7 research outputs found

    "Gyöngyösbokréta" (1931–1948): An Interwar Folk-Cultural Movement That Influenced Identity Construction and Heritage Preservation

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    The post-World War I period was characterized by a search for identity and a turning towards the past, which, in Hungary’s case led to the (re)discovery of folk culture. The idea to represent the popular traditions of the Hungarian peasantry was realized as part of the Saint Stephen’s Day celebration in 1931 in Budapest, and in just a few years, these annual performances of the popular dances and customs became a movement: the support of the ministries allowed the movement’s leader to form an association which was joined by a hundred groups from Greater Hungary. Whereas the government saw the potential in this movement, these peasant groups were soon given a representative role in the identity construction. At the same time, these performances also served to preserve the endangered folk heritage. In a decade and a half, the movement had an impact on fashion and tourism, as well as strengthening the idea of revision. In this article I aim to present the history of the Gyöngyösbokréta-movement and highlight the mentality of the era regarding popular culture, the relationship between rural Hungary and Budapest, the notion of heritage preservation and identity construction

    A Gyöngyösbokréta és az örökségvédelem

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    Cisplatin administration influences on toxic and non-essential element metabolism in rats

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    Nowadays several papers deal with the effectiveness and side effects of metal complexes, especially cisplatin, in cancer therapy. The excretion of essential metal elements from the body is a serious problem in the treatment, but there are no data concerning the distribution and metabolism of toxic and nonessential elements. Therefore our aim was to study the concentration of some of these elements after treatment with cisplatin. Male Wistar rats (n=20, 175-190 g) were randomly divided into 2 groups (n=10/group). The control group received 1% (w/v) methyl cellulose at 10 mL/kg body weight, p.o. by gastric gavage twice daily for 14 days, while cisplatin was injected i.p. in a single dose of 6.5 mg/kg body weight. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for measuring Al, B, Ba, Cr, Li, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr and V content in plasma, liver and kidney. Liver total scavenger capacity, diene conjugate content and malondialdehyde concentration were also determined. Cisplatin elevated the free radical reactions in the liver, although redox balance did not change significantly. According to the study it seems that the metabolism of Al, Ba, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sr were changed by the effect of cisplatin, and the most notable alterations were found for Al and Pb. Therefore, besides the toxic effect of and free radical induction by Pt, the side effects of increased levels of other toxic and non-essential elements have to be taken into consideration

    "Gyöngyösbokréta" (1931–1948): An Interwar Folk-Cultural Movement That Influenced Identity Construction and Heritage Preservation

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    The post-World War I period was characterized by a search for identity and a turning towards the past, which, in Hungary’s case led to the (re)discovery of folk culture. The idea to represent the popular traditions of the Hungarian peasantry was realized as part of the Saint Stephen’s Day celebration in 1931 in Budapest, and in just a few years, these annual performances of the popular dances and customs became a movement: the support of the ministries allowed the movement’s leader to form an association which was joined by a hundred groups from Greater Hungary. Whereas the government saw the potential in this movement, these peasant groups were soon given a representative role in the identity construction. At the same time, these performances also served to preserve the endangered folk heritage. In a decade and a half, the movement had an impact on fashion and tourism, as well as strengthening the idea of revision. In this article I aim to present the history of the Gyöngyösbokréta-movement and highlight the mentality of the era regarding popular culture, the relationship between rural Hungary and Budapest, the notion of heritage preservation and identity construction

    A fővárosi Nagycirkusz állandó épületeinek története és reprezentációs szerepe = The history and representative role of permanent buildings of the Capital Circus of Budapest

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    A Fõvárosi Nagycirkusz elõdjének 1889-es meg- építése óta a cirkuszépületek építésérõl szóló le- véltári dokumentumok, újságcikkek többségé- ben arról olvashatunk, hogy egy cirkuszépület- nek világvárosi színvonalúnak, szép, elegáns épü- letnek kell lennie – mindez máig meghatározza a cirkuszépülettel szembeni elvárásokat. Tanulmányomban a Városligetben felállított, ar- rébb költöztetett, majd újraépített Fõvárosi Nagy- cirkusz épületeinek történetét mutatom be, hang- súlyozva azok megítélését és reprezentációs sze- repét. A fõvárosi közgyûlések iratainak, levele- zéseknek és szerzõdéseknek idézésével igyek- szem érzékeltetni, milyen reprezentációs szere- pet szántak a cirkuszépületnek. Bemutatom to- vábbá, milyen elvárásoknak kellett megfelelni- ük és milyen nehézségekkel kellett szembenéz- niük az egykori igazgatóknak, míg a sajtóban megjelenõ kritikákon, cikkeken keresztül kiraj- zolódik, mi volt a vélekedés az épületek megje- lenésérõl. Az állandó cirkuszépületek bölcsõjé- nek számító Városliget és a Cirkusz néhány, itt található konkurenciája is említésre kerül, hi- szen ezek is árnyalják az állandó cirkuszépület reprezentációs szerepét. | Since the 1889 construction of the Capital Circus' predecessor, most archival docu- ments and articles describing the buil- ding of circuses stated that such edifices had to be world class, beautiful and eleg- ant. This has been setting the expecta- tions towards circus buildings to this day. In my essay I aim to present the story of the City Park-based, relocated, then reconst- ructed buildings of the Capital Circus with an emphasis on their judgement and representative role. With references of the Capital Assembly’s documents, letters and contracts I aim to convey the represen- tative role assigned to the circus. Further- more, I present the expectations it had to meet and the difficulties previous direc- tors had to face while press criticism and articles show opinions about the appear- ance of the building. I also mention the birthplace of permanent circuses, the City Park and also the various competitors sin- ce they also shared the representative role of the permanent circus building

    Changes of essential element content and prevention of cisplatin induced oxidative stress in rat liver by CV247 administration

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    Introduction: Metals accumulate mainly in the kidney during cancer therapy with metal complexes. Since liver is the most important organ for chemical metabolism, its function can determine the effectiveness of therapy because of joint side effect of different chemicals in the liver. The aim of the study was to investigate the concentration of the essential elements Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, S, Zn and antioxidant status in the rat livers following treatment with cisplatin and CV247, a product which contains Cu and Mn gluconate, ascorbic acid and Na salicylate. Methods: Male Wistar rats (n = 40, 175-190g) were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 10/group). The control group received 1% (w/v)(1) methyl cellulose at 10 mL/kg body weight, p.o.(2) by gastric gavage twice daily for 14 days, while cisplatin was injected i.p.(3) in a single dose of 6.5 mg/kg body weight. The CV247 treated group received 3 mL CV247/kg body weight, p.o. twice daily for 14 days. The fourth group of rats was treated with cisplatin and CV247 in the mentioned doses. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for measuring Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, S, Zn in the liver and total scavenger capacity, malondialdehyde and diene conjugate content were also determined. Results: Element depletion was found in the liver of both rat groups treated with CV247, nevertheless the oxidative stress caused by cisplatin was diminished by CV247. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the importance of essential elements, such as Ca and Mg supply during cancer therapy. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved