153 research outputs found

    Optimization of a low weight electronic differential for LEVs

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    It is presented a performance analysis of an Electronic Differential (ED) system designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). We have developed a test tricycle vehicle with one front steering wheel and two rear fixed units is a same axis with a brushless DC integrated in each of them. Each motor has an independent controller unit and a common Arduino electronic CPU based that can plan specific speeds for each wheels as curves are being traced. Different implementations of sensors (input current/torque, steering angle and speed of the wheels) are discussed related to hardware complexity, and performance obtained based on speed level requirements and slipping on the traction wheels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Consolidation of an EV Project Based Learning program integrated within a complete Bachelor Engineering Degree

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    Proyecto docente para el aprendizaje de competencias fundamentales de la ingeniería a través del aprendizaje basado en un proyecto multianual y multidisciplinar coordinado sobre las asignaturas troncales de este tipo de grados. Los resultados obtenidos son del tipo docente, funcionales y científicos que han permitido fabricar varios modelos de vehículos eléctricos ligeros con los que se ha acudido a competiciones internacionales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Labile and stable soil organic carbon and physical improvements using groundcovers in vineyards from central Spain

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    Mediterranean vineyards are usually managed with continuous tillage to maintain bare soils leading to low organic matter stocks and soil degradation. Vineyards are part of the Mediterranean culture, their management can be sustainable. We propose the setup of two types of groundcovers with the aim to assess their potential influence to improve soil properties. A field trial was performed to compare the effects of a seeded (Brachypodium distachyon) and spontaneous groundcovers, on a set of soil parameters, in comparison with the traditional tillage in four vineyards located in the center of Spain. Three years after the groundcovers establishment soil organic carbon stocks increased up to 1.62 and 3.18 Mg ha− 1for the seeded and the spontaneous groundcovers, respectively, compared to conventional tillage. Both labile and stable fractions improved their soil organic carbon content with the use of groundcovers, particularly the labile fraction. Moreover, soil structure and functional soil properties improved through better aggregate stability, pore connectivity and infiltration rates. The higher root biomass input of the spontaneous groundcovers derived in higher soil organic carbon increases and soil quality improvement. Consequently, under low rainfall conditions (< 400 mm per year) spontaneous vegetation, properly managed according to site conditions, is an effective soil management strategy to revert soil degradation and increase soil quality in Mediterranean vineyards

    Smart cities’ development in Spain: a comparison of technical and social indicators with reference to european cities

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    The evolution of the Spanish cities towards their digital transformation, integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), and improvement of social cohesion have been promoted by the government. However, this evolution has not yet been evaluated, and this assessment is considerably relevant as more than 200 M€ has been spent from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through five calls divided into two national plans (2014–2020). In this evaluation, the projects of 61 beneficiary local entities have been analysed. The lines of action executed have been identified and compared, using standardised indicators, with the actions conducted in the European metropolis that are smart city references. The actions planned in the last call (Smart Territories National Plan) closely resemble the philosophy of the latest generation paradigm of smart cities (holistic approach and specialisation in topics such as tourism or intelligent buildings) from the initial point where the areas of technology, software, and governance were focused. This work offers a precise picture of the priorities and lines of the progress of smart cities at each period of the last decade and helps technicians and investigators evaluate executed projects and design new lines of development

    Hacia la gestión eficiente de los servicios de alumbrado público: resultados de los estudios comparativos sobre eficiencia energética y lumínica aplicado a las nuevas tecnologías en iluminación urbana

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    The use of new, more energy-efficient technologies, applied to theurban lighting, it has been proven to be a very novel and highlysignificance and interest today. In most cases, it has been addressed,from a professional or business point of view, but much less often, from apurely scientific point of view.The presentation that we present is the result of research carried out inthree studies, which have been published, in three scientific and professional journals ofgreat relevance. Some of them with very high impact factor (Q1) and prestigeprofessional, scientific and technical. It is intended with this, to inform thescientific community, professionals and technicians, the results and conclusionsobtained, in an absolutely objective way.We are currently immersed in a dizzying situation, of changesconstant, in the field of street lighting in our cities. The resultshere exposed contribute, to clarify in part, the difficult decision-making task, which ismunicipal technicians, energy managers and professionals in general face. The results of the investigations carried out, which are intended to be exposed with thispresentation, are the fruit of rigorous evaluation work and comparative studies thatwe will summarize.El empleo de nuevas tecnologías más eficientes energéticamente, aplicadas a la iluminación urbana, se ha comprobado es un tema muy novedoso y de gran trascendencia e interés actualmente. En la mayoría de las ocasiones, se ha abordado, desde un punto de vista profesional o comercial, pero muchas menos veces, desde un punto de vista puramente científico.La ponencia que presentamos, es el resultado de las investigaciones realizadas en tres estudios, que han sido publicados, en tres revistas científicas y profesionales de gran relevancia. Algunas de ellas con muy alto factor de impacto (Q1) y prestigio profesional, científico y técnico. Se pretende con ello, poner en conocimiento de la comunidad científica, de los profesionales y técnicos, los resultados y conclusiones obtenidos, de una forma absolutamente objetiva.Nos encontramos actualmente sumergidos en una situación vertiginosa, de cambios constantes, en el campo de la iluminación vial de nuestras ciudades. Los resultados aquí expuestos contribuyen, a aclarar en parte, la difícil tarea de decisión, a la que se enfrentan los técnicos municipales, gestores energéticos y profesionales en general. Los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas, que se pretende exponer con esta ponencia, son el fruto de un riguroso trabajo de evaluación y estudios comparados que pasamos a resumir

