328 research outputs found

    Jamais sans ma voiture ? Les banlieusards des franges de Québec

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    Le rapport à l’automobile de 70 résidents de secteurs périphériques de l’agglomération de Québec, non desservis par le transport en commun, est analysé à travers leurs comportements de mobilité, ainsi que leurs discours sur l’environnement et l’automobile. Leurs déplacements quotidiens varient beaucoup et tous les actifs ne se déplacent pas quotidiennement vers le centre-ville. Des différences selon l’âge et le sexe caractérisent non tant les comportements en tant que tels, mais plutôt le rapport affectif ou fonctionnel entretenu envers la voiture. Si les femmes aiment conduire leur voiture dans la même proportion que les hommes, ce n’est pas pour les mêmes raisons. Diminuer le recours à la voiture individuelle, ce serait transformer en profondeur tout un mode de vie ; comprendre ce mode de vie et ce pour quoi plusieurs personnes l’apprécient est essentiel dans l’atteinte de cet objectif.In terms of their relationship to the automobile, 70 residents of outlying districts of the Québec City area that are not served by public transit are analysed according to their mobility behaviours, and through their discourse on the environment and on the automobile. Their daily trips vary greatly, and not all employed individuals travel downtown on a daily basis. Differences according to age and gender come to light not so much in terms of their actual behaviours, but rather in terms of their emotional or functional relationships toward cars. While the same proportion of women enjoy driving their cars as men, it is not for the same reasons. Reducing the use of personal cars would deeply transform an entire way of life; an understanding of this way of life and why many appreciate it is essential to the achievement of this objective

    Le mal culturel

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    Utopia e outros lugares do corpo

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    Este artigo é uma reflexão livre sobre o corpo dançante, através do trabalho de pesquisa e de criação realizado dentro do Abecedário do corpo dançante. O projeto do Abecedário é apresentado na sua dinâmica relacional, enquanto o trabalho do corpo é abordado nas suas ligações com as palavras, o texto e a personalidade do bailarino, mas também na sua realidade (limite?) gravitário. Além disso, a multiplicidade e complexidade do corpo dançante são iluminadas e perspectivadas através dos conceitos deleuzianos de devir e alteridade. Após ter convocado Nancy, Louppe, Didi-Huberman, Godard, Nouss, Pouillaude, Steiner, Anzieu, Cauquelin, Desprès, Schulmann et Foucault como suportes, o artigo conclui trazendo a dimensão utópica do corpo dançante, um corpo que não existe, mas que o bailarino sente prazer em fazer existir

    Bilinguisme institutionnel, dispositifs d’immersion et stratégies d’apprentissage: le point de vue des étudiant-e-s HEP/PH en formation initiale

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    Dès son ouverture, la HEP Fribourg a mis en place des dispositifs de formation susceptibles de développer la langue partenaire. En tant qu’institution bilingue, la HEP/PH a pour mission de promouvoir le bilinguisme et de favoriser la maîtrise de la langue partenaire (L2) chez les futurs enseignant-e-s du canton de Fribourg. Dès lors, il a semblé intéressant aux auteurs de décrire certaines facettes de la réalité "immersive" telle qu’elle est vécue par les étudiant-e-s à la HEP/PH FR. Leur recherche vise à identifier les stratégies d’apprentissage déployées par les apprenant-e-s dans les situations où ils sont exposés à la L2

    Health Problems After Travel to Developing Countries

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    Travelers to developing countries participated in a follow-up study of the health risks associated with short (less than three months) visits to these nations. Travelers to the Greek or Canary Islands served as a control cohort. Participants completed a questionnaire to elicit information regarding pretravel vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis, and health problems during and after their journey. Relevant infections were confirmed by the respondent's personal physician. The questionnaire was completed by 10,524 travelers; the answer rate was 73.8%. After a visit to developing countries, 15% of the travelers reported health problems, 8% consulted a doctor, and 3% were unable to work for an average of 15 days. The incidence of infection per month abroad was as follows: giardiasis, 7/1,000; amebiasis, 4/1,000; hepatitis, 4/1,000; gonorrhea, 3/1,000; and malaria, helminthiases, or syphilis, <1/1,000. There were no cases of typhoid fever or choler

    Le syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 : évaluation et traitement en physiothérapie

