86 research outputs found

    Escritos de Artista em Portugal: história de um esquecimento

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    O presente estudo realiza uma abordagem inédita aos escritos de artista ao entendê-los como elementos de formação do pensamento teórico sobre as artes plásticas no contexto português do século XX. A perspectiva usada evidencia este tipo de texto como fontes disponíveis mas até aqui negligenciadas pelas práticas historiográficas e analisa, de entre a produção textual elaborada por artistas, aquela que configura (nas suas proposições e nos seus objectivos funcionais) um tipo de conceptualização paralelo e concomitante com enunciados teóricos oriundos de outros agentes do campo artístico (como críticos e historiadores). Diogo de Macedo, António Dacosta, José de Almada Negreiros, Júlio Pomar e Nikias Skapinakis são os artistas cuja produção escrita é observada; Aarão de Lacerda, João Barreira, Reynaldo dos Santos e, sobretudo, José-Augusto França, são os autores cujas construções historiográficas são analisadas. Através destes protagonistas dos debates estéticos e da formação de legibilidade do acontecido, verifica-se a possibilidade de renovação do conhecimento do passado a partir do recurso aos textos elaborados por artistas e, ao mesmo tempo, estudam-se as modalidades de formação discursiva, no campo da história da arte, que têm conduzido à exclusão deste tipo de fontes. Modernismo, academismo, artes decorativas, surrealismo, abstracção, realismo, figuração, o estatuto do artista e a função do Estado na promoção das artes são alguns dos assuntos através dos quais se identificam algumas das questões em discussão, num longo período que se estende da década de 1920 à década de 1970 e que tem o seu ponto nodal nos anos do pós-guerr

    Percepção de usuários e profissionais de saúde sobre a qualidade dos cuidados prestados a pacientes com AIDS

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    Objective: Identify the perception of users and health professionals about the quality of care for patients with AIDS. Material and methods: Quantitative study, conducted at the outpatient clinic of a public hospital in northeastern Brazil. Participated in the survey 626 patients and 34 health professionals. Data were collected through structured between August 2009 to July 2010, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical form. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee under C.A.A.E. nº. 0063.0.051.000-07. Results: It was identified that the majority of users (85,6%) showed dissatisfaction, while most of the professionals interviewed (58,8%) are satisfied with the care provided in the service searched. Conclusions: It is opinion mister consider both users of health professionals in the assessment of health servicesObjetivo: Identificar la percepción de los usuarios y los profesionales de la salud acerca de la calidad de la atención para los pacientes con SIDA. Material y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, realizado en el ambulatorio de un hospital público en el noreste de Brasil. En la encuesta participaron 626 pacientes y 34 profesionales de la salud. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de un formulario estructurado entre agosto 2009 y julio 2010, y se analizaron de forma estadística descriptiva e inferencial. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética en virtud del CAAE. n.º. 0063.0.051.000-07. Resultados: Se identificó que la mayoría de los usuarios (85,6%) mostraron insatisfacción, mientras que la mayoría de los profesionales entrevistados (58,8%) están satisfechos con la atención recibida en el servicio buscado. Conclusiones: Es preciso considerar la opinión tanto de los usuarios como de los profesionales sanitarios en la evaluación de los servicios de saludObjetivo: Identificar a percepção de usuários e profissionais de saúde sobre a qualidade dos cuidados prestados a pacientes com AIDS.  Material e métodos: Estudo quantitativo, realizado no serviço ambulatorial de um hospital público do Nordeste do Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa 626 pacientes e 34 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário estruturado entre agosto de 2009 a julho de 2010, e analisados pela estatística descritiva e inferencial. A pesquisa obteve aprovação do Comitê de Ética sob o C.A.A.E nº. 0063.0.051.000-07. Resultados: Identificou-se que a maioria dos usuários (85,6%) mostrou insatisfação, enquanto que a maior parte dos profissionais entrevistados (58,8%) está satisfeita com os cuidados prestados no serviço pesquisado. Conclusões: Faz-se mister considerar a opinião tanto dos usuários quanto dos profissionais de saúde na avaliação dos serviços de saúde

