2,170 research outputs found

    Intergenerational transfer institutions public education and public pensions.

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    In a world in which credit markets to finance investments in human capital are rare, the competitive equilibrium allocation generally cannot achieve either static or dynamic efficiency. When generations overlap, this inefficiency can be overcome by properly designed institutions. We study the working of two such institutions: Public Education and Public Pensions. We argue that, when established jointly, they implement an intergenerational dynamic game of taxes and transfers through which public education for the young and public pensions for the elderly support each other. Through the public financing of education, the young borrow from the middle age to invest in human capital. When employed, they pay back their debt by means of a social security tax on labor income. The proceedings of the latter are used to finance pension payments to the now elderly lenders. We also show that such intergenerational agreement can be supported as a sub game perfect equilibrium of, relatively straightforward, majority voting games. While the intertemporal allocation so obtained does not necessarily reach full dynamic efficiency it does so under certain restrictions and it always improves upon the laissez-faire allocation. We test the main predictions of our model by using micro and macro data from Spain. The results are surprisingly good.Intergenerational contract; Efficiency; Human capital; Political equilibria;

    Comb-like ionic complexes of biopolyacids and alkyltrimethylphosphonium soaps

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    El estudio se ha realizado con el objeto de preparar una serie de complejos iónicos estequiométricos de polielectrolito-surfactante ya que, en los últimos años se ha comprobado que estos sistemas tipo peine se autoensamblan en estructuras ordenadas en capas capaces de responder reversiblemente a los efectos térmicos. Por lo que, estos sistemas poseen un comportamiento que es de excepcional interés para el diseño de dispositivos médicos tales como el almacenamiento de fármacos y liberación de fármacos en función de la temperatura. Como polielectrolito se ha elegido el ácido poli(gamma-Glutámico) (PGGA), el cual es un polielectrolito natural fácilmente accesible por biosíntesis microbiana que ha despertado un gran interés en los últimos años gracias a sus potenciales propiedades para la preparación de biomateriales funcionalizados. Como surfactantes se han elegido los bromuros de alquil­ trimetilfosfonio (nATMP•Br, siendo n el número de carbonos contenidos en la cadena lineal alquílica), ya que se ha observado que los surfactantes de tetraalquilfosfonio ofrecen propiedades superiores cuando son comparados con sus homólogos, los surfactantes de amonio. Dado que estos surfactantes no son comerciales, el estudio comprende en primer lugar, la síntesis de los surfactantes nATMP•Br con n = 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 y 22 y caracterización mediante diferentes técnicas tales como: FT-IR, Análisis elemental, lHRMN, 13CRMN, TGA, DSC, POM y XRD. A continuación se ha llevado a cabo la preparación de los complejos a partir del PGGA y los diferentes surfactantes de nATMP•Br, de forma que las cadenas de alquiltrimetilfosfonio constituyan las cadenas laterales de la matriz polimérica de poliamida. Estos complejos fueron sometidos a una caracterización mediante las técnicas espectroscópicas anteriores y a un estudio de su comportamiento térmico mediante las técnicas de TGA y DSC. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los presentados por los complejos de nATMA-PGGA preparados previamente en nuestro grupo. Finalmente, se han preparado otra serie de complejos con los surfactantes de nATMP•Br y el ácido Hialurónico para demostrar que es posible la formación de otros complejos diferentes con los surfactantes preparados y otros polielectrolitos.Departamento de Química Física y Química InorgánicaMáster en Química Sintética e Industria

    Intergenerational transfer institutions public education and public pensions

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    In a world in which credit markets to finance investments in human capital are rare, the competitive equilibrium allocation generally cannot achieve either static or dynamic efficiency. When generations overlap, this inefficiency can be overcome by properly designed institutions. We study the working of two such institutions: Public Education and Public Pensions. We argue that, when established jointly, they implement an intergenerational dynamic game of taxes and transfers through which public education for the young and public pensions for the elderly support each other. Through the public financing of education, the young borrow from the middle age to invest in human capital. When employed, they pay back their debt by means of a social security tax on labor income. The proceedings of the latter are used to finance pension payments to the now elderly lenders. We also show that such intergenerational agreement can be supported as a sub game perfect equilibrium of, relatively straightforward, majority voting games. While the intertemporal allocation so obtained does not necessarily reach full dynamic efficiency it does so under certain restrictions and it always improves upon the laissez-faire allocation. We test the main predictions of our model by using micro and macro data from Spain. The results are surprisingly good

