830 research outputs found

    Var eŽ brudarna? Avsaknad av identifikationsmöjligheter ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv

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    Sammanfattning Undersökningen Àr en kritisk granskning av ett pedagogiskt arbetssÀtt som anvÀnds i en Äldersblandad klass (Är 3-4) pÄ en skola i en av Göteborgs nordöstra stadsdelar. Undervisningen i denna klass bygger pÄ att eleverna dagligen fÄr brev och uppgifter frÄn olika karaktÀrer hÀmtade ur barnlitteraturens vÀrld. DÄ alla elever i klassen har svenska som sitt andrasprÄk har arbetssÀttet i första hand ett sprÄkutvecklande syfte, ett syfte som ocksÄ i stor utstrÀckning uppnÄs. Vi har dock kunnat konstatera att klassens lÀrare, som ansvarar för att vÀlja ut litteraturen, saknar mÄngfaldsperspektiv utifrÄn faktorer som genus, klass, etnicitet/nationalitet och sexualitet. Denna omedvetenhet leder till att majoriteten av barnboksfigurerna faller inom de rÄdande normer som genomsyrar vÄrt samhÀlle: det vill sÀga vita, heterosexuella medeklassmÀn/killar dominerar. Avsaknaden av mÄngfald stÀmmer illa överens med mÄlen i de styrdokument (Lpo 94) som pedagogerna Àr Älagda att följa. VÄrt syfte med studien Àr att söka svar pÄ i vilken utstrÀckning eleverna har möjligheter att identifiera sig med de barnboksfigurer de arbetar med, samt vilka betydelser vi kan se att avsaknad av identifikationsmöjligheter fÄr. Vi anvÀnder oss av en kvalitativ metod dÀr intervjuer med elever utgör den viktigaste empirin. VÄr teoretiska grund bygger pÄ poststrukturalism och vÄrt frÀmsta analysverktyg Àr intersektionalitet, ett begrepp som anvÀnds för att skapa förstÄelse för hur olika maktasymmetrier (t ex genus, klass, etnicitet/nationalitet) samverkar. Vi kan, utifrÄn intervjumaterialet, se att ovan nÀmnda faktorer verkar ha betydelse för möjlighet till identifikation. Den verklighet som Àr elevernas finns i alltför liten utstrÀckning representerad bland barnboksfigurerna och detta menar vi bidrar till att reproducera de hierarkiska samhÀllsnormer som rÄder. Vi kan ocksÄ se att elevernas förstÄelse av figurerna skapas i en komplex process dÀr samhÀllets vÀrderingar och normer stÀndigt nÀrvarar och Äterskapas

    Note From the Editor

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    Background and AimsTo review published studies on the effectiveness of combining cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI) to treat comorbid clinical and subclinical alcohol use disorder (AUD) and major depression (MDD) and estimate the effect of this compared with usual care. MethodsWe conducted systematic literature searches in PubMed, PsycINFO and Embase up to June 2013 and identified additional studies through cross-references in included studies and systematic reviews. Twelve studies comprising 1721 patients met our inclusion criteria. The studies had sufficient statistical power to detect small effect sizes. ResultsCBT/MI proved effective for treating subclinical and clinical AUD and MDD compared with controls, with small overall effect sizes at post-treatment [g=0.17, confidence interval (CI)=0.07-0.28, Pless than0.001 for decrease of alcohol consumption and g=0.27, CI: 0.13-0.41, Pless than0.001 for decrease of symptoms of depression, respectively]. Subgroup analyses revealed no significant differences for both AUD and MDD. However, digital interventions showed a higher effect size for depression than face-to-face interventions (g=0.73 and g=0.23, respectively, P=0.030). ConclusionsCombined cognitive-behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing for clinical or subclinical depressive and alcohol use disorders has a small but clinically significant effect in treatment outcomes compared with treatment as usual

    From park characteristic towards environmental characteristic : the park characteristics as inventory basis for the entire landscape

