1,121 research outputs found

    Closing the Tabernacle : European Madonna Tabernacles c. 1150 - c. 1350

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    There are at least twenty-nine Madonna tabernacles from 1150-1350 with one or more wings preserved, most of them in Scandinavia and Spain. These tabernacles housed a sculpture of the Virgin and Child. In the open position, the central sculpture would be revealed, surrounded by scenes from the Incarnation story, depicted in relief, paint, or a combination of both. The aim of this paper is to explore these Madonna tabernacle in its closed position; What decoration and motifs are found on the exteriors? Can a closer examination of the exteriors of these works provide a greater understanding of their function and later development? And, finally, is there a difference between a closed Madonna tabernacle and a closed tabernacle that houses other saints? Most of the surviving tabernacles have wings with monochrome exteriors, often red, but also green and black or a combination of red and green. There are also examples of tabernacles with patterns or foliage. Only six tabernacles have traces of figural decoration on the exterior. Here we find St. Peter and St. Paul, sometimes together with St. John. One tabernacle has the Passion of Christ on the exterior wings. Tabernacles housing saints other than a Madonna figure have also had monochrome exteriors, often red, although several of them, at least in Scandinavia, have lost most of their original color. Only two examples have figural decorations on the exterior and they would probably have had depictions of St. Paul and St. Peter.[1] This leads us to the conclusion that in a closed position there was little that distinguished a Madonna tabernacle from tabernacles housing other saints.Existen al menos veintinueve retablos-tabernáculo marianos del periodo comprendido entre 1150 y 1350 que conservan uno o más de sus paneles de cierre. La mayoría de ellos se encuentran en Escandinavia y en España. Estos retablos albergaban una imagen de la Virgen con el Niño. Cuando se encontraban abiertos, la escultura central se mostraría rodeada por escenas relativas al misterio de la Encarnación, representadas en relieve, en pintura o en una combinación de ambas técnicas. El propósito de este estudio es indagar cómo eran esos retablos-tabernáculo marianos cuando se encontraban cerrados. ¿Qué decoración y motivos se encontraban en su parte exterior? ¿Podría un estudio más profundo de su exterior proporcionarnos un mejor entendimiento de su función y de su desarrollo posterior? Y, por último, ¿existen diferencias entre los tabernáculos cerrados de tipo mariano y los que albergaron otros santos? La mayoría de los tabernáculos que se conservan tienen paneles de cierre con exteriores monócromos, frecuentemente en rojo, pero también en verde, en negro o en una combinación de rojo y de verde. También hay ejemplos de tabernáculos decorados a base de patrones o a base de motivos vegetales. Solo seis retablos-tabernáculo tienen restos de decoración figurativa en el exterior de sus paneles. En ellos encontramos a San Pedro y a San Pablo, acompañados a veces por San Juan. Uno de ellos muestra en el exterior de sus paneles la pasión de Cristo. Los tabernáculos que cobijan la figura de un santo distinto de la Virgen también presentan exteriores monócromos, a menudo rojos, aunque varios de ellos, al menos en Escandinavia, han perdido gran parte de su color original. Solo dos ejemplos presentan decoración figurativa en el exterior y probablemente en su momento tuvieron representaciones de San Pablo y de San Pedro (los dos conservan solo uno de los paneles que cerraban su frente, donde, en su cara exterior, se representa a San Pablo, por lo que San Pedro se encontraría probablemente en el panel perdido, véase el apartado 'Tabernacles housing other saints'). Esto nos lleva a la conclusión de que en posición cerrada había poca diferencia entre un retablo-tabernáculo mariano y aquellos que albergaran otros santos

    Typing yourself accountable: Objectifying subjective experiences in an online health forum

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    In this paper, I outline linguistic and discursive practices online forum participants use to make sense of painful and disturbing bodily experiences which from the participants’ perspectives have not been explained, diagnosed and treated by medical professionals.By scrutinizing a thread from a Danish online health forum on the topic metabolism using conversation analytic perspectives, I show that participants use practices that objectify their experiences when seeking support and recognition in the forum. Four practices for objectifying experiences understood as undiagnosed symptoms of illness are outlined: (1) Presentation of problem by presenting a medical history of symptom discovery; (2) Presentation of symptoms in a list using medical terms, extreme case formulations (Pomerantz 1986), and elliptic constructions; (3) Presentation of a candidate medical cause supported by evidence and sources; and (4) Presentation of objective facts and other sources as the expected solution. It is argued that the responses, characterized by agreement and tellings of similar stories, contribute to the objectification of subjective experiences by delivering perspectives that can be used as information sources and for experience based generalization

    Patterning of relationships in the middle high German prose Lancelot

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    Personalized Nudges with Edge Computing

