29 research outputs found

    Effect of dynamic random leaks on the monitoring accuracy of home mechanical ventilators : a bench study

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    So far, the accuracy of tidal volume (VT) and leak measures provided by the built-in software of commercial home ventilators has only been tested using bench linear models with fixed calibrated and continuous leaks. The objective was to assess the reliability of the estimation of tidal volume (VT) and unintentional leaks in a single tubing bench model which introduces random dynamic leaks during inspiratory or expiratory phases. The built-in software of four commercial home ventilators and a fifth ventilator-independent ad hoc designed external software tool were tested with two levels of leaks and two different models with excess leaks (inspiration or expiration). The external software analyzed separately the inspiratory and expiratory unintentional leaks. In basal condition, all ventilators but one underestimated tidal volume with values ranging between -1.5 ± 3.3% to -8.7% ± 3.27%. In the model with excess of inspiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by all four commercial software tools, with values ranging from 18.27 ± 7.05% to 35.92 ± 17.7%, whereas the ventilator independent-software gave a smaller difference (3.03 ± 2.6%). Leaks were underestimated by two applications with values of -11.47 ± 6.32 and -5.9 ± 0.52 L/min. With expiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by the software of one ventilator and the ventilator-independent software and significantly underestimated by the other three, with deviations ranging from +10.94 ± 7.1 to -48 ± 23.08%. The four commercial tools tested overestimated unintentional leaks, with values between 2.19 ± 0.85 to 3.08 ± 0.43 L/min. In a bench model, the presence of unintentional random leaks may be a source of error in the measurement of VT and leaks provided by the software of home ventilators. Analyzing leaks during inspiration and expiration separately may reduce this source of error

    Influencia de las fugas intencionales en la monitorización del volumen tidal en ventilación mecànica no invasiva

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    La modalitat més utilitzada en ventilació mecànica no invasiva es la pressió de suport (Ps) amb tubuladura única i sistemes de fuita controlada mitjançant una vàlvula espiratòria. En el nostre estudi avaluem la influència que l'increment d'aquestes fuites pot tenir en el càlcul del volum tidal (VT) per part del software dels ventiladors comercials. Els resultats mostren que el software dels ventiladors infravalora el VT real que rep el pacient. Aixó pot comportar que, almenys en alguns casos, en la pràctica clínica s'utilitzin valors de Ps superiors als necessaris quina cosa podria comportar un cert grau d'hiperinsuflació pulmonar.La modalidad más utilizada en ventilación mecánica no invasiva es la presión de soporte (Ps) con tubuladura única y sistemas de fuga controlada mediante una válvula espiratoria. En el presente estudio evaluamos la influencia que el incremento de estas fugas puede tener sobre el cálculo del volumen tidal (VT) por el software de los ventiladores comerciales. Los resultados muestran que el software de los ventiladores infravalora el VT real que recibe el paciente. Esto puede comportar que, al menos en algunos casos, en la práctica clínica se utilicen valores de Ps superiores a los necesarios y se produzca un cierto grado de hiperinsuflación pulmonar

    Tomato CRABS CLAW paralogues interact with chromatin remodelling factors to mediate carpel development and floral determinacy

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    CRABS CLAW (CRC) orthologues play a crucial role in floral meristem (FM) determinacy and gynoecium formation across angiosperms, the key developmental processes for ensuring successful plant reproduction and crop production. However, the mechanisms behind CRC mediated FM termination are far from fully understood. Here, we addressed the functional characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) paralogous CRC genes. Using mapping-by-sequencing, RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 techniques, expression analyses, protein-protein interaction assays and Arabidopsis complementation experiments, we examined their potential roles in FM determinacy and carpel formation. We revealed that the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the indeterminate carpel-inside-carpel phenotype observed in fruit iterative growth (fig) mutant plants are due to the lack of function of the S. lycopersicum CRC homologue SlCRCa. Furthermore, a detailed functional analysis of tomato CRC paralogues, SlCRCa and SlCRCb, allowed us to propose that they operate as positive regulators of FM determinacy by acting in a compensatory and partially redundant manner to safeguard the proper formation of flowers and fruits. Our results uncover for the first time the physical interaction of putative CRC orthologues with members of the chromatin remodelling complex that epigenetically represses WUSCHEL expression through histone deacetylation to ensure the proper termination of floral stem cell activity.Peer reviewe