    Breastfeeding and childhood obesity in the Azores

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    Background. The hypothesis that breasteeding has a protectve effect in childhood obesity is not new; however, controversial results have been published. Since the Azores reported the lowest rate of breasteeding in Portugal and a high prevalence of childhood obesity, it becomes important to understand whether these facts are related or not. Objectves. To investgate the relatonship between breasteeding and childhood obesity in a populaton of Azorean children. Material and methods. A cross-sectonal study was carried out on 183 Azorean children between 5–10 years of age between September and December 2016. The weight and height of the children were measured at the consultaton and other variables were investgated through a questonnaire. The associaton between breasteeding and childhood obesity was tested using logistc regression models. Results. 18.6% of the children were obese and 74.3% were breasted. The exclusive breasteeding rate at 6 months was 3.3%. Complementary breasteeding was present in 39.3% at 6 months and 7.1% at 2 years. Obese children were breasted less tme than non-obesechildren, suggestng a dose-effect relatonship (p = 0.025). We found a signifcant and independent relatonship between infant obesity and total tme of breasteeding (RR = 0.906; 95% CI [0.842, 0.974]; p = 0.008), physical actvity (RR = 0.883; 95% CI [0.801, 0.972]; p = 0.012) and maternal nutritonal status (RR = 3.452; 95% CI [1.361, 8.755]; p = 0.009). Conclusions. Breasteeding and physical actvity behaved as protectve factors for childhood obesity, while the nutritonal status of the mother acted as a risk factor. Childhood obesity is a current problem in the Azores, and breasteeding can be an effectve, simple and affordable tool to reduce this.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Body, aesthetic surgery and public health : a case study

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    O corpo, na cultura ocidental, foi por muitos séculos rechaçado, temido e desvalorizado; hoje, diferentemente, é supervalorizado e tornou-se um bem precioso. Por este motivo, é cuidado e modelado, pois a ele são atribuídos os sucessos e as virtudes do indivíduo contemporâneo. Na busca de um corpo ideal, muitos procuram cirurgias estéticas como solução de insatisfações e melhoria da auto-estima. Este artigo procurou compreender a relação da cirurgia estética com a Saúde Coletiva e a promoção da saúde. Realizamos um estudo qualitativo, usando o método do estudo de caso, com o objetivo de compreender as crenças, as atitudes, as percepções e os processos culturais subjacentes às narrativas das universitárias submetidas à cirurgia estética e dos cirurgiões plásticos. Os resultados demonstram que o corpo deve ser entendido como algo mais complexo do que o corpo físico e visível, pois muitos que buscam a cirurgia estética continuam insatisfeitos, visto que suas insatisfações atribuídas ao físico são também da alma. Concluímos que existe uma medicalização da beleza estética e que a cirurgia é uma questão de Saúde Coletiva, pois os resultados dependem das motivações e expectativas de quem procura este procedimento. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe body, in the occidental culture, was for many centuries rejected, feared and devaluated; today, differently, it is super valued and became a precious good, for this reason it is well-taken care of and shaped, due to successes and virtues of the individual contemporary being attributed to it. In the search for an ideal body, many people look for aesthetic surgeries as solution for their problems and improvement of their self-esteem. This article aims to understand the relation of the aesthetic surgery with the Public Health and the promotion of health. We carried out a qualitative study, using the case study method, with the objective of understanding the underlying beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and cultural processes to the narratives of the college's students submitted to aesthetic surgery and of the plastic surgeons. The results demonstrate that the body must be understood as something more complex than the physical and visible body, because many of those who look for aesthetic surgery continue unsatisfied, seeing that their dissatisfactions attributed to their body are also a matter of them being attributed to their soul. We conclude that aesthetic beauty is becoming a medical subject and that aesthetic surgery is a question of public health, as the results depend on the motivations and expectations of who searches for this procedure

    Perfil de acidentes de trabalho envolvendo profissionais de enfermagem no ambiente da Terapia Intensiva

