1,384 research outputs found

    Dynamic Investigative Practice at the International Criminal Court

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    The Direct Weight Optimization (DWO) approach is a nonparametric estimation approach that has appeared in recent years within the field of nonlinear system identification. In previous work, all function classes for which DWO has been studied have included only continuous functions. However, in many applications it would be desirable also to be able to handle discontinuous functions. Inspired by the bilateral filter method from image processing, such an extension of the DWO framework is proposed for the smoothing problem. Examples show that the properties of the new approach regarding the handling of discontinuities are similar to the bilateral filter, while at the same time DWO offers a greater flexibility with respect to different function classes handled

    Main haul roads, forest machine operator’s opinions about planned proposals

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    BasvĂ€gar och basstrĂ„k Ă€r centrala delar i drivningen av en avverkningstrakt. Ett vĂ€l planerat basstrĂ„k utgör en viktig förutsĂ€ttning för att minska körskador och i de avverkningar dĂ€r det Ă€r aktuellt, ge bra möjligheter att ta ut GROT. Med basvĂ€g menas den vĂ€g frĂ„n trakten ut till avlĂ€gg dĂ€r terrĂ€ngtransporten av virket kommer att ske. BasstrĂ„k Ă€r de vĂ€gar inne pĂ„ trakten dĂ€r huvuddelen av virkestransporten ut till basvĂ€gen sker. BasstrĂ„ken Ă€r ofta placerade pĂ„ höjdlĂ€gen i terrĂ€ngen dĂ€r bĂ€righeten Ă€r bĂ€st och Ă€r ofta förstĂ€rkta med ris för att ytterligare öka bĂ€righeten. Vid planeringen av en avverkning gör planeraren förslag till en eller flera basvĂ€gar och ett eller flera basstrĂ„k. Planeraren lĂ€ser in basvĂ€garna och basstrĂ„ken i sin handdator och snitslar vid behov dĂ€r det krĂ€vs precision. Till sin hjĂ€lp kan planeraren anvĂ€nda kartmaterial med olika skikt som bland annat kan visa markstruktur, lutning och markfuktighet. Bakgrunden till genomförandet av denna studie var att jag i mitt arbete bĂ„de som skotarförare och senare planerare lade mĂ€rke till att de planerade basvĂ€gs och basstrĂ„ksförslagen ofta inte följdes. I vissa fall noterade jag till och med att de planerade förslagen inte heller gick att följa av olika orsaker. Det arbete som var nedlagt pĂ„ att planera basvĂ€gen eller basstrĂ„ket var sĂ„ledes bortkastat. En tanke vĂ€cktes att intervjua ett antal maskinförare och höra deras Ă„sikter om de planerade basvĂ€gs- och basstrĂ„ksförslagen och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt ta reda pĂ„ varför förslagen inte följs, och vad som kan förbĂ€ttras sĂ„ att förslagen gĂ„r att följa. Studien genomfördes under maj 2017. Tio maskinförare valdes ut. Samtliga maskinförare var entreprenörer eller anstĂ€llda av entreprenörer som var anlitade av Stora Enso skog AB pĂ„ flödesomrĂ„de Hagge. Urvalet av förarna gjordes sedan geografiskt. MĂ„let var att besöka samtliga förare ute i skogen för att genomföra intervjuerna. Samtliga intervjuer skulle genomföras under en vecka vilket gjorde att de maskinlag som valdes ut befann sig nĂ€ra Stora Ensos kontor i Hagge vid tillfĂ€llet för studien. Vissa maskinförare hade dock inte möjlighet att lĂ„ta sig intervjuas ute i skogen och intervjun fick dĂ„ göras via telefon. Intervjuerna gick till sĂ„, att förarna fick svara pĂ„ nio frĂ„gor utifrĂ„n ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r. FrĂ„gorna vĂ€vdes i sĂ„ stor utstrĂ€ckning som möjligt in i ett samtal. Vid de tillfĂ€llen dĂ„ intervjun genomfördes i fĂ€lt fick maskinföraren innan intervjun lĂ€sa igenom frĂ„gorna. Svaren pĂ„ de stĂ€llda frĂ„gorna antecknades med stödord och sammanstĂ€lldes senare. Svaren behandlades anonymt. FrĂ„gorna behandlade hur de planerade basvĂ€garna och basstrĂ„ken upplevdes samt i hur stor utstrĂ€ckning RĂ€tt Metod tillĂ€mpades i praktiken vid drivningen av en trakt. Maskinförarna ansĂ„g att de planerade basvĂ€gs och basstrĂ„ksförslagen varierar mycket mellan olika planerare. De planerare som har maskinerfarenhet gör oftast bra förslag medan de planerare som inte har maskinerfarenhet gör 2 betydligt sĂ€mre förslag. Den vanligaste orsaken till att de planerade förslagen inte följs Ă€r drivningstekniska faktorer. BasstrĂ„ket eller basvĂ€gen gĂ„r inte att följa för att det Ă€r för kuperat, för blött eller lutar för mycket. Ofta ger inte heller det planerade förslaget optimala logistiska förutsĂ€ttningar för skotaren, som ska ha lĂ€tt att fĂ„ fullt lass. Förarna ansĂ„g att planerarnas kunskap om var en maskin kan ta sig fram i terrĂ€ngen bör förbĂ€ttras. Förarna ansĂ„g Ă€ven att de planerade förslagen i högre grad ska snitslas eftersom en linje som enbart Ă€r planerad med GPS i handdatorn Ă€r vĂ€ldigt svĂ„r att följa. Maskinförarna tillfrĂ„gades Ă€ven om de ansĂ„g att det skulle vara bĂ€ttre om de fick planera basvĂ€gar och basstrĂ„k sjĂ€lva. Majoriteten av förarna tyckte att det i vissa fall skulle vara bĂ€ttre om de skulle göra den delen av planeringen sjĂ€lva men att det skulle bli en frĂ„ga om ekonomi. StillestĂ„ndskostnader för maskinen skulle dĂ„ behöva tĂ€ckas. Förarna ansĂ„g dĂ€rför att det var bra att de planerade förslagen fanns men att de skulle ses som just förslag som vid behov kunde Ă€ndras. Av de intervjuade förarna svarade dock 70 procent att de Ă€ndĂ„ gör nĂ„gon form av förplanering nĂ€r de kommer till en trakt, som exempelvis att snitsla basstrĂ„k eller stickvĂ€gar. Samtliga förare ansĂ„g att rĂ€tt metod var bra. Logistiken för skotaren blev bĂ€ttre och kommunikationen inom maskinlaget förbĂ€ttrades. Förarna ansĂ„g Ă€ven att planeringen av trakterna blivit betydligt bĂ€ttre sedan metoden introducerades. Trakterna Ă€r mer genomtĂ€nkta vilket underlĂ€ttar drivningen. NĂ„gra förare ansĂ„g dock att metoden passar bĂ€ttre i slutavverkning Ă€n i gallring.The main haul roads are an important part in the transport of the wood out of a logging site to the road. The machines should be able to carry the heavy load out of the forest without damaging the ground. When the planner is planning the logging, he makes proposals, one or more, where the main haul roads can be located in the terrain. But sometimes the operators of the forest machines don’t follow the planned proposals for different reasons. In this study ten forest machine operators working for Stora Enso Skog AB in Hagge, Sweden are interviewed about their opinions of the planned proposals and what they think can be change in order to improve the planned proposals. Some of the interviews was made in the forest on the logging site, and some interviews was made on telephone. The forest machine operators think that the quality of the planned proposals varies a lot between different planners. Some planners have experience of working in a forest machine and some planners have not. The interviewed machine operators think that the proposals made by the planners that have worked in a forest machine are better than the planner that not have that experience. The main reason that the operators decide not to follow the planned proposals is often factors affected by the terrain. The ground where the planned proposal is located is to soft, to hilly or leans too much. One important change that the machine operators think can improve the quality of the planned proposals and even the rest of the planning work is better communication between the planner and the forest machine operators. The machine operators also had a suggestion that the planners should go with the machine operator in the machine and in that way learn where the machine can go in the terrain