    Potential Impact of Mepolizumab in Stepping Down Anti-Osteporotic Treatment in Corticosteroid-Dependent Asthma

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    Oral corticosteroids (OCS) are commonly used for the acute management of severe asthma exacerbations or as maintenance therapy; however, chronic use is associated with significant toxicities, e.g., osteoporosis. In the REal worlD Effectiveness and Safety (REDES) study of mepolizumab in a multicentric Spanish cohort of asthma patients, mepolizumab effectively reduced clinically severe asthma exacerbations and decreased OCS dependence. This post-hoc analysis further evaluates mepolizumab's de-escalation effect on OCS dose. Patients enrolled in REDES who had OCS consumption data available for 12 months pre- and post-mepolizumab treatment were included in this analysis. Primary outcomes were to determine the change in the proportion of patients eligible for anti-osteoporotic treatment due to the changes in OCS consumption before and after 1 year of mepolizumab treatment. All analyses are descriptive. Approximately one-third (98/318; 30.8%) of patients in REDES were on maintenance OCS at the time of mepolizumab treatment initiation. In REDES, mean cumulative OCS exposure decreased by 54.3% after 1 year of treatment. The proportion of patients on high-dose OCS (≥7.5 mg/day) fell from 57.1% at baseline to 28.9% after 12 months of mepolizumab treatment. Thus, 53.6% of OCS-dependent asthma patients treated with mepolizumab would cease to be candidates for anti-osteoporotic treatment according to guidelines thresholds

    Omalizumab is equally effective in persistent allergic oral corticosteroid-dependent asthma caused by either seasonal or perennial allergens : A pilot study

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    Omalizumab is marketed for chronic severe asthma patients who are allergic to perennial allergens. Our purpose was to investigate whether omalizumab is also effective in persistent severe asthma due to seasonal allergens. Thirty patients with oral corticosteroid-dependent asthma were treated with Omalizumab according to the dosing table. For each patient with asthma due to seasonal allergens, we recruited the next two consecutive patients with asthma due to perennial allergens. The dose of oral methyl prednisolone was tapered at a rate of 2 mg every two weeks after the start of treatment with omalizumab depending on tolerance. At each monthly visit, a forced spirometry and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurement were performed and the accumulated monthly methyl prednisolone dose was calculated. At entry, there were no differences between groups in terms of gender, body mass index or obesity, year exacerbation rate, monthly dose of methyl-prednisolone (MP), FeNO and blood immunoglobuline E (IgE) MP, FeNO and IgE values, or spirometry (perennial: FVC: 76%; FEV: 62%; seasonal: FVC: 79%; FEV: 70%). The follow-up lasted 76 weeks. One patient in each group was considered a non-responder. Spirometry did not worsen in either group. There was a significant intragroup reduction in annual exacerbation rate and methyl prednisolone consumption but no differences were detected in the intergroup comparison. Omalizumab offered the same clinical benefits in the two cohorts regardless of whether the asthma was caused by a seasonal or a perennial allergen. These results strongly suggest that allergens are the trigger in chronic asthma but that it is the persistent exposure to IgE that causes the chronicity

    Approaching the genetic dissection of indirect adventitious organogenesis process in tomato explants

