86 research outputs found

    Petrarca inspanizzato : le "Invectivas" o "Reprehensiones contra el médico" di Hernando de Talavera

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    La traducción de las Invective contra medicum, acabada por Hernando de Talavera a mediados del siglo XV es obra fundamental para estudiar la penetración del Petrarca 'filósofo' en la Península. Asimismo el romanceamiento destaca, en el panorama del Cuatrocientos, por ser un ejemplo\ud de buen a traducción humanística, según muestra el análisis de la lengua\ud del traductor, caracterizada por el uso de un léxico culto, pero no 'colonizado' por los latinismos, y una emulación de la sintaxis latina que nunca se convierte en pasiva reproducción del ordo verborum. El texto, hasta ahora, mal o solo parcialmente editado, necesita un riguroso rescate filológico, en una edición que ahonde en la relación con el modelo subyacente y en interesantes\ud detalles paratextuales, como las glosas al margen y la puntuación.The translation of the Invective contra medicum, that Hernando de Talavera carried out in the mid of the 15th century is a fundamental work for studying the penetration of Petrarch's philosophical thought in the Iberian peninsula. Moreover, this romanceamiento stands out in the landscape\ud of the 15th century Spanish literature as an example of a good humanistic\ud translation. This is appreciable from the analysis of the translator's language,\ud which is characterised by the lexicon he used, learned but not 'colonised' by latinisms, and by an emulation of the Latin syntax that never fell in the passive\ud reproduction of the ordo verborum. This text was incompletely or even\ud badly published in the past and merits a rigorous philological reappraisal, in\ud an edition that more deeply examines the relationships with the Latin model, as well as sorne interesting paratextual details as the marginal glosses and the\ud punctuation

    Evolutionary Service Composition and Personalization Ecosystem for Elderly Care

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    Current demographic trends suggest that people are living longer, while the ageing process entails many necessities, calling for care services tailored to the individual senior’s needs and life style. Personalized provision of care services usually involves a number of stakeholders, including relatives, friends, caregivers, professional assistance organizations, enterprises, and other support entities. Traditional Information and Communication Technology based care and assistance services for the elderly have been mainly focused on the development of isolated and generic services, considering a single service provider, and excessively featuring a techno-centric approach. In contrast, advances on collaborative networks for elderly care suggest the integration of services from multiple providers, encouraging collaboration as a way to provide better personalized services. This approach requires a support system to manage the personalization process and allow ranking the {service, provider} pairs. An additional issue is the problem of service evolution, as individual’s care needs are not static over time. Consequently, the care services need to evolve accordingly to keep the elderly’s requirements satisfied. In accordance with these requirements, an Elderly Care Ecosystem (ECE) framework, a Service Composition and Personalization Environment (SCoPE), and a Service Evolution Environment (SEvol) are proposed. The ECE framework provides the context for the personalization and evolution methods. The SCoPE method is based on the match between the customer´s profile and the available {service, provider} pairs to identify suitable services and corresponding providers to attend the needs. SEvol is a method to build an adaptive and evolutionary system based on the MAPE-K methodology supporting the solution evolution to cope with the elderly's new life stages. To demonstrate the feasibility, utility and applicability of SCoPE and SEvol, a number of methods and algorithms are presented, and illustrative scenarios are introduced in which {service, provider} pairs are ranked based on a multidimensional assessment method. Composition strategies are based on customer’s profile and requirements, and the evolutionary solution is determined considering customer’s inputs and evolution plans. For the ECE evaluation process the following steps are adopted: (i) feature selection and software prototype development; (ii) detailing the ECE framework validation based on applicability and utility parameters; (iii) development of a case study illustrating a typical scenario involving an elderly and her care needs; and (iv) performing a survey based on a modified version of the technology acceptance model (TAM), considering three contexts: Technological, Organizational and Collaborative environment

    Poetas y poesía en el Jardín de la elocuencia de fray José Antonio de Hebrera (primera exploración)

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    Consacré au corpus poétique inclus dans le Jardín de la elocuencia de Fray José Antonio de Hebrera (Saragosse, 1677), le présent article met en lumière la dette de l’auteur envers la tradition rhétorique du XVIIe siècle (Gracián, Caramuel, Matienzo, Jiménez Patón) ainsi que l’utilisation qui est faite des citations poétiques par le compilateur.The article analyses the poetic corpus included in the Jardín de la elocuencia by Fray José Antonio de Hebrera (Zaragoza, 1677), to demonstrate his debt to the Baroque theoreticians - Gracián, Caramuel, Matienzo, Jiménez Patón - and study the use of poetic quotes by the recopilador.Se pretende analizar el corpus poético incluido en el Jardín de la elocuencia de fray José Antonio de Hebrera (Zaragoza, 1677), para evidenciar sus deudas hacia la tradición retórica del siglo XVII (Gracián, Caramuel, Matienzo, Jiménez Patón) y valorar el uso de las citas poéticas por parte del recopilador

    Flores de retórica en el Primus calamus de Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz

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    El trabajo subraya la presencia de retórica y predicación en el Calamus Primus de Juan Caramuel, como consecuencia de la constante atención del obispo de Vigevano, en el conjunto de su enciclopédica producción y actividad cultural, hacia la elocuencia. Gracias al análisis de una serie de ejemplos de diferente índole, sacados de la Metamétrica y la Rhytmica, el estudio pretende demostrar la gran relevancia de la retórica, telón de fondo del tratado, para el discurso lingüístico-combinatorio del sabio cisterciense y los poemas visuales juntados en la obra; así como en la sección de métrica y rítmica, donde aparece significativa la compresencia de homilética y actividad versificatori

