250 research outputs found

    Design de moda e electrónica. LEDs aplicados a vestidos de latex

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    Tese de Mestrado em Design de ModaO objectivo desta dissertação de cariz prático consistiu na realização de uma peça de vestuário em látex, um vestido, que integrasse na sua construção um circuito de iluminação de baixo consumo, LEDs. Tenciona-se alcançar com esta aplicação um padrão mutável, reproduzido e conseguido através da auscultação do batimento cardíaco do usuário da peça, outorgando-lhe singularidade e especificidade. O intuito deste projecto prende-se ainda com a interdisciplinaridade, ao conjugar áreas antagónicas como o design de moda e a engenharia electrónica, num esforço conjunto de trazer para o vestuário uma tecnologia pouco utlizada, admitindo uma nova abordagem. A metodologia utilizada tanto assenta no método não intervencionista, valendo-se da pesquisa e investigação de literatura relacionados ao tema, como no método intervencionista no que diz respeito ao projecto em si, baseado numa metodologia de trabalho apropriado ao processo de criação em design de moda. O resultado permitiu ampliar os conhecimentos respeitantes à execução de vestuário em látex e no campo dos circuitos e da iluminação por LEDs, conseguidos através da parceria entre as áreas. O sistema aplicado, apesar de divergir nos objectivos iniciais de auscultação do batimento cardíaco, permitiram explorar um outro sistema de LEDs onde a simulação é alcançada a partir de um circuito pensado para esse fim. Todo o conhecimento adquirido no processo foi uma mais-valia, que permitirá, de futuro, continuar a exploração neste campo e, com tempo, serem alcançados os objectivos primeiramente traçados.ABSTRACT - The objective of this dissertation on practice is the creation of a garment, a dress, which integrates a built-in lighting circuit of LEDs. It is intended to reach a changing pattern with this application, reproduced and achieved by the auscultation of the heartbeat of the person who wears it, giving it uniqueness and specificity. The purpose of this project is interdisciplinary. It combines divergent areas such as fashion design and electronic engineering. A single piece in order to combine fashion design with electronic engineering in a fresh new approach. The methodology used is based first on a non-interventionist method that it takes into account all the research and investigation of the literature related to the topic. Secondly, it is based in a interventionist approach in regard to the execution of the project itself, which it is based on an appropriate methodology to the creative process within fashion design. The result adds to the knowledge this is of making latex cloths and to the field of circuits and LED lighting. This is achieved through a work that combines the two areas. The applied system despite the initial objective differs from the heartbeat’s auscultation. Nevertheless it explores a different system of LEDs where the simulation of the heartbeat is attained using a circuit designed for this purpose. All knowledge acquired through the process was an asset, allowing future explorations in this field, in order to achieve, with more time, the initially delineated objectives

    Mushroom Biomass: Some Clinical Implications of β-Glucans and Enzymes

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    Mushrooms have attracted market attention because they are a potential source of bioactive compounds able to perform several functions in organisms with benefits for the health of the consumer. Cultivation processes vary according a) industrial fermentation - in large vats to produce extracted form of mushrooms or b) closed cultivation system - individually grown in jars on an aseptic "substrate" with controlled lighting and irrigation to produce a biomass form of mushrooms. Biomass is the mycelium with primordia (young fruiting body - before the mushroom blooms) containing all the nutrients and active compounds, including β-glucans, enzymes and secondary metabolites. The classification of mushroom biomass varies according to the presentation; the biomass can be classified as a "food" if in powder form or, classified as a "dietary supplement" in tablet form. While tablet mushroom biomass is considered a dietary supplement, mushroom extracts are designated pharmaceutical compounds, pharmanutrients or nutraceuticals. Here we illustrate the difference between mushrooms in the biomass and extract forms, the similarities and differences on its content on enzymes, secondary metabolites and on β-glucans, as a soluble and fermentable fibre. Of particular note is the rich enzyme activity in the biomass form of mushrooms. Such activity includes enzymes that prevent oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase), enzymes that prevent cellular growth (protease, glucoamylase) and enzymes that promote detoxification (cytochrome P-450, peroxidase, glucose-2-oxidase). β-glucans have been proposed to act as "biological response modifiers" based on their effects on the immune system, and its role in the prevention and treatment of various metabolic syndrome-linked diseases. This review focuses also on some described health-promoting potential of mushroom biomass, all through immunomodulation. The role of intestinal microbiota is enhanced

    Roteiros da uva e vinho : ferramenta de análise para definição do perfil dos visitantes do caminho do vinho de São José dos Pinhais/PR

