38 research outputs found

    La relación personal en el tratamiento de la diversidad

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    El autor centra su aportación en diferentes características de los organismos vivos, para incorporarlas a las perspectivas interpretativas y operativas, y de los métodos actuales de intervención educativa. En el texto también se trata el enfoque positivo desde la dimensión técnica y no «voluntarista», teniendo en cuenta que los especialistas que adoptan la perspectiva del enfoque positivo dan mucha importancia al tema de la calidad de vida.L'autor centra la seva aportació en diferents característiques dels organismes vius, per incorporar- les a les perspectives interpretatives i operatives, i dels mètodes actuals d'intervenció educativa. Al text també es tracta l'enfocament positiu des de la seva dimensió tècnica i no «voluntarista», tenint en compte que els especialistes que adopten la perspectiva de l'enfocament positiu donen molta importància al tema de la qualitat de vida.The author focuses on the different characteristics of the alive organisms in order to include them into the interpretative and operative views of the current methods of educational intervention. He also deals with the positive focus, from the technical and «no voluntary» dimension, taking into account that those specialists having this kind of view do emphasize a lot on the quality of life issue

    The historical evolution of school integration in Italy: Some witnesses and considerations

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    AbstractIn Italy, the policy of 'integration' that has been implemented since the 1970s, is based on a welcoming culture in the common school context, and represents a particular phase, both politically and socially, of Italian history. It is based on a system of relations around the person with a disability and on the reciprocal enrichment that allows the other students to understand a different way of learning which is concerned with living together. School integration allows the students to share a new understanding of education which is underpinned by the principle that by living together all students can acquire new ways of learning and new kinds of knowledge. The purpose of this article is not to describe the model and the process of integration in Italy – that can be the subject of further and more specific works – but to focus on the historical evolution and the reference points represented by some authors who discuss the principles, and most meaningful aspects, on which the idea of integrazione scolastica11Italian "integrazione scolastica" is focused on interaction and on reciprocal change, on context organisation and on integrated didactic strategies. is based. The historical analysis is developed through references to some of the key scholars and witnesses who have worked to develop the organizational framework for the development of the inclusive school in Italy

    Pour une ouverture de l’école à l’inclusion : l’expérience italienne

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    L’inclusion ne concerne pas uniquement les individus « spéciaux ». Elle implique une éducation active sur les contenus d’enseignement et une collaboration au-delà des établissements scolaires. On peut se demander si l’inclusion est un postulat de départ ou simplement un cadre d’action conçu autour d’une idée qui s’est élaborée à partir des expériences nationales et internationales. L’Italie a intégré l’inclusion dans les établissements scolaires traditionnels en mettant en place des dispositifs de soutien, principalement par le biais d’enseignants dédiés aux élèves à besoins spécifiques. Cette position est cohérente à condition qu’elle intègre un processus d’évolution dynamique, à travers une approche pédagogique tournée vers l’avenir et qui considère la diversité comme un avantage. Il est essentiel de travailler en collaboration avec les familles, comme l’exige la loi, notamment afin d’accompagner les évolutions des élèves, qui peuvent ne pas apparaître clairement au premier abord dans le contexte scolaire.Inclusion is not only about “special” individuals. It involves active education about teaching content and collaboration beyond schools. It is questionable whether inclusion is a starting postulate or simply a framework of action conceived around an idea that developed out of national and international experiences. Italy has integrated inclusion into mainstream schools by setting up support schemes, mainly through dedicated teachers for special needs pupils. This position is consistent provided that it incorporates a process of dynamic evolution, through a future-oriented educational approach that considers diversity as an advantage. It is essential to work in collaboration with families, as required by law, particularly to support student development, which may not be clear initially in the school context.La inclusión no concierne únicamente a los individuos « especiales ». Implica también una educación activa sobre los contenidos de enseñanza y una colaboración más allá de los establecimientos escolares. Nos podemos interrogar si la inclusión es un postulado de arranque o sencillamente un marco de acción concebido alrededor de una idea que se elaboró a partir de experiencias nacionales e internacionales. Italia integró la inclusión en los establecimientos escolares tradicionales al implementar unos dispositivos de apoyo, principalmente mediante unos docentes dedicados a los alumnos con necesidades específicas. Esta posición es coherente si integra un proceso de evolución dinámica a través de una aproximación pedagógica con miras al futuro y que considera la diversidad como una ventaja. Es esencial trabajar en colaboración con las familias como lo exige la ley, sobre todo para acompañar las evoluciones de los alumnos que no pueden aparecer siempre con claridad en el contexto escolar

    Sul rapporto tra educazione e mondo più giusto

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    Un mondo è più giusto se chi lo abita può evolvere. Le difficoltà di metter insieme punti fermi e movimento. L’educazione come esercizio da funamboli fra presente e futuro. Il compito dell’educazione è legato alla valorizzazione delle diversità. Le virtù difficili e semplici del bricolage evolutivo che permettono contaminazioni innovative. Partire dalle conoscenze delle diagnosi per avventurarsi nel territorio sconosciuto delle prognosi

    Pedagogia Speciale

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    Inclusione ed educazione: sfide contemporanee nel dibattito intorno alla pedagogia speciale

