360 research outputs found

    Violent deaths and the path to judicialization of LGBTphobia in Brazil: The (non) guarantee of protection of rights

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    This exploratory research was based on bibliographic and documentary sources and aimed to address the performance of the three branches regarding the criminalization of LGBTphobia. These people are stigmatized because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, since they differ from the heteronormativity still prevailing in society, which has led them to suffer more and more different types of violence, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological aggressions, to which they are constantly subjected. The lack of official data, beforehand, shows the real neglect of the public authority towards the rights and guarantees of this minority, in addition to the lack of effective public policies and non-investigation and non-judgment of crimes commonly poignant, which reveal true state violence. It was found that few actions by the executive branch go beyond the planning stage and that the endless discussions by the legislative can be described as true inertia, resulting in numerous quarrels in the judiciary branch, in which the LGBT community has achieved progress in denouncing human rights violations and in the relentless search for overcoming discrimination

    “Body and Soul Pain”: Conception and social support network for women who experienced marital violence

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    Violence is a problem to be understood in an interdisciplinary way. This qualitative study aimed to understand the conception of women who experienced marital violence and structurally analyze their social support networks. Five women who reported their spouses to the Women’s Police Station (DECCM) and were being monitored by the Technical Team of the Women’s Emergency Support Service (SAPEM) were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. A constructive-interpretive analysis was performed to identify the conceptions of experience of marital violence and through the Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) it was possible to make an analysis and a graphic representation of the social support network for the women participating in this study. In general, it was observed that all women understand physical violence as actions that cause damage to the human anatomical and physiological structure. However, their conceptions are not limited to physical injury; they are also related to affective issues. For the participants, conjugal violence is not fragmented into “types of violence”, on the contrary, it occurs “agglutinated”, affecting the body and soul. Regarding the development of women’s social support network, they all have a family member as support – usually sons/daughters or mothers – and most of them count on the SAPEM technical team. The police station/police is also part of the network. Therefore, these tactics used in the social support network structure have different mechanisms by which the women reorganized their stories, electing some people and/or institutions, excluding others, highlighting this or that person and/or institution to make them agents for minimizing threatening behavior to themselves and their families. These people, when called in, seem to act either to curb violence and to strengthen the couple’s marital bonds or to break these bond

    First report of the mite Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 in the auditory canal of free-living giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758

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    Os jardins zoológicos são excelente fonte de material biológico para pesquisas, pois recebem exemplares de animais silvestres de vida livre com frequência. O presente relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de ácaros em canal auditivo em tamanduá-bandeira de vida livre na Região Metropolitana de Sorocaba, encaminhado ao Zoológico de Sorocaba. Durante exame clínico do animal foram localizados e colhidos ectoparasitos do paciente. Os ácaros colhidos do canal auditivo foram depositados em potes plásticos com álcool 70% e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Referência Nacional em Vetores das Riquetsioses (LIRN) do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). Utilizando chaves taxonômicas específicas e com auxílio de microscópio, foram identificados morfologicamente à espécie Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896. A espécie já foi registrada em outras espécies da Ordem Pilosa, mas este é o primeiro registro da espécie Psoralges libertus parasitando Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 de vida livre.Zoological parks are an excellent source of biological material for research, as they often receive free-living wild animals. The present report discusses the occurrence of mites in the ear canal in a free-living anteater in the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba, forwarded to the Sorocaba Zoo. During the clinical examination of the animal ectoparasites were located and collected. The mites were collected from the ear canal and were deposited in plastic pots with 70% alcohol, then sent to the National Reference Laboratory for Rickettsial Diseases Vectors (LIRN) of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). Using taxonomic specific keys and with the aid of a microscope, the species Psoralges libertus Trouessart, 1896 was morphologically identified. This species was reported in another species from the Order Pilosa, but it is the first record of Psoralges libertus parasitizing a free-living Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758

    Currículo escolar e lenguaje cinematográfico: um estudio em uma escuela de Belém (PA): School curriculum and cinematographic language: a study in a school in Belém (PA)

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    O trabalho relata uma experiência de inserção dos conceitos da linguagem cinematográfica no currículo escolar de uma escola pública de ensino fundamental de Belém (PA) com alunos do 5º ano, identificando as contribuições que este conteúdo traz para o aprendizado desse aluno e a importância de inseri-lo no contexto curricular escolar, considerando o potencial do cinema em ser utilizado como recurso didático. A pesquisa teve como método a pesquisa ação, por meio de uma oficina realizada em sala de aula abordando questões conceituais da linguagem cinematográfica, onde se observou a possível relação positiva. Tendo como pressuposto que o cinema ocupa um importante lugar na sociedade, sendo um campo de manifestações culturais, sociais e históricas, carregando um potencial significativo a ser utilizado em sala de aula. Por isso, conhecer a linguagem que o cinema utiliza possui uma relevância importantíssima para o alcance de sua utilização mais profunda