    ELeCTRA: Induced Usage Limitations Calculation in RESTful APIs

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    As software architecture design is evolving to microservice paradigms, RESTful APIs become the building blocks of applications. In such a scenario, a growing market of APIs is proliferating and developers face the challenges to take advantage of this reality. For example, third-party APIs typically define different usage limitations depending on the purchased Service Level Agreement (SLA) and, consequently, performing a manual analysis of external APIs and their impact in a microservice architecture is a complex and tedious task. In this demonstration paper, we present ELeCTRA, a tool to automate the analysis of induced usage limitations in an API, derived from its usage of external APIs. This tool takes the structural, conversational and SLA specifications of the API, generates a visual dependency graph and translates the problem into a constraint satisfaction optimization problem (CSOP) to obtain the optimal usage limitations.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12–TIC–1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-53986-REDTMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU15/0298

    Evaluation of occlusion, oral functions and quality of life in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate

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    Orientadores: Taís de Souza Barbosa, Maria Beatriz Duarte GaviãoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Objetivos: Avaliar as funções orofaciais e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) e suas associações (Estudo 1) e verificar a relação das funções orofaciais com a maloclusão, performance mastigatória e paladar em crianças com fissura unilateral de lábio e palato (FULP) (Estudo 2). Material e Métodos: Estes estudos caso-controle foram compostos por pacientes com FULP (selecionados no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo ¿ HRAC/USP, Bauru, SP) sob o mesmo protocolo de tratamento, pareados por gênero e idade com os controles (selecionados de escolas públicas de Piracicaba, SP), totalizando 54 crianças de oito a dez anos de idade em cada grupo. O Estudo 1 utilizou as versões em Português Brasileiro do Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) e do Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10) para avaliar as funções orofaciais e a QVRSB, respectivamente. O Estudo 2 avaliou a presença e gravidade de maloclusões dos pacientes utilizando o Goslon Yardstick Index (GYI) e dos controles pelo Índice de Necessidade de Tratamento Ortodôntico ¿ Componente Dentário (IOTN). Em ambos os grupos foi avaliada a performance mastigatória utilizando alimento teste artificial (Optocal) e a percepção do paladar utilizando quatro soluções líquidas (doce, salgado, amargo e azedo) em três diferentes concentrações. A análise dos dados consistiu de estatística descritiva, testes de comparação e correlação e análise de regressão linear para verificar as variáveis independents associadas com os escores do NOT-S. Resultados: No Estudo 1, o grupo FULP apresentou maiores escores do NOT-S (4,3 vs. 2,8, p?0,0001), isto é, apresentaram mais frequentemente disfunções relacionadas à respiração, simetria/expressão facial e fala. O grupo FULP apresentou pouca diferença em relação a QVRSB do grupo controle, com maior comprometimento do domínio bem-estar social. Na análise de correlação, os escores do CPQ8-10 estiveram positivamente correlacionados com os escores do NOT-S total e entrevista no grupo FULP. O estudo 2 verificou que mais de metade das crianças com FULP necessitavam de cirurgia ortognática (escore GYI = 5), enquanto 66,7% dos controles apresentou leve/pequena necessidade de tratamento (escore IOTN = 2), sendo que não houve associação entre a maloclusão e as disfunções orofaciais. O grupo FULP apresentou pior performance mastigatória (maiores valores do X50 e valor de b) e menor percepção do sabor salgado do que os controles. Além disso, houve correlação positiva entre a disfunção orofacial e a performance mastigatória no grupo FULP. Na análise de regressão linear múltipla, também observou-se relação significativa entre a disfunção orofacial e a performance mastigatória. Conclusões: A presença de FULP foi associada com disfunções orofaciais, resultando no comprometimento dos aspectos sociais do dia a dia, além de acarretar prejuízos à oclusão, a performance mastigatória, percepção de paladarAbstract: Objectives: To evaluate the orofacial functions and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and their associations (Study 1) and to assess the relation between orofacial dysfunctions with malocclusion, masticatory performance and taste in children with cleft lip and palate (UCLP) (Study 2). Material and Methods: Both case-control studies were composed by patients with UCLP (selected from the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP) under the same treatment protocol, matched by gender and age with controls (selected from public schools of Piracicaba, SP), totalling 54 eight- to ten year-old children in each group. Study 1 used the Brazilian Portuguese versions of the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) and the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10) to evaluate orofacial dysfunctions and OHRQoL, respectively. Study 2 evaluated the orthodontic treatment need of patients using the Goslon Yardstick Index (GYI) and controls using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need ¿ Dental Health Component (IOTN-DHC). In both groups, masticatory performance was assessed by calculating the median particle size (X50) and distribution of particles in different sieves (b value)with artificial food test (Optocal); and taste perception using four liquid solutions (sweet, salty, bitter or acid) in three different concentrations. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, comparison and correlation tests and linear regression analysis to verify the independent variables associated with NOT-S scores. Results: In Study 1, the UCLP group had higher scores NOT-S (4.3 vs. 2.8, P?0.0001), ie, were more often disorders related to breathing, symmetry / facial expression and speech. The UCLP group showed little difference from QVRSB the control group, with greater involvement of the social well-being domain. In the correlation analysis, CPQ8-10 scores were positively correlated with the scores of the total NOT-S and interview UCLP group. Study 2 The descriptive analysis showed that found that more than half of children with Fulp needed orthognathic surgery (GYI = 5 score), while 66.7% of the controls showed a slight / small need for treatment (IOTN score = 2), no association between malocclusions and orofacial disorders. In comparison analysis, UCLP group had higher scores NOT-S examination, that is, more often disorders related to breathing, symmetry / facial expression and speech. In addition, UCLP group reported greater involvement of the social welfare field than controls. The UCLP group had worse masticatory performance (higher values X50 and value b) and lower perception of salty taste than controls. In the correlation analysis, CPQ8-10 scores were positively correlated with the scores of the total NOT-S and interview UCLP group. In addition, there was a positive correlation between masticatory performance impairments and the orofacial dysfunction in UCLP group. In the multiple linear regression analysis also found a significant relationship between orofacial dysfunction and performance mastigatória. Conclusions: The presence of UCLP was associated with orofacial dysfunctions, resulting in the impairment of the social aspects of everyday life, besides causing damage to masticatory performance, perception of taste. Descriptive analysis showed that more than half of children with UCLP needed orthognathic surgery (GYI score = 5), while 66.7% of controls had slight treatment need (IOTN score = 2), and there was no association between malocclusion and orofacial disorders. In comparison analysis, UCLP group had higher NOT-S examination scores than controls, i.e., more frequent dysfunctions related to breathing, facial symmetry/expression and speech. Moreover, UCLP group reported more negative impacts on CPQ social well-being domain than controls. UCLP group Objectives: To evaluate the orofacial functions and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and their associations (Study 1) and to assess the relation between orofacial functions with malocclusion, masticatory performance and taste in children with cleft lip and palate (UCLP) (Study 2). Material and Methods: Both case-control studies were composed by patients with UCLP (selected from the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP) under the same treatment protocol, matched by gender and age with controls (selected from public schools of Piracicaba, SP), totaling 54 eight- to ten year-old children in each group. Study 1 used the Brazilian Portuguese versions of the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) and the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10) to evaluate orofacial functions and OHRQoL, respectively. Study 2 evaluated the orthodontic treatment need of patients using the Goslon Yardstick Index (GYI) and controls using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need ¿ Dental Health Component (IOTN-DHC). In both groups, masticatory performance was assessed with artificial food test (Optocal); and taste perception using four liquid solutions (sweet, salty, bitter or acid) in three different concentrations. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, comparison and correlation tests and linear regression analysis to verify the independent variables associated with NOT-S scores. Results: In Study 1, the UCLP group had higher scores NOT-S (4.3 vs. 2.8, P?0.0001), ie, were more often disorders related to breathing, symmetry / facial expression and speech. The UCLP group showed little difference from QVRSB the control group, with greater involvement of the social well-being domain. In the correlation analysis, CPQ8-10 scores were positively correlated with the scores of the total NOT-S and interview UCLP group. Study 2 The descriptive analysis showed that found that more than half of children with Fulp needed orthognathic surgery (GYI = 5 score), while 66.7% of the controls showed a slight / small need for treatment (IOTN score = 2), no association between malocclusions and orofacial disorders. In comparison analysis, UCLP group had higher scores NOT-S examination, that is, more often disorders related to breathing, symmetry / facial expression and speech. In addition, UCLP group reported greater involvement of the social welfare field than controls. The UCLP group had worse masticatory performance (higher values X50 and value b) and lower perception of salty taste than controls. In the correlation analysis, CPQ8-10 scores were positively correlated with the scores of the total NOT-S and interview UCLP group. In addition, there was a positive correlation between masticatory performance impairments and the orofacial dysfunction in UCLP group. In the multiple linear regression analysis also found a significant relationship between orofacial dysfunction and performance mastigatória. Conclusions: The presence of UCLP was associated with orofacial dysfunctions, resulting in the impairment of the social aspects of everyday life, besides causing damage to occlusion, masticatory performance, perception of tasteDoutoradoOdontopediatriaDoutora em Odontologia140170/2014-6CNP