    A Methodology for Continuous Quality Assurance of Production Data

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    High quality input data is a necessity for successful Discrete Event Simulation (DES) applications, and there are available methodologies for data collection in DES projects. However, in contrast to standalone projects, using DES as a day-to-day engineering tool requires high quality production data to be constantly available. Unfortunately, there are no detailed guidelines that describes how to achieve this. Therefore, this paper presents such a methodology, based on three concurrent engineering projects within the automotive industry. The methodology explains the necessary roles, responsibilities, meetings, and documents to achieve a continuous quality assurance of production data. It also specifies an approach to input data management for DES using the Generic Data Management Tool (GDM-Tool). The expected effects are increased availability of high quality production data and reduced lead time of input data management, especially valuable in manufacturing companies having advanced automated data collection methods and using DES on a daily basis

    External Hydrocephalus as a Cause of Infant Subdural Hematoma: Epidemiological and Radiological Investigations of Infants Suspected of Being Abused

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    Background Acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) and chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) in infants have been regarded as highly specific for abuse. Other causes of CSDH have not been investigated in a large population. Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent external hydrocephalus is present in infants with ASDH and CSDH undergoing evaluation for abuse. Material and methods Eighty-five infants suspected of being abused, with ASDH (n = 16) or CSDH (n = 69), were reviewed regarding age, risk factor profiles, craniocortical width (CCW), sinocortical width (SCW), frontal interhemispheric width (IHW), subarachnoid space width (SSW), and head circumference (HC). In infants with unilateral subdural hematoma (SDH), correlations between contralateral SSW and ipsilateral CCW and SDH width were investigated. Results Infants with CSDH had significantly lower mortality, were more often premature and male, and had significantly higher CCW, SCW, IHW, and SSW than infants with ASDH (P 5 mm, in addition to increased HC. Conclusion A substantial proportion of infants with CSDH who had been suspected of being abused had findings suggesting external hydrocephalus.publishedVersio

