3,885 research outputs found

    El sujeto político y la transformación social en Judith Butler y Seyla Benhabib

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    This research shows the problem of social transformation in the contemporary feminist theory from the perspective of two authors: Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib. A different way of understanding the subject will take them to different political strategies, although they hold a common goal: the possibility of the speech's extension with the aim of being inclusive and its maintenance to guarantee the right of equality. The objective is to show, by taking the key aspects in which both philosophical projects find themselves as a starting point, the main issues with which an inclusive feminist theory should deal within the current context of globalization.El presente estudio aborda el problema de la transformación social en la teoría feminista contemporánea a partir de las perspectivas de dos autoras: Judith Butler y Seyla Benhabib. Una manera diferente de entender el sujeto les conducirá a diferentes estrategias políticas, aunque mantengan una meta común: la posibilidad de la ampliación del discurso con la finalidad de ser inclusivo y la permanencia de éste para garantizar el derecho a la igualdad. El objetivo es mostrar, a partir de los puntos clave en los que ambos proyectos filosóficos se encuentran, qué cuestiones deberá atender una teoría feminista inclusiva en el actual contexto de globalización

    Tracing Tolkien’s Sources of Inspiration: Adventure, History and British Culture in His Major Works

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2018-2019The objective of this project will be to identify the main sources that inspired John R. R. Tolkien to write his work the way he did. This dissertation will be divided into two main parts: one dealing with the author's life and the socio-historical context he lived in, with a focus on his views on war, religion and ecology and how these aspects are represented in his work, as he participated in the First World War and was a religious man and an ecologist. Another part will deal with the literary influences he received, such as Arthuric legends, Norse culture, European mythology and other related contents he used. The objective is to trace the way British culture impregnates Tolkien's fantasy world. The works by Tolkien used for this dissertation will be those belonging to the legendarium- the compilation that contains all the works that are part of the mythology of the Middle Earth, but especially The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The Silmarillio

    “El último cuplé” (1957): A feminine challenge in the Spanish cinema

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    Este trabajo pretende estudiar la película El último cuplé (1957, Juan de Orduña). Éxito de taquilla que recuperó el erotismo en la cinematografía nacional. Tras la fortuna de un programa de radio sobre cuplés, Orduña, que anteriormente había dirigido obras propagandísticas del Régimen, decide rodar esta personal historia sobre una cantante del “género ínfimo”. El film se inscribe en el tímido aperturismo del primer franquismo, pero es anterior a la modernización de los sesenta. Aunque generalmente se considera moralista, pensamos que desafía el ideal femenino y la censura franquistas. La protagonista es una mujer fuerte, con trabajo, soltera, que mantiene relaciones sentimentales fuera de su clase y con hombres mayores y menores, bebe, juega y cuyo comportamiento es abiertamente seductor. Su ropa y maquillaje retan el pudor convencional atribuido a las señoras y las canciones que interpreta inciden en su sensualidad. Fuertemente censurada, es, sin embargo, un exponente de los límites que en la dictadura algunas mujeres traspasaron y de los vientos de cambio que se intuían, al menos, en los gustos del público. El “destape”, y lo que significó, comenzaba su andadura. Para ello vamos a emplear el método del análisis textual o de la teoría del textoThis work aims to study the movie El último cuplé (1957, Juan de Orduña), box office success that recovered the eroticism in the national cinematography. After the fortune earned with a radio program on cuplés, Orduña, who had previously directed propagandistic works for the Regime, decided to shoot this personal story about a cuplé singer. The film is part of the timid opening of the first Francoism, but it predates the modernization of the sixties. Although generally considered moralistic, we believe that it defies the feminine ideal and the Francoist censorship. The main character is a strong and single working woman, who has romantic relationships outside her social class with both older and younger men. She drinks and gambles, and her behavior is openly seductive. Her clothes and makeup challenge the conventional modesty attributed to the ladies and the songs she interprets increase her sensuality. Strongly censured, it is nevertheless an example of the limits that some women crossed during the dictatorship and of the winds of change that were beginning to blow, at least in the public taste. The “Destape” had begun its journey. For this study, we will use the method of Textual Analysis or Text TheoryEste artículo ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de los proyectos “Hacer las Europas: identidades, europeización, proyección exterior y relato nacional español en el proceso de integración europea” [HAR2015-64429-C2-2-P (MINECO/FEDER)] y “Perfiles del centro político (1976-1986): proyectos y realizaciones” [HAR 2016-75600-C2-2-P (AEI/FEDER, UE)], así como a una ayuda FPU del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de Españ

    Prensa de moda para hombres en España: intereses de clase y tendencias en "La guía del peluquero" (1873-1880)

