9 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Mackerel Tuna (Euthynnus affinis) Fish Oil During Storage in Freezer

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    Red flesh fish contain in some varieties of fatty acids. One of the fish that has potential as a source of fish oil is mackerel tuna. The Fatty acid content in mackerel tuna can be used as the source of fatty acid for the human body if that component has been separated from other substances such as water or extracted from fish flesh. The method used to produce oil or fat from the materials suspected to have them is called extraction. While the way of extraction used is wet rendering. This research aims to know the characteristics of omega-3 during storage in the freezer. The Materials used in this research was Mackerel Tuna (Euthynnus affinis). This research was an experimental laboratory with three repetitions. The storage duration consisted of the zero and the thirtieth day. The parameters observed were the amount of yield, a profile of fatty acids, peroxide value, and the test of organoleptic during storage. Analysis data used variety analysis (ANOVA) and advanced test of Tukey HSD. The result data of the organoleptic test was analyzed by Kruskal Wallis test. The result showed that the yield of mackerel fish oil with wet rendering was 0,90% (w/w). There was nine profile of fatty acids consisting of SFA, MUFA, and PUFA. The omega-3 of mackerel tuna fish oil decreases during storage by 5,035% to 3,332%. The peroxide value has been increased from 13,59 meq/kg to 15,45 meq/kg. Organoleptic tests during storage decreased from 5,43 to 5,37. Storage of mackerel tuna fish oil significantly affected the content of fatty acids, peroxide value, and organoleptic value (P<0,05


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    Fish and other fishery products are one of the important food sources in fulfilling human nutritional needs. Fish contains nutrients that are good for the body and are easily digested by the body. Fish is a source of animal protein that comes from the water. Fish is rich in nutritional content, such as protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Fish is a source of long chain fatty acids, such as omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids from marine and fresh fish are higher than those from land and vegetable animals. The potential for fish availability is more than other fishery products, so that to meet the nutritional needs of the body can be done by consuming fish as needed. Public knowledge about the importance of nutritional content in fish for health is still low, so there is a need for knowledge about the nutritional content of fish and their health benefits. This review explains the nutritional content of seawater and freshwater fish and its benefits for health


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    Cadmium is a non-essential metal that has a toxic effect on organisms in the aquatic environment, including diatoms, which are organisms that have an important role in the aquatic environment. One aspect of the toxic effect of cadmium is the growth inhibition of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are unicellular organisms that have an important role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers. Exposure of the heavy metal cadmium to phytoplankton can have an impact on the balance of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems. This literature study will discuss the impact of exposure to heavy metal cadmium on phytoplankton and the mechanism of its toxicity. Exposure to cadmium has been shown to affect the physiology and morphology of phytoplankton by inhibiting cell growth, damaging chloroplasts and photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll (chlorosis).Cadmium is a non-essential metal that has a toxic effect on organisms in the aquatic environment, including diatoms, which are organisms that have an important role in the aquatic environment. One aspect of the toxic effect of cadmium is the growth inhibition of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are unicellular organisms that have an important role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers. Exposure of the heavy metal cadmium to phytoplankton can have an impact on the balance of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems. This literature study will discuss the impact of exposure to heavy metal cadmium on phytoplankton and the mechanism of its toxicity. Exposure to cadmium has been shown to affect the physiology and morphology of phytoplankton by inhibiting cell growth, damaging chloroplasts and photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll (chlorosis)

    Characterization of Crude Cellulase of Seagrass Endophytic Fungus

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    In this study, cellulase was produced by endophytic fungus isolated from seagrass. Substrate used for incubating the fungus was the waste of agar industry. The objectives of this study were to optimize cellulase production and to characterize the highest activity of fungal crude cellulase. In our previous study, the EN isolate (isolated from Enhalus sp.) showed the highest cellulolytic index. Therefore, in this research we focused on cellulase activity of the isolate. Cellulase activity was determined based on endoglucanase activity, total cellulase activity, and β-glucosidase activity. The highest activity was then used to determine cellulase activity in enzyme characterization. The fungus was cultured in different concentration of agar extraction algal wastes. The fungal culture was incubated for 3-21 days with 120 rpm orbital shaker. The results showed that endoglucanase activity was 0.019-0.031 U/mL, total cellulase activity was 0.007-0.013 U/mL, and β-glucosidase activity was 0.00012-0.00361 U/mL. The highest endoglucanase and total cellulase activity were obtained from the fungal culture after 9 days incubation, β-glucosidase was obtained from the fungal culture after 15 days incubation with 1.5% of algal waste as substrate. The optimum pH and temperature were determined as 4 and 60 oC, maximum reaction rate (Vmax) and Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for endoglucanase activity was determined as 0.044 U/mL and 0.103% respectively


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    Cellulolytic fungi are potentially useful in biotechnology. Decomposition of substrates containing cellulose can be applied in bioethanol and enzymes production. Fungi are one group of microorganisms that can decompose cellulase materials.  This study aimed to obtain potential cellulolytic fungi isolated from marine habitat. Screening of the fungi was performed using CBM media with different salinity. Six isolates were tested quantitatively for cellulolytic activity using congo red staining. Cellulolytic index of algicolous and manglicolous fungi were lower than those of EN isolate, Veronea sp. KT19, and sponge associate (SMH). Fungi cultured in freshwater and seawater media possessed higher cellulolytic index in compared to those of cultures in 3% NaCl medium. However, freshwater and seawater media showed no significant effect. Cellulolytic index of EN isolate, Veronaea sp. KT19, and SMH after six days of incubation were 1.357; 1.267, and 1.278, respectively. All six isolates potentially produced cellulase in all medium tested. Keywords: Cellulolytic, cellulose, endophytes, enzym