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    This article aims to discuss on the Inclusive approach in education and its connections with the Italian Integration System that include in the regular classes students with disabilities (physical, sensory, and intellectual or developmental disabilities..) or with special needs or with specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, ndysorthography, dyscalculia, etc.). From the last forty years the integration of people with disabilities in the Italian scholar system is one of the most relevant social, cultural and political achievement in Europe. This approach will be re-thinking on the basis of the new International emerging approaches.What does the disability word mean in the contemporary studies of special education? What are the relationships between the Italian Integration System and the European Inclusive Perspectivedebate? Should the Italian support teacher assume a developmental support of students in order to transform the traditional role with dual rel ationship (student with disabilities and support teacher) into the “broad proximity supports”?The paper examine these questions that represent the contemporary challenges for the Italian approach in order to improve its quality on the Integration and on the Inclusion and to give more strenght for contributing to the European Inclusive perspective debate.This article aims to discuss on the Inclusive approach in education and its connections with the Italian Integration System that include in the regular classes students with disabilities (physical, sensory, and intellectual or developmental disabilities..) or with special needs or with specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, ndysorthography, dyscalculia, etc.). From the last forty years the integration of people with disabilities in the Italian scholar system is one of the most relevant social, cultural and political achievement in Europe. This approach will be re-thinking on the basis of the new International emerging approaches.What does the disability word mean in the contemporary studies of special education? What are the relationships between the Italian Integration System and the European Inclusive Perspectivedebate? Should the Italian support teacher assume a developmental support of students in order to transform the traditional role with dual rel ationship (student with disabilities and support teacher) into the “broad proximity supports”?The paper examine these questions that represent the contemporary challenges for the Italian approach in order to improve its quality on the Integration and on the Inclusion and to give more strenght for contributing to the European Inclusive perspective debate


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    Il drammatico e inedito impatto dell’epidemia planetaria, su tutti i contesti di vita, ha provocato una sofferta privazione delle irrinunciabili libertà, sia individuali che collettive, oltre a potenziare la crisi globale in ordine agli aspetti sanitari, economici, sociali, po-litici, culturali, digitali, educativi, filosofici, antropologici, etici, este-tici. Lo stravolgimento del quotidiano che ha investito l’attuale frangente storico, è stato accompagnato dal bisogno di cura che l’umanità da sempre manifesta. Il padre della chirurgia moderna, A. Paré (1517-1590) realizza il passaggio da una rappresentazione bellica, la guerra al male, a una rappresentazione agreste, la cura del male. La cura sostituisce la guerra. E le malattie si collocano su uno scenario nuovo. Mentale e operativo. Di fronte al disorientamento delle emozioni negative, di cui la paura rappresenta la conseguenza profonda della pandemia, è possibile richiamare le strategie di re-golazione che vengono apprese nel corso del processo di socializ-zazione. Le persone possono avvalersi di strategie di fronteggiamento per far fronte alle sollecitazioni dell’ambiente a eventi che potrebbero essere percepiti come incontrollabili e, per questo, fonti di grande stress. La ricerca e l’educazione al valore della bellezza, che nel logos greco si esplica concretamente nella manifesta-zione armonica dell’essere, possono costituire un significativo e strategico apporto alla comprensione, alla lettura, all’intuizione della misura dell’uomo in tutte le cose e in tutti i fenomeni, anche quelli inediti appartenenti a un mondo nuovo

    La relación personal en el tratamiento de la diversidad

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    El autor centra su aportación en diferentes características de los organismos vivos, para incorporarlas a las perspectivas interpretativas y operativas, y de los métodos actuales de intervención educativa. En el texto también se trata el enfoque positivo desde la dimensión técnica y no «voluntarista», teniendo en cuenta que los especialistas que adoptan la perspectiva del enfoque positivo dan mucha importancia al tema de la calidad de vida.L'autor centra la seva aportació en diferents característiques dels organismes vius, per incorporar- les a les perspectives interpretatives i operatives, i dels mètodes actuals d'intervenció educativa. Al text també es tracta l'enfocament positiu des de la seva dimensió tècnica i no «voluntarista», tenint en compte que els especialistes que adopten la perspectiva de l'enfocament positiu donen molta importància al tema de la qualitat de vida.The author focuses on the different characteristics of the alive organisms in order to include them into the interpretative and operative views of the current methods of educational intervention. He also deals with the positive focus, from the technical and «no voluntary» dimension, taking into account that those specialists having this kind of view do emphasize a lot on the quality of life issue

    Many diversity for an inclusive perspective

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    Andrea Canevaro’s paper to the congress: Alunni con disabilità, figli di migranti. Approcci culturali, questioni educative, prospettive inclusive. (Students with disabilities, children of migrants: Cultural approaches, educational questions, inclusive perspectives) Bologna, 29 ottober 2010, Cappella Farnese, Comune di Bologna. The congress is part of a study and research project “Alunni con disabilità, figli di migranti” (Students with disabilities, children of migrants) run by Bologna City Council , Education Department, and the University of Bologna, Education Faculty. Coordinator: Roberta Caldin