53 research outputs found

    Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora de routers CNC

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    Proyecto Integrador (II)--FCEFN-UNC, 2014Demuestra la factibilidad técnica y económica para crear una pequeña empresa productora de routers CNC en la provincia de Córdoba. Se desarrolla un estudio de mercado donde se puede observar una demanda insatisfecha de alrededor de 1000 unidades por año. Teniendo presente esto, en el estudio técnico se determina el proceso por el cual se realiza el producto y las necesidades de infraestructura, maquinaria y personal para ell

    Literature Review of the Measurement in the Innovation Management

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    Organizations create innovation strategies to improve their productivity and the competitive advantage. In this sense, innovation management facilitates the realization of innovation. It is known that measurement is important in the management processes; however, there is no classification of the contributions in these subjects. Therefore, in this study we identify publications that involve measurement and analysis in the management of innovation. Our study used a systematic mapping of the literature and it shows that in recent years there has been an increase in research on measurement, however, there are few studies and only for certain industrial sectors, sizes of companies and countries. Hence, there is a little worked research space which can be more developed

    Legislación y políticas públicas de acceso abierto en América Latina

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    Temas: - Reglamento de ley 30035 - El ámbito de aplicación - Tipos de contenidos - Alcance de la información - Lineamientos - ¿Quéesla RNICTI? - CRIS Nacional - Objetivos de la Gestión de Datos - Repositorio Nacional Digital ALICIA - Evaluación y desafíos - Prioridades de gestiónIbero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Legislación y políticas públicas de acceso abierto en América Latina

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    Temas: - Reglamento de ley 30035 - El ámbito de aplicación - Tipos de contenidos - Alcance de la información - Lineamientos - ¿Quéesla RNICTI? - CRIS Nacional - Objetivos de la Gestión de Datos - Repositorio Nacional Digital ALICIA - Evaluación y desafíos - Prioridades de gestiónIbero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Situación de las publicaciones científicas en el Perú y su impacto local e internacional

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    Presentación de la Red iberoamericana de Innovación y conocimiento Científico en Perú, realizado el 14 de Noviembre de 2017 en el Campus San Isidro, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Lima, Perú. Evento auspiciado por Universia, CSIC (España), Grupo Santander y UPC.Conferencia que aborda la situación actual de las publicaciones científicas peruanas

    Legislación y políticas públicas de acceso abierto en América Latina

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    Temas: - Reglamento de ley 30035 - El ámbito de aplicación - Tipos de contenidos - Alcance de la información - Lineamientos - ¿Quéesla RNICTI? - CRIS Nacional - Objetivos de la Gestión de Datos - Repositorio Nacional Digital ALICIA - Evaluación y desafíos - Prioridades de gestiónIbero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu

    Um Modelo para a visualização de conhecimento baseado em imagens semânticas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoOs avanços no processamento e gerenciamento eletrônico de documentos têm gerado um acúmulo grande de conhecimento que tem excedido o que os usuários comuns podem perceber. Uma quantidade considerável de conhecimento encontra-se explicitado em diversos documentos armazenados em repositórios digitais. Em muitos casos, a possibilidade de acessar de forma eficiente e reutilizar este conhecimento é limitada. Como resultado disto, a maioria do conhecimento não é suficientemente explorado nem compartilhado, e conseqüentemente é esquecido em um tempo relativamente curto. As tecnologias emergentes de visualização e o sistema perceptual humano podem ser explorados para melhorar o acesso a grandes espaços de informação facilitando a detecção de padrões. Por outro lado, o uso de elementos visuais que contenham representações do mundo real que a priori são conhecidos pelo grupo-alvo e que fazem parte da sua visão de mundo, permite que o conhecimento apresentado por meio destas representações possa facilmente ser relacionados com o conhecimento prévio dos indivíduos, facilitando assim a aprendizagem. Apesar das representações visuais terem sido usadas como suporte para a disseminação do conhecimento, não têm sido propostos modelos que integrem os métodos e técnicas da engenharia do conhecimento com o uso das imagens como meio para recuperar e visualizar conhecimento. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo que visa facilitar a visualização do conhecimento armazenado em repositórios digitais usando imagens semânticas. O usuário, através das imagens semânticas, pode recuperar e visualizar o conhecimento relacionado às entidades representadas nas regiões das imagens. As imagens semânticas são representações visuais do mundo real as quais são conhecidas previamente pelo grupo alvo e possuem mecanismos que permitem identificar os conceitos do domínio representados em cada região. O modelo proposto apóia-se no framework para visualização do conhecimento proposto por Burkhard e descreve as interações dos usuários com as imagens. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido para demonstrar a viabilidade do modelo usando imagens no domínio da anatomia, a Foundational Model of Anatomy e a Unified Medical Language System como conhecimento do domínio e o banco de dados da Scientific Electronic Library Online como repositório de documento.Advances in processing and electronic document management have generated a great accumulation of knowledge that is beyond what ordinary users can understand. A considerable amount of knowledge is explained in various documents stored in digital repositories. In many cases, the ability to eficiently access and reuse this knowledge is limited. As a result, most knowledge is not exploited or shared, and therefore it is forgotten in a relatively short time. The emerging technologies of visualization and the human perceptual system can be exploited to improve access to large information spaces facilitating the patterns detection. Moreover, the use of visual elements that contain representations of the real world that are known a priori by the target group and that are part of his world view, allows that the knowledge presented by these representations can be easily related to their prior knowledge, thereby facilitating learning. Despite visual representations have been used to support knowledge dissemination, no models have been proposed to integrate knowledge engineering methods and techniques with the use of images as a medium to retrieve and display knowledge. This work presents a model that aims to facilitate the visualization of the knowledge stored in digital repositories using semantic images. Through the semantic images, the user can retrieve and visualize the knowledge related to the entities represented in the image regions. The semantic images are visual representations of the real world which are known in advance by the target group and have mechanisms to identify domain concepts represented in each region. The proposed model is based on the framework for visualization of knowledge proposed by Burkhard and describes the interactions of users with the images. A prototype was eveloped to demonstrate the feasibility of the model using archetypes in the field of anatomy, using the Foundational Model of Anatomy and the Unifiled Medical Language System as knowledge domain and the database of the Scientific Electronic Library Online as a document repository

