waves may occur in the steady-state regime under a monochromatic excitation, even though each of the two slabs by itself is essentially opaque to the incoming radiation. This may lead to virtual imagers with sub-wavelength resolution and other anomalous phenomena overcoming the physical limit of diffraction. Here we explore how a transient sinusoidal signal that starts at t = 0 interacts with such an ENG-MNG pair of finite size using an FDTD technique. Multiple reflections and transmissions at each interface are shown to build up to the eventual steady state response of the pair, and during this process one can observe how the growing exponential phenomenon may actually occur inside this bilayer.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Seasonality in the Surface Energy Balance of Tundra in the Lower Mackenzie River Basin

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    This study details seasonal characteristics in the annual surface energy balance of upland and lowland tundra during the 1998–99 water year (Y2). It contrasts the results with the 1997–98 water year (Y1) and relates the findings to the climatic normals for the lower Mackenzie River basin region. Both years were much warmer than the long-term average, with Y1 being both warmer and wetter than Y2. Six seasons are defined as early winter, midwinter, late winter, spring, summer, and fall. The most rapid changes in the surface energy balance occur in spring, fall, and late winter. Of these, spring is the most dynamic, and there is distinct asymmetry between rates of change in spring and those in fall. Rates of change of potential insolation (extraterrestrial solar radiation) in late winter, spring, and fall are within 10% of one another, being highest in late winter and smallest in spring. Rates of change in air temperature and ground temperature are twice as large in spring as in fall and late winter, when they are about the same. Rates of change in components of the energy balance in spring are twice and 4 times as large as in fall and late winter, respectively. The timing of snowpack ripening and snowmelt is the major agent determining the magnitude of asymmetry between fall and spring. This timing is a result of interaction between the solar cycle, air temperature, and snowpack longevity. Based on evidence from this study, potential surface responses to a 18C increase in air temperature are small to moderate in most seasons, but are large in spring when increases range from 7% to 10% of average surface energy fluxes

    Artificial intelligence techniques for scheduling Space Shuttle missions

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    Planning and scheduling of NASA Space Shuttle missions is a complex, labor-intensive process requiring the expertise of experienced mission planners. We have developed a planning and scheduling system using combinations of artificial intelligence knowledge representations and planning techniques to capture mission planning knowledge and automate the multi-mission planning process. Our integrated object oriented and rule-based approach reduces planning time by orders of magnitude and provides planners with the flexibility to easily modify planning knowledge and constraints without requiring programming expertise

    SiNx:Tb3+--Yb3+, an efficient down-conversion layer compatible with a silicon solar cell process

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    SiN x : Tb 3+-Yb 3+, an efficient down-conversion layer compatible with silicon solar cell process Abstract Tb 3+-Yb 3+ co-doped SiN x down-conversion layers compatible with silicon Photovoltaic Technology were prepared by reactive magnetron co-sputtering. Efficient sensitization of Tb 3+ ions through a SiN x host matrix and cooperative energy transfer between Tb 3+ and Yb 3+ ions were evidenced as driving mechanisms of the down-conversion process. In this paper, the film composition and microstructure are investigated alongside their optical properties, with the aim of maximizing the rare earth ions incorporation and emission efficiency. An optimized layer achieving the highest Yb 3+ emission intensity was obtained by reactive magnetron co-sputtering in a nitride rich atmosphere for 1.2 W/cm2{}^2 and 0.15 W/cm2{}^2 power density applied on the Tb and Yb targets, respectively. It was determined that depositing at 200 {\textdegree}C and annealing at 850 {\textdegree}C leads to comparable Yb 3+ emission intensity than depositing at 500 {\textdegree}C and annealing at 600 {\textdegree}C, which is promising for applications toward silicon solar cells.Comment: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Elsevier, 201

