125 research outputs found

    Synovia-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Application in Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Review

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    Musculoskeletal injuries impact millions of people globally and affect their health and well-being as well as of their companion and athletic animals. Soft-tissue injuries represent almost half of these and are associated with unorganized scar tissue formation and long time-depending healing processes. Cell-based therapeutic strategies have been developed in the past decades aiming at the treatment and reversion of such disorders. Stem cells are fairly appealing in the field, being a responsive undifferentiated population, with ability to self-renew and differentiate into different lineages. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be obtained from several adult tissues, including the synovial membrane. Synovia-derived MSCs can be found in individuals of any age and are associated to intrinsic regenerative processes, through both paracrine and cell-to-cell interactions, thus, contributing to hosts’ healing capacity. Studies have demonstrated the potential benefit of synovia-derived MSCs in these regenerative processes in both human and veterinary medicine. The purpose of this chapter is to review the literature regarding SM-MSC therapies applied to musculoskeletal disorders, in both human and veterinary medicine

    Reabilitação de edifícios escolares - Níveis ótimos de rentabilidade na reabilitação de edifícios escolares em Portugal

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    A Comissão Europeia tem criado e atualizado diversas diretivas que promovem a eficiência energética, sendo necessário atuar nos diversos setores de atividade. O sector dos edifícios é preponderante, sendo responsável por cerca de 40% dos consumos finais de energia. Nos edifícios públicos, a melhoria da eficiência pode contribuir para reduzir as despesas assumidas pelos órgãos de poder e melhorar as condições de conforto dos utilizadores. Alguns municípios têm vindo a realizar intervenções de melhoria no parque escolar, não só para proporcionarem melhores condições de conforto aos alunos, mas também para melhorarem o desempenho energético e reduzirem os encargos. Com base no caso de estudo de uma escola básica de tipologia P3, através de uma análise de custos de ciclo de vida, são identificadas as medidas de melhoria do desempenho energético com melhores resultados na redução do custo global. As medidas com impacto mais relevante quer ao nível da redução de custos quer na redução dos consumos energéticos, foram a substituição da iluminação e dos envidraçados. A introdução de isolamento nas paredes e cobertura, apesar do impacto reduzido tanto ao nível dos custos como na energia, afiguram-se, em algumas das soluções testadas, também rentáveis. Tendo em vista o objetivo final de transformar estes edifícios em edifícios de emissões nulas de CO2 eq. até 2020, é possível aferir que: -As medidas de melhoria da envolvente opaca, apesar de pouco relevantes, podem ser, ainda que marginalmente, rentáveis; -A melhoria do desempenho energético de envidraçados e da iluminação são medidas essenciais; -A aproximação ao objetivo de emissões nulas só é atingível com a introdução de sistema

    Biomaterials and Cellular Systems at the Forefront of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

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    Peripheral nerve injuries remain a common clinical complication, and currently available therapies present significant limitations, often resulting in poor and suboptimal outcomes. Despite significant developments in microsurgical approaches in the last decades, no effective treatment options have been disclosed. Current research focuses on the optimization of such microsurgical techniques and on their combination with other pro-regenerative factors, such as mesenchymal stem cells or biomaterials. Mesenchymal stem cells present a remarkable capacity for bioactive molecule production that modulates inflammatory and regenerative processes, stimulating peripheral nerve regeneration. In parallel, efforts have been directed towards the development of biomaterial nerve guidance channels and nerve conduits. These biomaterials have been optimized in terms of biodegradability, ability to release bioactive factors, incorporation of cellular agents, and internal matrix architecture (to enable cellular migration and mimic native tissue morphology and to generate and bear specific electrical activity). The current literature review presents relevant advances in the development of mesenchymal stem cell and biomaterial-based therapeutic approaches aiming at the peripheral nerve tissue regeneration in diverse lesion scenarios, also exploring the advances achieved by our research group in this field in recent years

