7 research outputs found

    A passage to wastewater nutrient recovery units : Microalgal-Bacterial bioreactors

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    In recent years, the microalgal–bacterial process has been considered to be a very attractive engineering solution for wastewater treatment. However, it has not been widely studied in the context of conventional wastewater treatment design under Swedish conditions. The technology holds several advantages: as a CO2 sink, ability to withstand cold conditions, ability to grow under low light, fast settling without chemical precipitation, and reducing the loss of valuable nutrients (CO2, N2, N2O, PO4). The process also provides the option to be operated either as mainstream (treatment of municipal wastewater) or side stream (treatment of centrate from anaerobic digesters) to reduce the nutrient load of the wastewater. Furthermore, the application is not only limited to wastewater treatment; the biomass can be used to synthesise platform chemicals or biofuels and can be followed by recovery of ammonium and phosphate for use in agriculture. In the present study, the feasibility of applying the process in Swedish temperature and light conditions was investigated by implementing microalgae within the activated sludge process. In this context, the supporting operational and performance indicators (hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge retention time (SRT) and nutrients removal) were evaluated to support naturally occurring consortia in photo-sequencing and continuous bioreactor configuration. Furthermore, CO2 uptake and light spectrum-mediated nutrient removal were investigated to reduce the impact on climate and the technical challenges associated with this type of system. The results identified effective retention times of 6 and 4 days (HRT = SRT) under limited lighting to reduce the electrical consumption. From the perspective of nitrogen removal, the process demands effective CO2 input either in the mainstream or side stream treatment. The incorporation of a vertical absorption column demonstrated effective CO2 mass transfer to support efficient nitrogen and phosphorus removal as a side stream treatment. However, the investigation of a continuous single-stage process as the mainstream showed a requirement for a lower SRT in comparison to semi-continuous operation due to faster settlability, regardless of inorganic carbon. Furthermore, the process showed an effective reduction of influent phosphorus and organic compounds (i.e. COD/TOC) load in the wastewater as a result of photosynthetic aeration. Most importantly, the operation was stable at the temperature equivalent of wastewater (12 and 13 ˚C), under different lighting (white, and red-blue wavelengths) and retention times (6 and 1.5 d HRT) with complete nitrification. Additionally, the biomass production was stable with faster settling properties without any physiochemical separation. The outcomes of this thesis on microalgal–bacterial nutrient removal demonstrates that (1) photosynthesis-based aeration at existing wastewater conditions under photo-sequential and continuous photobioreactor setup, (2) flocs with rapid settling characteristics at all studied retention times, (3) the possibility of increasing carbon supplementation to achieve higher carbon to nitrogen balance in the photobioreactor, and (4) most importantly, nitrification-based microalgal biomass uptake occurred at all spectral distributions, lower photosynthetic active radiation and existing wastewater conditions

    Indigenous microalgae-activated sludge cultivation system for wastewater treatment