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    Travail d'intégration réalisé dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.Problématique : Le syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 (SDRC-1) est caractérisé par une variété de symptômes moteurs, sensoriels et autonomiques. La présentation clinique varie, mais inclue fréquemment la présence d’une douleur démesurée par rapport au trauma initial. La pathophysiologie étant encore mal comprise, c’est un défi de reconnaître le SDRC-I et de poser le diagnostic clinique et de le traiter. Objectif(s): Recenser les modalités d’évaluation et de traitement en physiothérapie dans la littérature et faire un constat de la prise en charge réelle des patients atteints du SDRC-I dans le Montréal métropolitain. Stratégie méthodologique : Revue de littérature faite à partir des bases de données Medline, Cinahl, Cochrane et Embase ainsi que des rencontres avec 16 différents milieux cliniques de Montréal. Résultats : Les critères diagnostiques de Bruehl(1999) semblent faire consensus. L’Impairment Level SumScore identifie le niveau de sévérité de la pathologie. La physiothérapie est complémentaire aux autres approches thérapeutiques. Le programme d’imagerie motrice (PIM) incluant la thérapie miroir est la modalité de traitement avec la meilleure évidence scientifique. Quoique certaines cliniques utilisent des pratiques appuyées par la littérature, un manque de connaissances et d’uniformité au niveau du PIM et de la prise en charge initiale sont présents dans la majorité des milieux. Conclusion : Les cliniciens doivent tenter de reconnaître les premiers signes du SDRC-1 le plus tôt possible afin d’éviter la persistance de la pathologie. La prise en charge devrait être assurée par une équipe interdisciplinaire et le PIM devrait faire partie du plan de traitement

    Health Problems After Travel to Developing Countries

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    Travelers to developing countries participated in a follow-up study of the health risks associated with short (less than three months) visits to these nations. Travelers to the Greek or Canary Islands served as a control cohort. Participants completed a questionnaire to elicit information regarding pretravel vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis, and health problems during and after their journey. Relevant infections were confirmed by the respondent's personal physician. The questionnaire was completed by 10,524 travelers; the answer rate was 73.8%. After a visit to developing countries, 15% of the travelers reported health problems, 8% consulted a doctor, and 3% were unable to work for an average of 15 days. The incidence of infection per month abroad was as follows: giardiasis, 7/1,000; amebiasis, 4/1,000; hepatitis, 4/1,000; gonorrhea, 3/1,000; and malaria, helminthiases, or syphilis, <1/1,000. There were no cases of typhoid fever or choler

    XP-Antarctik Expedition: The Effect of a Month-Long Expedition in Antarctica on Physiological Performance

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    Antarctica is a challenging habitat for humans. A group of 6 explorers (3 women and 3 men) participated in an expedition in Antarctica. The objective was to observe the physiological acclimatization of the explorers using the following strategies: physical preparation, highcaloric nutritional intake, and the latest physiological monitoring and outdoor equipment. Anthropometric measures (dual x-ray absorptiometry), specific maximal aerobic test, maximal aerobic running speed test, submaximal aerobic cold testing, strength tests (grip strength, leg press and chin up), and endurance tests (bar suspension and chair position) were conducted pre- and post-expedition. Due to the sample size, a paired t-test was used for normally distributed data and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) to compare values pre- and post-expedition. Effect sizes are presented as Cohen’s d. The lean mass for the women was significantly higher after the expedition (45.4 ± 4.4 vs. 47.1 ± 4.1 kg; p = 0.040, d = 1.86); however, no significant difference was observed for the men (66.7 ± 7.3 vs. 66.0 ± 5.7 kg; p = 0.581, d = 0.11). Pre- and post-expedition values were significantly different for the specific maximal aerobic test, where the VO2peak was 40.8 ± 4.2 vs. 46.9 ± 7.4 ml/kg/min, respectively (p = 0.027, d = 1.01), but no significant difference was observed for the other aerobic tests. The muscular testing did not change significantly, except for the left leg one maximal repetition (295 ± 110 vs. 364 ± 135 lb, pre- and post-expedition respectively, p = 0.031, d = -0.56). The overall preparation for the expedition appears to be a key aspect in order to countermeasure the physical ability decay during an Antarctica expedition. However, further studies will need to be developed to discern the importance of the preparation components

    Can headache profile predict future disability: a cohort study

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    rapmad: Robust analysis of peptide microarray data

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    Background: Peptide microarrays offer an enormous potential as a screening tool for peptidomics experiments and have recently seen an increased field of application ranging from immunological studies to systems biology. By allowing the parallel analysis of thousands of peptides in a single run they are suitable for high-throughput settings. Since data characteristics of peptide microarrays differ from DNA oligonucleotide microarrays, computational methods need to be tailored to these specifications to allow a robust and automated data analysis. While follow-up experiments can ensure the specificity of results, sensitivity cannot be recovered in later steps. Providing sensitivity is thus a primary goal of data analysis procedures. To this end we created rapmad (Robust Alignment of Peptide MicroArray Data), a novel computational tool implemented in R. Results: We evaluated rapmad in antibody reactivity experiments for several thousand peptide spots and compared it to two existing algorithms for the analysis of peptide microarrays. rapmad displays competitive and superior behavior to existing software solutions. Particularly, it shows substantially improved sensitivity for low intensity settings without sacrificing specificity. It thereby contributes to increasing the effectiveness of high throughput screening experiments. Conclusions: rapmad allows the robust and sensitive, automated analysis of high-throughput peptide array data. The rapmad R-package as well as the data sets are available from http://www.tron-mz.de/compmed