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    ParkkaraktÀrerna hÀrstammar frÄn forskning kring mÀnniskors preferenser i parker. I daglÀget utvecklas karaktÀrerna mot att fungera som inventeringsunderlag för hela landskapet, som ett mÄtt pÄ rekreativa vÀrden. I samband med detta döptes karaktÀrerna om till miljökaraktÀrer. SvÄrigheter finns med att omsÀtta karaktÀrerna till ett konkret planeringsverktyg, eftersom de bygger pÄ mÀnniskors subjektiva vÀrderingar. Detta examensarbete grundar sig pÄ en regional inventering av fyra utav de Ätta karaktÀrerna. De karaktÀrerna som inventerades, i samarbete med de 33 skÄnska kommunerna, var AllmÀnningen, LustgÄrden, Centrum/festen och Rymd. I kommande undersökning har karaktÀren LustgÄrden valts ut som underlag till en djupstudie av det insamlade materialet. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att frÀmja utvecklingen av karaktÀrerna som inventeringsunderlag och planeringsverktyg. Djupstudien bygger pÄ analyser av tre förvaltningstyper och deras tolkning av karaktÀren LustgÄrden. Förvaltningstyperna Àr de tre som dominerat bland de besökta kommunerna i inventeringen, nÀmligen planavdelning, parkförvaltning samt miljöförvaltning. Resultatet av djupstudien indikerar att planavdelningarnas tolkningar ligger nÀrmast de grundtankar som LustgÄrden hÀrstammar ifrÄn, samt att tolkningen av karaktÀrerna Àr beroende av informanternas olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter. Diskussionsavsnittet ger förslag pÄ utveckling av karaktÀren LustgÄrden mot att omfatta alla Äldersgrupper, samt förslag pÄ ett namnbyte eftersom benÀmningen LustgÄrden verkar tilltala en individ pÄ ett personligt plan vilket medför att karaktÀrens ursprung gÄr förlorat vid inventering. Vidare ger diskussionen tips för den som i framtiden ska arbeta med inventering av karaktÀrerna, eller liknande redskap. Exempel pÄ tips Àr involvera planavdelningarna, definiera detaljeringsgraden och anpassa informanterna efter denna samt var tydlig i instruktionerna till de som praktiskt ska utföra inventeringen. Ytterligare ett förslag Àr att en person, eller en grupp, har överblick över hela inventeringen för att uppnÄ nÄgon form av homogenitet i det insamlade materialet. Nyckelord: parkkaraktÀr, miljökaraktÀr, inventering, fysisk planering, rekreativa miljöer, LustgÄrde

    Maximising Academic and Social Outcomes

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    The MASOEE project brings together engineering faculties in the EUniWell alliance to share best practices for teaching transversal skills so that engineers contribute to societal well-being. The study combines the expertise of several engineering faculties at European universities. It focuses on sharing and developing expertise to improve the social outcomes of engineering students. Namely, researchers examine the similarities and differences between partners regarding their student bodies, teaching, programme structures, and institutions’ culture. Moreover, the work also explores how transversal skills are taught, what student attitudes are in terms of learning these skills, and how educators can better teach them. The research design includes several activities across four work packages (WPs). To ensure that partners use the same skill descriptions, we use well-established organizations' existing definitions. WP1 strives to identify best practices within EUniWell based on the 15 entrepreneurial competencies defined in EU EntreComp Framework. WP2 targets engineering students' ability to solve complex challenges, communication, and networking skills defined in the "21st century skills" by the World Economic Forum. WP3 investigates the engineering schools’ capacity to train engineering students in sustainable competence, forming responsible engineers capable of developing sustainable solutions using the skills defined by the EU GreenComp. WP4 supports the other packages with engineering education research, specifically data collection and analysis, knowledge forming, and evaluation. The project runs from August 2022 until September 2023. The MASOEE project partners gather knowledge within their organisations through joint surveys and focus groups and collectively identify and share best practices. The engineering identity, taught as transversal skills by participating partners, can evolve from a traditional technologist identity along three paths: the self-made engineer, the progressive technologist, and the responsible engineer. By sharing best practices for teaching these skills, we believe we will better understand what the future engineer - who integrates all three identities – will be.<br/

