1,625 research outputs found

    An applied general equilibrium analysis of fiscal reforms to fight poverty in Mexico.

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    The main goal of this paper is to analyze the consequences of two alternative ways of raising funds to finance poverty alleviation programs in Mexico: A Value Added Tax (VAT) reform and a personal income tax reform (IT). The impact of the reforms is analyzed with an applied general equilibrium model of the Mexican economy, calibrated using a 1996 Social Accounting Matrix. The model includes 18 production sectors, 10 representative households, the government, and the rest of the world. The cash transfers required to attain a fixed increase in the Equivalent Variation (EV) of the lowest income households are obtained either increasing effective VAT rates or IT rates. When all rates are scaled up by the same factor, the VAT reform generates a positive global EV considerably larger than the one obtained scaling the IT rates, though the latter diminishes (increases) lower (higher) income households’ contribution. Setting a uniform VAT rate results in a positive global EV considerably larger than the one obtained with a uniform IT. Moreover, the distribution gap increases in the latter case since the richest households receive the largest benefits.poverty alleviation, tax reforms, social accounting matrix, applied general equilibrium, equivalent variation

    Nondiagonal CPmCP_m Coset Models and their Poincar\'E Polynomials

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    N=2N=2 coset models of the type SU(m+1)/SU(m)×U(1)SU(m+1)/SU(m)\times U(1) with nondiagonal modular invariants for both SU(m+1)SU(m+1) and SU(m)SU(m) are considered. Poincar\'e polynomials of the corresponding chiral rings of these algebras are constructed. They are used to compute the number of chiral generations of the associated string compactifications. Moddings by discrete symmetries are also discussed.Comment: 22 pages, (RevTex), preprint GTCRG-92-1 and CNEA-CAB-039/92. % Minor changes in the result

    Refined Harder-Narasimhan filtrations in moduli theory

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    We define canonical refinements of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations and stratifications in moduli theory, generalising and relating work of Haiden-Katzarkov-Kontsevich-Pandit and Kirwan. More precisely, we define a canonical stratification on any noetherian algebraic stack X\mathcal X with affine diagonal that admits a good moduli space and is endowed with a norm on graded points. The strata live in a newly defined stack of sequential filtrations of X\mathcal X. Therefore the stratification gives a canonical sequential filtration, the iterated balanced filtration, for each point of X\mathcal X. Examples of applicability include moduli of principal bundles on a curve, moduli of objects at the heart of a Bridgeland stability condition and moduli of K-semistable Fano varieties. We conjecture that the iterated balanced filtration describes the asymptotics of the Kempf-Ness flow in Geometric Invariant Theory, as part of a larger project aiming to describe the asymptotics of natural flows in moduli theory. In the case of quotient stacks by diagonalisable algebraic groups, we give an explicit description of the iterated balanced filtration in terms of convex geometry.Comment: 74 pages. Comments welcom

    Algorithms and tools of big data: a bibliographic review

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónBig data is among us, it’s present on all parts of our life and like time it’s never stops growing. Having in mind that all data will tend to become big data is necessary to change the customs ways of dealing for two simple reasons, the increase in the cost and the decrease of effectives. A quick glance in the evolution of data and information shows the leaders and the technologies that have been developing a way to work with big data, all this having as an essential factor the value given to the user.INTRODUCTION 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2.2 SPECIFICS OBJECTIVES 3. BIG DATA 3.1 THEORETICAL 3.2 UNSTRUCTURED DATA 3.3 METAHEURISTIC4. META ANALYSIS 4.1 REASON FOR FULL-TEXT ARTICLES EXCLUDED 4.2 INFORMATION SOURCES 4.3 STUDY SELECTION 4.4 SYNTHESIS OF RESULTS 4.5 RESULTS 5. OPEN FIELDS OF RESEARCH 5.1 BIG DATA SECURITY5.1.1 Common Techniques for Securing Big Data. 5.1.2 Threats for Big Data. 5.2 BIG DATA INFRASTRUCTURE 5.3. BIG DATA FOR BUSINESS 6. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCESPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Análisis de la propuesta de un sistema de microcogeneración, mediante la tecnología de micro turbinas a gas en el centro javeriano de formación deportiva de la pontificia universidad javeriana

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto fue evaluar los beneficios económicos y ambientales, de la propuesta de un sistema de microturbinas a gas para la generación de energía eléctrica y térmica en el edificio del Centro Javeriano de Formación Deportiva de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, mediante indicadores de ecoeficiencia y bajo lineamientos de producción más limpia. Para esto se realizó una caracterización de los sistemas de energía eléctrica y térmica del edificio de manera que se pudo hallar un consumo aproximado que se comparó con la energía eléctrica que produce una microturbina C30 Low Pressure Natural Gas (LPNG) de CAPSTONE y con el requerimiento de gas natural que ésta tiene. Teniendo en cuenta el costo del kWh y el metro cúbico de gas natural de la universidad durante el tiempo en que se realizó el estudio se analizó la relación beneficio costo de la propuesta de lo cual se concluyó que una microturbina C30 LNPG para el Centro Javeriano de Formación Deportiva no es viable financieramente teniendo en cuenta una inflación de 3,61% y un costo de oportunidad de 8% (dato obtenido de la dirección financiera de la universidad). Por otra parte se realizó una caracterización del impacto ambiental de la situación actual y propuesta utilizando la herramienta de huella de carbono. Se concluyó que la microturbina, al consumir una mayor cantidad de gas natural, genera a su vez una mayor cantidad de gases contamientes para el caso específico del Centro Javeriano de Formación Deportiva.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Analysis of chilean metropolitan areas, the case of Santiago, and Concepcion: location patterns as building licences 2002-2010