    Peripheral nerve injury and axonotmesis: State of the art and recent advances

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    Peripheral nerve lesions are frequent occurrences in both human and animal patients, leading to important physiological and labor complications that affect the quality of life of those who suffer the injury. More severe injuries are often associated with poor nerve regeneration and inadequate functional recovery, even with early medical and surgical interventions. Peripheral nerve crush lesions are frequent and, therefore, an experimental lesion paradigm widely used in researches involving nerve injury models and therapies for its resolution. In recent years, many studies have focused on innovative approaches to peripheral nerve treatment after crush injuries with more or less success. This review addresses the theme of peripheral nerve injury, with a special focus on the axonotmesis lesion, its etiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, methods of functional evaluation and regenerative processes, therapeutic options and corresponding recent advances

    Educação em saúde para indivíduos com dor crônica: ensaio clínico

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    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The use of socio-educational booklets is recommended for assisting in the control of chronic pain (CP). However, the efficacy and safety of these light technologies have not yet been tested enough for widespread application, based on the model of scientific evidence. This study aimed to assess the effect of a health education program in individuals suffering from CP using the EducaDor booklet. METHODS: Randomized clinical trial conducted with CP patients from Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS – Primary Health Care Units) in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Assessments were performed using the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), Visual Analog Scale of Pain (VAS-P) and World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Bref (WHOQoL-bref ), before and after the intervention, for intra and intergroup analyses: Test Group (Booklet) and Control Group (Conventional Care). The contents of the EducaDor booklet were presented didactically in six meetings with an interval of one week between them. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 10 individuals in each group (n = 20). In the Control Group, there was an increase in pain intensity (p=0.034), while the Test Group showed a reduction in pain intensity (p=0.015) and a lower level of interference in the physical, psychological, social relationships and environmental quality of life domains (p<0.05). In the intergroup comparisons, an improvement was observed in the domain of social relationships in the Test Group (p=0.015). CONCLUSION: EducaDor booklet has been shown to be effective and safe for the education of patients suffering from CP by reducing pain intensity and improving patients’ quality of life. JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Recomenda-se a utilização de cartilhas socioeducativas para auxiliar no controle da dor crônica (DC). No entanto, a eficácia e a segurança dessas tecnologias leves foram pouco testadas para ampla aplicação, com base no modelo de evidências científicas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de um programa de educação em saúde em indivíduos com DC por meio da cartilha EducaDor. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado realizado com indivíduos que apresentam DC em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Os participantes foram submetidos à aplicação do Inventário Breve de Dor (BPI), Escala Analógica Visual (EAV) e do instrumento de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde - Bref (WHOQoL-bref ), antes e após a intervenção, para análises intra e intergrupos: Grupo Teste (booklet) e Grupo Controle (cuidado convencional). O conteúdo da cartilha EducaDor foi apresentado didaticamente em seis encontros com intervalo de uma semana entre eles. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 10 pessoas em cada grupo (n = 20). No Grupo Controle, houve aumento da intensidade da dor (p=0,034), enquanto o Grupo Teste apresentou redução da intensidade de dor (p=0,015) e menor nível de interferência nos domínios de qualidade de vida físico, psicológico, social e ambiental (p<0,05). Nas comparações intergrupos, observou-se melhora no domínio relações sociais no Grupo Teste (p=0,015). CONCLUSÃO: A cartilha EducaDor mostrou-se eficaz e segura para a educação de pacientes com DC, por reduzir a intensidade da dor e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IL-10 modulates depressive-like behavior

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    The role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in psychiatric disorders has been the focus of great research attention in recent years. Para- doxically, the same is not true for anti-inflammatory cytokines. In the present study, we assessed the behavioral profile of animals with altered expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. We performed a battery of tests to assess anxiety, depressive-like and cognitive behaviors in mice overexpressing IL-10 (PMT10) and IL-10-/- animals; in the later mice we also tested the behavioral effect of IL-10 administration. In the forced-swimming test, IL-10 / females displayed increased depressive-like behavior; importantly, this phenotype was reverted by the injection of IL-10. Moreover, mice overexpressing IL-10 presented a decreased depressive-like behavior. Despite the presence of a similar trend, male animals did not reach significant differences in depressive-like behavior. Assessment in the open-field showed that the absence of IL-10 decreased the percentage of time spent in the center of the arena in both male and female mice, while male animals overexpressing IL-10 revealed an opposite behavior. For both sexes, imbalance in IL-10 levels did not affect spatial reference memory. In conclusion, variations in IL-10 expression are associated with an altered depressive-like behavior, but do not influence cognitive performance. Interestingly, IL-10 imbalance produced more profound behavioral changes in females than in male animals. This is in accordance with clinical data demonstrating an increased susceptibility of women to mood disorders, suggesting an interplay between anti-inflammatory cytokines and sexual steroids.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - AR (SFRH/BD/11838/2003)

