1,074 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Empresa familiar versus empresa no familiar

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    En la actualidad, la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) está muy presente en las empresas de forma voluntaria con el fin de conseguir mejoras económicas, ventajas competitivas, mayor repercusión social y podrían incrementar los niveles de satisfacción y de compromiso tanto de empleados como de clientes. A continuación, realizaremos un estudio a través de las tres últimas memorias sostenibles correspondientes a los años 2013, 2014 y 2015, de dos empresas dedicadas a la automoción; Gestamp y Gonvarri Steel Services, siendo una de ellas una empresa familiar. Este análisis lo llevaremos a cabo siguiendo las indicaciones de la guía para la elaboración de memorias sostenibles denominada Global Reporting Iniciative (GRI). A demás, procederemos a realizar una comparación entre ambas empresas mostrando las diferencias que podemos encontrar debido al tipo de empresa con el que nos encontramos. Con todo ello, se ha de saber que las conclusiones no se pueden extrapolar a una teoría común ya que cada empresa dispone de peculiaridades que la hace única

    Principales variables que inciden en la integración de las construcciones agrarias en el paisaje

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    In present paper would be analyzed which are the most important variables that have influence on landscape integration of agricultural constructions. A bibliographic study, an "in situ" study and an oblique aerial photography study have been carried out for this. Check list of the most important variables that take part on visual impact of agricultural construction have been obtained as a result of this research work.En el presente artículo se analizan cuáles son las principales variables que intervienen en la integración de las construcciones agrarias en el paisaje. Para ello se realizó un estudio bibliográfico, un estudio sobre el terreno y un estudio con fotografías aéreas oblicuas. Como resultado del trabajo se ha obtenido una lista de chequeo de las principales variables que intervienen en el impacto visual de las construcciones agrarias

    Temporal variation of phytoplankton in two neighbouring Mediterranean shallow lakes in Doñana National Park (Spain)

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    This study was aimed at describing the phytoplankton dynamics and structure of two eutrophic to hypereutrophic Mediterranean shallow lakes (Santa Olalla and Dulce). The two systems are close together and can function as one water body at times of heavy rainfall, but once separated, they evolve differently. The Shannon diversity index was low for both shallow lakes (average values of 1.11 in Santa Olalla and 1.79 in Dulce). The average phytoplankton Chl a concentrations and primary production rates were very high, although slightly higher in Santa Olalla (365.2 mg m-3 and 1.29 g C m-3 h-1, respectively) than in Dulce (230 mg m-3 and 0.88 g C m-3 h-1). Phytoplankton variation in the lakes was related to shifts in the physical and chemical features of lake water as well as hydrological conditions, a finding that is corroborated by the canonical correspondence analysis results, which showed a different pattern of evolution in each system. Eight functional groups were found in Santa Olalla (D, H1, J, K, M, S1, W2 and Y), although the D, W2 and Y groups were only predominant during the first four months of the study. For the rest of the period, the system was particularly dominated by the H1, K and S1 groups. Dulce exhibited a more complex distribution of phytoplankton functional groups over time. Ten functional groups were observed in this system (D, H1, J, K, M, P, S1, S2, W2 and Y). Some characteristics of these systems, such as rapid water volume fluctuations, low light penetration and low concentration of inorganic nutrients, are stressful conditions for phytoplankton, which may account for the low phytoplankton diversity and the equilibrium phases recorded for many months in both wetlands.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir la dinámica y estructura del fitoplancton en dos lagunas eutróficas a hipereutróficasMediterráneas (Santa Olalla y Dulce, España). Ambos sistemas están muy próximos y se unen superficialmente en periodos de fuertes lluvias, sin embargo, cuando el nivel desciende, evolucionan de forma separada. El índice de diversidad de Shannon fue bajo para ambos sistemas (valores promedio de 1.11 en Santa Olalla y 1.79 en Dulce). La concentración media de Chl a y las tasas de producción primaria del fitoplancton fueron muy altas, aunque ligeramente superior en Santa Olalla (365.2 mg m-3 y 1.29 g C m-3 h-1, respectivamente) con respecto a Dulce (230 mg m-3 y 0.88 g C m-3 h-1). Las variaciones del fitoplancton están relacionadas con cambios en las características físicas y químicas del agua, así como con las condiciones hidrológicas, lo que es corroborado por el Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (CCA), que muestra un patrón de evolución diferente en ambos sistemas. En Santa Olalla fueron observados ocho grupos funcionales (D, H1, J, K, M, S1, W2 y Y), si bien los grupos D, W2 y Y sólo predominaron en los primeros cuatro meses de estudio. El resto del tiempo, el sistema estuvo dominado sobre todo por los grupos H1, K y S1. Dulce mostró una distribución más compleja de grupos funcionales a lo largo del tiempo, observándose diez grupos (D, H1, J, K, M, P, S1, S2, W2 y Y). Algunas de las características de ambos sistemas, como la rápida fluctuación en el volumen de agua, la baja penetración de la luz o la escasa concentración de nutrientes inorgánicos, son condiciones de estrés para el fitoplancton, lo que puede explicar su baja diversidad y las fases de equilibrio registradas durante muchos meses en ambos humedales