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    The municipal wastewater is mainly composed of water containing anthropogenic wastes that are rich in nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous. The cost for biological treatment of wastewater is increasing globally due to the population growth in urban cities. In general, the activated sludge (AS) process is a biological nutrient removal process used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The AS is composed of different microorganisms in which bacteria play a crucial role in wastewater treatment (WWT). During the process, air is bubbled to supply oxygen and methanol is added to improve nitrogen removal, which is released as a gas. Phosphorous is removed in the expense of precipitation chemicals. Altogether, the current process requires electrical energy, precipitation chemicals, handling of excess sludge and it emits carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product. This process is still in practise in the WWTPs since 1914 although numerous modifications are implemented to meet the stringent regulations in the European Union and globally. Microalgae are microorganisms that perform photosynthesis like plants. They are green and reproduce fast using available nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) and CO2 from their environment in the presence of light. As a result of photosynthesis, oxygen is released as waste gas. The synthesised oxygen during this process can be implemented to support the AS bacteria that leads to the microalgae activated sludge (MAAS) process. The main advantage is combined removal of nutrients. The vision of the research is to implement the indigenous microalgae cultivation in activated sludge process to consume CO2 and recover the nutrients from wastewater. This study is performed to improve the understanding of the process such as: light utilisation, nutrient removal and recovery of the biomass from wastewater in closed photo-bioreactors. Photo-bioreactors are vessels where the cultivation is carried out in the presence of light. At first, the influence of the light spectrum on micro-algal cultivation is investigated for photosynthetic growth. This is followed by operational challenges of the microalgae cultivation during the AS process. The process is experimentally performed in the photo-bioreactors with different treatment time of the raw wastewater. The results showed that 2 - 6 days of treatment time can be used for reducing nutrients in wastewater if the process is optimised further. Also, nutrient ratio is analysed for the availability of the micro-algal growth. Furthermore, the biogas potential of MAAS showed a biogas yield of about 60-80% within 5 to 9 days. At last, the experimental verification of chemically precipitated wastewater showed limitation of phosphorous for micro-algal growth. Additionally, the optimal oxygen supply through light response is verified for photo-bioreactors. The outcome of this study shows that knowing the right conditions can lower the treatment time. By doing so, a stable nutrient removal and reduction of precipitation chemicals can be established as well as a better recovery of valuable nutrients as phosphorous and nitrogen.Avloppsvatten innehÄller allt det ni spolar ner i avloppet, med höga halter av viktiga nÀringsÀmnen som fosfor, kvÀve och kol. Kostnaden för att rena avloppsvatten ökar i vÀrlden pÄ grund av ökad urbanisering och ökade krav pÄ reningen. Reningsprocessen domineras av aktivslamprocessen, i vilken mikroorganismer (frÀmst bakterier) renar vattnet frÄn kol och kvÀve medan det mesta av fosforn fÀlls ut med kemikalier. Processen Àr mycket energikrÀvande pÄ grund av den stora mÀngden luft som pumpas in för att förse bakterierna med syre. Tillsammans utgör alla de hÀr funktionerna en energi- och resurskrÀvande process som dessutom krÀver tillskott av mer kol, oftast som ren alkohol, för att kvÀvereningen ska fungera. I den hÀr avhandlingen har ett alternativ till konventionell, bakteriell avloppsvattenrening studerats; mikroalgbaserad aktivslamprocess (MAAS). Bakgrunden Àr att gröna mikroalger i likhet med vÀxter utnyttjar fotosyntesen. Genom i fotosyntesen kan algerna snabbt föröka sig om det finns nÀringsÀmnen, ljus och koldioxid. Eftersom avloppsvattnet innehÄller alla nödvÀndiga nÀringsÀmnen kan det rÀcka med att tillsÀtta koldioxid under rÀtt ljusförhÄllanden för att en livskraftig algkultur ska vÀxa till. Algerna producerar Àven syre i processen som i sin tur kan anvÀndas av bakterierna i MAAS processen i en intressant symbios. Mest intressant Àr mikroalgbaserad vattenrening ur ett resursutvinningsperspektiv eftersom nÀringsÀmnena assimileras i algerna och dÀrmed förblir i slammet och kan sedan utvinnas som en gödselprodukt. MÄlet med MAAS-forskningen har varit att anvÀnda koldioxid, nÀringsÀmnen och en algkultur frÄn svenska förhÄllanden, i det hÀr fallet MÀlaren, för att bygga upp en effektiv kultur för vattenrening. Samtidigt vill vi i forskningen optimera processen utifrÄn hur mycket ljus som behöver tillföras, hur snabbt mikroorganismerna kan rena vattnet och vilka andra Àmnen som kan störa processen. I den hÀr avhandlingen har olika ljuskÀllor undersökts, med sÀrskilt fokus pÄ effektiva LED-lampor. DÀrefter har mÄlet varit att optimera processen sÄ att uppehÄllstiden, dvs den tid det tar för en viss volym vatten att renas, skulle kunna sÀnkas frÄn 6 dagar (vilket anses vara internationell standard) till 4 eller till och med 2 dagars uppehÄllstid. Slutligen studerades effekterna av fÀllningskemikalier i mikroalgkulturen med slutsatsen att mikroalger blir begrÀnsade av fÀllningskemikalier men att mikroalgerna dÀremot har goda förutsÀttningar att rena vattnet frÄn betydande mÀngder fosfor och dÀrmed minska mÀngderna fÀllningskemikalier som mÄste till sÀttas