    Gas-phase metallicity determinations in nearby AGNs with SDSS-IV MaNGA : evidence of metal-poor accretion

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    We derive the metallicity (traced by the O/H abundance) of the narrow-line region (NLR) of 108 Seyfert galaxies as well as radial metallicity gradients along their galaxy discs and of these of a matched control sample of no active galaxies. In view of that, observational data from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey and strong emission-line calibrations taken from the literature were considered. The metallicity obtained for the NLRs was compared to the value derived from the extrapolation of the radial oxygen abundance gradient, obtained from H II region estimates along the galaxy disc, to the central part of the host galaxies. We find that, for most of the objects (∼ 80 per cent), the NLR metallicity is lower than the extrapolated value, with the average difference ( D ) between these estimates ranging from 0.16 to 0.30 dex. We suggest that D is due to the accretion of metal-poor gas to the AGN that feeds the nuclear supermassive black hole (SMBH), which is drawn from a reservoir molecular and/or neutral hydrogen around the SMBH. Additionally, we look for correlations between D and the electron density (Ne), [O III]λ5007, and H α luminosities, extinction coefficient (AV) of the NLRs, as well as the stellar mass (M∗) of the host galaxies. Evidence of an inverse correlation between the D and the parameters Ne, M∗, and Av was found

    LaMMos - Latching Mechanism based on Motorized-screw for Reconfigurable Robots and Exoskeleton Suits

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    Reconfigurable robots refer to a category of robots that their components (individual joints and links) can be assembled in multiple configurations and geometries. Most of existing latching mechanisms are based on physical tools such as hooks, cages or magnets, which limit the payload capacity. Therefore, robots re- quire a latching mechanism which can help to reconfigure itself without sacrificing the payload capability. This paper presents a latching mechanism based on the flexible screw attaching principle. In which, actuators are used to move the robot links and joints while connecting them with a motorized-screw and dis- connecting them by unfastening the screw. The brackets used in our mechanism configuration helps to hold maximum force up to 5000N. The LaMMos - Latching Mechanism based on Motorized- screw has been applied to the DeWaLoP - Developing Water Loss Prevention in-pipe robot. It helps the robot to shrink its body to crawl into the pipe with minimum diameter, by recon- figuring the leg positions. And it helps to recover the legs positions to original status once the robot is inside the pipe. Also, LaMMos add stiffness to the robot legs by dynamically integrate them to the structure. Additionally, we present an application of the LaMMos mechanism to exoskeleton suits, for easing the mo- tors from the joints when carrying heavy weights for long periods of time. This mechanism offers many interesting opportunities for robotics research in terms of functionality, pay- load and size.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Primary intra-osseous Hybrid Schwannoma-Perineurioma in the mandible

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    Benign nerve sheath tumours include perineuriomas, schwannomas and neurofibromas. Hybrid schwannoma-perineurioma represents a cutaneous, subcutaneous or occasionally intra-osseous tumour with schwannian cytomorphology and perineurioma-like architecture consisting of a mixture of both types of cells. These tumours can develop at any age and there is no gender-predilection. Tongue is the most frequently affected site, followed by palate, mouth floor, jugal mucosa, lips and, more rarely, mandible. We present a case of hybrid tumour with schwannoma-perineurioma morphology located on the right mandibular body (intra-osseous) of a 54-year-old female patient. The tumour was symptomatic and evolving for six months. Microscopically, it was encapsulated and highly cellularised, presenting fascicular aspect and exhibiting scant mitotic activity. The tumour consisted of distinct cellular populations involving fusiform cells, cells with wavy and hyperchromatic nucleus or even epithelioid cells. Positive immunostaining for S-100 and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was observed. The lesion was completely removed under general anaesthesia, with the patient showing no clinical or radiographic sign of relapse after two-year follow-up. Despite the limited knowledge on the pathogenesis of Hybrid Schwannoma-Perineurioma, these tumours seem to present a non-aggressive biological behaviour. Conservative surgery provides adequate solution without recurrence, even after a long-term follow-up


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    O presente artigo retrata um panorama das condições femininas no Amazonas do período colonial ao século XX, com a implantação da Zona Franca de Manaus. Iniciamos com uma análise do mito das índias “exóticas” e “dispostas” a satisfazer a lascívia do homem branco. Abordamos a visão estruturada pelas representações da “mulher que não se dá com seringa”, da mulher de padrão europeu que serve para casar e da mulher pobre responsável pela existência da imoralidade. Após isso, segue análise sobre o período da Zona Franca de Manaus, em que as mulheres vivenciaram o sexismo no mercado de trabalho industrial o que suscitou a organização de movimentos femininos no PIM. Essa análise nos permitiu compreender que as variações nas condições femininas na Amazônia, fragmentos da história de mulheres amazonenses sob o viés dos papéis de gênero relacionando com o pensamento de autoras feministas, e registrar a contribuição das mulheres da região ao desenvolvimento e autonomia territorial