16 research outputs found

    ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Smart energy solutions aim to modify and optimise the operation of existing energy infrastructure. Such cyber-physical technology must be mature before deployment to the actual infrastructure, and competitive solutions will have to be compliant to standards still under development. Achieving this technology readiness and harmonisation requires reproducible experiments and appropriately realistic testing environments. Such testbeds for multi-domain cyber-physical experiments are complex in and of themselves. This work addresses a method for the scoping and design of experiments where both testbed and solution each require detailed expertise. This empirical work first revisited present test description approaches, developed a newdescription method for cyber-physical energy systems testing, and matured it by means of user involvement. The new Holistic Test Description (HTD) method facilitates the conception, deconstruction and reproduction of complex experimental designs in the domains of cyber-physical energy systems. This work develops the background and motivation, offers a guideline and examples to the proposed approach, and summarises experience from three years of its application.This work received funding in the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014–2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113)

    Multi-method Analysis of Avian Eggs as Grave Goods: Revealing Symbolism in Conversion Period Burials at Kukruse, NE Estonia

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    Eggshells are unusual finds in the Iron Age of eastern Europe (500 BC–1200 AD) deserving extra attention in terms of analysis as well as interpretation. This paper discusses two rare eggshell finds, discovered in female burials at the conversion period (12th–13th century AD) cemetery at Kukruse, NE Estonia. Our multianalytical study combining FT-IR, SEM(-EDS), microscopy and ZooMS provides an overview of methods applicable for identifying egg species, their predepositional history and curation. Based on the analytical results and the comparative analysis of the content and context of these two burials, we argue that different aims and connotations lay behind depositing eggs as burial goods, allowing well-supported interpretations of both pagan and Christian religious worldviews simultaneously


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    Den tilltagande betydelsen av att skydda civilbefolkningen i fredsbevarande operationer har genomgÄtt en pÄtaglig utveckling, följt av delade meningar om vad sÀkerhet innebÀr. Jag framhÄller att utvecklingen skall förstÄs som specifikt problematisk i den meningen att kvinnor har blivit alltmer utsatta i konflikter, vilket samtidigt beskrivs som ett understuderat förhÄllande inom forskningsomrÄdet. Med utgÄngspunkt i Feminist Security Theory syftar den hÀr uppsatsen till att studera förekomsten av ett feministiskt perspektiv i internationell sÀkerhetspolitik. I samband med antagandet av UNSCR 1325 om kvinnor, fred och sÀkerhet Är 2000 beskrevs för första gÄngen kvinnors stÀllning i konflikter i form av en sÀkerhetsfrÄga och dÀrmed inte lÀngre enbart inkluderat i FN:s mÀnskliga rÀttigheter. SÄledes bereddes utrymme för nya möjligheter att hantera sÀkerhetsutmaningar pÄ. I den hÀr uppsatsen studerar jag hur FN i praktiken förhÄller sig till FST:s kritik i fredsbevarande operationer. Fallstudiemetoden tillÀmpas för att synliggöra huruvida FN:s hÄllning stÀmmer överens med den praktiska implementeringen. Analysen omfattas av UNOMIL och UNMIL rörande konflikten i Liberia, samt UNOMSIL och UNAMSIL vilka tillÀmpades med anledning av konflikten i Sierra Leone. Fall av fredsbevarande operationer vilka har Àgt rum före respektive efter etablerandet av UNSCR 1325. Studien visar pÄ att FST i högre utstrÀckning kan hÀrledas till de berörda fallen efter etablerandet av UNSCR 1325

