2,597 research outputs found

    Estrés vital: variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas predictoras del malestar emocional

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    Introduction: Personality and coping used to man­age stress play an important role in the development of mental health problems. The aim of this study was to analyse whether these variables, together with per­ceived stress and some relevant socio-demographic characteristics, could predict the level of anxiety and depressive symptoms presented in people diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder (AD). As well as analys­ing if the significant predictor variables were the same in the control group. Method: Perceived stress, personality, positivity, coping and symptoms were assessed in a group of patients with Adjustment Dis­order who went to a Mental Health Unit (N = 80) and a control group (N = 80). Regression analyses were carried out to predict symptomatology. Results: Psy­chological and some socio-demographic variables predicted symptomatology, however, the results were different depending on the group and type of symp­tom considered. In the control group, higher neuroti­cism and perceived stress, lower positivity, and un­employment status predicted more depressive symp­toms; whereas higher neuroticism, being a female, and unemployment predicted higher anxiety (coping was not relevant in any case). In the clinical group, the predictive capacity of variables was lower, espe­cially in the case of anxiety. Lower positivity, greater use of disengagement or avoidant coping, being a male and unemployment predicted higher depressive symptomatology, whereas only neuroticism predicted symptoms of anxiety. Conclusions: Personality, coping, perceived stress and socio-demographic characteristics could be factors of vulnerability that should be considered in the development of assess­ment, prevention and treatment strategies with people exposed to life stress. However, the characteristics of the group considered are a key factor in the selection of the most relevant strategyResumenIntroducción: La personalidad y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas ante el estrés juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo de problemas de salud mental. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar si estas variables, junto con el estrés percibido y algunas variables sociodemográficas significativas, permitían predecir el nivel de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva presentada en una muestra de personas con Trastorno Adaptativo (TA), y si las variables predictoras eran las mismas en una muestra control. Método: Se aplicó un protocolo compuesto por cuestionarios de estrés percibido, personalidad, positividad, afrontamiento y síntomas a un grupo de pacientes que acudieron a una Unidad de Salud Mental, diagnosticados de Trastorno Adaptativo (N = 80), y a un grupo control (N = 80). Se realizaron análisis de regresión sobre la sintomatología. Resultados: En general, las variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas consideradas contribuyeron en la predicción de la sintomatología, aunque los resultados variaron dependiendo del grupo considerado y del tipo de síntoma. En el grupo control, un mayor neuroticismo, menor positividad, mayor estrés percibido y estar en paro predijeron mayores puntuaciones en depresión, y mayor neuroticismo, estar en paro y ser mujer predijeron mayor ansiedad (no siendo relevante el afrontamiento en ningún caso). En el grupo clínico, la capacidad predictiva de las variables fue menor, especialmente en el caso de la ansiedad. Las variables que predijeron mayor sintomatología depresiva fueron ser menos positivo, un mayor uso del afrontamiento de falta de compromiso o evitativo, ser hombre y estar en paro, mientras que en la predicción de la sintomatología ansiosa sólo resultó significativo el neuroticismo. Conclusiones: Las características de personalidad y afrontamiento, el estrés percibido y las características sociodemográficas podrían ser factores de vulnerabilidad a considerar en el desarrollo de estrategias de evaluación, preventivas y de intervención en personas sometidas a estrés vital, aunque probablemente es importante considerar el tipo de muestra en la selección de las estrategias más relevantes. AbstractIntroduction: Personality and coping used to man­age stress play an important role in the development of mental health problems. The aim of this study was to analyse whether these variables, together with per­ceived stress and some relevant socio-demographic characteristics, could predict the level of anxiety and depressive symptoms presented in people diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder (AD). As well as analys­ing if the significant predictor variables were the same in the control group. Method: Perceived stress, personality, positivity, coping and symptoms were assessed in a group of patients with Adjustment Dis­order who went to a Mental Health Unit (N = 80) and a control group (N = 80). Regression analyses were carried out to predict symptomatology. Results: Psy­chological and some socio-demographic variables predicted symptomatology, however, the results were different depending on the group and type of symp­tom considered. In the control group, higher neuroti­cism and perceived stress, lower positivity, and un­employment status predicted more depressive symp­toms; whereas higher neuroticism, being a female, and unemployment predicted higher anxiety (coping was not relevant in any case). In the clinical group, the predictive capacity of variables was lower, espe­cially in the case of anxiety. Lower positivity, greater use of disengagement or avoidant coping, being a male and unemployment predicted higher depressive symptomatology, whereas only neuroticism predicted symptoms of anxiety. Conclusions: Personality, coping, perceived stress and socio-demographic characteristics could be factors of vulnerability that should be considered in the development of assess­ment, prevention and treatment strategies with people exposed to life stress. However, the characteristics of the group considered are a key factor in the selection of the most relevant strategy

