475 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the oxidative status of salami packaged with an active whey protein film

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    Active packaging aims to prolong food's shelf-life by directly interacting with the packaged food. This type of packaging is characterized by having the active agent incorporated into the package polymer, such as antioxidant additives, that will gradually migrate from the package polymer to the packed food and, consequently, delay food's natural lipid oxidation. In this study, the efficiency of an active whey protein film incorporated with a rosemary extract on retarding the lipid oxidation of salami slices was evaluated. The lipid oxidation of the salami was measured by the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and hexanal monitorization. Also, a sensory analysis on the salami packaged for 60 and 90 days was performed. The active film was able to delay the salami's lipid oxidation for, at least, 30 days. The samples packaged with the active film revealed a bitter taste related to the rosemary extract and a bit sweet from the WP and the glycerol.This work was supported by the research project “Development of an edible film based on whey protein with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity using essential oils” (2012DAN807) funded by the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, I.P. (Lisbon, Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The contribution of a whey protein film incorporated with green tea extract to minimize the lipid oxidation of salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Active packaging is becoming progressively more significant as a response to the dynamic changes in current consumer demand and market tendencies. Active packaging is projected to interact directly with the packaged food or with the headspace within the package with the aim of maintaining or extending product quality and shelf-life. Aiming for sustainability, the potential application as biodegradable films of whey protein concentrate (WPC) was evaluated. Aromatic plant's extracts present high antioxidant properties, representing an alternative for synthetic food additives. The main objective of this study was to verify the effectiveness of an edible WPC film incorporated with a plant-based extract on retarding the lipid oxidation of fresh salmon. Green tea extract (GTE) was chosen to be incorporated into the active film. Fresh salmon was packaged with the control film (WPC) and with active film (WPC-GTE). The oxidation level of non-packaged samples and packaged samples were tested for different storage times. Four methods were applied to evaluate lipid oxidation state of fresh salmon: peroxide value, p-anisidine value, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay, and monitoring of hexanal. The results obtained in this study indicate that the whey protein active film was successfully produced, and it was effective in delaying lipid oxidation of fresh salmon samples until the 14th day of storage.Mariana Andrade is grateful for her research grant (SFRH/BD/138730/2018) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). M.F.V. acknowledges the support of FCT, through Mechanical Engineering Institute (IDMEC), under Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics (LAETA), project UID/EMS/50022/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brazilian learners' understanding about Scientific Inquiry

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    There is agreement among researchers that one of the main objectives of scientific literacy is that all students understand Scientific Inquiry (SI). Even with many educational proposals guided by SI, there is still a difficulty to assess learners' notions about it. From this perspective, Lederman et al. (2014) published the VASI questionnaire, which evaluates the understanding of students from different countries about SI. The results presented in this paper represent the Brazilian sample. The objective was to evaluate the notions of scientific investigation of the elementary students from private and public schools. Analyzing the responses of students, it can be considered that they can conceptualize some aspects of the nature of scientific inquiry, but cannot identify them in real situations

    Citrus By-Products: Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds for Food Applications

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Antioxidant Compounds Recovered from Food Wastes.ReviewCitrus production produces about 15 million tons of by-products/waste worldwide every year. Due to their high content of bioactive compounds, several extraction techniques can be applied to obtain extracts rich in valuable compounds and further application into food applications. Distillation and solvent extraction continues to be the most used and applied extraction techniques, followed by newer techniques such as microwave-assisted extraction and pulsed electric field extraction. Although the composition of these extracts and essential oils directly depends on the edaphoclimatic conditions to which the fruit/plant was exposed, the main active compounds are D-limonene, carotenoids, and carbohydrates. Pectin, one of the most abundant carbohydrates present in Citrus peels, can be used as a biodegradable polymer to develop new food packaging, and the extracted bioactive compounds can be easily added directly or indirectly to foods to increase their shelf-life. One of the applications is their incorporation in active food packaging for microbiological and/or oxidation inhibition, prolonging foods’ shelf-life and, consequently, contributing to reducing food spoilage. This review highlights some of the most used and effective extraction techniques and the application of the obtained essential oils and extracts directly or indirectly (through active packaging) to foods.This paper was carried out under the VIPACFood project, funded by ARIMNet2 (Coordina tion of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean; 2014–2017), an ERA-NET Action financed by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme, and by the Programa de Cooperación Interreg V-A España–Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (project 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E). Mariana A. Andrade is grateful for her research grant (SFRH/BD/138730/2018) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Cássia H. Barbosa is grateful for her research grant in the frame of the VIPACFood project (ARIMNET2/0003/2016) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal for the Ph.D. Grant 2021.08154.BD. This work was financially supported by the Mechanical Engineering and Resource Sustainability Center—MEtRICs, which is financed by national funds from the FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020, UIDB/04077/2020 and UIDP/04077/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação dos Hábitos de Consumo e Grau de Conhecimento Sobre Embalagens Alimentares e População Portuguesa