    Sex or violence? A literature review of the academic controvercy about rape

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    VĂ„ldtĂ€kt Ă€r ett folkhĂ€lsoproblem dels via sina direkta konsekvenser för den fysiska och psykiska hĂ€lsan men Ă€ven genom den stĂ€ndiga rĂ€dsla för att bli vĂ„ldtagna som mĂ„nga kvinnor upplever. Hur man rent teoretiskt bör betrakta vĂ„ldtĂ€kt har sedan 1970-talet diskuterats frĂ€mst med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n teorier av Susan Brownmiller och Michel Foucault. Denna litteratur-studie syftar till att undersöka hur kontroversen kring om vĂ„ldtĂ€kt Ă€r betrakta som sex eller vĂ„ld har utvecklats, vilka argument som framförts samt vilka konsekvenser man menar att valt synsĂ€tt fĂ„r. Studien Ă€r en analys av vetenskapliga artiklar och avhandlingar och Ă€r inspirerad av fĂ€ltet kontroversstudier. Resultatet av studien presenteras dels i kronologisk ordning och dels genom tre teman relaterade till konsekvenser av hur man betraktar vĂ„ldtĂ€kt; VĂ„ldtĂ€ktens symbolfunktioner, VĂ„ldtĂ€kt som konstruerande av kvinnor och mĂ€n samt Makt och motstĂ„nd. Meningsskiljaktigheterna kan relateras till skillnader kring huruvida man har ett individ- eller samhĂ€llsperspektiv. DisciplinĂ€ra skillnader Ă€r viktiga för kontroversens utveckling men Ă€ven rent ideologiska skillnader verkar ha betydelse.Partly due to its consequences on the physical and mental health but also because of women‟s constant fear of being violated, rape is considered to be a public health issue. The theoretical aspects of rape were first discussed in the 1970‟s mainly from the viewpoints of Susan Brownmiller and Michel Foucault. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the different perspectives on whether rape should be viewed as sex or violence, how the controversy has developed and what the authors claim that the different perspectives result in. The analyse method used is inspired by controversy studies. The result is presented both chronologically and divided into three themes; The symbolism of rape, Rape as constructing for women and men and Power and resistance. The controversy seems to rely on whether the authors use an individualistic or structuralistic perspective. Disciplinary as well as ideological differences also seem to affect the conflict

    Capercaillie and Wind Energy : An international research project

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    Do wind turbines influence forest grouse and specifically capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)? To-date this question is much discussed and difficult to answer, as few studies are available and standards for post-constructional or BeforeAfter-Control-Impact (BACI) designs are not always followed. The international research project “Capercaillie and wind energy” investigated six study areas in Germany, Austria and Sweden whether effects of wind turbines on capercaillie can be measured using five approaches in an BACI or post-constructional design. In Sweden, capercaillie were studied in the JĂ€draĂ„s wind park for a 4-year post-construction period. We addressed potential impacts of wind energy facilities (WEF) on the species’ individual and population level, by studying resource and habitat selection, movement ecology, reproduction success, risk of predation and stress physiology. We could not find significant differences in mean capercaillie sign density between WEF and control sites, nor between before and after construction sites, when analysing all European study sites. Within the WEF sites, however, habitat selection was reduced up to approximately 650 m distance to wind turbines overall study areas. Our study further revealed a decrease in resource selection within a distance of approximately 865 m around WEF (784 – 1025 m), when individual birds were tracked with GPS transmitters (N = 18) in Sweden. In addition, turbine shadow, turbine noise, turbine density, turbine visibility and turbine access roads were found to decrease resource selection, in lekking and summer season with varying magnitude. We found individual behaviour to be influenced by turbine visibility, as movement speed was discovered to slow down while wind turbine visibility increased (up to 6 WEF). The high correlation between WEF predictors (distance, shadow, noise, visibility), prevented to clearly pinpoint single factors. In contrast, additional methods addressing stress physiology, reproduction success and risk of predation did not reveal any relation to WEF. If our findings bear any fitness costs for capercaillie and affect population survival is beyond the study’s capabilities and also strongly depends on the species’ regional and national status. For Sweden, we propose to apply our estimated distance threshold of 865 m to at least capercaillie leks and summer habitats under consideration of the local forestry, to minimize the risk of negative population-level effects by the presence of wind turbines and their accompanying infrastructure. Future studies should apply reproduction and predator track monitoring on multiple impact-control areas, to underpin or reject a potential WEF influence on capercaillie populations. Finally, direct mortality of capercaillie by turbine collisions is another factor future research should try to answer

