206 research outputs found


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    Hipertensi adalah salah satu penyakit degeneratif yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan sering muncul tanpa gejala. Hipertensi disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya pola makan dan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola makan dan aktivitas fisik dengan hipertensi. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dari tanggal 23 November - 31 Desember 2011 di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian dekskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Jumlah responden sebanyak 81 orang yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan metode wawancara terpimpin. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square memakai program SPSS dengan ? 0,05 dan CI 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara pola makan dan aktivitas fisik dengan hipertensi (p ? 0,05) yaitu variabel pola makan dengan p= 0,013, RR = 2,012 dan variabel aktivitas fisik dengan nilai p = 0,008. Kata kunci : hipertensi, pola makan, aktivitas fisik

    Transition in, transition out (TiTo): peer mentoring for sustainable development of first and third year psychology students [Final Report]

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    Transition In, Transition Out (TiTo) is a student peer-mentoring model designed to simultaneously support commencing and graduating students. Outcomes of the project include development of a sustainable, evidence-based approach for managing student transition and an improved student experience. TiTo was developed from a sound pedagogical base, drawing on evidence about transition, learning and graduate attributes relevant to the discipline of psychology. As such TiTo brings together the following three overlapping frameworks to support the transition, engagement, and learning of psychology students: • The Five Senses of Success framework (Lizzio, 2006), which summarise the major predictors of successful transition for first year students; • Entwistle’s (2000) deep, surface and strategic approaches to learning; and • The concept of psychological literacy, which is the capacity to adaptively apply psychological principles to meet personal, professional, and societal needs (Cranney & Dunn, 2011). TiTo involves training final year students as mentors. Training and on-going support for mentors is embedded in a third year capstone course. The mentors work with first year students for eight weeks of the semester, facilitating work on assessment tasks and supporting transition to university. The mentoring package is designed to build positive change for both first year students and their third year mentors in the five senses of success, learning approaches and psychological literacies, thus better preparing students as they enter into the psychology discipline and as they prepare to graduate. In order to evaluate TiTo, we implemented and tested the model in two different university contexts. The first was a large urban university, RMIT University. RMIT has a student cohort of more than 70,000 based on several campuses in urban Melbourne and off-shore. RMIT is part of the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN). The second university was the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), a smaller regional provider, with approximately 25,000 students spread across three campuses in the south-east of Queensland. USQ has a particular expertise in online delivery, with more than 75% of students studying off-campus. USQ is part of the Regional Universities Network (RUN). The evaluation of TiTo undertaken for this project demonstrated the effectiveness of the model for both face-to-face delivery at RMIT University and in blended learning contexts at USQ. First year mentees and third year mentors at both universities rated their experience of mentoring as positive, with the majority of students in each group noting the experience had supported their work on assessment tasks and encouraged a sense of belonging. TiTo was also associated with improvements in aspects associated with success (senses of success) for first year students and mentors as well as positive change in deep, strategic and surface learning over the course of the semester. Increases in psychology literacy were noted for first year students and mentors at both universities. Data collected through focus groups support the value of this initiative. Not all first year students, however, found TiTo useful. Student feedback provides insight into who these students might be and how to better engage them in the process in subsequent iteration of the TiTo model. Key deliverables of the current project can be considered in three broad categories. • A set of resources and materials on peer mentoring. This includes the TiTo website, workbooks for both mentees and mentors, and a mentor training program. • Dissemination of findings through academic and scholarly publications, workshops, and conference presentations. • The creation of a community of stakeholders in the psychology higher education sector who are engaged to act on the project outcomes. The outcomes and deliverables of the project can be found in a range of publications as well as on the project website: <http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/tito/


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    Non-optical wearable sensors such as magnetic and inertial measurement units (MIMUs) are gaining popularity in sport and clinical settings owing to their ease of application, relative affordability and potential for improved ecological validity. We propose a method for the standardised reference calibration of a simple two-sensor MIMU system for the estimation of anatomically meaningful elbow kinematics. The participant poses with the elbow at 90° flexion and neutral (0°) pronation, allowing for the relative orientation of the MIMU on the forearm to be determined with reference to the MIMU located on the arm. Comparisons were with traditional kinematic marker method results. Root mean squared errors of less than 1° in flex/ext and < 2° (pro/sup) found in simple movements. Results with simple movements provide rationale to expand research to complex movements

    Building a semantically annotated corpus of clinical texts

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    In this paper, we describe the construction of a semantically annotated corpus of clinical texts for use in the development and evaluation of systems for automatically extracting clinically significant information from the textual component of patient records. The paper details the sampling of textual material from a collection of 20,000 cancer patient records, the development of a semantic annotation scheme, the annotation methodology, the distribution of annotations in the final corpus, and the use of the corpus for development of an adaptive information extraction system. The resulting corpus is the most richly semantically annotated resource for clinical text processing built to date, whose value has been demonstrated through its use in developing an effective information extraction system. The detailed presentation of our corpus construction and annotation methodology will be of value to others seeking to build high-quality semantically annotated corpora in biomedical domains

    Aplicación de estrategias didácticas utilizadas por el docente en la plataforma Google Classroom para el desarrollo de competencias instrumentales en estudiantes de segundo año de la Maestrìa en Profesionalizaciòn de la Docencia Superior ciclo 02-2021 de la Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente

