142 research outputs found

    Implementing Cross-Organizational Business Processes with Enterprise Mashups: Hype or Reality?

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    Many cross-organizational business processes are implemented by hubs and integration platforms which support the electronic collaboration of multiple organizations. The available concepts and solutions based on service-oriented architectures focus on the automatization of long-term business relationships. However, they often do not provide intuitive ways to modify them according to situational needs. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises characterized by limited know-how and resources are excluded in such electronic collaborations. This paper demonstrates how the user-driven development paradigm of enterprise mashups could be leveraged for implementing cross-organizational business processes. By means of a case study, we report about the experiences of a real-world scenario we have implemented in the frame of the EU-funded research project FAST. A business value analysis highlights the automational, informational and transformational effects. An organized laboratory experiment evaluates how the actual users create enterprise mashups for cross-organizational processes. We conclude with the benefits and limitations of the paradigm

    Ungenauigkeit der Interozeption und Abwendung der Aufmerksamkeit bei Atemwegserkrankungen: Asthma bronchiale versus chronisch obstruktive Bronchitis

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Hypothese geprüft, daß Asthmatiker die Aufmerksamkeit von eigenen Körperprozessen ablenken und eine Ungenauigkeit bei der Interozeption relevanter Atemwegsobstruktionen aufweisen. Weiterhin prüften wir die Frage, inwieweit die postulierte Aufmerksamkeitsabwendung generalisiert ist und sich auch auf die nicht atemwegsbezogene Symptomwahrnehmung und die private Selbstaufmerksamkeit bezieht. Die Interozeptionsgenauigkeit wurde als Diskrepanz zwischen subjektivem Urteil und objektiver Atemfunktion bei spirometrischen Messungen berechnet, die anderen Variablen mittels Fragebögen operationalisiert. Es wurden insgesamt 91 Patienten einer Rehabilitationseinrichtung untersucht: 30 Asthmatiker, 30 Patienten mit chronisch obstruktiver Bronchitis (COB) und 31 Kontrollpatienten ohne Atemwegserkrankung. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine spezifisch atemwegsbezogene Aufmerksamkeitsablenkung sowie eine Überschätzung von Obstruktionen bei Asthmatikern hin. Überraschend zeigen auch die COB-Patienten auffällige Ergebnismuster in Richtung einer Unterschätzung von Obstruktionen sowie verminderter Selbstaufmerksamkeit. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich im Rahmen verhaltensmedizinischer Überlegungen interpretieren.The hypothesis that asthmatic patients draw their attention away from bodily processes and show inaccurate interoception with regard to relevant airway obstructions was tested in this study. Additionally, we examined whether this postulated withdrawal of attention can also be generalized for the perception of non-airway related symptoms as well as for private self-consciousness. Accuracy of interoception was measured as the discrepancy between subjective judgement of obstruction and objective obstruction as shown in spirometric tests. Other variables were operationalized by self-reports. Ninetyone patients in a rehabilitation hospital were tested: 30 asthmatic patients, 30 patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB), and 31 control subjects without any airway disease. Asthmatic patients showed attention withdrawal only with regard to bronchial airways. However, they also indicated an overestimation of airway obstruction. Surprisingly, deviant results were also found for the COB patients including underestimation of obstructions and lower self awareness. All results were interpreted from the perspective of behavioral medicine.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich

    Felmérés a magyarországi Internet-használatról: betegség, vagy korosztályra jellemző tünet?

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    A szerzők az Internet-függőség helyzetét elemzik két hazai vizsgálat alapján. Az eredményeket elméleti síkon értelmezik és ajánlásokat fogalmaznak meg nemcsak a kóros esetek kezelésére, hanem az átlagos Internet-használók, elsősorban a fiatal generáció tagjai és környezetük számára is. Megállapítják, hogy „Internet-függőség” helyett legfeljebb csekély gyakorisággal előforduló „kóros Internet-használatról” beszélhetünk, ami nem különálló nozológiai egység, hanem egy pszichés problémahalmaz tünete, és a személyiség új típusú integrációjának lehetőségét is magában hordja. Ajánlásaik szerint a károsodottak megsegítésére virtuális klinikákat, szabadon elérhető mentálhigiénés „webkikötőket” kell létesíteni

    Having versus not having social interactions in patients diagnosed with depression or social phobia and controls

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    Humans need meaningful social interactions, but little is known about the consequences of not having them. We examined meaningful social interactions and the lack thereof in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) or social phobia (SP) and compared them to a control group (CG). Using event-sampling methodology, we sampled participants' everyday social behavior 6 times per day for 1 week in participants' natural environment. We investigated the quality and the proportion of meaningful social interactions (when they had meaningful social interactions) and degree of wishing for and avoidance of meaningful social interactions (when they did not have meaningful social interactions). Groups differed on the quality and avoidance of meaningful social interactions: Participants with MDD and SP reported perceiving their meaningful social interactions as lower quality (in terms of subjective meaningfulness) than the CG, with SP patients reporting even lower quality than the MDD patients. Further, both MDD and SP patients reported avoiding meaningful social interactions significantly more often than the CG. Although the proportion of meaningful social interactions was similar in all groups, the subjective quality of meaningful social interactions was perceived to be lower in MDD and SP patients. Future research might further identify what variables influenced the reinforcement of the MDD and SP patients so that they engaged in the same number of meaningful social interactions even though the quality of their meaningful social interactions was lower. Increasing awareness of what happens when patients do or do not have meaningful social interactions will help elucidate a potentially exacerbating or maintaining factor of the disorders

    The effect of anticipatory stress and openness and engagement on subsequently perceived sleep quality - an Experience Sampling Method Study