    Children as carers: an integrative review

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    OBJECTIVE: to undertake an integrative literature review on the issue of "Children as carers". This is an emerging topic in the provision of health care, but nevertheless has a low profile in the literature. METHODOLOGY: this study was based in a survey of nine databases of scientific articles, using as descriptor: child, young, caregivers, lay carer and nursing role, as well as the corresponding terms in Portuguese. 21 articles were analyzed. RESULTS: these were organized into six categories - factors which motivate the child to take on the role of caregiver; these children's characteristics; tasks performed; time spent in caring; consequences of providing care and the role of the nurse in partnership with these children and their families. CONCLUSION: the children as carers are a focus of attention relevant to nursing practice, this issue representing an opportunity for investigation in Portuguese-speaking countries, as no article was found on the subject in Portuguese. In addition, with this first study in Portuguese, a work of the creation of a bibliography is begun, allowing an awareness of the issue and the identification of ways to respond to the families involved, in line with their needs.OBJETIVO: realizar una revisión bibliográfica integrativa del tema "Niños como Cuidadores". Se Trata de un tema emergente en la prestación de atenciones de salud, que sin embargo se mantiene poco visible en la literatura. METODOLOGÍA: se basó en una investigación sobre nueve bases de datos de artículos científicos, utilizándose como descriptores: child, young, caregivers, lay carer y nursing role, así como los correspondientes en portugués. Fueron analizados 21 artículos. RESULTADOS: fueron organizados en seis categorías - factores que motivan el niño a asumir el papel de cuidador; características de esos niños; tareas desempeñadas; tiempo pasado a cuidar; consecuencias de la prestación de atenciones y papel del enfermero junto de esos niños y sus familias. CONCLUSIÓN: los niños como cuidadores son un foco de atención relevante para la práctica de enfermería, representando ese tema una oportunidad de averiguación en los países de idioma portugués, ya que no fue encontrado cualquier artículo en portugués sobre el mismo. Además, con éste primer estudio en idioma portugués, se inicia un trabajo de creación bibliográfica que permita la sensibilización para el tema y la identificación de las respuestas a dar a las familias envueltas, de acuerdo con sus necesidades.OBJETIVO: realizar uma revisão bibliográfica integrativa do tema "Crianças como Cuidadoras". Trata-se de tema emergente na prestação de cuidados de saúde que, contudo, se mantém pouco visível na literatura. METODOLOGIA: baseou-se numa pesquisa sobre nove bases de dados de artigos científicos, utilizando-se como descritores: child, young, caregivers, lay carer and nursing role, bem como os correspondentes em português. Foram analisados 21 artigos. RESULTADOS: foram organizados em seis categorias: fatores que motivam a criança a assumir o papel de cuidadora; caraterísticas dessas crianças; tarefas desempenhadas; tempo passado a cuidar; consequências da prestação de cuidados e papel do enfermeiro em relação a essas crianças e suas famílias. CONCLUSÃO: as crianças como cuidadoras são um foco de atenção relevante para a prática de enfermagem, representando esse tema uma oportunidade de investigação nos países de língua portuguesa, já que não foi encontrado qualquer artigo em português sobre o mesmo. Além disso, com este primeiro estudo em língua portuguesa, inicia-se um trabalho de criação bibliográfica que permita a sensibilização para o tema e a identificação das respostas a dar às famílias envolvidas, de acordo com as suas necessidades


