214 research outputs found

    El lugar de la poesía en las orientaciones curriculares oficiales portuguesas

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    O artigo analisa o lugar da poesia nas diversas orientações curriculares oficiais portuguesas: no Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico, publicado em 2001, no Programa de Português do Ensino Básico, que entrou em vigor em 2011, e nas Metas Curriculares de Português para o Ensino Básico, já em vigor. Os autores concluem que, apesar de a poesia constituir uma mais-valia para a criança, ao facultar-lhe, de modo natural e harmonioso, o domínio de uma série de competências relevantes ao nível linguístico-literário, os documentos oficiais não lhe concedem grande relevância.The article analyzes the place of poetry in several Portuguese official curriculum guidelines: in the National Curriculum of Basic Education, published in 2001, in the Portuguese Program for Basic Education, which came into force in 2011, and in the Portuguese Curricular Goals for Basic Education already in place. The authors conclude that although poetry is an asset for the child, because it provides him, in a natural and harmonious way, the domain of a range of relevant skills on the linguistic and literary levels, official documents do not provide poetry a great relevance.El artículo analiza el lugar de la poesía en varios textos curriculares oficiales portugueses: en el Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica, publicado en 2001, en el Programa Portugués para la Educación Básica, que entró en vigor en 2011, y los Objetivos de Portugués Curriculares para la Educación Básica ya en el lugar. Los autores concluyen que aunque la poesía constituye un activo para el niño, por ofrecerle, de una manera natural y armoniosa, el dominio de una serie de habilidades relacionadas con el nivel lingüístico y literario, los documentos oficiales no le proporcionan gran relevancia.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment and simulation of atrazine as influenced by drainage and irrigation: an interface between RZWQM and ArcView GIS

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    Atrazine is the most frequently detected herbicide in groundwater. For these reasons, atrazine\u27s dynamics need to be studied, and work is needed to develop and calibrate mathematical models to help in determining best management practices to minimize contamination. This study was designed to make a small contribution in solving some of the environmental related problems;In the first part of this study, macroporosity of an agricultural soil in Iowa was characterized. This study confirmed that under saturated and partially saturated flow conditions, macropore flow was a dominant mechanism for water and chemical transport;Atrazine\u27s movement through the soil profile was investigated in two, but representative, soils of the Sorraia Valley region, in Portugal, under irrigated conditions. These soils (alluvial and sandy soils) were monitored for atrazine and soil water content during the summers of 1996 and 1997. The alluvial soil received surface irrigation during both summers, and atrazine was surface applied at a rate of 1.2 kg a.i./ha. The sandy soil received surface irrigation in 1996 and sprinkler irrigation during 1997, where atrazine was applied at rate of 1.0 kg a.i./ha;The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a one-dimensional model that simulates the biological, physical and chemical processes in the root zone. The pesticide component of RZWQM was calibrated and evaluated for two distinct conditions: drained soils in Iowa, and irrigated soils in Portugal. To calibrate and evaluate this model for Iowa conditions, 3 years of field data from a water quality research site at Nashua, Iowa, were used. This study showed that the range of predicted atrazine concentrations was within the same order of magnitude as observed concentrations;The data collected in Portugal was used as well to evaluate the model for alluvial and sandy soils, under Portuguese conditions. This study showed that RZWQM can be used to simulate soil water content and atrazine concentrations in the soil profile, under two different hydrologic conditions;Computer models should be easy to use, however, most of the available models are not very user friendly, making its use difficult and not appealing to the user. An interface between RZWQM and ArcView GIS was developed to simplify the data input in RZWQM, account for spatial variability in the model, and enable the user to visualize model output

    Changing Practices, Changing Identities: A Study with Students at Risk of Educational Exclusion

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    This study discusses how students at risk of educational exclusion can restore their identity and improve learning and scientific literacy. This qualitative research adopts an interpretative orientation. Twenty-eight secondary school students, aged 16 to 20 participated. Data was collected of the interactions between students in lessons, focus group interview and written documents. Data analysis was inductive, consistent with a naturalistic research paradigm, and consisted of uncovering salient patterns, singularities, and themes associated with research aims. Several students, at risk of educational exclusion, value this kind of practice. By changing practice, the learning social context varied, as well as students’ identities and their relationships with knowledge, teachers and school

    Sharing for learning: a study about students’ interactions with exhibits about optics in a science museum

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    As visitas escolares a museus de ciência constituem uma oportunidade única para muitos alunos, defendendo muitos professores a sua articulação com o currículo escolar. Embora esta articulação nem sempre aconteça, os jovens estão mais conscientes do papel dos museus para comunicar ciência. Interessa, por isso, saber quais as experiências vividas pelos alunos no museu quando a relação professor museu-aluno não é planejada e, em particular, como aprendem e o que aprendem os alunos nestas visitas. O estudo decorreu no museu de ciência da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal com alunos, 14-15 anos, em visitas escolares. A observação do comportamento dos alunos e a análise das suas conversas permitiu constatar que em apenas 30% dos 83 diálogos analisados os alunos procuram ir para além da interação superficial com os módulos, explicando e partilhando ideias com os pares. As conversas foram de tipo cumulativo pois as ideias apresentadas no grupo não foram avaliadas ou elaboradas.School visits to science museums provide unique opportunities for many students, and many teachers argue that they need to be linked to the school curricula. Although this link is not always created, youth are more aware of the role that museums play in science communication. It is important to know what students experience in the museum when the relationship teacher-museum-student is not planned. Particularly, how do they learn and what do they learn. This study was carried out in the science museum of University of Coimbra, Portugal with students aged 14-15 ys, in a school visit. Observation of the students’ behaviour and the analysis of their conversations showed that only in 30% of 83 analysed dialogues students sought to go beyond superficial interaction with the exhibits, explaining and sharing ideas with peers. Conversations were cumulative in nature as the ideas presented in the group were not evaluated or elaborated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pioderma Gangrenoso Orbitário Fatal com Envolvimento do Sistema Nervoso Central