    PulsaR design: CFD comparative study of speed-record Human Powered Vehicles

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    High speed Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) are specifically designed in order to race at the World Human Powered Speed Challenge (WHPSC), an event taking place in Nevada, with the purpose of pushing streamlined bike technology to the limits. The poster shows the comparative CFD analysis made during the design process of PulsaR. The prototype was built in the 1st semester of 2015 and raced at the WHPSC in September after about 850 km of testing. Andrea Gallo achieved the Italian Speed Record at 116.19 km/h, becoming the 24th fastest rider in the history of this discipline

    Homero en España. La Ulixea de Gonzalo Pérez

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    El artículo pretende ahondar en algunas de las facetas más interesantes de la versión castellana de la Odisea llevada a cabo por Gonzalo Pérez a mediados del s. XVI. Se analizan tanto las estrategias de un traductor que parece manejar bastante bien el idioma griego (aunque con ciertos límites), y sabe aprovechar la canónica latinización de Andrea Divo para su reescritura poética, como las soluciones métricas adoptadas para hispanizar -en el sentido más propio del término- la epopeya antigua. Lo que convierte a la Ulixea en un texto nuevo y clásico al mismo tiempo.L’article étudie les aspects les plus intéressants de la version castellane de l’Odisea traduite par Gonzalo Pérez à la moitié du XVIe siècle. L’analyse porte sur les stratégies d’un tarducteur qui tout en maîtrisant assez bien la langue grecque (malgré certaines limites) utilise aussi la traduction latine de Andrea Divo pour sa réécriture poétique et sur les solutions adoptées au niveau de la versification pour adapter (dans le sens le plus fort du terme) l’épopée antique à la langue et à la culture espagnoles. Cela fait de l’Ulisea un texte nouveau et classique à la fois

    When style becomes method: Carmelo Samonà

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    El ensayo toma en consideración la figura de Carmelo Samonà (1926-1990), protagonista del hispanismo italiano del siglo XX, e intenta relacionar el estilo de su prosa (especialmente el de los manuales de historia literaria) con su visión crítico-estética, basándose también en los enunciados teóricos del propio estudioso y la bibliografía existente sobre su obra crítica. Asimismo, se comentan fragmentos extraídos de las páginas de Samonà para comprobar la funcionalidad de un estilo de escritura que resulta muy literario. En efecto, Samonà, que conocía perfectamente las teorías críticas contemporáneas y no ignoraba en absoluto sus tecnicismos, se decantó por un estilo de exposición literario y clásico, adoptando una retórica (lingüística y argumental) en la que se había formado, pero que también eligió a sabiendas, al servicio de su profesión de investigador (y escritor).The essay considers the figure of Carmelo Samonà (1926-1990), a leading figure of 20th century Italian Hispanism, and attempts to relate the style of his prose (especially that of literary history manuals) and his critical-aesthetic vision, also based on the scholar’s own theoretical statements as well as on the existing bibliography. It also comments on fragments taken from Samonà’s pages, in order to verify the functionality of a writing style that is highly literary. Indeed, Samonà, who was perfectly familiar with contemporary critical theories and was by no means ignorant of their technicalities, opted for a literary and classical style of exposition, adopting a rhetoric (linguistic and argumentative) in which he had been trained, but which he also chose knowingly, in the service of his profession as a researcher (and writer)

    Around an Autograph: Editing Santa Teresa de Jesús

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    Este artículo pretende afrontar algunas cuestiones pendientes de la filología teresiana, la cual –pese a los grandes resultados conseguidos– continúa sin contar con ediciones críticas que aspiren a reconstruir, según la perspectiva de la filología de autor, el proceso de copia, corrección y (a veces de) reescritura del Libro de la Vida acometido por la misma santa. Para ilustrar el método y sus posibles frutos, respecto a la autobiografía de la mística abulense, se debaten algunos ejemplos significativos extraídos de la obra, y se pasa revista de algunas esmeradas ediciones, analizando su postura ecdótica y proponiendo un nuevo punto de vista.This article aims to face some pending questions of Teresian philology, which –despite the great results achieved– still lacks critical editions that aspire to reconstruct, according to the perspective of the autorial philology, the process of copying, correction and (sometimes) wiriting of the Libro de la Vida, undertaken by the saint herself. In order to illustrate the method and its possible achivements, with respect to the autobiography of the mystic from Ávila, some significant examples extracted from the work are discussed, and some careful editions are reviewed, analyzing their philological aim, and proposing a new point of view

    Emergent Technologies for Active Aging

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    Continuous advances in medicine and wellness areas have contributed to an active and enjoyable aging. The use of technology in assisting elderly community is expected to have a positive contribution to support the diversity of required services that promote independent living. Most initiatives in this area are intrinsically focused on providing health-care services to senior citizens. However, a broader perspective of the aging process is required, which is conceptually described as ”active aging”. In this paper, we present some prominent technologies based on context-awareness and Internet of Things that may assist elderly people in different needs during a productive live. We exemplify the applicability of such technologies by describing a scenario in which daily activities are performed by an elderly assisted by her son