    Dynamic energy system modeling using hybrid physics-based and machine learning encoder–decoder models

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    Three model configurations are presented for multi-step time series predictions of the heat absorbed by the water and steam in a thermal power plant. The models predict over horizons of 2, 4, and 6 steps into the future, where each step is a 5-minute increment. The evaluated models are a pure machine learning model, a novel hybrid machine learning and physics-based model, and the hybrid model with an incomplete dataset. The hybrid model deconstructs the machine learning into individual boiler heat absorption units: economizer, water wall, superheater, and reheater. Each configuration uses a gated recurrent unit (GRU) or a GRU-based encoder–decoder as the deep learning architecture. Mean squared error is used to evaluate the models compared to target values. The encoder–decoder architecture is over 11% more accurate than the GRU only models. The hybrid model with the incomplete dataset highlights the importance of the manipulated variables to the system. The hybrid model, compared to the pure machine learning model, is over 10% more accurate on average over 20 iterations of each model. Automatic differentiation is applied to the hybrid model to perform a local sensitivity analysis to identify the most impactful of the 72 manipulated variables on the heat absorbed in the boiler. The models and sensitivity analyses are used in a discussion about optimizing the thermal power plant

    Probing Quark Fragmentation Functions for Spin-1/2 Baryon Production in Unpolarized e+e−e^+e^- Annihilation

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    We study the measurement of the quark fragmentation functions for spin-1/2 baryon production (Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar \Lambda, in particular) in unpolarized e+e−e^+e^- annihilation. The spin-dependent fragmentation functions g^1(z)\hat g_1(z) and h^1(z)\hat h_1(z) can be probed in the process as a result of quark-antiquark spin correlation and the weak decay of the baryons. The relevant cross section is expressed as a product of the two-jet cross-section, the fragmentation functions, and the differential width of the hyperon decay.Comment: 17 pages, ReVTeX with (1 figure available from authors), MIT-CTP: #236

    Why rapid integration policies for refugees may harm long-term integration into the labour market – especially for women

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    National governments typically implement a range of policies to help integrate refugees into the labour market. Drawing on a new study, Vilde Hernes, Jacob Arendt, Pernilla Joona Andersson and Kristian Rose Tronstad show that policies focused on rapid self-sufficiency for newly arrived refugees may hamper the development of stable labour-market integration in the long-term. This effect is particularly prominent in the case of women

    Epidemiology of subdural haemorrhage during infancy : A population-based register study

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    Objectives To analyse subdural haemorrhage (SDH) during infancy in Sweden by incidence, SDH category, diagnostic distribution, age, co-morbidity, mortality, and maternal and perinatal risk factors; and its association with accidents and diagnosis of abuse. Methods A Swedish population-based register study comprising infants born between 1997 and 2014, 0-1 years of age, diagnosed with SDH-diagnoses according to the (International Classification of Diseases, 10th version (ICD10), retrieved from the National Patient Register and linked to the Medical Birth Register and the Death Cause Register. Outcome measures were: 1) Incidence and distribution, 2) co-morbidity, 3) fall accidents by SDH category, 4) risk factors for all SDHs in the two age groups, 0-6 and 7-365 days, and for ICD10 SDH subgroups: S06.5 (traumatic SDH), I62.0 (acute nontraumatic), SDH and abuse diagnosis. Results Incidence of SDH was 16.5 per 100 000 infants (n = 306). Median age was 2.5 months. For infants older than one week, the median age was 3.5 months. Case fatality was 6.5%. Male sex was overrepresented for all SDH subgroups. Accidental falls were reported in 1/3 of the cases. One-fourth occurred within 0-6 days, having a perinatal risk profile. For infants aged 7-365 days, acute nontraumatic SDH was associated with multiple birth, preterm birth, and small-for-gestational age. Fourteen percent also had an abuse diagnosis, having increased odds of being born preterm, and being small-for-gestational age. Conclusions The incidence was in the range previously reported. SDH among newborns was associated with difficult birth and neonatal morbidity. Acute nontraumatic SDH and SDH with abuse diagnosis had similar perinatal risk profiles. The increased odds for acute nontraumatic SDH in twins, preterm births, neonatal convulsions or small-for-gestational age indicate a perinatal vulnerability for SDH beyond 1st week of life. The association between prematurity/small-for-gestational age and abuse diagnosis is intriguing and not easily understood.Peer reviewe