    Maximising Academic and Social Outcomes

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    The MASOEE project brings together engineering faculties in the EUniWell alliance to share best practices for teaching transversal skills so that engineers contribute to societal well-being. The study combines the expertise of several engineering faculties at European universities. It focuses on sharing and developing expertise to improve the social outcomes of engineering students. Namely, researchers examine the similarities and differences between partners regarding their student bodies, teaching, programme structures, and institutions’ culture. Moreover, the work also explores how transversal skills are taught, what student attitudes are in terms of learning these skills, and how educators can better teach them. The research design includes several activities across four work packages (WPs). To ensure that partners use the same skill descriptions, we use well-established organizations' existing definitions. WP1 strives to identify best practices within EUniWell based on the 15 entrepreneurial competencies defined in EU EntreComp Framework. WP2 targets engineering students' ability to solve complex challenges, communication, and networking skills defined in the "21st century skills" by the World Economic Forum. WP3 investigates the engineering schools’ capacity to train engineering students in sustainable competence, forming responsible engineers capable of developing sustainable solutions using the skills defined by the EU GreenComp. WP4 supports the other packages with engineering education research, specifically data collection and analysis, knowledge forming, and evaluation. The project runs from August 2022 until September 2023. The MASOEE project partners gather knowledge within their organisations through joint surveys and focus groups and collectively identify and share best practices. The engineering identity, taught as transversal skills by participating partners, can evolve from a traditional technologist identity along three paths: the self-made engineer, the progressive technologist, and the responsible engineer. By sharing best practices for teaching these skills, we believe we will better understand what the future engineer - who integrates all three identities – will be.<br/

    Transcriptional decomposition reveals active chromatin architectures and cell specific regulatory interactions

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    Transcriptional regulation is coupled with chromosomal positioning and chromatin architecture. Here the authors develop a transcriptional decomposition approach to separate expression associated with genome structure from independent effects not directly associated with genomic positioning

    Maximum Confidence Quantum Measurements

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    We consider the problem of discriminating between states of a specified set with maximum confidence. For a set of linearly independent states unambiguous discrimination is possible if we allow for the possibility of an inconclusive result. For linearly dependent sets an analogous measurement is one which allows us to be as confident as possible that when a given state is identified on the basis of the measurement result, it is indeed the correct state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Good practices for 68Ga radiopharmaceutical production

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    Background: The radiometal gallium-68 (Ga-68) is increasingly used in diagnostic positron emission tomography (PET), with Ga-68-labeled radiopharmaceuticals developed as potential higher-resolution imaging alternatives to traditional Tc-99m agents. In precision medicine, PET applications of Ga-68 are widespread, with Ga-68 radiolabeled to a variety of radiotracers that evaluate perfusion and organ function, and target specific biomarkers found on tumor lesions such as prostate-specific membrane antigen, somatostatin, fibroblast activation protein, bombesin, and melanocortin. Main body: These Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals include agents such as [Ga-68]Ga-macroaggregated albumin for myocardial perfusion evaluation, [Ga-68]Ga-PLED for assessing renal function, [Ga-68]Ga-t-butyl-HBED for assessing liver function, and [Ga-68]Ga-PSMA for tumor imaging. The short half-life, favourable nuclear decay properties, ease of radiolabeling, and convenient availability through germanium-68 (Ge-68) generators and cyclotron production routes strongly positions Ga-68 for continued growth in clinical deployment. This progress motivates the development of a set of common guidelines and standards for the Ga-68 radiopharmaceutical community, and recommendations for centers interested in establishing Ga-68 radiopharmaceutical production. Conclusion: This review outlines important aspects of Ga-68 radiopharmacy, including Ga-68 production routes using a Ge-68/Ga-68 generator or medical cyclotron, standardized Ga-68 radiolabeling methods, quality control procedures for clinical Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals, and suggested best practices for centers with established or upcoming Ga-68 radiopharmaceutical production. Finally, an outlook on Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals is presented to highlight potential challenges and opportunities facing the community