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    The study seeks to describe the growth of Chile's main cities, especially in the cycle 2002 to 2010. This series presented a growth economy averaged around 7%, with the consequent growth in the residential construction sector. In that sense, there is an increase in housing prices that impact on real estate products offered. This period was characterized by neoliberal policies, in a low-density city center rings in their peri central an impact on the urban fabric of the city. Communes as Ñuñoa; Providencia and Recoleta, in the metropolitan area of Santiago, Viña del Mar and Con Con, in the metropolitan area of Valparaiso, Chiguallante and San Pedro de la Paz in the great conception, are obvious example of this process as it grew up, estate submitted higher-priced products of past and pointing to families in training, with prices can only pay the highest decile of income each metropolitan reality. To conclude, it requires new public policies that analyze the problem pericenter ring and also agree on the elements themselves beyond the city economic growth

    Trasfondo jurídico, de la adición al contrato de Concesión N°6000169 Ok del 12 de septiembre de 2006, cuyo objeto es la operación, explotación comercial, mantenimiento, modernización y expansión del aeropuerto internacional el Dorado de Bogotá

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    Se pretende identificar el trasfondo jurídico de la modificación que se le realizó al contrato de concesión N. 6000169 OK del 12 de septiembre de 2006, de igual manera se busca identificar el contenido del acuerdo, sus clausulas y la aplicación de la ley, la legalidad, la oportunidad, la necesidad y la convivencia de la modificación al contrato realizado, la verdadera incidencia jurídica y el impacto social que tuvo la modificación al contrato por la ciudad de Bogot

    The impact of real estate projects and their sustainability characteristics on land values: cause or consequence? two case studies from Santiago, Chile

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    From the point of view of developers, there is the belief that location determines the main characteristics of real estate projects. On the contrary, the bid rent theory proposes that land receives value from that which it supports, as expressed by means of architectural attributes. In light of two case studies in Santiago, Chile, the relationship between land value and real estate value was studied with the aim of identifying the meaning of this causality and the role of sustainability characteristics – as an expression of emergent architectural attributes – in price formation. It was observed that the interaction between land value and architectural characteristics generates property price through circular causality, where there is a certain typology for each location that can produce submarkets. In this sense, sustainability attributes effectively influence the creation of value – but not linearly – which clearly suggests the presence of housing submarkets according to price level, and a new element in the relationship between land and architectural attributes.Postprint (published version

    Exploring how teachers support students’ comprehension of mathematical word problems in a CLIL context

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    This qualitative case study of four elementary school mathematics teachers in a bilingual institution aimed to review the different strategies that teachers implement to support students’ comprehension of mathematical word problems. For the collection and analysis of the information, an interview with each teacher, the review of 15 lesson plans, three for each course, and two classroom observations of each teacher were carried out. Results showed the importance of both the role of language along with other strategies in the comprehension of mathematical word problems. Teachers used strategies that highlight mathematical vocabulary as a way to support the process of both understanding and solving the problems. Another strategy included transforming word expressions to mathematical expressions through the conceptualization and contextualization of the meaning of words. In addition, the influence of a first and second language context in the acquisition of mathematical skills was seen. Teachers teach a second language through content but use the native language sometimes to reinforce the process of content acquisition and language comprehension. Additionally, teachers employ an eight-step structure for solving mathematical word problems, as well as other strategies such as underlying or circling new vocabulary or having their students do this, and modeling through interaction during classes. Considering the results obtained, it can be concluded that for the understanding and solving mathematical problems, it is clear that teachers employ strategies that build mathematical content competencies and language skills at the same time.MaestríaMagister en la Enseñanza del Inglé

    Finlex ja Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeuden päätökset

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    Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena on selvittää, miten ja miksi Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeuden päätöksiä julkaistaan. Päätöksiä julkaistaan internetissä Finlex -tietokannassa. Työssä käydään läpi päätösten julkaisemiseen liittyvät lait ja teoriat. Olen työskennellyt Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeudessa toimistosihteerinä 2,5 vuotta ja sain aiheen työlleni sieltä. Tähän työhön olen saanut paljon tietoa ja oppia töissä ollessani. Henkilökohtainen kokemukseni auttoi suuresti opinnäytetyöni tekemisessä. Opinnäytetyössä on kuvattu Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeuden työprosessia ja sitä, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat julkaistavan päätöksen valintaan. Tilastojen avulla on selvitetty Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeudesta julkaistujen ratkaisujen määriä. Luvut ovat osoittautuneet melko pieniksi, mutta tavanomaisiksi suhteessa muihin hallinto-oikeuksiin. Paremman tiedottamisen ja avoimuuden saavuttamiseksi Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeus voisi julkaista useampia päätöksiä.Finlex and the decisions of Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court The purpose of this Thesis is to explain how and why Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court publishes its decisions. The decisions are published in the Internet on page www.finlex.fi. Examination relates to laws and theories that includes in publishing the decisions. I have worked as a secretary in Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court for two and a half years and I had the subject to my Thesis there. As I worked, I also got a lot of information and learned much. Without that experience I wouldn’t have been able to do this study. In this Thesis I have described the work process in Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court and the matters that relates to choosing a decision when publishing them. The numbers of published Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court decisions are untangled by statistics. The number turned out to be quite low but it is in the same level with other Adminstrative Courts. To reach better information and transparency Hämeenlinna Adminstrative Court could publish some more of its decisions