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    Con la transformación tecnológica y el resultado del covid-19 ha generado presentes cambios en el quehacer docente donde los procesos educativos se apoyan de estrategias didácticas las cuales se dividen en: estrategias centradas en el docente; las cuales buscan las formas de cómo mejorar la didáctica de los contenidos por medio de dimensiones de enseñanza como la utilización de una diversidad de estrategias que se cuenta para incentivar a los estudiantes; por otro lado están las estrategias interactivas virtuales que son apoyo al docente por medio de las tecnologías de la informació

    Rapidez de propagación de una onda sonora en un gas

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    El Tubo de Rubens es un aparato que permite visualizar una onda estacionaria. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la rapidez de propagación de una onda sonora en dos gases diferentes: propano y gas LP, en un Tubo de Rubens. Se variaron las frecuencias de una onda sonora para encontrar los distintos armónicos y determinar su longitud de onda. Se graficaron las frecuencias contra los inversos de la longitud de onda y así se determinó la rapidez de propagación de la onda en cada gas. Se obtuvo que la velocidad en el propano fue de (259 ± 5) m/s y en el gas LP (260 ± 6) m/s. Este experimento fue efectivo para demostrar la aparición de los nodos y antinodos en una onda estacionaria. Para futuras investigaciones, se propone el estudio del efecto de algunas variables como la presión en el tubo.The Rubens’ Tube is a device that allows the visualization of a standing wave. The objective of this investigation was to determine the propagation speed of a sound wave for two different gases: propane and LP gas in a Rubens’ tube. The frequency of the sound wave was varied in order to find the different harmonics determine its wavelength. The frequencies were plotted against the inverse of the wavelength, thus obtaining the propagation speed for each gas. It was obtained that the propagation speed of sound for propane was (259± 5) m/s, and for LP gas (260± 6) m/s. This experiment was effective to demonstrate the appearance of nodes and antinodes in a standing wave. For future work, it is proposed the study of the effect of variables such as the pressure inside the tube

    Diagnostico financiero y análisis bursátil de la empresa Netflix INC

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo analizar la situación financiera de la empresa NETFLIX INC, revisando y verificando sus indicadores y las estrategias competitivas utilizadas por la organización, donde analizaremos los estados financieros de los años 2020 y 2021 con el fin de identificar los instrumentos financieros y herramientas de la compañía, donde nos enfocaremos en el mercado bursátil para determinar el diagnóstico histórico, el costo de capital y la generación de valor durante el tiempo comprendido. El análisis financiero va enfocado a la toma de decisiones acertadas para así obtener un óptimo rendimiento de los recursos, mediante la administración eficiente de los flujos de efectivo, gastos y costos. Teniendo en cuenta que los años 2020 y 2021 fueron años difíciles para todas las empresas del mundo y que durante estos años muchas se vieron obligadas a establecer estrategias para mantener su economía estable y permanecer en el mercado, es importante reconocer que el análisis financiero es fundamental para la toma de decisiones y que estas deben ir enfocadas a la transformación de la empresa; un claro ejemplo de esto es lo que sucedió con Netflix INC durante esta época, ya que logro demostrar que una buena estrategia financiera es vital para la supervivencia de una empresa en épocas de crisis, haciendo frente a los drásticos cambios de la economía mundial. En este trabajo se evidenciara el comportamiento financiero de Netflix INC durante esta época de crisis, estudiando sus estados financieros, tomando como marco de referencia los diferentes indicadores financieros para así estudiar los cambios de su rentabilidad según los diferentes enfoques y cambios en el mercado bursátil en el que esta empresa se desarrolla, verificando las estrategias utilizadas para competir en el mercado internacional las telecomunicaciones, realizando mediciones dentro del objeto de estudio, identificando sus registros contables de acuerdo con los resultados generados, teniendo en cuenta la pérdida o ganancia y su clasificación de activos financieros, pasivos financieros e instrumentos del patrimonio.This project aims to analyze the financial situation of the company NETFLIX INC, reviewing and verifying its indicators and competitive strategies used by the organization, where we will analyze the financial statements for the years 2020 and 2021 in order to identify the financial instruments and tools of the company, where we will focus on the stock market to determine the historical diagnosis, the cost of capital and the generation of value during the time included. The financial analysis is focused on making the right decisions in order to obtain an optimal return on resources, through the efficient management of cash flows, expenses and costs. Taking into account that the years 2020 and 2021 were difficult years for all companies in the world and that during these years many were forced to establish strategies to keep their economy stable and remain in the market, it is important to recognize that financial analysis is essential for decision making and that these should be focused on the transformation of the company; a clear example of this is what happened with Netflix INC during this time, as it managed to demonstrate that a good financial strategy is vital for the survival of a company in times of crisis, facing the drastic changes in the global economy. In this work the financial behavior of Netflix INC during this time of crisis will be evidenced, studying its financial statements, taking as a frame of reference the different financial indicators in order to study the changes in its profitability according to the different approaches and changes in the stock market in which this company develops, verifying the strategies used to compete in the international telecommunications market, making measurements within the object of study, identifying its accounting records according to the results generated, taking into account the profit or loss and its classification of financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments
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