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    [EN] The screening of 862 T-DNA lines was carried out to approach the genetic dissection of indirect adventitious organogenesis in tomato. Several mutants defective in different phases of adventitious organogenesis, namely callus growth (tdc-1), bud differentiation (tdb-1,-2,-3) and shoot-bud development (tds-1) were identified and characterized. The alteration of the TDC-1 gene blocked callus proliferation depending on the composition of growth regulators in the culture medium. Calli from tds-1 explants differentiated buds but did not develop normal shoots. Histological analysis showed that their abnormal development is due to failure in the organization of normal adventitious shoot meristems. Interestingly, tdc-1 and tds-1 mutant plants were indistinguishable from WT ones, indicating that the respective altered genes play specific roles in cell proliferation from explant cut zones (TDC-1 gene) or in the organization of adventitious shoot meristems (TDS-1 gene). Unlike the previous, plants of the three mutants defective in the differentiation of adventitious shoot-buds (tdb-1,-2,-3) showed multiple changes in vegetative and reproductive traits. Cosegregation analyses revealed the existence of an association between the phenotype of the tdb-3 mutant and a T-DNA insert, which led to the discovery that the SlMAPKKK17 gene is involved in the shoot-bud differentiation process.Vicente Moreno and Rafael Lozano thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Innovation Agency) for granting the projects PID2019-110833RB-C32 and PID2019-110833RB-C31. Benito Pineda's work in the context of this article has been funded by 'Aid for First Research Projects (PAID-06-18)' by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain'. The PhD fellowship for Jorge Sanchez-Lopez and Marybel Jaquez-Gutierrez were funded by the Universidad de Sinaloa and the CONACYT of Mexico.Sanchez-Lopez, J.; Atarés Huerta, A.; Jaquez-Gutierrez, M.; Ortiz-Atienza, A.; Capel, C.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; García Sogo, B.... (2021). Approaching the genetic dissection of indirect adventitious organogenesis process in tomato explants. Plant Science. 302:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110721S11430

    Development of a high-throughput platform to measure plasmid transfer frequency

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    Antibiotic resistance represents one of the greatest threats to global health. The spread of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria occurs mostly through horizontal gene transfer via conjugation mediated by plasmids. This process implies a direct contact between a donor and a recipient bacterium which acquires the antibiotic resistance genes encoded by the plasmid and, concomitantly, the capacity to transfer the acquired plasmid to a new recipient. Classical assays for the measurement of plasmid transfer frequency (i.e., conjugation frequency) are often characterized by a high variability and, hence, they require many biological and technical replicates to reduce such variability and the accompanying uncertainty. In addition, classical conjugation assays are commonly tedious and time-consuming because they typically involve counting colonies on a large number of plates for the quantification of donors, recipients, and transconjugants (i.e., the bacteria that have received the genetic material by conjugation). Due to the magnitude of the antibiotic resistance problem, it is critical to develop reliable and rapid methods for the quantification of plasmid transfer frequency that allow the simultaneous analysis of many samples. Here, we present the development of a high-throughput, reliable, quick, easy, and cost-effective method to simultaneously accomplish and measure multiple conjugation events in 96-well plates, in which the quantification of donors, recipients, and transconjugants is estimated from the time required to reach a specific threshold value (OD600 value) in the bacterial growth curves. Our method successfully discriminates different plasmid transfer frequencies, yielding results that are equivalent to those obtained by a classical conjugation assay

    ENO regulates tomato fruit size through the floral meristem development network

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    A dramatic evolution of fruit size has accompanied the domestication and improvement of fruit-bearing crop species. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), naturally occurring cis-regulatory mutations in the genes of the CLAVATA-WUSCHEL signaling pathway have led to a significant increase in fruit size generating enlarged meristems that lead to flowers with extra organs and bigger fruits. In this work, by combining mapping-by-sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing methods, we isolated EXCESSIVE NUMBER OF FLORAL ORGANS (ENO), an AP2/ERF transcription factor which regulates floral meristem activity. Thus, the ENO gene mutation gives rise to plants that yield larger multilocular fruits due to an increased size of the floral meristem. Genetic analyses indicate that eno exhibits synergistic effects with mutations at the LOCULE NUMBER (encoding SlWUS) and FASCIATED (encoding SlCLV3) loci, two central players in the evolution of fruit size in the domestication of cultivated tomatoes. Our findings reveal that an eno mutation causes a substantial expansion of SlWUS expression domains in a flower-specific manner. In vitro binding results show that ENO is able to interact with the GGC-box cis-regulatory element within the SlWUS promoter region, suggesting that ENO directly regulates SlWUS expression domains to maintain floral stem-cell homeostasis. Furthermore, the study of natural allelic variation of the ENO locus proved that a cis-regulatory mutation in the promoter of ENO had been targeted by positive selection during the domestication process, setting up the background for significant increases in fruit locule number and fruit size in modern tomatoes