    Evaluation of the microalgae-based activated sludge (MAAS) process for municipal wastewater treatment on pilot scale

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    The microalgae-based activated sludge (MAAS) process was evaluated regarding the removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen from physiochemically pretreated municipal wastewater at different hydraulic retention time (HRT) on pilot scale. Additionally, the interplay between the algal and bacterial consortium was evaluated regarding the ability of the algal consortium to provide oxygen for bacterial oxidation processes. The results showed in general high organic matter (COD removal 75-90%) and total nitrogen (40-50%) removal at all HRTs (6, 4 and 2 days). The dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was maintained stable at 6 days (6.04±0.47 mg L-1) and 4 days (4.24±0.62 mg L-1) HRT. However, the DO significantly declined at 2 days HRT due to loss of biomass at the high influent flow in the sedimentation unit. Nevertheless, the MAAS process functioned as a symbiotic algal-bacterial system with bacterial organic matter oxidation and nitrification and algal nutrient removal

    Degradation of a textile azo dye using biological treatment followed by photo-Fenton oxidation: Evaluation of toxicity and microbial community structure

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    Many commercial dye preparations are cocktails of active dyes and various by-products that are recalcitrant to biological degradation and end up in significant amounts in the effluent after the dyeing process. Conventional wastewater treatment processes are not able to degrade such compounds and detoxify the effluent, thus alternative treatments should be developed. In our work we suggest to use photo-Fenton oxidation as post-treatment after an anaerobic biofilm process, in a way to minimize the reagents needed. This process was used for treatment of synthetic textile wastewater containing the commercial azo dyestuff Remazol Red, starch and sodium chloride. The treated textile effluent had COD lower than 18 mg/l even when using initial Fenton reagents concentration as low as 1 mM ferrous ions and 10 mM hydrogen peroxide. The acute toxicity was higher in the biologically treated than in the untreated effluent. Photo-Fenton oxidation successfully reduced the toxicity and the final effluent was non-toxic to Artemia sauna and Microtox, with the exception of the effluent containing high concentration of sodium chloride, which was moderately toxic to Microtox. For the first time the presence of algae was detected in a reactor treating textile wastewater using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE); bacteria and fungi were also abundant. The results of this study suggest that using advanced oxidation after biological treatment is an effective way to degrade the organic compounds and remove toxicity from textile effluents. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Combined anaerobic-ozonation process for treatment of textile wastewater: Removal of acute toxicity and mutagenicity.

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    A novel set up composed of an anaerobic biofilm reactor followed by ozonation was used for treatment of artificial and real textile effluents containing azo dyes. The biological treatment efficiently removed chemical oxygen demand and color. Ozonation further reduced the organic content of the effluents and was very important for the degradation of aromatic compounds, as shown by the reduction of UV absorbance. The acute toxicity toward Vibrio fischeri and the shrimp Artemia salina increased after the biological treatment. No toxicity was detected after ozonation with the exception of the synthetic effluent containing the highest concentration, 1g/l, of the azo dye Remazol Red. Both untreated and biologically treated textile effluents were found to have mutagenic effects. The mutagenicity increased even further after 1min of ozonation. No mutagenicity was however detected in the effluents subjected to longer exposure to ozone. The results of this study suggest that the use of ozonation as short post-treatment after a biological process can be beneficial for the degradation of recalcitrant compounds and the removal of toxicity of textile wastewater. However, monitoring of toxicity and especially mutagenicity is crucial and should always be used to assess the success of a treatment strategy