    TjÀder och vindkraft

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    PĂ„verkar vindkraftverk skogshöns, i synnerhet tjĂ€der? FrĂ„gan diskuteras ofta men Ă€r svĂ„r att besvara. Det finns fĂ„ studier pĂ„ omrĂ„det, och de följer inte alltid BACI-design (Before After Control Impact), det vill sĂ€ga att undersökningarna görs före och efter starten för verksamheten samt i och utanför det förvĂ€ntade pĂ„verkansomrĂ„det för verksamheten. Det internationella forskningsprojektet ”Capercaillie and Wind Energy” har studerat effekterna av vindkraftverk pĂ„ tjĂ€der i sex studieomrĂ„den i Tyskland, Österrike och Sverige. I Sverige genomfördes projektet i JĂ€draĂ„s vindpark under en fyraĂ„rsperiod. Vi studerade potentiella effekter av vindkraftsanlĂ€ggningar pĂ„ individ- och populationsnivĂ„, genom att samla in data pĂ„ resursval, biotopval, rörelsemönster, reproduktionsframgĂ„ng, predationsrisk och fysiologisk stress hos tjĂ€der. Vi fann inga signifikanta skillnader i tjĂ€dertĂ€thet mellan omrĂ„den med vindkraftverk och kontrollomrĂ„den, och inte heller mellan före och efter byggnation av vindkraftverksanlĂ€ggningar. Inom vindkraftsparker minskade dock tjĂ€derns anvĂ€ndning av omrĂ„den nĂ€rmare Ă€n ca 650 m frĂ„n vindkraftverken. En annan studie med radiomĂ€rkta tjĂ€drar visade att resursutnyttjandet minskade i omrĂ„den nĂ€rmare Ă€n 865 m (intervall 784–1025 m) frĂ„n vindkraftverken. Även effekter av skuggor, ljudnivĂ„, tĂ€thet av vindkraftverk, antal synliga vindkraftverk och avstĂ„nd till tillfartsvĂ€gar pĂ„verkade utnyttjandet av resurser negativt under sĂ„vĂ€l spelsĂ€songen som sommarsĂ€songen. Eftersom det fanns en stark korrelation mellan variablerna kan vi inte peka vilken faktor som var viktigast. Vi kunde inte hitta nĂ„gra effekter av vindkraftsanlĂ€ggningar pĂ„ fysiologisk stress, reproduktionsframgĂ„ng eller predationsrisk. Det Ă€r inte möjligt för oss att dra slutsatser pĂ„ populationsnivĂ„ nĂ€r det gĂ€ller reproduktionsframgĂ„ng och överlevnad. Effekterna beror ocksĂ„ pĂ„ tjĂ€derns regionala och nationella status. För Sverige föreslĂ„r vi ett avstĂ„nd pĂ„ 865 m till tjĂ€derns spelplatser och livsmiljöer under sommartid för att minimera negativa effekter av vindkraftverk och tillfartsvĂ€gar. Framtida studier om reproduktionsframgĂ„ng hos tjĂ€der och tĂ€thet av rovdjur bör genomföras i större antal kontroll- och pĂ„verkansomrĂ„den. Dödliga olyckor nĂ€r tjĂ€der kolliderar med vindkraftverk Ă€r ytterligare en faktor som bör studeras

    Effectiveness of behaviour therapy for children and adolescents with Tourette syndrome and chronic tic disorder in a real-world setting

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    Background: Treatment guidelines recommend behaviour therapy (BT) as the first-line intervention for patients with Tourette syndrome (TS) and chronic tic disorder (CTD). The efficacy of BT has been documented in randomised controlled trials (RCTs), but it is unclear to what extent these results are generalisable to real-world clinical settings, and whether the therapeutic gains are maintained long-term. Methods: In this naturalistic study, 74 young people with TS/CTD (aged 6 to 17) received BT (including psychoeducation, exposure with response prevention, habit reversal training or a combination of these treatments) at a specialist clinic in Stockholm, Sweden. Data were routinely collected at baseline, post-treatment, and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Measures included the clinician-rated Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) and the Clinical Global Impression – Improvement scale (CGI-I), amongst others. Results: Tic severity and tic-related impairment (as measured by the YGTSS) improved significantly after treatment, with large within-group effect sizes (d=1.03 for the YGTSS Total Tic Severity Score, and d=1.37 for the YGTSS Impairment Score). At post-treatment, 57% of the participants were classified as treatment responders according to the CGI-I. Both tic severity and tic-related impairment continued to improve further through the follow-up, with 75% of the participants being rated as responders 12 months after the end of treatment. Significant improvements were also observed across a range of secondary measures. Conclusions: BT is an effective and durable treatment for young people with TS/CTD in a real-world clinical setting, with effects comparable to those reported in RCTs