    Contribución del Neuroticismo, Rasgos Patológicos de Personalidad y Afrontamiento en la Predicción de la Evolución Clínica: Estudio de Seguimiento a los 5 Años de una Muestra de Pacientes con Trastorno Adaptativo

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    Numerosos estudios han demostrado que tanto la personalidad como las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas para manejar el estrés tienen un papel importante en el desarrollo de problemas de salud mental, entre los que se encuentra el trastorno adaptativo (TA). El objetivo de este estudio fue, en primer lugar, analizar las diferencias entre neuroticismo, comorbilidad y afrontamiento en un grupo de pacientes diagnosticados de TA con evolución clínica favorable (n = 58) y otro grupo con evolución desfavorable (n = 20); en segundo lugar, se comprobó si estas variables permitían predecir la evolución clínica a los 5 años. El grupo con evolución clínica desfavorable presentó un mayor neuroticismo, más presencia de rasgos comórbidos de personalidad patológica y un afrontamiento más desadaptativo. Además, los principales factores del riesgo de pertenecer al grupo con peor evolución fueron mayor neuroticismo, presencia de comorbilidad y uso del afrontamiento de negación, mientras que las estrategias de planificación y de apoyo instrumental redujeron dicho riesgo

    San Pedro Martir observations of microvariability in obscured quasars

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    Fast brightness variations are a unique tool to probe the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN). These variations are called microvariability or intra-night variability, and this phenomenon has been monitored in samples of blazars and unobscured AGNs. Detecting optical microvariations in targets hidden by the obscuring torus is a challenging task because the region responsible for the variations is hidden from our sight. However, there have been reports of fast variations in obscured Seyfert galaxies in X-rays, which rises the question whether microvariations can also be detected in obscured AGNs in the optical regime. Because the expected variations are very small and can easily be lost within the noise, the analysis requires a statistical approach. We report the use of a one-way analysis of variance, ANOVA, with which we searched for microvariability. ANOVA was successfully employed in previous studies of unobscured AGNs. As a result, we found microvariable events during three observing blocks: in two we observed the same object (Mrk 477), and in another, J0759+5050. The results on Mrk 477 confirm previous findings. However, since Mrk 477 is quite a peculiar target with hidden broad-line regions, we cannot rule out the possibility that we have serendipitously chosen a target prone to variations.Comment: Research note, 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Is there an association between sleep disorders and diabetic foot? A scoping review

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    Diabetic foot is associated with a low quality of life since physical disabilities, mood disturbances and psychological disorders are frequent. One of the most important biological processes to ensure quality of life is sleep. Sleep disorders can impair glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus or even cause long-term type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to carry out a scoping review about the association between sleep cycle disorders and diabetic foot. PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, PEDro, Cochrane Library, SCIELO and EMBASE databases were chosen for the search and the following terms were used: “diabetic foot”,“sleep*”,“rest-activity”,“mood” and“behavior”. All the studies should include outcome variables about sleep and diabetic foot. Finally, 12 articles were selected, all of whichwere observational. The most frequent variables were those regarding diabetic foot ulcer aspects and diabetic neuropathy on one side, and obstructive sleep apnea, sleep duration and sleep quality on the other side. The results suggest that there is a possible association between obstructive sleep apnea and the presence or history of diabetic foot ulcers. No direct associations between sleep quality or sleep duration and diabetic foot or diabetic foot ulcer variables have been found

    Design and manufacture of functional catalyst-carrier structures for the bioorthogonal activation of anticancer agents