    Medidas de adaptación de los proyectos de ciudad inteligente en España ante el COVID-19 y el nuevo escenario socio-sanitario mundial

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha tenido un gran impacto en el desarrollo y el funcionamiento de las ciudades de todo el mundo y en la vida cotidiana de las personas, trayendo consigo importantes desafíos para los futuros planes de desarrollo urbano. En España, en 2018 el gobierno puso en marcha el Plan Nacional de Territorios inteligentes, que a su vez estaba compuesto por la convocatoria de Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes y Edificios Inteligentes. Tras evaluarse diversas iniciativas de ciudades inteligentes, resultaron beneficiarias 33 entidades y agrupaciones locales entre las que se encuentran ayuntamientos y diputaciones o consells. En esta comunicación se detallarán los cambios de alcance realizados en algunos de estos proyectos durante el periodo de redacción de pliegos técnicos e inicio de la ejecución como consecuencia de la irrupción de la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19, descartando las actuaciones consideradas de menor impacto en la ciudadanía por soluciones centradas principalmente en el control de la afluencia de personas en lugares públicos. Además, se analizan las tecnologías y aplicaciones emergentes para prevenir el COVID-19 y reducir su impacto en las ciudades inteligentes tales como seguridad de la arquitectura de red, autenticación y preservación de datos, internet de las cosas (IoT), etc.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Groundcovers in olive groves in semiarid climates: Are they always beneficial?

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    Olive groves on the Mediterranean Basin are usually managed by continuous tillage and low organic matter inputs, leading to several soil degradation processes. Groundcovers (GCs) have come out as an alternative soil management strategy to improve soil's fertility, soil's organic matter quantity, and the sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Nevertheless, farmers are still unwilling to implement GCs or reduce tilling frequency while there are still some uncertainties and lack of global analyses. The purpose of this study was to perform an assessment of the effects of using GC on the soil parameters microbiological biomass, crop yield, and olive oil quality. A field trial was performed on a gypsiferous soil in central Spain with three different GCs: permanent GC of Brachypodium distachyon (BRA); permanent GC of spontaneous vegetation (SVE), and annual GC of Vicia ervilia (BIT) to be compared with conventional tillage (TIL). After three years, numbers of nematodes, fungi, and bacteria were higher on plant roots regardless of GC composition. BRA was the treatment with the biggest impact on soil and yield parameters. BRA increased soil organic carbon 1.03 Mg ha-1 yr-1 at 0-10 cm depth but reduced significantly olive yield because of nitrogen competition. The BIT treatment improved soil organic carbon stocks and soil structure, and did not reduce olive yield significantly regarding TIL. The BIT treatment was considered the best soil management strategy in semiarid conditionsThis research was funded by regional and national funding projects AGRISOST-CM (S2013/ABI-2717); FP12-CVO; ACCION Project, GO-LEÑOSOST

    Tracking changes on soil structure and organic carbon sequestration after 30 years of different tillage and management practices

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    Long-term field trials are essential for monitoring the effects of sustainable land management strategies for adaptation and mitigation to climate change. The influence of more than thirty years of different management is analyzed on extensive crops under three tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT), and with two crop rotations, monoculture winter-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and wheat-vetch (Triticum aestivum L.-Vicia sativa L.), widely present in the center of Spain. The soil under NT experienced the largest change in organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, macroaggregate stability, and bulk density. In the MT and NT treatments, SOC content was still increasing after 32 years, being 26.5 and 32.2 Mg ha−1, respectively, compared to 20.8 Mg ha−1 in CT. The SOC stratification (ratio of SOC at the topsoil/SOC at the layer underneath), an indicator of soil conservation, increased with decreasing tillage intensity (2.32, 1.36, and 1.01 for NT, MT, and CT respectively). Tillage intensity affected the majority of soil parameters, except the water stable aggregates, infiltration, and porosity. The NT treatment increased available water, but only in monocropping. More water was retained at the permanent wilting point in NT treatments, which can be a disadvantage in dry periods of these edaphoclimatic conditions

    Revision of the life history parameters (proportion of mature and mean weights at age) for the Iberian (south) sardine stock (ICES 8c and 9a)

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    Maturity and stock weights at age used in sardine assessment up to 2012 were obatined from (Portuguese and Spanish) spring acoustic surveys biological data. Following a recommendation of the WGANSA, the possible alternative use of the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) surveys to estimate maturity at age was evaluated, and a revision of these maturity ogives was undertaken for the last benchmark assessment (Silva et al. 2011, WKPELA 2012), the WG having decided that DEPM maturity ogives should be used in the assessment, and for years with no DEPM survey, 80% of fish mature would be assumed at age 1 (corresponding approximately to the historical mean of DEPM ogives), and for simplicity, 100% of fish are mature at age 2. But these estimates were obtained including information from both DEPM and acoustic surveys: maturity data from the DEPM for each stratum and year were combined to obtain stock estimates, using abundances at age from acoustic surveys as weighting factors; however, in most years, 1-2 months lagged between the two surveys in W and S strata. Revision of weights at age could not be carried out in 2012 due to time constraints, but the WGHANSA believes that it makes more sense that both life history parameters be derived from the same surveys. This WD describes the revision of both maturity and stock weights at age estimates, based uniquely on the DEPM surveys