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    Descriptive, transversal study with a quantitative approach, aimed at identifying sociodemographic characteristics and profile of work accidents among 45 nurses of ICU. The data revealed a predominance of females (80%) in the age range 29-39 years (51.1%), average 34.6 years (± 8.1), 64.4% of workers were married, 66.7% were nursing technicians and exercised its functions in night shift (48.9%). The profile of the accidents showed that the injured body part with the fingers were more frequently (35.6%), the recapping of the needle trigger (48.8%). It is concluded that nurses were exposed to occupational hazards, and the profile of accidents related to handling perforating and cutting materials. These findings reinforce the need and offer subsidies for training programs for nursing staff to be deployed.Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyo objetivo era identificar las características sociodemográficas y el perfil de los accidentes de trabajo entre los 45 enfermeros de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Los datos revelaron un predominio del sexo femenino (80%) en el rango de edad de 29-39 años (51,1%), promedio 34,6 años (± 8,1), el 64,4% de los trabajadores estaban casados, 66.7% eran técnicos de enfermería y ejercían sus funciones en el turno de noche (48,9%). El perfil de los accidentes mostró que la parte lesionada del cuerpo con mayor frecuencia eran los dedos (35,6%), siendo el encapuchado de la aguja el factor desencadenante (48,8%). Se concluye que los enfermeros estuvieron expuestos a riesgos laborales, siendo el perfil de los accidentes relacionados con el manejo de materiales perforantes y cortantes. Estos resultados refuerzan la necesidad y ofrecen subvenciones para que se implanten programas de formación dirigidos al personal de enfermería.Estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa, que teve por objetivo identificar as características sociodemográficas e o perfil dos acidentes de trabalho entre os 45 profissionais de enfermagem de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Os dados revelaram predominância do sexo feminino (80%), compreendidos na faixa etária de 29 a 39 anos (51,1%), média de 34,6 anos (± 8,1), 64,4% dos trabalhadores eram casados, 66,7% eram técnicos de enfermagem e exerciam as suas funções em turno noturno (48,9%). O perfil dos acidentes revelou que a região corporal lesionada com mais frequência foram os dedos (35,6%), sendo o reencape de agulhas o fator desencadeante (48,8%). Conclui-se que os profissionais de enfermagem estavam expostos a riscos ocupacionais, sendo o perfil dos acidentes relacionados a manipulação de materiais perfurantes e cortantes. Esses achados reforçam a necessidade e oferecem subsídios para que sejam implementados programas de capacitação voltados à equipe de enfermagem.

    Health care for people with HIV: evaluation of users

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    Objective: This is it an evaluative study with a quantitative approach that aimed to assess the user satisfaction for outpatient care, conducted in a referral hospital in the treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN. Method: The target population consisted of all 626 patients with HIV in monitoring. As an instrument of data collection used a structured form. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: was observed that males with a mean age of 38 years, characterize the profile of HIV carriers coming from metropolis, with basic education and family income of up to two minimum wages, and type of heterosexual exposure. Most users deemed the service of assessment unsatisfactory. Was observed a significant difference (ρ < 0,001) between the variable of satisfaction and the predictor variables. Conclusion: We conclude that the health care service was appointed as being unsatisfactory by respondents demonstrated this by statistical tests

    Are long bone fractures really rare in children younger than 2 years?

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    Fonament. Les fractures són habituals entre les lesions no intencionades de la infància, però es creu que són poc fre- qüents en lactants. Objectiu. Determinar la freqüència diagnòstica i les caracte- rístiques de les fractures produides en nens menors de 2 anys. Mètode. Estudi retrospectiu de les consultes d'infants menors de 2 anys diagnosticats de fractura d'os llarg a urgències. Resultats. S'inclouen 258 consultes (prevalença 0,2%), el 25,2% de les quals corresponen a infants de menys d'1 any. Es van diagnosticar 293 fractures (35 infants en pre- sentaven dues). L'os més fracturat va ser el radi (en menors d'1 any, el fèmur), i la fractura en rodet, el tipus més ha- bitual. En 196 consultes (76%) se n'especifica la causa, i les més freqüents són caigudes i traumatismes. El 15,1% dels pacients van necessitar ingressar. Conclusions. Les fractures d'os llarg, tot i que són poc fre- qüents en lactants, presenten una morbiditat elevada. És important fer una anamnesi exhaustiva per esclarir-ne la causa i poder aplicar mesures preventive