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    Novel palladium (Pd)-loaded titanium (Ti) devices with high biocompatibility and catalytic activity were prepared using a range of fabrication methods such as powder metallurgy (i.e. sintering with and without space-holder), sputtering, pulsed laser deposition and supersonic cluster beam deposition. The surface of the Ti-[Pd] devices were physico-chemically characterised to confirm the non-alloyed state of the Pd coating onto the titanium substrate. The Pd thickness was optimised to achieve maximum surface area (i.e. maximum catalytic effect) using the minimum amount of material in each method for cost effective production. The catalytic response of the different Ti-[Pd] devices was evaluated under biocompatible conditions by employing an off-on Pd-activatable fluorescent probe. The most robust coating of Pd was produced by an optimised magnetron sputtering method. The sputtered Ti-[Pd] devices were selected to induce the bioorthogonal uncaging of the anticancer drug Vorinostat from a pharmacologically-inactive Pd-activatable precursor in cancer cell culture, demonstrating the capacity of these devices to mediate a local anti-tumour effect via in-situ release of a clinically approved drug. This approach is the first step towards surgically implantable devices that could facilitate targeting affected areas with high spatial selectivity, improving pharmacological activity and reducing systemic side effects through localised treatment directly at the cancer site

    Effect of soluble collagen hydrolysate from Prionace glauca skin in the expression of human fibroblast collagen

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    1 póster presentado al 5TH Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference (45th) WEFTA MeetingSeafood discards and by-products represent a management and environmental problem for the fishery industry. In last European CFP (UE)1380/2013 regulation, stakeholders are encouraged to find alternative uses for these discards and subproducts different from direct human consumption. One potential for these materials is obtaining high value-added products such as proteins with technological properties (collagen and gelatins), peptides with functional properties (antimicrobial activities, antioxidant, antiproliferative and anti-hypertensive) or hemo-pigments (myoglobin).The authors are grateful to the “Programa Operativo FEDER, Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal” for the financial support through the projet 0687_NOVOMAR_1P.Peer reviewe

    Usos y beneficios de la historia oral

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    La historia oral es una metodología propia de las Ciencias Sociales, aunque puede extenderse mucho más allá de ellas. Supone una metodología de investigación rica en el aprendizaje y conocimiento de diversos sucesos, acciones, procesos y circunstancias pasadas, y que son relatadas y recogidas a través de la voz, en primera persona, de un sujeto o grupo de ellos.Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    MEGARA Optical design: the new integral field unit and multi-object spectrograph for the GTC 10m telescope

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    We describe the optical design of MEGARA, the future optical Integral Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) for the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). MEGARA is being built by a Consortium of public research institutions led by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, Spain) that also includes INAOE (Mexico), IAA-CSIC (Spain) and UPM (Spain)

    Pathogenic strains of Shewanella putrefaciens contain plasmids that are absent in the probiotic strain Pdp11

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    Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 is a strain described as a probiotic for use in aquaculture. However, S. putrefaciens includes strains reported to be pathogenic or saprophytic to fish. Although the probiotic trait has been related to the presence of a group of genes in its genome, the existence of plasmids that could determine the probiotic or pathogenic character of this bacterium is unknown. In the present work, we searched for plasmids in several strains of S. putrefaciens that differ in their pathogenic and probiotic character. Under the different conditions tested, plasmids were only found in two of the five pathogenic strains, but not in the probiotic strain nor in the two saprophytic strains tested. Using a workflow integrating Sanger and Illumina reads, the complete consensus sequences of the plasmids were obtained. Plasmids differed in one ORF and encoded a putative replication initiator protein of the repB family, as well as proteins related to plasmid stability and a toxin-antitoxin system. Phylogenetic analysis showed some similarity to functional repB proteins of other Shewanella species. The implication of these plasmids in the probiotic or pathogenic nature of S. putrefaciens is discussed

    Obtención de biomasa de microalga Chlorella vulgaris en un banco de prueba de fotobiorreactores de columna de burbujeo

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    Dada la agudización de la situación socioeconómica y medioambiental que se enfrenta en la actualidad, los investigadores buscan nuevas alternativas para sustituir el combustible fósil convencional, siendo una salida, los biocombustibles obtenidos a partir de microalgas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la obtención de biomasa en un banco de prueba de fotobiorreactores de columna de burbujeo, utilizando una cepa de Chlorella vulgaris en medio Bristol. Se dimensionó el fotobiorreactor y se evaluó la influencia de las variables pH y concentración de nitrógeno, con y sin presencia de oligoelementos, sobre la productividaddel crecimiento de la biomasa de microalgas. Seencontró que en el intervalo estudiado (pH entre 6 y 8 y concentración de NaNO3 entre 0,5 y 1 g/L) estas variables no tienen un efecto significativo en el crecimiento, mientras que la presencia de oligoelementos favorece este