50 research outputs found

    Analytical Modeling and Experimental Validation of NB-IoT Device Energy Consumption

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    The recent standardization of 3GPP Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) paves the way to support low-power wide-area (LPWA) use cases in cellular networks. NB-IoT design goals are extended coverage, low power and low cost devices, and massive connections. As a new radio access technology, it is necessary to analyze the possibilities NB-IoT provides to support different traffic and coverage needs. In this paper, we propose and validate an NB-IoT energy consumption model. The analytical model is based on a Markov chain. For the validation, an experimental setup is used to measure the energy consumption of two commercial NB-IoT user equipments (UEs) connected to a base station emulator. The evaluation is done considering three test cases. The comparison of the model and measurements is done in terms of the estimated battery lifetime and the latency needed to finish the control plane procedure. The conducted evaluation shows the analytical model performs well, obtaining a maximum relative error of the battery lifetime estimation between the model and the measurements of 21% for an assumed interarrival time (IAT) of 6 min.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund under Project TEC2016-76795-C6-4-R and in part by the H2020 European Project TRIANGLE under Grant 688712

    Investigación acerca de la teoría del razonamiento del modelo mental aplicado en un juego de crecimiento de mercado “Uiski”

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    94 p.Esta investigación define la teoría de los modelos mentales aplicada a un simulador de crecimiento de mercado denominado “Uiski”. Iniciamos con la definición de modelo mental el cual es una manera de pensar del ser humano al momento de enfrentarse a cualquier situación del mundo real. Es decir, un modelo mental define el comportamiento que tiene un individuo ante una situación particular real o mediante un simulador. Para realizar esta investigación a distancia a través de una videoconferencia en la que se realizaron entrevistas y el uso de un simulador que permite a los nueve participantes a través del pensamiento hablado mostrar su postura ante una situación real la cual es la inserción y crecimiento en el mercado del Whisky. Para ello, cada participante debe decidir sobre la cantidad de campañas publicitarias que hará en cada periodo para generar nuevos pedidos y la forma de producir manteniendo un stock suficiente para cumplir con las entregas de los pedidos que se realizan. Como resultado de esto, hemos obtenido un modelo mental genérico sobre la forma en que una persona toma decisiones para aumentar los ingresos y permanecer dentro del mercado del whisky donde el proceso productivo requiere tiempo y los clientes potenciales tienen marcas favoritas. A modo de conclusión, el estudio de los modelos mentales aplicados en simuladores de situaciones reales como lo es el crecimiento de mercado es una forma eficiente de comprender la forma en que razonan las personas. Este razonamiento se da principalmente por las experiencias vividas y por los factores comunes que reconoce cada individuo. // ABSTRACT: This research defines the theory of mental models applied to a market growth simulator called “Uiski”. We begin with the definition of the mental model which is a way of thinking of the human being when facing any situation in the real world. That is, a mental model defines the behavior that an individual has in a real particular situation or through a simulator. To carry out this research at a distance through a videoconference in which interviews were conducted and the use of a simulator that allows the nine participants through spoken thought to show their position in a real situation which is insertion and growth in the Whiskey market. To do this, each participant must decide on the number of advertising campaigns that they will do in each period to generate new orders and how to produce while maintaining a sufficient stock to fulfill the deliveries of the orders that are made. As a result of this, we have obtained a generic mental model of the way in which a person makes decisions to increase income and stay in the whiskey market where the production process takes time and potential customers have favorite brands. By way of conclusion, the study of mental models applied in simulators of real situations such as market growth is an efficient way of understanding the way people reason. This reasoning is given mainly by the experiences lived and by the common factors that each individual recognizes

    3GPP QoS-based scheduling framework for LTE

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    This paper proposes the design of a scheduling framework for the downlink of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) system with the objective of meeting the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as defined by the QoS architecture of the 3G Partnership Project (3GPP) specifications. We carry out a thorough review of 3GPP specifications analyzing the requirements of the 3GPP QoS architecture. LTE bearers may be associated with a Guaranteed Bit Rate (i.e., GBR bearers) or not (i.e., non-GBR bearers). Additionally, the specifications establish a Packet Delay Budget (PDB) to limit the maximum packet transfer delay. To achieve our goal, we design a channel-aware service discipline for GBR bearers which is able to fulfill not only the GBR but also the PDB. Additionally, we also design an algorithm for prioritizing GBR and non-GBR bearers from different QoS Class Identifiers (QCIs) following 3GPP QoS rules. We compare the proposed framework with two reference schedulers by means of network-level simulations. The results will show the ability of the proposed framework to address the QoS requirements from 3GPP specifications while providing an interesting performance from a spectral efficiency viewpoint.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (project TIN2013-46223-P)