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    Orientador : Dario Luiz Dias PaixãoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Curso de Graduação em TurismoInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho consiste em uma análise do perfil da demanda do Caminho do Vinho, localizado no município de São José dos Pinhais, no Paraná. O desenvolvimento do trabalho justifica-se pela importância em contribuir com o crescimento do turismo de uva e vinho no município em que está inserido. Os métodos utilizados dividem-se em pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter exploratório e aplicação de questionários aos visitantes. A análise bibliográfica abrange dados sobre os roteiros turísticos existentes no país e as vertentes de roteiros relacionados à alimentos e bebidas, sendo finalizada com informações referentes ao objeto de estudo. Durante a análise de resultados, obteve-se o perfil do atual visitante do Caminho do Vinho e suas principais necessidades. Com tais informações, este trabalho é encerrado com uma solução inovadora para que o roteiro se integre à tecnologia, através de novas ferramentas para fidelizar seu cliente e solucionar com agilidade seus principais problemas.Abstract : The present work is an analysis about the profile of visitors of a wine route know as Caminho do Vinho, located in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná-Brazil. The development of this work is justified by the importance of contributing to the growth of Grape and Wine tourism in the municipality in which it is inserted. The methods to make feasible are exploratory documentary research, to know the routes who already exist in Brazil, and application of questionnaires to the visitors. During the analysis of results, the profile of the current visitor and their main needs were obtained. From this information, the work is finished with an innovative solution, so the route can be integrated to the technology, through new tools to retain their actual client and to solve with agility the problems

    Financial risk management in renewable energy projects: A multicriteria approach

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    [EN] The problem of financing renewable energy (RE) projects has become a crucial issue for private and public decision-makers worldwide. Based on the European experience, the lack of credit makes it difficult for commercial banks to fund RE projects with traditional loans. In recent years, Project Finance has been widely used as a mechanism for funding RE projects. Project Finance decisions from lenders are made in a traditional way including quantitative financial criteria and qualitative risk assessment for non-financial criteria. In this paper, we show how the VIKOR method is applied to the selection of RE projects to be funded by commercial banks when using Project Finance. The method is combined with the AHP method for weighting the importance of the different criteria. We propose a multicriteria approach to select RE projects in which the decision maker takes into consideration financial criteria and a set of non-financial criteria regarding the technological, political-legal and socio-environmental risks of RE projects. In order to gain insight into the RE financial decision-making process, the paper makes a contribution to research in the financial field of RE investments and proposes some suggestions for managerial and practical decision making.Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Mayor-Vitoria, F.; Bravo Selles, M.; Pla Santamaría, D. (2019). Financial risk management in renewable energy projects: A multicriteria approach. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences. 22(4):360-371. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/164156S36037122

    Interferencia da temperatura no equilibrio acido-base em frangos de corte e sua resposta frente a suplementação com bicarbonato de sodio, cloreto de amonio e Stacidemr

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    Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo medir a influência de sais, cloreto de amónio e bicarbonato de sódio e de uma combinaçao comercial de sais de ácidos, denominada de Stacidem, no equilíbrio ãcido-base de frangos de corte, criados de 1 a 49 dias de idade (abate com 49 dias), num aviário experimental, na região oeste do Estado do Paraná, região de clima quente, principalmente no verão, quando da realização do teste. Os parâmetros analisados foram ganho de pêso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar alem da viabilidade, mortalidade, umidade da cama e índíce de eficiência. As rações foram suplementadas em níveis de 0,3% (T2) e 1,01 (T3) de cloreto de amónio; 0,3% (T4) de Stacidem1 e 0,5% (T5) de bicarbonato de sódio. Foram feitos cinco tratamentos com três repetições, sendo o tratamento testemunha (T1) a ração comercial de uso normal. A ração foi fornecida, de acordo com o ciclo de vida dos frangos de corte, em ração inicial, crescimento, acabamento. Tanto a ãgua como a ração foram fornecidos â vontade para as aves. Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas (P;>0,05), no que se refere ao ganho de pêso, consumo e conversão alimentar entre as substâncias testadas, considerando-se o período total de duração do experimento (49 dias). Houve acentuado aumento da umidade da cama com a utilização de 1,0% de cloreto de amónio (T3)oContudo, os índíces de mortalidade verificados não foram significativos (P>0,05). Observou-se uma tendência ao aumento do ganho de pêso e de melhor conversão alimentar, com a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio e de cloreto de amónio