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    This thesis aims to investigate the role of edge computing in a smart nudging system. A smart nudging system has requirements for efficient data processing of personal and context-aware data from heterogeneous sources. Furthermore, a smart nudging system needs to protect and preserve the privacy of data within the system. Edge computing has been proposed as a computing paradigm in a smart nudging system to accommodate some of these requirements. The edge computing paradigm makes promises of low latency, context-aware data collection and contributions to privacy when running on an edge device. However, edge computing has limitations in resources for heavy computations and storage. Therefore, a smart nudging system, NuEdge, has been proposed to utilize edge computing resources integrated with cloud computing, a local server, and IoT devices for better performance, privacy storage, and data off-loading. Further, a prototype of the NuEdge system has been implemented to discover the possibilities and limitations of the prototype in a real-world scenario. The primary nudge goal of the system is to improve physical activity for inactive users. By gathering research on edge computing and smart nudging, combined with the implementation's observations, has edge computing's role in smart nudging been evaluated. Edge computing has significantly contributed to efficient data collection in a smart nudging system and lower latency for data transmissions. Future work should include a large-scale prototype and new technologies like 5G to investigate the limitations of edge device capabilities such as power consumption, storage, and computational power

    A210 Valle kirke. Konservering av lerretsmaleriet "Christian IVs syn"

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    Viewing, listening and reading along: Linguistic and multimodal constructions of viewer participation in the net series SKAM

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    This paper investigates how SKAM viewers are positioned as participants through semiotic resources in the net series, i.e. the filmic means for making meaning, including representations of the characters’ embodied and digitally mediated communication. For this purpose, we combine perspectives from linguistic-multimodality studies of modes for communication and studies building on Goff man’s (1981) work on participation frameworks, i.e. the various ways of participating in co-present and/or mediated communication. The article aims to complement existing media studies of immediacy in SKAM and viewers’ sense of co-presence with characters in the net series (Jerslev 2017, Sundet 2017). It does so by showing how participant frameworks are multimodally constructed at a fictional level and a communicational level. Within each of these frameworks, the viewer is positioned in distinct ways. We describe how the viewer is placed, i.e. physically positioned, in the interactional space of the depicted characters, and how the characters’ communicative means are interactionally organised, accomplished and made available for interpretation by the viewer. Furthermore, we show how characters monitor each other in the shared space of a schoolyard, how embodied and digitally mediated communicative features are foregrounded, and how the viewer is provided access to these resources in ways that reflect and create specific viewing positions in the communicative frames of the characters. We argue that these integrations of semiotic modes exploit affordances related to speech, writing and embodiment, that the positionings mainly work to create a sense of presence and identification for the viewer, and that representations of digitally mediated communication (writing) on the viewer’s screen specifically expose how the digitally mediated communication space of one of the characters is integrated with the digitally mediated viewing space

    Vitamin D vitamers affect vitamin D status differently in young healthy males

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    Dietary intake of vitamin D includes vitamin D3 (vitD3), 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OH-D3), and vitamin D2 (vitD2). However, the bioactivity of the different species has not been scientifically established. The hypothesis in this study was that vitD3, 25OH-D3, and vitD2 have an equal effect on 25-hydroxyvitamin D in serum (vitamin D status). To test our hypothesis, we performed a randomized, crossover study. Twelve young males consumed 10 µg/day vitD3 during a four-week run-in period, followed by 3 × 6 weeks of 10 µg/day vitD3, 10 µg/day 25OH-D3, and 10 µg/day vitD2. The content of vitD3, vitD2, 25OH-D3, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 (25OH-D2) in serum was quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The hypothesis that the three sources of vitamin D affect vitamin D status equally was rejected. Based on the assumption that 1 µg vitD3/day will show an increase in vitamin D status of 1.96 nmol/L, the results showed that 23 µg vitD2 and 6.8 µg 25OH-D3 was similar to 10 µg vitD3. These results demonstrate that further investigations are necessary to determine how to quantify the total vitamin D activity based on chemical quantification of the individual vitamin D metabolites to replace the total vitamin D activity assessed in biological rat models

    Los retablos-tabernáculo: variedad dentro de la unidad

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    Producción CientíficaLos retablos se encuentran entre los logros más destacados y celebrados del arte medieval. Eran el fruto de los esfuerzos conjuntos, habilidades y ambiciones de artistas y mecenas. A menudo, combinando diferentes medios, reflejaban gran parte de la fe, ideales, esperanzas, ansiedades y devociones de las comunidades cristianas. Se erigieron retablos en iglesias de toda clase, desde catedrales y monumentales abadías hasta modestas iglesias rurales. Con los años, los retablos medievales se hicieron cada vez más grandes y más complejos. Se convirtieron en símbolos de la identidad y el orgullo de las comunidades y los individuos, para quienes a veces incluso se convirtieron en objeto de emulación.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, AEI, FEDER, UE (HAR2017-82949-P

    Altertavlen i Hedalen, et madonnaskap

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    There has long been consensus among scholars that the altarpiece in Hedalen Stave church in Valdres once was a medieval tabernacle, housing a wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary. The over-painted altarpiece is today composed of the tabernacle corpus and wings, plus a crucifix. The later paint is from the second half of the 18th century. The tabernacle is dated to the mid 13th century. In connection with the preservation at the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU), incised drawings were found in the niches of the wings, showing that they once contained small reliefs. In the followingà I will interpret these drawings, based on comparison with other Nordic and European Madonna tabernacles from the same period, and attempt to verify the earlier theories that this was a Madonna tabernacle
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