    Effect of the coverage of rapid tests for syphilis in primary care on the syphilis in pregnancy in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of rapid tests coverage in Primary Care on syphilis detection rate in pregnant women in Brazil, in municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. METHODS: The dependent variable was the syphilis detection rate in pregnant women between 2012 and 2018. As the main independent variables, the methods for measuring the coverage of rapid tests for syphilis in Primary Care were used and, as adjustment variables, some indicators of health services and socioeconomic. We opted for a linear regression model for panel data (panel data analysis), considering the municipality as the unit of analysis and the year as the time variable. RESULTS: From the results of the final model, we can infer that, for a given municipality, as the rate of rapid tests increases by one point for every thousand live births, the detection rate of syphilis in pregnant women increases by an average of 0.02 cases per thousand live births (p &lt; 0.001). This value is adjusted for Family Health coverage, proportion of health facilities per inhabitant, per capita expenditure on health and the Human Development Index. CONCLUSIONS: There was a substantial improvement in the amount of rapid tests available, as well as a significant increase in the number of tests performed in pregnant women, which predicts an increase in syphilis rates in pregnant women. However, a worrying hypothesis is that the number of tests performed on pregnant women during the analyzed period may have been insufficient to detect the progress of the epidemic in this population.OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito da cobertura de testes rápidos na Atenção Básica sobre a taxa de detecção de sífilis em gestantes no Brasil, nos municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes. MÉTODOS: A variável dependente foi a taxa de detecção de sífilis em gestantes entre os anos de 2012 e 2018. Como variáveis independentes principais, foram utilizados os métodos de aferição da cobertura de testes rápidos para sífilis na Atenção Básica e, como variáveis de ajuste, alguns indicadores de serviços de saúde e socioeconômicos. Optou-se por um modelo de regressão linear para dados em painel (panel data analysis), considerando o município como unidade de análise e ano como variável de tempo. RESULTADOS: Pelos resultados do modelo final, pode-se inferir que, para um determinado município, à medida que a taxa de testes rápidos aumenta em um ponto para cada mil nascidos vivos, a taxa de detecção de sífilis em gestantes aumenta em média 0,02 casos por mil nascidos vivos (p &lt; 0,001). Esse valor está ajustado para cobertura de Saúde da Família, proporção de UBS por habitante, gastos per capita com saúde e Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. CONCLUSÕES: Houve uma melhora substancial na quantidade de testes rápidos disponíveis, bem como, o aumento significativo de realização desses testes em gestantes, o que prediz o aumento das taxas de sífilis em gestantes. Contudo, uma hipótese preocupante é que a quantidade de testes realizados em gestantes no período analisado pode ter sido insuficiente para detectar o avanço da epidemia nessa população

    Health literacy and cardiovascular complications in people with type 2 Diabetes

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    Background Cardiovascular complications are the main causes of death for type 2 diabetes. Their relationship to socioeconomic factors, such as health literacy, is not well known. Objectives To study the relationship between health literacy and cardiovascular complications (acute myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attack and ischemic heart disease) in type 2 diabetes patients and to understand the relationship of type 2 diabetes mellitus associated cardiovascular disease with empowerment and therapy adherence. Material and methods A cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of people with type 2 diabetes in central Portugal. Socio--demographic and clinical characteristics (blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, hemoglobin A1c and history of cardiovascular diseases) were collected, and validated scales were applied to assess health literacy, adherence to therapy, empowerment and quality of life. Bivariate inferential analysis between literacy, other variables and cardiovascular diseases, with subsequent Logistic Regression, was performed. Results A sample of n = 202, mean age 68.11 ± 10.19 years, n = 116 (57.4%) males was studied. Higher health literacy was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (p = 0.015). This relationship was independent of the remaining variables (OR = 0.947; 95% CI: 0.913–0.982; p = 0.003). Significant relationships were demonstrated between cardiovascular disease and quality of life (p = 0.001), adherence to total therapy (p = 0.045), general diet (p = 0.002), physical activity (p = 0.027), age (p = 0.004) and LDL cholesterol (p = 0.036). Conclusions The independent relationship between health literacy and cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes, when confirmed, will indicate that health literacy promotion acts as an important health policy measure to be adopted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Therapeutic itinerary of patients with chronic renal failure under dialytic treatment

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    Objective: To know the therapeutic itinerary of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) under dialytic treatment. Method: This is a descriptive and exploratory study, with qualitative nature, performed in 40 patients with chronic renal failure who underwent dialysis in a clinic located in the municipality of NatalRN. The data collection was held through semi-structured interviews. Results: The study showed that the therapeutic itinerary of the interviewed patients was marked by the discovery of the renal disease, search for health care, dialytic treatment and future prospects. Conclusion: it was notorious that the majority of the interviewed were belatedly referred to the specialist, when the renal function is already largely affected, which often requires a dialytic treatment or even the accomplishment of urgent admissions. The transplantation was characterized as hope for a better quality of life and release from the dialytic therapy