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    Currently society is more present in subjects related environmental and socio-environmental issues, requiring of the government and organizations, cleaner politics, creative methods that reduce the impacts to the environment, since the business environment is seen as primarily responsible for these impacts, releasing through their activities gases that contribute to air pollution and exacerbate the greenhouse effect, such as carbon dioxide (CO2 ), raising the temperature of the planet. The principal objective of this work was to detect and calculate the carbon credits generated by the reforestation activity of the company Suzano Papel e Celulose S/A, using a quantitative method for estimating CO2 emissions avoided. In the methodological procedures used a descriptive study with a hypothetical deductive method, and a quantitative and qualitative approach to nature. Based on sustainability reporting, the data needed to obtain the results were documented. It was also possible horizontally and vertically analyze the main environmental indicators, verifying an increase in the indicator of emissions of greenhouse gases, and a reduction in harmful hazardous waste indicator. As for carbon credits, it can be affirmed that the company studied had thousands of eligible credits trading on the stock exchange in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, but did not recognize these credits on their statements, failing to raise millions of dollars that could be invested in other social and environmental projects. Therefore, it is perceived by the results obtained, that this theme about carbon credits is of great importance and should be discussed in greater breadth and depth, both the government and regulatory bodies of accounting, should seek a parsimonious treatment that facilitates implementation of CDM and carbon credit transactions on the stock exchange.Atualmente a sociedade está mais presente nos assuntos relacionados as questões ambientais e socioambientais, exigindo do governo e das organizações, políticas mais limpas, métodos criativos que diminuam os impactos causados ao meio ambiente, visto que o meio empresarial é tido como principal responsável por esses impactos, liberando por meio de suas atividades gases que contribuem com a poluição atmosférica e  agravam o efeito estufa, como o dióxido de carbono (CO2), elevando a temperatura do planeta. O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi evidenciar e calcular os créditos de carbono gerados pela atividade de reflorestamento da empresa Suzano Papel e Celulose S/A, utilizando um método quantitativo para estimar as emissões de CO2 evitadas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos utilizou-se um estudo do tipo descritivo, com um método hipotético dedutivo, e com uma abordagem de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Com base nos relatórios de sustentabilidade, foram levantados os dados necessários para a obtenção dos resultados. Também foi possível analisar horizontalmente e verticalmente os principais indicadores ambientais, verificando-se um aumento no indicador de emissões de gases de efeito estufa, e uma redução no indicador de resíduos perigosos nocivos. Quanto aos créditos de carbono, pode-se afirmar que empresa estudada possuía milhares de créditos aptos a negociação na bolsa de valores nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012, porém não reconhecia esses créditos em seus demonstrativos, deixando de arrecadar milhões de dólares que poderiam ser investidos em outros projetos sociais e ambientais. Portanto, percebe-se mediante os resultados obtidos, que essa temática sobre créditos de carbono é de grande importância e deve ser discutida com mais abrangência e profundidade, tanto o governo quanto os órgãos regulamentadores de contabilidade, deveriam buscar um tratamento parcimonioso, que facilitasse a implementação de MDL e as operações com credito de carbono na bolsa de valores

    Classification of udder edema in cattle: systematic review / Classificação do edema de úbere em bovinos: revisão sistemática

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    Dairy activity in Brazil is in a process of intensification due to the low rates of financial profitability of the production systems. The search for increased profitability makes producers and technicians use management strategies that challenge animals to expose their full genetic potential. On the other hand, the increase in individual productivity can result in the occurrence of metabolic and physiological disturbances, such as udder edema. This disorder is characterized by excessive fluid accumulation in the intercellular spaces of the breast tissue and is more evident in primipara and peripartum. The disease causes discomfort, difficulty in walking, pain, a drop in food intake, and predisposes the animal to mastitis. The etiology of udder edema is not fully known, but studies show that diets rich in concentrates and high sodium and potassium intakes are predisposing factors for its occurrence. In this sense, the objective was to carry out a systematic literature review to assess and define classification standards for udder edema in dairy cows, which can be used in the field to guide the control and treatment of the disease. For the bibliographical survey, six documents were used that answered positively to the following question: Is it possible to carry out a standardized classification regarding the degrees of mammary gland edema in cattle? Difficulty was found in locating publications involving the classification of this disease, which is related to the scarcity of studies on udder edema