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    As embalagens alimentares têm como principal função a proteção dos alimentos de fatores que alterem as suas propriedades organoléticas, valor nutricional e segurança microbiológica. Contudo, os materiais utilizados no revestimento das embalagens podem interagir com os alimentos, havendo a migração de determinados compostos para os alimentos. A maioria das latas metálicas usadas para a conserva de alimentos é revestida internamente por um material epóxi-fenólico que tem como base o bisfenol A (BPA) e epicloridrina. Estes dois compostos reagem e produzem uma resina de baixo peso molecular, onde se inclui o éter diglicidílico do bisfenol A (BADGE). Com o avanço da tecnologia, surgiram as embalagens ativas e as embalagens inteligentes. As embalagens ativas podem ser de dois tipos: de emissão ou absorção. Estas têm como função a interação entre a embalagem e o alimento, através da emissão de compostos ou da absorção de gases ou substâncias provenientes do alimento. Em relação às embalagens inteligentes, a sua função principal é monitorizar as condições do alimento e do meio envolvente do alimento e informar o consumidor das mesmas. Este estudo teve como objetivo o perceber os hábitos de consumo de latas de conserva numa amostra da população portuguesa e aferir o seu conhecimento sobre embalagens ativas e inteligentes. Foi elaborado um questionário online com 26 questões. Dos inquiridos, a maioria era do sexo feminino (66 %), entre os 18 e os 24 anos de idade (62 %), e com formação superior (licenciatura, mestrado ou doutoramento) (76 %). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que 70 % dos inquiridos consome alimentos enlatados, dos quais aproximadamente 72 % tem preferência por atum. Em relação aos compostos químicos presentes no revestimento das embalagens de conserva, aproximadamente 74 % respondeu não ter conhecimento sobre o bisfenol A e BADGE. No tema das embalagens alimentares, apenas 15 % dos inquiridos tinha conhecimento da função principal das embalagens inteligentes, enquanto 13 % declarou conhecer o objetivo das embalagens ativas. Com os resultados obtidos, pode afirmar-se que a população portuguesa consome um elevado número de produtos em latas de conserva, nomeadamente o atum, apesar de poucos inquiridos possuírem conhecimento sobre a migração de bisfenóis para os alimentos. Em relação às embalagens alimentares inovadoras, apenas uma pequena fração dos inquiridos tem conhecimento da sua existência e das funções que desempenham.N/

    Response surface methodology in the optimization of extraction conditions for Gracilaria gracilis extracts for use in thermoplastic food coatings

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    Incorporation of antioxidant agents in edible films and packages often relies in the usage of essential oils and other concentrated hydrophobic liquids, with reliable increases in antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the overall composite, and consequent improvements in product shelf life. These oils are often obtained from plant sources and the usage of organic solvents in their extraction has been criticized as to whether it constitutes a health hazard for consumers [1, 2, 3]. The use of water-soluble antioxidant agents is less common, due to lower activities and extraction yields. As such, using commonly available seaweeds as the source for both the main polymers and the supplementing antioxidant/antimicrobial agents in bioactive films can potentially reduce production costs and create a safer, more sustainable product [1]. Hydroethanolic extracts of commercially available red macroalgae Gracilaria gracilis were evaluated for their antioxidant potential and phenolic content, as part of the preliminary assays for the selection of algal biomass for the enrichment of thermoplastic films. The extracts were obtained through use of solid-liquid extractions, over which yield, DPPH radical reduction capacity, total phenolic content, and FRAP activity assays were measured [4, 5]. Solid to liquid ratio (SLR), extraction time, and ethanol to water ratio were selected as independent variables with experimental ranges and configurations obtained using a Box-Behnken design with three factors, resulting in 15 experimental conditions. Extraction duplicates were used [4]. Response surface methodology was then used to estimate the effect of each extraction condition on the tested bioactivities. Bioactivities were significantly (p<0.05) and positively affected by the presence of ethanol in the extraction solvent, while extraction yield was reduced. Lower solid to liquid ratios (higher solvent proportions) resulted in higher yields, but had no significant (p<0.05) impact on bioactivities. Time was not a relevant factor in any of the measured variables, and as such will be minimized in any further work. 100% ethanol with minimum extraction time (10 minutes) and 1g to 5mL SLR maximize antioxidant activities per gram of dry extract. Maximum ethanolic yields were obtained with a theoretical extraction of 100 minutes and a 1g to 25mL SLR. Aqueous extractions displayed similar results in terms of optimum conditions, but with overall lower bioactivities and higher yields, very likely due to high amounts of soluble polysaccharides. While the high antioxidant activities from the ethanolic extracts encourage the selection of this solvent for extraction of bioactives, low yields may make them later unfeasible. Future studies over the compatibility of these extracts in the polymeric matrix of the films, as well as further optimization of the extraction process will be necessary before the definitive choice for bioactive origin and processing is made.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumption habits and knowledge level on food packaging of a sample of the Portuguese population