    Influence of Environmental Changes Due to Altitude on Performance, Fuel Consumption and Emissions of a Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine

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    [EN] The present study shows the effects of environmental conditions (atmospheric temperature, pressure and relative humidity) due to altitude changes on performance, fuel consumption and emissions in a naturally aspirated diesel engine. Due to changes in altitude, the atmospheric conditions are altered, mainly the air density, associated to hydrostatic pressure, temperature profile and humidity and relative nitrogen/oxygen ratio, thus modifying the engine intake conditions. The study considers changes in altitude from sea level to 2500 m above sea level, which are representative of the orographic conditions in Ecuador. As a main part of this research, a parametric study of variation of atmospheric temperature, pressure and relative humidity is carried out in AVL BOOST (TM), showing the effects on mean effective pressure, fuel consumption and specific pollutant emissions (CO2, NOx, CO and soot). The study considers effects at regional level (change from an altitude to another) and local level (changes in the atmospheric conditions due to local anticyclone or storm, temperature and humidity). The quantitative effects are expressed in the form of sensitivity coefficients, e.g., relative change in an engine output variable due to the change in atmospheric pressure, temperature or humidity. In addition, several global correlations have been obtained to provide analytical expressions to summarize all results obtained, showing the separate effect of pressure and temperature on each engine performance variable.Ceballos, JJ.; Melgar, A.; Tinaut-Fluixá, FV. (2021). Influence of Environmental Changes Due to Altitude on Performance, Fuel Consumption and Emissions of a Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine. Energies. 14(17):1-41. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175346141141

    Gasificación de biomasa en un reactor de lecho fijo en equicorriente: un modelo de diagnóstico en tiempo real a partir de la composición del gas pobre

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo se centra en la técnica de diagnóstico utilizada en el Laboratorio de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos de la Universidad de Valladolid (España) en una planta piloto de gasificación de biomasa, con el fin de monitorear y almacenar las variables calculadas en tiempo real y de esta manera caracterizar el proceso. Esta técnica se desarrolla mediante el análisis de la composición del gas pobre y otras mediciones, tales como temperaturas locales y el flujo másico del gas pobre. Asumiendo algunas hipótesis simplificadas es posible calcular los principales parámetros que caracterizan la gasificación, tales como tasa de consumo de biomasa, dosado relativo de gasificación, eficiencia térmica, potencia térmica generada, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la técnica implementada y presentar su gran potencial de aplicabilidad, destacando su sencillez, fiabilidad y el bajo costo de la instrumentación utilizada.ABSTRACT: This article is focused on the diagnostic technique used in the Thermal Engines Laboratory of the University of Valladolid (Spain), to perform real time calculation, monitoring and recording of gasification physical variables, only from gas composition analysis and some other measurements such as local temperatures and gas flow rate. By assuming some simplifying hypothesis it is possible to calculate the main gasification parameters such as biomass consumption, air/fuel ratio, thermal efficiency, and generated thermal power. The aim of this work is to explain the technique implemented and to give an idea of the wide range of applications that it can have, underlining its simplicity, its reliability and the low costs of the equipment needed

    A correlation for turbulent combustion speed accounting for instabilities and expansion speed in a hydrogen-natural gas spark ignition engine

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    [EN] An analysis of the turbulent premixed combustion speed in an internal combustion engine using natural gas, hydrogen and intermediate mixtures as fuels is carried out, with different air-fuel ratios and engine speeds. The combustion speed has been calculated by means of a two-zone diagnosis thermodynamic model combined with a geometric model using a spherical flame front hypothesis. 48 operating condi- tions have been analyzed. At each test point, the pressure record of 200 cycles has been processed to calculate the cycle averaged turbulent combustion speed for each flame front radius. An expression of turbulent combustion speed has been established as a function of two parameters: the ratio between turbulence intensity and laminar combustion speed and the second parameter, the ratio between the in- tegral spatial scale and the thickness of the laminar flame front increased by instabilities. The conclusion of this initial study is that the position of the flame front has a great influence on the expression to calculate the combustion speed. A unified correlation for all positions of the flame front has been ob- tained by adding one correction term based on the expansion speed as a turbulence source. This unified correlation is thus valid for all experimental conditions of fuel types, air¿fuel ratios, engine speeds, and flame front positions. The correlation can be used in quasi-dimensional predictive models to determine the heat released in an ICE.The authors of this work would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the financial support of this research through the ENE 2012-34830 (with FEDER funds) and the Regional Government of Castile and Leon for funding the Excellence Research Group GR203Gimenez, B.; Melgar, A.; Horrillo, A.; Tinaut-Fluixá, FV. (2021). A correlation for turbulent combustion speed accounting for instabilities and expansion speed in a hydrogen-natural gas spark ignition engine. Combustion and Flame. 223:15-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.09.026S152722