    The custom-made foot orthosis using the Central Stabilizer Element: nex concept of element

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    Foot orthoses have been applied for the management of lower limb disorders, mainly for those who develop foot pain. The Central Stabilizer Element (CSE) is a new element that contains the midfoot laterally when a plantar insole is manufactured. OBJECTIVES: - To determine the effect on foot pain of adding the Central Stabilizer Element during the manufacturing process of foot orthosis, -- - To describe the proportions of Central Stabilizer Element in terms of width and length of this element. METHODS: A sample comprising 130 patients (57 males and 73 females) with foot pain was recruited for this study, with the patients having supinated, neutral, pronated and overpronated feet. All the patients received a custom-made foot orthosis with the Central Stabilizer Element. The Central Stabilizer Element was made of resins of polyvinyl chloride, and is a device insert in foot orthosis that contains the midfoot laterally to control pronation and supination movements. Conclusion •The students know how to design the insole. •They know how to match different foot posture with the different types of insoles •We make our decisions based on the scientific evidence foundUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ultra-Broadband Directional Couplers Using Microstrip with Dielectric Overlay in Millimeter-Wave Band

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    Nowadays, millimeter-wave systems are being a key factor to develop wide band applications. In this paper, a directional coupler in millimeter-wave band using dielectric overlay is presented. This leads us to technology aspects, in directional coupler design, are key points to achieve the proper response of the circuit. The coupler proposed in this paper covers the 15-45 GHz band and its response has 15-dB coupling-level, 1-dB coupling-ripple and a reflection coefficient better than 10 dB

    Analysis of the visual identity of key companies of digital photography

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    Análisis de las unidades mínimas de identificación visual de 60 empresas online de reciente creación cuya actividad principal se basa en la fotografía. Las múltiples opciones de representación gráfica del soporte digital (que no entiende de limitaciones cromáticas por gastos de impresión ni está supeditado ninguna restricción dimensional) lo convierten en un interesante objeto de estudio. La metodología empleada ha sido el análisis de contenido, en el que se ha priorizado el estudio de las variables formales de su representación gráfica (como la tipología de la marca, los colores corporativos o el nivel de iconicidad) si bien una variable no formal registrada ha sido el tipo de referencia generada por la imagen empleada, con el fin de conocer si aludía a la actividad realizada por la empresa o se trataba de una referencia al sector. Las conclusiones obtenidas nos indican que en la identificación corporativa de estas empresas tienden a imponerse los patrones clásicos, como el empleo de imágenes simplificadas y unidimensionales, a las alternativas que permite el ámbito de la representación en un entorno digital. La excepción sería el uso del color ya que existe una tendencia al empleo de cuatro o más tonalidades lo que dificulta una identificación y diferenciación por color de las distintas entidades. Cabe mencionar que la elección icónica representativa de las identidades visuales tiende a representar el sector al que pertenece la empresa en vez de aludir al servicio o producto que oferta.Analysis of visual identification units 60 newly established online companies whose main business is photography. The various options for graphical representation of digital media (no color limitations on printing costs and is not bound by any dimensional restriction) make it an interesting object studies. The methodology used was content analysis, with primary study of formal variables specific to your graphic representation (as the type of brand, corporate colors or level of iconicity) while a latent variable recorded reference has been created by the image used to determine whether represented the company's business or alluded to sector. The conclusions obtained show that in the corporate identification of these companies tend to impose the classic patterns such as the use of simplified one-dimensional images, to variants environment allows the representation in a digital environment. It should be noted that the representative image of the visual identities usually shows the sector to which the company belongs instead of representing the service or product offered