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    As embalagens alimentares têm como principal função a proteção dos alimentos de fatores que alterem o seu valor nutricional, as suas propriedades organoléticas e coloquem em risco a sua segurança. Contudo, os materiais utilizados nas embalagens podem interagir com os alimentos, podendo ocorrer a migração de determinados compostos para os alimentos. A maioria das embalagens metálicas usadas nas conservas de alimentos são revestidas internamente por um material epóxi-fenólico, onde se inclui o éter diglicidílico do bisfenol A (BADGE). Nas últimas décadas, tem havido um grande desenvolvimento das tecnologias usadas na conservação dos alimentos, com consequente aumento do tempo de vida útil destes e da segurança alimentar. Neste sentido, surgiram as embalagens ativas e as embalagens inteligentes. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os hábitos de consumo de latas de conserva numa amostra da população portuguesa e aferir o seu conhecimento sobre embalagens ativas e inteligentes. Perante os resultados obtidos, a população portuguesa consome um elevado número de produtos em latas de conserva, em especial atum (género Thunnus), e poucos inquiridos (26,4%) possuem conhecimento sobre a potencial migração de bisfenóis para os alimentos. Em relação às embalagens alimentares inovadoras, apenas uma pequena fração dos inquiridos (11%) tem conhecimento da sua existência e das funções que desempenham.The main purpose of food packaging is to protect food from factors that alter its nutritional value, its organoleptic proper ties and put its safety at risk. However, the materials used in the packaging may interact with food, and migration of cer tain compounds to food may occur. Most metal containers used in food preser ves are internally coated with an epoxyphenolic material, which includes bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE). In the last decades, there has been a great development of the technologies used in food preser vation, with a consequent increase in shelf life and food safety. In this sense, active packaging and smar t packaging have emerged. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consumption habits of canned tins, in a sample of the Por tuguese population, and to gauge their knowledge about active and intelligent packaging. Given the results obtained, the Por tuguese population consumes a large number of canned products, especially tuna fish (Thunnus genus), and few respondents (26.4%) are aware of the potential migration of bisphenols into food. In relation to innovative food packaging, only a small fraction of the respondents (11%) is aware of their existence and the functions they per form.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenolic Profile of Fruit Industry Byproducts Determined by LC–DAD–MS/MS

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    The bioconversion of fruit by-products into new functional and clean label ingredients/additives represents a sustainable approach with great potential for application in the food sectorThis work was financially supported by the VIPACFood project (grant agreement no. 618127) selected by ERA-NET ARIMNet2 call 2016 (Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean) of the European Union through the 7th Framework Programme and funding by the Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) ref. APCIN2016-00061-00-00, by the “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia”, Ref. No. GRC 2019/030, and by Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal,) ARIMNET2/0003/2016. Cássia H. Barbosa is grateful for her research grant in the frame of the VIPACFood project (ARIMNET2/0003/2016). The work was also supported by UIDB/00211/2020 with funding from FCT/MCTES through national fundsS


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    Pediculose é uma infestação causada pelo parasita Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer, conhecido popularmente como piolho. A doença é considerada um problema sério de saúde pública. Embora existam diversos tratamentos populares para a infestação, poucos estudos científicos comprovam a eficácia dos tratamentos. A utilização de espécies vegetais com atividade inseticida antipediculose, além de acessível à população de baixa renda, também se constitui em tratamento alternativo eficaz para o controle da doença. Os extratos vegetais obtidos de Melia azedarach L., Ruta graveolens L. e Sambucus australis Cham. et Schlecht  apresentam atividade antipediculose, no entanto é importante investigar o potencial inflamatório destes extratos. O presente trabalho analisou o poder de indução inflamatória de extratos hidroalcoólicos das espécies vegetais M. azedarach, R. graveolens e Sambucus australis, empregando ratos da linhagem Wistar. Neste estudo não foi possível constatar a existência de inflamação significativa produzida pelos três extratos vegetais nos níveis dos tempos investigados

    Transportation assessment in simulated curved canals after preparation with twisted file adaptive and bt-race instruments

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    This study compared the incidence of deviation along curved canals after preparation with two nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary systems, Twisted File Adaptive and BT-RaCe. Forty resin training blocks with curved canals were filled with ink and divided into two groups according to the instrumentation technique. Preinstrumentation images were acquired by using a stereomicroscope. The canals were up to an instrument #35/0.04. Postinstrumentation images were captured using the same conditions, and the images were superimposed. The amount of resin removed was measured at 8 different points, beginning at the apical terminus of the canal. Differences in the mesial and distal aspects were measured to evaluate the occurrence of deviation. The Student?s-t test was used for comparison of the intragroup deviation. Intergroup analysis was performed by using one-way ANOVA for each level. For multiple comparisons, the Bonferroni test was used and a cutoff for significance was set at 5%. Intragroup analysis showed that both instrumentation techniques promoted some deviation at all levels. BT-RaCe showed significantly lower deviation at 0 and 4-mm levels than Group Twisted File Adaptive (p<0.05). On the other hand BT-RaCe showed worse performance at level 6. The results of this study demonstrated that none of the NiTi tested systems was able to instrument curved canals simulated in resin blocks without some deviation during the preparation. There is still need for improvement in the instruments manufacturing aiming the better performance of endodontic files in curved root canals