    Aspectos inmunológicos relacionados con la reinfección por SARS COV 2

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    A finales de 2019 una nueva cepa de coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ocasiona una notable crisis mundial. Los esfuerzos del personal sanitario se han centrado en conocer la novel enfermedad y buscar la manera de frenar las curvas de contagio para en un futuro contar con inmunidad por vacunas. La inmunidad ante la primoinfección mediada por Linfocitos B ha reportado pérdida de inmunoglobulinas en cuestión de semanas. Estas características en el genotipo de la enfermedad abren la posibilidad de reinfección por cepas distintas. Contados reportes a nivel mundial describen reinfección, los que tuvieron curso clínico leve al determinar algún factor protector luego de la primoinfección. La real posibilidad de volver a enfermarse por COVID-19 enciende las alarmas sobre la respuesta en el control de la pandemia, con las vacunas que están cerca de expenderse y representa un nuevo campo de estudio en la presente emergencia sanitaria.At the end of 2019, a new strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes a notable global crisis. The efforts of health personnel have focused on learning about the novel disease and finding a way to slow down the contagion curves to have immunity from vaccines in the future. Immunity to primary B lymphocyte-mediated infection has reported the loss of immunoglobulins in a matter of weeks. These characteristics in the genotype of the disease open the possibility of reinfection by different strains. Counted reports worldwide describe reinfection, which had a mild clinical course when determining some protective factor after the primary infection. The real possibility of getting sick again from COVID-19 raises the alarms about the response in the control of the pandemic, with the vaccines that are close to being distributed and represent a new field of study in the current health emergency

    Saber pedagógico en innovación, TIC y gamificación

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    168 p. Libro electronico*) Haciendo visibles las habilidades de pensamiento científico en primera infancia 15 *) Enseñanza de la física de manera no convencional a través de clubes de ciencia. Semillero de investigación escolar. Club de Ciencia y Tecnología: Bicienergía 34. *) Uso del programa GeoGebra con estudiantes de undécimo grado del colegio Llano Oriental 52. *) Voces que Emocionan. Un espacio de participación y construcción colectiva que permite la articulación entre la educación media y la educación inicial 60. *) Articulación Educativa. Las Voces que Emocionan unen generaciones desde la creatividad emocional 75. *) Mediaciones edu-comunicativas en la formación de jóvenes como comunicadores sentipensantes 88. *) FilosoTICS. Filosofía e innovación en tecnología para el siglo XXI 104. *) Arqueoastronomía y la construcción de las nociones de simultaneidad y sucesión histórica en niños entre 10 y 15 años 120 *)Proyectiva: competencias, habilidades, capacidades, intereses y talentos para el siglo XXI 134. *) Plataformas virtuales de aprendizaje en la educación (Mediación TIC en la Educación Física) 154.Primera edicionPublicación resultado del programa Maestros y Maestras que Inspiran, una apuesta para la educación del siglo XXI, adelantada desde la línea Innovación, TIC y Gamificación, por los autores de este texto, con el acompañamiento del siguiente equipo: Maestro mentor Jaime Álvarez López Asistente de línea Andrea del Pilar Lara Maldonado. Las opiniones son responsabilidad de los autores

    Quasiexperimental intervention study protocol to optimise the use of new antibiotics in Spain: the NEW_SAFE project