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    High stress levels can influence sleep quality negatively. If this also applies to anticipatory stress is poorly documented, however. Across insomnia severity levels, this study examined participants’ evening levels of (a) anticipatory stress and (b) their skills hypothesized to downregulate the impact of stress, namely openness to internal experiences and continuous engagement in meaningful activities (openness and engagement) and their association with the quality of the subsequent night's sleep. The moderating role of insomnia severity was also tested. We used a quasi‐experimental longitudinal design with Experience Sampling Method using smartphones over the course of 1 week (3,976 assessments; 93.2% of prompted queries). Participants recorded their sleep quality, anticipatory stress, and openness and engagement within their daily context. Participants included in the study were diagnosed with major depressive disorder (n = 118), social phobia (n = 47) or belonged to the control group (n = 119). Both anticipatory stress and openness and engagement predicted subsequent sleep quality. Diagnostic group was associated with overall sleep quality, but did not interact with the predictors. These findings were invariant across levels of self‐reported insomnia severity. Furthermore, openness and engagement and anticipatory stress did not interact in their effect on sleep quality. The results suggest that both stress reduction and increased openness and engagement are associated with improved subjective sleep quality on a day to day basis, regardless of insomnia severity. Targeting these variables may help improve sleep quality. Future research should disentangle the effects of openness and engagement on anticipatory stress

    Detection of ongoing mass loss from HD 63433c, a young mini-Neptune

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    L.D.S. and D.E. acknowledge that this project received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (project Four Aces grant agreement No. 724427), and it has been carried out in the frame of the National Centre for Competence in Research PlanetS supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). T.G.W. acknowledges support from STFC consolidated grant No. ST/R000824/1. S.H. acknowledges CNES funding through the grant 837319. S.H. acknowledges CNES funding through the grant 837319. G.W.H. acknowledges long-term support of the APT program from NASA, NSF, Tennessee State University, and the State of Tennessee through its Centers of Excellence Program.We detect Lyα absorption from the escaping atmosphere of HD 63433c, a R = 2.67R⊕, P = 20.5 day mini-Neptune orbiting a young (440 Myr) solar analog in the Ursa Major Moving Group. Using Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, we measure a transit depth of 11.1 ± 1.5% in the blue wing and 8 ± 3% in the red. This signal is unlikely to be due to stellar variability, but should be confirmed by an upcoming second transit observation with HST. We do not detect Lyα absorption from the inner planet, a smaller R = 2.15R⊕ mini-Neptune on a 7.1 day orbit. We use Keck/NIRSPEC to place an upper limit of 0.5% on helium absorption for both planets. We measure the host star’s X-ray spectrum and mid-ultraviolet flux with XMM-Newton, and model the outflow from both planets using a 3D hydrodynamic code. This model provides a reasonable match to the light curve in the blue wing of the Lyα line and the helium nondetection for planet c, although it does not explain the tentative red wing absorption or reproduce the excess absorption spectrum in detail. Its predictions of strong Lyα and helium absorption from b are ruled out by the observations. This model predicts a much shorter mass-loss timescale for planet b, suggesting that b and c are fundamentally different: while the latter still retains its hydrogen/helium envelope, the former has likely lost its primordial atmosphere.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Daily Fluctuation of Emotions & Memories Thereof: Design and Methods of an Event Sampling Study of Major Depression, Social Phobia, and Controls

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    Symptom fluctuations and the dynamic contexts provoking these are poorly understood. This deficit is compounded by people's limited ability to accurately report about such dimensions in retrospect. Utilizing the advantages of experience sampling methodology (ESM), this study rigorously describes and tests proximal environmental, neurobiological and psychological factors associated with symptoms and mood states. Participants were assigned to three diagnostic groups: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD; n = 118), Social Phobia (SP; n = 47), or a Control Group without SP or MDD (CG; n = 119). Laboratory assessments included cognitive abilities, memory, constructs, and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). ESM lasted seven days, with six assessments per day covering symptoms, affect, daily events, social interactions, post-event processing, well-being, etc. Morning cortisol and actigraphy were also assessed during ESM. Thereafter, participants provided subjective retrospective recall estimates of the emotions they reported during ESM. The multi-level data of >10,000 observations will allow for thorough examination of fluctuations of psychopathology and well-being in two highly prevalent disorders. Using two clinical groups and a non-affected control group, the clinical specificity versus generalizability of processes can be directly tested, thus providing stimulating information about the overlap and differences between anxiety and affective disorders. This research informs about the development, fluctuation, and maintaining factors of emotions and symptoms and examines the accuracy with which participants recall these dimensions

    Well-being in Major Depression and Social Phobia with and without Comorbidity

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    Background/Objective : Lower levels in well-being have been observed in individuals with Major Depression (MDD) and Social Phobia (SP), but well-planned direct comparisons with control individuals, not suffering from a mental disorder, are lacking. Furthermore, MDD is highly comorbid with anxiety disorders, and SP with depressive disorders. This study is among the first to examine differences in well-being in individuals with a clinical diagnosis of MDD or SP compared to individuals with no such diagnosis and to test differences in well-being within the combined diagnostic categories respective with and without anxiety-depressive comorbidity. Method : Participants were 119 individuals with a diagnosis of MDD, 47 SP and 118 controls. Results : Results revealed that overall well-being as well as emotional, psychological, and social well-being were lower in the MDD and SP group compared to the control group. Individuals with comorbidity reported lower well-being than individuals without comorbidity. Conclusions : These findings have clinical implications as presence of comorbidity may require a different therapeutic approach than with no comorbidity