    Estropause, sex hormones and metal homeostasis in the mouse brain

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    Alterations in brain metal ion homeostasis have been reported with aging and are implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. To assess whether age-related changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) hormones might be involved in modulating brain metal ion homeostasis, we treated 7.5-month intact, sham-ovariecomized and ovariectomized C57B6SJL mice with vehicle or leuprolide acetate (for 9-months) to differentiate between whether sex steroids or gonadotropins might modulate brain metal ion concentrations. Unlike other aging mammals, there was no increase in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations following estropause in mice, suggesting there was sufficient residual production by the follicle depleted ovary, of sex steroids like estrogens and protein hormones like the inhibins, in order to suppress pituitary LH/FSH production. Castration on the other hand induced significant increases in circulating LH and FSH. Modulation of plasma sex steroid and gonadotropin levels did not significantly alter the concentrations of brain metals tested (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni, Al, Li), although there was a tendency for a decrease in all brain metals following ovariectomy (low estrogens and progesterone, high gonadotropins), a response that was reversed with leuprolide acetate treatment (low sex steroids, low gonadotropins). Brain Cu concentration was the only metal correlated with plasma LH (−0.37, n = 30, p \u3c 0.05) and FSH (−0.42, n = 29, p \u3c 0.01). This study demonstrates that sex hormones do not markedly alter brain metal ion homeostasis, unlike previously reported studies of circulating metal ion homeostasis. The role of gonadotropins in regulating metal ion homeostasis does however warrant further study

    Effect of dietary crude protein source on hormone and follicle characteristics in beef heifers

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    Ground, raw soybeans (SB), or dried distillers grain plus solubles (DDGS) were utilized in heifer development diets to determine the effect of dietary fat and protein source on hormone and follicle characteristics and ADG. The experiment was conducted over 2 yr with 100 June-born heifers (199 ± 2 kg initial BW, n = 50 per yr). The experimental periods were 157 and 207 d in yr 1 and 2, respectively. Heifers were provided a dietary supplement (DM basis) of 1.23 kg of SB and 0.40 kg of corn or 1.65 kg of DDGS between weaning and breeding. Estrus was synchronized with 2 injections of PGF2α 14 d apart. Dominant follicles were measured and aspirated via transvaginal ultrasonography 60 h after the second PGF2α injection. Heifers were exposed to bulls beginning 14 d after aspiration for 45 d. Heifer ADG was greater (P = 0.02) for DDGS heifers in yr 1, but was similar (P = 0.47) in yr 2. However, there was no difference (P = 0.35) in final BW in either year. There was no difference (P ≄ 0.67) in follicle size, follicle hormone concentrations, or pregnancy rate (88%) between yr 1 and 2. Serum estrogen at 48 or 60 h after PGF2α injection were similar (P ≄ 0.91); however, LH at 60 h in yr 2 tended to be greater (P = 0.07) for DDGS heifers. The percentage of heifers experiencing an LH surge 48 and 60 h after PGF2α injection was not affected (P ≄ 0.40) by treatment. Calf production was not affected (P ≄ 0.20) by developmental diet. In summary, DDGS and SB have similar effects on hormone and follicle characteristics at the inclusion rates used in these studies

    Photoinhibition of Streptococcus mutans Biofilm-Induced Lesions in Human Dentin by Violet-Blue Light

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    This in vitro study determined the effectiveness of violet-blue light on Streptococcus mutans (UA159) biofilm induced dentinal lesions. Biofilm was formed on human dentin specimens in a 96-well microtiter plate and incubated for 13 h in the presence of tryptic soy broth (TSB) or TSB supplemented with 1% sucrose (TSBS). Violet-blue light (405 nm) from quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLFTM) was used to irradiate the biofilm. Supernatant liquid was removed, and the biofilm was irradiated continuously with QLF for 5 min twice daily with an interval of 6 h for 5 d, except with one treatment on the final day. Colony forming units (CFU) of the treated biofilm, changes in fluorescence (∆F; QLF-Digital BiluminatorTM), lesion depth (L), and integrated mineral loss (∆Z; both transverse microradiography) were quantified at the end of the fifth day. Statistical analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA), testing at a 5% significance level. In the violet-blue light irradiated groups, there was a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of bacterial viability (CFU) of S. mutans with TSB and TSBS. Violet-blue light irradiation resulted in the reduction of ∆F and L of the dentinal surface with TSBS. These results indicate that violet-blue light has the capacity to reduce S. mutans cell numbers