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    Pyoderma gangrenosum is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the development of a painful deep ulcer with undermined borders. Head and neck are rarely affected regions of the body and also usually associated with a worse prognosis. Corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment although available options are not specific nor completely effective in pyoderma gangrenosum. We report the case of a 46-year-old patient with an aggressive orbital pyoderma gangrenosum with progressive extension to the central nervous system and insufficient response to treatment, ultimately leading to patient’s death.O pioderma gangrenoso é uma doença inflamatória crónica que se caracteriza pelo desenvolvimento de uma úlcera dolorosa e profunda com bordos mal delimitados. Cabeça e pescoço são regiões anatómicas raramente atingidas e geralmente associadas a um pior prognóstico. A corticoterapia é a base do tratamento desta dermatose, embora as opções disponíveis não sejam específicas nem inteiramente eficazes no pioderma gangrenoso. Relatamos o caso de um doente de 46 anos com pioderma gangrenoso orbitário de caráter agressivo, com extensão progressiva ao sistema nervoso central e resposta insuficiente ao tratamento, que culminou na morte do doente

    The nature of verbal interactions during school field trips to the optical section of a science museum

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    Este estudo, levado a cabo num museu de ciência, procurou analisar a natureza dos diálogos entre pares, designadamente o que revelam quanto à forma como os alunos processam a informação, e qual a influência no envolvimento dos alunos quando se verifica a participação de educadores em ciências nas interações, sejam monitores ou professores. Foram gravadas conversas junto a três módulos de ótica, as quais foram posteriormente transcritas. A análise de 97 diálogos entre alunos, de 14-15 anos, revelou que o envolvimento cognitivo dos alunos com os módulos é superficial; a presença de um educador em ciências promove um maior processamento de informação associada aos módulos mas continuam reduzidas as interações de tipo exploratório. São apresentadas sugestões para potenciar o envolvimento cognitivo dos alunos com os módulos.This study, conducted in a science museum aimed at understanding the nature of the verbal interactions between students. In particular, it focused on how students process information and how science educators (teachers or museum educators) promote cognitive engagement with the exhibits. Conversations were recorded in three optical exhibits, which were later transcribed. The analysis of 97 dialogues between students, 14-15 years, revealed that the cognitive engagement of students with modules is superficial, the presence of science educators enhances the processing of information but few interactions were of the exploratory type. Suggestions are made to enhance the involvement of students with the exhibits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Student Perceptions of Secondary Science Teachers’ Practices Following Curricular Change

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    Inquiry-based teaching has emerged as a highly valued strategy in science education. In Portugal, the science curriculum has been redesigned in order to promote such teaching. This implies substantial change in teacher practice. It is therefore important to understand students’ perceptions of teacher practice. Aim: In this study, we describe student perception of teacher practices and look for associations between the perceptions and student motivation. Method: Three low-achieving, secondary-level science classes were studied. Motivation was measured by two scales (Intrinsic and Extrinsic); Perceptions were measured in four dimensions. Results: Significant associations (p < .05) were observed between intrinsic motivation and (a) Perception of the use of Laboratory Work; (b) Perception of Science-Technology-Society and (c) Perceived Student Autonomy. No association was noted between intrinsic motivation and the Perception of Teacher as Facilitator. Conclusions: Results are generally consistent with previous literature. Teacher professional development lags behind curricular change. Teachers require new conceptions of assessment.Projeto financiado pelo CIEFCU

    Impacto do desempenho logístico no desempenho financeiro das Empresas: análise de alguns sectores da economia portuguesa

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    Ao longo deste estudo procura-se explorar um tema com bastante interesse mas pouco analisado em termos empíricos. O objectivo principal desta análise tem em mente a resposta à seguinte questão: Será que um bom desempenho logístico contribui para o bom desempenho financeiro das empresas? Assim, numa primeira fase procede-se à revisão de literatura sobre o tema em questão, onde se verifica que diversos autores defendem que é critico medir o valor da logística. As opções mais comuns para o fazer são: pela Satisfação do cliente, pelo Valor acrescentado ao cliente, pela Análise do custo total, pela Análise da rendibilidade, pelo Modelo do lucro estratégico e pelo Valor para o accionista. Alguns estudos fazem referência ao impacto da logística no Retorno dos Capitais Próprios, outros no Economic Value Added (EVA) e outros ainda, sobre o Retorno do Investimento. São ainda apresentados os Value Drivers, a problemática do desempenho e da sua medição, os custos da logística e alguns estudos empíricos relacionados com este tema. Numa segunda etapa, caracterizam-se brevemente os sectores da economia portuguesa que constituem a amostra em análise: sector têxtil e vestuário, sector alimentar e bebidas, sector dos curtumes e calçado e comércio por grosso e a retalho. Por último, procede-se à análise empírica relativamente às empresas portuguesas, análise esta que pretende averiguar qual a importância da logística no bom desempenho financeiro das empresas. (...
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