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    Introduction Ceftaroline, tedizolid, dalbavancin, ceftazidime-avibactam and ceftolozane-tazobactam are novel antibiotics used to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDR). Their use should be supervised and monitored as part of an antimicrobial stewardship programme (ASP). Appropriate use of the new antibiotics will be improved by including consensual indications for their use in local antibiotic guidelines, together with educational interventions providing advice to prescribers to ensure that the recommendations are clearly understood. Methods and analysis This study will be implemented in two phases. First, a preliminary historical cohort (2017-2019) of patients from 13 Andalusian hospitals treated with novel antibiotics will be analysed. Second, a quasiexperimental intervention study will be developed with an interrupted time-series analysis (2020-2021). The intervention will consist of an educational interview between prescribers and ASP leaders at each hospital to reinforce the proper use of novel antibiotics. The educational intervention will be based on a consensus guideline designed and disseminated by leaders after the retrospective cohort data have been analysed. The outcomes will be acceptance of the intervention and appropriateness of prescription. Incidence of infection and colonisation with MDR organisms as well as incidence ofClostridioides difficileinfection will also be analysed. Changes in prescription quality between periods and the safety profile of the antibiotics in terms of mortality rate and readmissions will also be measured. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval will be obtained from the Andalusian Coordinating Institutional Review Board. The study is being conducted in compliance with the protocol and regulatory requirements consistent with International Council of Harmonisation E6 Good Clinical Practice and the ethical principles of the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at national and international conferences

    Quasiexperimental intervention study protocol to optimise the use of new antibiotics in Spain: the NEW_SAFE project

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    [Introduction] Ceftaroline, tedizolid, dalbavancin, ceftazidime-avibactam and ceftolozane-tazobactam are novel antibiotics used to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDR). Their use should be supervised and monitored as part of an antimicrobial stewardship programme (ASP). Appropriate use of the new antibiotics will be improved by including consensual indications for their use in local antibiotic guidelines, together with educational interventions providing advice to prescribers to ensure that the recommendations are clearly understood.[Methods and analysis] This study will be implemented in two phases. First, a preliminary historical cohort (2017–2019) of patients from 13 Andalusian hospitals treated with novel antibiotics will be analysed. Second, a quasiexperimental intervention study will be developed with an interrupted time-series analysis (2020–2021). The intervention will consist of an educational interview between prescribers and ASP leaders at each hospital to reinforce the proper use of novel antibiotics. The educational intervention will be based on a consensus guideline designed and disseminated by leaders after the retrospective cohort data have been analysed. The outcomes will be acceptance of the intervention and appropriateness of prescription. Incidence of infection and colonisation with MDR organisms as well as incidence of Clostridioides difficile infection will also be analysed. Changes in prescription quality between periods and the safety profile of the antibiotics in terms of mortality rate and readmissions will also be measured.[Ethics and dissemination] Ethical approval will be obtained from the Andalusian Coordinating Institutional Review Board. The study is being conducted in compliance with the protocol and regulatory requirements consistent with International Council of Harmonisation E6 Good Clinical Practice and the ethical principles of the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at national and international conferences.[Trial registration number] NCT03941951; Pre-results.The study is funded by the Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, grant PI-0077-2018. The investigators also receive funds for research from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/0001) through the Plan Nacional de I+D+ i 2013‐2016, cofinanced by European Development Regional Fund “A way to achieve Europe”, Operative program Intelligent Growth 2014‐2020

    Costos directos de atención médica de accidentes de tránsito en Bogotá D.C.

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    Objetivo Determinar los costos de atención médica generados por la accidentalidad vial en Bogotá.Metodología Estudio observacionalprospectivo con datos de pacientes mayores de edad atendidos en la central de urgencias de 6 instituciones hospitalarias.ResultadosEl promedio del costo totalde atenciónpor paciente fue de 1112000Elcostopromediodıˊadepacientehospitalizadofuede1112000 El costo promedio día de paciente hospitalizado fue de 1200000. Pacientes con atención ambulatoria tuvieron un costo promedio de 247400.Elcostopromedioporaccidentesecalculoˊen247400. El costo promedio por accidente se calculó en 2333700. Los costos médicos por accidentes en el periodo de análisis en Bogotá fueron aproximadamente $2301028200. Cifras en pesos de 2011.ConclusionesLos costos de la atención médica de los accidentes de tránsito constituyen una carga económica considerabl

    Direct costs involved in providing medical attention associated with traffic accidents in Bogotá