    Multiple-criteria cash-management policies with particular liquidity terms

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    [EN] Eliciting policies for cash management systems with multiple assets is by no means straightforward. Both the particular relationship between alternative assets and time delays from control decisions to availability of cash introduce additional difficulties. Here we propose a cash management model to derive short-term finance policies when considering multiple assets with different expected returns and particular liquidity terms for each alternative asset. In order to deal with the inherent uncertainty about the near future introduced by cash flows, we use forecasts as a key input to the model. We express uncertainty as lack of predictive accuracy and we derive a deterministic equivalent problem that depends on forecasting errors and preferences of cash managers. Since the assessment of the quality of forecasts is recommended, we describe a method to evaluate the impact of predictive accuracy in cash management policies. We illustrate this method through several numerical examples.Salas-Molina, F.; Pla Santamaría, D.; Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Mayor-Vitoria, F. (2020). Multiple-criteria cash-management policies with particular liquidity terms. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 31(2):217-231. https://doi.org/10.1093/imaman/dpz010S217231312Abdelaziz, F. B., Aouni, B., & Fayedh, R. E. (2007). Multi-objective stochastic programming for portfolio selection. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1811-1823. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.10.021Aouni, B., Ben Abdelaziz, F., & La Torre, D. (2012). The Stochastic Goal Programming Model: Theory and Applications. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 19(5-6), 185-200. doi:10.1002/mcda.1466Aouni, B., Colapinto, C., & La Torre, D. (2014). Financial portfolio management through the goal programming model: Current state-of-the-art. European Journal of Operational Research, 234(2), 536-545. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.09.040Baccarin, S. (2009). Optimal impulse control for a multidimensional cash management system with generalized cost functions. European Journal of Operational Research, 196(1), 198-206. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.02.040Ballestero, E. (2001). Stochastic goal programming: A mean–variance approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 131(3), 476-481. doi:10.1016/s0377-2217(00)00084-9Ballestero, E., & Romero, C. (1998). Multiple Criteria Decision Making and its Applications to Economic Problems. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2827-9Bemporad, A., & Morari, M. (1999). Control of systems integrating logic, dynamics, and constraints. Automatica, 35(3), 407-427. doi:10.1016/s0005-1098(98)00178-2Cabello, J. G. (2013). Cash efficiency for bank branches. SpringerPlus, 2(1). doi:10.1186/2193-1801-2-334García Cabello, J., & Lobillo, F. J. (2017). Sound branch cash management for less: A low-cost forecasting algorithm under uncertain demand. Omega, 70, 118-134. doi:10.1016/j.omega.2016.09.005Charnes, A., & Cooper, W. W. (1959). 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    Country Evaluation of Islamic Economic Criteria: An Application Using Entropy Weight and TOPSIS Methodologies

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    [EN] While Islamic economy is growing in all sectors, Halal compliance is carried out by more countries worldwide. The purpose of this paper is toestablish a methodology based on MCDM methods in order to create an accurate ranking of countries according to the basis of the Halal standards, which can be used by public and private institutions. Although Islamic economy is evaluated globally by different institutions every year, those reports are based on indicators which are equally weighted. In this paper, weights of the six Islamic economy criteria are determined by the EWM (Entropy Weight Method) and theTechnique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) has been used to create a ranking of countries in terms of the Halal principles.Mayor-Vitoria, F.; Garcia-Bernabeu, A.; Abdul Rahman, NA.; Mohammad, MF. (2021). Country Evaluation of Islamic Economic Criteria: An Application Using Entropy Weight and TOPSIS Methodologies. International Journal of Science and Research. 10(2):979-986. https://doi.org/10.21275/SR21216022424S97998610

    From concept to validation of a wireless environmental sensor for the integral application of preventive conservation methodologies in low-budget museums

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    [EN] The effective implementation of preventive conservation strategies requires tools to continuously measure the environmental conditions to which the cultural objects are exposed. In this sense, the European Horizon 2020 project CollectionCare aims to provide an affordable preventive conservation service for individual objects focused to small museums with limited budgets. Although the use of data loggers has been a must in the past, new deployments tend to use wired and wireless sensors that provide real-time information and the ability to instantly analyse the data, allowing immediate action to be taken in the event of a threat towards a cultural object. For already constructed buildings, wireless systems have the advantage that, a priori, deployments are simpler, faster and cheaper, but have to deal with complex heritage environments with long distances to be covered and very thick walls to cross. In many cases, commercial systems of this type are not economically viable for small museums with limited budgets. Moreover, conservators who try to approach such solutions are often overwhelmed by unclear technical specifications that do not allow them to determine whether the solution fits their environment or not, giving rise to great frustration. Among others, the CollectionCare includes the design of a specific low-cost wireless sensor, being the aim of this article to present to both technical and non-technical readers, the design choices made regarding the housing, attachment method, power source, wireless transmission technique and selection of the environmental sensors following European standards. Also, the effective implementation of the device in three stages to prove the concep until to get a near-production version is presented. The developed device has been deployed in museums in Belgium, Italy, Greece, Latvia, Denmark and Spain, and the validation results are presented, showing that it is feasible to have a cost-effective proposal that it is easy to install and configure and can operate for 10 years without the need for maintenance or battery replacement except if it is needed to comply with annual recalibration if standards such as ISO 11799:2015 are required.This research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant agreement No.814624.Laborda, J.; García-Castillo, AM.; Mercado Romero, R.; Peiró-Vitoria, A.; Perles, A. (2022). From concept to validation of a wireless environmental sensor for the integral application of preventive conservation methodologies in low-budget museums. Heritage Science. 10(1):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00837-911710