    Pemetaan Daya Saing Subsektor Perikanan Tangkap di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Usaha perikanan tangkap memiliki peran penting dalam penyediaan ikan di Jawa Barat. Usaha perikanan tangkap di kabupaten/kota yang memiliki laut telah berkembang sesuai dengan potensi wilayah serta berbagai sumber daya yang mendukungnya. Tingkat daya saing akan mencerminkan perbedaan perkembangan usaha perikanan tangkap di masing-masing daerah. Daya saing perikanan tangkap dapat dijadikan tolak ukur perkembangan, pemetaan, dan perencaaan pembangunan daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memetakan dan menganalisis daya saing subsektor perikanan tangkap antar kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan Mei—September 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode literature review untuk memetakan dan menganalisis daya saing perikanan tangkap sepuluh kabupaten dan satu kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang memiliki wilayah laut. Data primer berupa pendapat ahli (expert judgement) mengenai proporsi daya saing usaha perikanan tangkap. Data sekunder berupa data statistik perikanan tangkap dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Analisis data yang dilakukan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kabupaten yang berdaya saing sangat tinggi adalah Kabupaten Indramayu dan Cirebon. Keunggulan dari kedua kabupaten ini adalah sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana, produksi, serta penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (Iptek). Sementara itu, Kabupaten Cianjur, Kabupaten Garut, dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya yang berada di wilayah selatan mempunyai tingkat daya saing rendah.Title: Mapping the Competitiveness of Capture Fisheries Subsector in West Java ProvinceThe capture fisheries have an essential role in providing fish in West Java. Fishing efforts in districts/cities that have the sea have developed following the region’s potential and various resources that support it. The level of competitiveness will reflect the difference in the development of fishing businesses in each area. Therefore, the competitiveness of fishing can be used as a benchmark for regional development, regional mapping, and regional development planning. This study aims to map and analyze the competitiveness of the inter-district fishing subsector in West Java Province. The survey was conducted during May—September 2019. The method used in this study is a literature review method to map and analyze the competitiveness of fisheries capture ten districts and one city in West Java Province that has a sea area. Primary data in the form of expert judgement on the proportion of competitiveness of fishing businesses. Secondary data in fishing statistics from the Marine and Fisheries Office of West Java Province. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. This study shows that the very competitive districts are Indramayu and Cirebon regencies. The advantages of these two districts are human resources, facilities and infrastructure, production, and application of science and technology. Meanwhile, the southern region’s Cianjur Regency, Garut Regency, and Tasikmalaya Regency have low competitiveness levels

    Mutu Omega-3 Minyak Ikan dari Berbagai Jenis Ikan Berdaging Merah Selama Penyimpanan pada Suhu Rendah

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    Lemak atau minyak yang terkandung dalam beberapa jenis ikan berdaging merah yaitu ikan lemuru, ikan tongkol dan ikan kembung dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber asupan asam lemak bagi tubuh manusia jika komponen tersebut sudah dipisahkan dari unsur lain seperti air atau diekstraksi dari daging ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan jenis ikan berdaging merah yang berbeda, lama penyimpanan yang berbeda dalam ekstraksi minyak ikan terhadap omega-3 yang dihasilkan, serta ada tidaknya pengaruh interaksi antara jenis ikan dan lama waktu penyimpanan terhadap omega-3 yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan jenis ikan yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) pada semua perlakuan

    Karakteristik Kualitas Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Asap dengan Asap Cair Bonggol Jagung Selama Penyimpanan Beku

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    Aplikasi asap cair telah dikembangkan saat ini sebagai alternatif metode pengasapan yang menghasilkan kualitas ikan asap yang lebih baik dibandingkan pengasapan tradisonal. Penyimpanan pada suhu beku dapat memperpanjang umur simpan dan kualitas ikan asap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Perubahan karakteristik tekstur dan nutrisi ikan tongkol asap dengan asap cair bonggol jagung yang disimpan pada suhu beku ±-18 0C selama 28 hari. Parameter uji yang digunakan adalah kadar air, nilai pH, kadar protein, kelarutan protein, dan karakteristik tekstur ikan secara mikroskopik dengan Scanning Electron Microscope. Analisis data dalam percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan lama penyimpanan yang berbeda (0 hari; 14 hari; dan 28 hari) pada suhu beku ±-18 0C . Hasil analisa ragam menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan suhu beku pada ikan tongkol asap dengan asap cair bonggol jagung memberikan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kualitas ikan asap meliputi kadar air, nilai pH, kadar protein, dan kelarutan protein. Selama penyimpanan, terjadi penurunan nilai kadar air, pH, kadar protein, dan kelarutan protein yang signifikan. Karakteristik tekstur ikan secara mikroskopik menunjukkan Perubahan struktur morfologi daging ikan selama penyimpanan 28 hari di suhu beku. Perubahan tekstur tersebut terjadi akibat proses denaturasi protein. Ikatan-ikatan struktur daging akan berkurang selama penyimpanan akibat ketidakmampuan protein miofibril mengikat air yang ditunjukkan dengan terbentuknya benang-benang miosin yang semakin bertambah selama penyimpanan