    Tomato POLLEN DEFICIENT 2 encodes a G-Type lectin receptor kinase required for viable pollen grain formation

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    Pollen development is a crucial biological process indispensable for seed set in flowering plants and for successful crop breeding. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating pollen development in crop species. This study reports a novel male-sterile tomato mutant, pollen deficient 2 (pod2), characterized by the production of non-viable pollen grains and resulting in the development of small parthenocarpic fruits. A combined strategy of mapping-by-sequencing and RNA interference-mediated gene silencing was used to prove that the pod2 phenotype is caused by the loss of Solanum lycopersicum G-Type lectin receptor kinase II.9 (SlG-LecRK-II.9) activity. In situ hybridization of floral buds showed that POD2/SlG-LecRK-II.9 is specifically expressed in tapetal cells and microspores at the late tetrad stage. Accordingly, abnormalities in meiosis and tapetum programmed cell death in pod2 occurred during microsporogenesis, resulting in the formation of four dysfunctional microspores leading to an aberrant microgametogenesis process. RNA-seq analyses supported the existence of alterations at the final stage of microsporogenesis, since we found tomato deregulated genes whose counterparts in Arabidopsis are essential for the normal progression of male meiosis and cytokinesis. Collectively, our results revealed the essential role of POD2/SlG-LecRK-II.9 in regulating tomato pollen development.This work was supported by research grants PID2019-110833RB-C31, PID2019-110833RB-C32, and PID2020-113324GB-100 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and the Research and Innovation Programme of the European Union Horizon 2020 (BRESOV Project, ID 774244). A PhD fellowship to MGA was funded by the FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (ref. AP2010-4528). RLe was supported by a Junta de Andalucía and FEDER research contract (DOC_01129)

    Effect of dynamic random leaks on the monitoring accuracy of home mechanical ventilators: a bench study

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    BACKGROUND: So far, the accuracy of tidal volume (VT) and leak measures provided by the built-in software of commercial home ventilators has only been tested using bench linear models with fixed calibrated and continuous leaks. The objective was to assess the reliability of the estimation of tidal volume (VT) and unintentional leaks in a single tubing bench model which introduces random dynamic leaks during inspiratory or expiratory phases. METHODS: The built-in software of four commercial home ventilators and a fifth ventilator-independent ad hoc designed external software tool were tested with two levels of leaks and two different models with excess leaks (inspiration or expiration). The external software analyzed separately the inspiratory and expiratory unintentional leaks. RESULTS: In basal condition, all ventilators but one underestimated tidal volume with values ranging between -1.5 ± 3.3% to -8.7% ± 3.27%. In the model with excess of inspiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by all four commercial software tools, with values ranging from 18.27 ± 7.05% to 35.92 ± 17.7%, whereas the ventilator independent-software gave a smaller difference (3.03 ± 2.6%). Leaks were underestimated by two applications with values of -11.47 ± 6.32 and -5.9 ± 0.52 L/min. With expiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by the software of one ventilator and the ventilator-independent software and significantly underestimated by the other three, with deviations ranging from +10.94 ± 7.1 to -48 ± 23.08%. The four commercial tools tested overestimated unintentional leaks, with values between 2.19 ± 0.85 to 3.08 ± 0.43 L/min. CONCLUSIONS: In a bench model, the presence of unintentional random leaks may be a source of error in the measurement of VT and leaks provided by the software of home ventilators. Analyzing leaks during inspiration and expiration separately may reduce this source of error