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    Objetivo Determinar los costos de atención médica generados por la accidentalidad vial en Bogotá. Metodología Estudio observacional prospectivo con datos de pacientes mayores de edad atendidos en la central de urgencias de 6 instituciones hospitalarias. Resultados El promedio del costo total de atención por paciente fue de 1112000elcostopromediodıˊadepacientehospitalizadofuede1 112 000 el costo promedio día de paciente hospitalizado fue de 1 200 000. Pacientes con atención ambulatoria tuvieron un costo promedio de 247400.Elcostopromedioporaccidentesecalculoˊen247400. El costo promedio por accidente se calculó en 2 333 700. Los costos médicos por accidentes en el periodo de análisis en Bogotá fueron aproximadamente 2301028200.Cifrasenpesoscolombianosde2011.ConclusionesLoscostosdelaatencioˊnmeˊdicadelosaccidentesdetraˊnsitoconstituyenunacargaeconoˊmicaconsiderable.ObjectiveTodeterminethecostofmedicalattentionassociatedwithtrafficaccidentsinBogotaˊ,Colombia.MethodsProspectiveobservationalstudywithdatafromadultpatientsattendedtointheemergencycentersof6hospitals.ResultsAveragetotalcostperpatientwas2 301 028 200. Cifras en pesos colombianos de 2011. Conclusiones Los costos de la atención médica de los accidentes de tránsito constituyen una carga económica considerable.Objective To determine the cost of medical attention associated with traffic accidents in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods Prospective observational study with data from adult patients attended to in the emergency centers of 6 hospitals. Results Average total cost per patient was 1 112 000 COP. Average daily cost of hospitalized patients was 1200000COP.Averagecostofambulatorytreatedpatientsascendedto1 200 000 COP. Average cost of ambulatory treated patients ascended to 247 400 COP. Cost per accident calculated was 2333700COP.Inthewholecityduringstudyperiod,totalmedicalcostswerearound2 333 700 COP. In the whole city during study period, total medical costs were around 2 301 028 200 COP. All data was expressed in 2011 colombian pesos. Conclusion The medical cost of transit accidents is a significant economic burden

    Direct costs involved in providing medical attention associated with traffic accidents in Bogotá

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    Objetivo Determinar los costos de atención médica generados por la accidentalidad vial en Bogotá. Metodología Estudio observacional prospectivo con datos de pacientes mayores de edad atendidos en la central de urgencias de 6 instituciones hospitalarias. Resultados El promedio del costo totalde atención por paciente fue de 1112.000Elcostopromediodıˊadepacientehospitalizadofuede1'112.000 El costo promedio día de paciente hospitalizado fue de 1'200.000. Pacientes con atención ambulatoria tuvieron un costo promedio de 247.400.Elcostopromedioporaccidentesecalculoˊen247.400. El costo promedio por accidente se calculó en 2'333.700. Los costos médicos por accidentes en el periodo de análisis en Bogotá fueron aproximadamente 2.301028.200.Cifrasenpesosde2011.ConclusionesLoscostosdelaatencioˊnmeˊdicadelosaccidentesdetraˊnsitoconstituyenunacargaeconoˊmicaconsiderable.Artıˊculodeinvestigacioˊn673682ObjectiveTodeterminethecostofmedicalattentionassociatedwithtrafficaccidentsinBogotaˊ,Colombia.MethodsProspectiveobservationalstudywithdatafromadultpatientsattendedtointheemergencycentersof6hospitals.ResultsAveragetotalcostperpatientwas2.301'028.200. Cifras en pesos de 2011. Conclusiones Los costos de la atención médica de los accidentes de tránsito constituyen una carga económica considerable.Artículo de investigación673-682Objective To determine the cost of medical attention associated with traffic accidents in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods Prospective observational study with data from adult patients attended to in the emergency centers of 6 hospitals. Results Average total cost per patient was 1'112.000 COP. Average daily cost of hospitalized patients was 1200.000COP.Averagecostofambulatorytreatedpatientsascendedto1'200.000 COP. Average cost of ambulatory treated patients ascended to 247.400 COP. Cost per accident calculated was 2333.700COP.Inthewholecityduringstudyperiod,totalmedicalcostswerearound2'333.700 COP. In the whole city during study period, total medical costs were around 2.301'028.200 COP. All data was expressed in 2011 Colombian pesos