    D-NA4.1 Functional Scenarios:WP5 Deliverable D5.1: D-NA4.1 Functional Scenarios

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    This deliverable describes the work conducted in ERIGrid 2.0 task NA4.1 ’Definition of Functional Scenarios’. The work has been conducted via a survey and a brainstorming workshop. The results are six Functional Scenarios: Ancillary services provided by Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and active grid assets, Microgrids & energy communities, Sector coupling, Frequency and voltage stability in inverter dominated power systems, Aggregation and flexibility management, and Digitalisation, which describe the overarching topics within ERIGrid 2.0. The Functional Scenarios will be used as an input in further ERIGrid 2.0 work. Smart grid and smart energy systems solutions have become complex and multidisciplinary. With the further integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other energy systems new testing scenarios, profiles, and processes must be defined. In order to achieve this, big trends affecting research, testing, and validation processes have been reviewed, with a special focus on new aspects such as interoperability testing or digitalisation. The scenario descriptions define requirements, actors, etc. on a functional level. ERIGrid 2.0 work package NA4 ’Iterative Creation of Scenarios and Test Case Profiles’ addresses these needs. This work has been conducted with emphasis on the alignment with the European Green Deal, further support on the technology validation and roll-out phases, and further integration of the research infrastructures. A Functional Scenario has been defined as an umbrella term comprising of motivation and relevance for ERIGrid 2.0, system descriptions, use case and test case descriptions, and experimental setup descriptions. Each scenario has a single core idea and is formed on the basis of inclusiveness. Functional Scenarios consider several high-level scenarios in other projects and networks as a background forming the overall circumstances in which the Functional Scenario is considered. The high-level scenarios provide a holistic understanding of the current status and development while also highlighting future visions and requirements impacting the Functional Scenarios. The high-level scenarios also address the high-level drivers for the Functional Scenarios, such as needs for digitalisation of the smart energy systems. Furthermore, Functional Scenarios are related to the generic system configurations developed in ERIGrid and consider the work conducted in ERIGrid as a strong background for ERIGrid 2.0. The necessity for a mutual understanding of scenarios which are of interest to the ERIGrid 2.0 partners and their research infrastructures and in alignment of the project objectives, led to conducting a survey regarding the first actions of the NA4.1 work. The purpose of this survey was to gather inputs on a set of Functional Scenarios that were analysed in more detail to deduce the most relevant approaches for ERIGrid 2.0. Overall, 15 partners participated in the survey and submitted 35 scenarios. The survey results include scenarios on sector coupling, multi-energy systems, ICT and automation, energy communities, microgrids and low- inertia grids, and stability, control and grid code challenges. Detailed descriptions of Functional Scenarios submitted to the survey are presented in Appendix A: Functional Scenario Survey Data of this deliverable. The formation of the Functional Scenarios was organised in six working groups, each of which focused on a single Functional Scenario. The decision on the six Functional Scenario was taken during the NA4 regular meetings and the brainstorming workshop itself based on the results of the Functional Scenario survey. The focus of the first working group has been on a component focused scenario developed based on the survey results on DERs and inverters. The resulting Functional Scenario 1 integrates key components, such as DER inverters and controllers with ICT, control and automation architectures to enable new grid services with the development of interfaces between the active components. The second working group has been focused on topics related to microgrids and energy communities forming Functional Scenario 2 to support the local microgrid and energy community development by enabling flexibility services locally with ICT and control including exploitation of grid intelligence. While the third working group has been working on the survey results on sector coupling and multi-energy systems with Functional Scenario 3 anticipating a massive roll-out of power-to-X components in the near future by developing system level understanding of the impacts on the electrical domain. The fourth working group has been focused on grid management and overall the perspectives of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) resulting in Functional Scenario 4 assuring frequency and voltage stability in low inertia systems through capabilities of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Distributed Generation (DG), controllable loads and storage systems as well as ICT and control systems. The fifth working group has been based on the survey results comprising of aggregation, flexibility, market and reserve topics and defined Functional Scenario 5 to focus on communication functionality for aggregation, service matching, fail-over, configuration, and interoperability addressing scale-related properties of aggregation and control solutions. Lastly, the sixth working group has been focused on digitalisation including wide range of topics such as ICT infrastructure, communication, automation, control and monitoring. Functional Scenario 6 explores the impact of ICT solutions on the physical (electrical power) system covering new applications of data and data processing as well as new paths for exchanging data. The Functional Scenario templates used during the brainstorming workshop have been included in the Appendix B: Functional Scenario Templates. The work started in NA4.1 will continue in NA4.2 and NA4.4 with discussions on more detailed definitions of the test cases which will initially provide the inputs for other project activities. The discourse on the Functional Scenarios is also assumed to support ERIGrid 2.0 physical lab and virtual access work and decision-making beyond ERIGrid 2.0