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    El objetivo es investigar sobre las primeras publicaciones especializadas en moda en España y, en concreto, acerca de la Guía del peluquero (1873-1880). Esta cabecera es interesante porque es de las pocas que trataban temas de moda para el público masculino, aunque el tema predominante era la moda femenina, especialmente en peinados. Así recoge un valioso testimonio sobre las costumbres de la España de finales del XIX, para ambos sexos. Además, representa una excepción dentro de la prensa de moda porque pretendía ser un medio de defensa de los intereses de la clase obrera y también un vehículo educativo, de la profesión y del mundo. Se trata, pues, de un órgano proto sindical, en sintonía con el movimiento obrero del momento. Su existencia nos habla de un acercamiento de la prensa a los trabajadores y, por tanto, de la mayor alfabetización, capacidad de consumo y desarrollo. Su larga vida prueba su trascendencia. Para su estudio hemos utilizado la Ficha hemerográfica diseñada por Celso Almuiña.This article studies one of the first specialized publications in fashion in Spain: the Guía del peluquero (1873-1880). This magazine is interesting because it is one of the few that dealt with topics of fashion for the male audience, although it also included content for women. It reveals the uses and customs of the Spanish people at the end of the XIX century, for both sexes. In addition, it represents an exception in the fashion press because it defends the interests of the working class and also it was an educational vehicle. It is, therefore, a proto-union organ, in tune with the labour movement. The existence of the magazine reflects the approach to the workers in Spain and the rise of the life level. The long life of the Guía proves the transcendence. For its study we have used the analysis sheet designed by Celso Almuiña, Professor of Contemporary History at Universidad of Valladolid (Spain

    Young People and Political and Social Activism in the Maghreb: The Participants in the 2013 Tunis World Social Forum

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    El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar en el conocimiento de la participación social y política de los jóvenes norteafricanos. Este fenómeno ha adquirido un renovado interés tanto sociológico como político tras las movilizaciones de descontento que protagonizaron fundamentalmente los jóvenes en el Magreb a principio de 2011. Para analizarlo presentamos los resultados de una encuesta a jóvenes activistas de Argelia, Marruecos, y Túnez que hemos realizado durante el Foro Social Mundial (FMS) que se celebró en Túnez en marzo de 2013. La muestra se compone de más de 200 jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 35 años y que son miembros de organizaciones de la sociedad civil magrebí. Nos centramos en los aspectos metodológicos del trabajo de campo, el perfil socio-¬‐demográfico de los jóvenes militantes, los objetivos y las causas que orientan la labor de las organizaciones en las que participan, y las opiniones que expresan ante la “Primavera árabe”. A modo de conclusiones destacamos las aportaciones de nuestro estudio en relación con las dimensiones de género y las variables nacionalesThe aim of this paper is to progress in the knowledge of participation of young people in collective actions in the North African countries. This is a phenomenon of great interest in terms of sociological and political issues after the massive protests that have been led by young people at the beginning of 2011. We will present the results of a survey of young activists from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. During the World Social Forum (WSF), held in Tunisia in March, 2013, we interviewed a little over two hundred young people between the ages of eighteen and thirty-­‐five, members of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. We will first present the methodologic issue of the fieldwork. Second we analyze the socio-­‐demographic profile of the young activists, the causes which shape the work of the CSOs, the motivations of these young people in participating in collective action and the attitudes they report with regard to the protest movements of 2011 called “Arab Spring”. Finally, we will contrast the responses given – on the one hand, in terms of gender, and on the other, of countr

    Case Study. Workshop group art therapy with women in the Spanish- Moroccan CEPI

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    Se presenta un estudio de caso de una mujer que formó parte en el Taller El Encuentro de Crear en el Centro Hispano Marroquí, reflexionamos sobre su recorrido en el taller y las posibles aportaciones que pudo suponer en su vida.We present a case study of a woman who took part in the workshop The Create Meeting in Moroccan Hispanic Center, is a journey and reflection on the process in the workshop

    @the_new_house: an Online-Offline Manifesto

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    The house, is one of the most fundamental architectural archetypes, has long been used as unbuilt or built manifestos to declare the avant garde of the discipline. As designers, we need to re-visualize design concepts to create architecture that integrates and corresponds to the way we dwell. Innovating design in the same way technology and digitalization have been innovating production and the way we live. This thesis investigates a return to the design of a house as a manifesto, focusing on today’s advanced modes of fabrication and evolving ways of living to challenge the current design mindset

    Rainwater Harvesting for Agricultural Irrigation: An Analysis of Global Research

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    Within a context of scarce water resources for agriculture, rainwater harvesting constitutes a promising alternative that has been studied by different disciplines in recent years. This article analyses the dynamics of global research on rainwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation over the last two decades. To do this, qualitative systematic analysis and quantitative bibliometric analysis have been carried out. The results reveal that this line of research is becoming increasingly important within research on irrigation. Environmental sciences and agricultural and biological sciences are the most relevant subject areas. Agricultural Water Management, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, and Irrigation and Drainage are the journals that have published the most articles on the subject. India, China, the United States (USA), South Africa, and the Netherlands are the countries that lead this line of research. Although significant progress has been made in this subject area, it is necessary to increase the number of studies on the capacity of rainwater harvesting systems to cover irrigation needs in different farming contexts, the factors that determine their adoption by farmers, the economic and financial feasibility of their implementation, and their contribution to mitigating global climate change