    The utility of wearable devices in assessing ambulatory impairments of people with multiple sclerosis in free-living conditions

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    Ambulatory impairments; Machine learning; Multiple sclerosisDeficiencias ambulatorias; Aprendizaje automático; Esclerosis múltipleDeficiències ambulatòries; Aprenentatge automàtic; Esclerosi múltipleAbstract Background and objectives Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system affecting over 2.5 million people globally. In-clinic six-minute walk test (6MWT) is a widely used objective measure to evaluate the progression of MS. Yet, it has limitations such as the need for a clinical visit and a proper walkway. The widespread use of wearable devices capable of depicting patients’ activity profiles has the potential to assess the level of MS-induced disability in free-living conditions. Methods In this work, we extracted 96 features in different temporal granularities (from minute-level to day-level) from wearable data and explored their utility in estimating 6MWT scores in a European (Italy, Spain, and Denmark) MS cohort of 337 participants over an average of 10 months’ duration. We combined these features with participants’ demographics using three regression models including elastic net, gradient boosted trees and random forest. In addition, we quantified the individual feature's contribution using feature importance in these regression models, linear mixed-effects models, generalized estimating equations, and correlation-based feature selection (CFS). Results The results showed promising estimation performance with R2 of 0.30, which was derived using random forest after CFS. This model was able to distinguish the participants with low disability from those with high disability. Furthermore, we observed that the minute-level (≤ 8 minutes) step count, particularly those capturing the upper end of the step count distribution, had a stronger association with 6MWT. The use of a walking aid was indicative of ambulatory function measured through 6MWT. Conclusions This study demonstrates the utility of wearables devices in assessing ambulatory impairments in people with MS in free-living conditions and provides a basis for future investigation into the clinical relevance.The RADAR-CNS project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 115902. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA, www.imi.europa.eu. This paper reflects the views of the RADAR-CNS consortium and neither IMI nor the European Union and EFPIA are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. The funding body have not been involved in the design of the study, the collection or analysis of data, or the interpretation of data. RJBD is supported by the following: (1) NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London, London, UK; (2) Health Data Research UK, which is funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Department of Health and Social Care (England), Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Welsh Government), Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), British Heart Foundation and Wellcome Trust; (3) The BigData@Heart Consortium, funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative-2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 116074. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA; it is chaired by DE Grobbee and SD Anker, partnering with 20 academic and industry partners and ESC; (4) the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre; (5) the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London; (6) the UK Research and Innovation London Medical Imaging & Artificial Intelligence Centre for Value Based Healthcare; (7) the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration South London (NIHR ARC South London) at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    White paper: How to procure e-mobility solutions

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    This White Paper provides a step-by-step approach on how to procure e-mobility solutions. Chapter 1 covers the implementation of a so-called innovation procurement. Chapter 2 covers all relevant aspects that are related to the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) of the World Trade Organization with a link to the most relevant aspects of EU Trade Agreements that enhance the competitiveness of European companies. The chapter also presents an overview of the most recent and relevant EU initiatives to maintain a level playing field in public procurement within and across the boundaries of the EU Internal Market. Chapter 3 covers the possibilities to include social and environmental criteria within government procurements. Chapter 4 concludes on the findings of the e-Mobility paper and provides the reader with useful practices and tools to follow up on the procurement of e-mobility solutions. For the context of this White Paper, e-mobility solutions are transport solutions which are based on heavy duty vehicles with a zero-emission tailpipe pollution, which are a category under article 4 (5) of the Directive 2009/33/EC of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of clean road transport vehicles in support of low-emission mobility amended by Directive (EU) 2019/1161 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 201

    Considerations about the hydrogeological functioning of the Alta Cadena carbonate aquifer (Málaga province, Spain)

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    The hydrodinamic and hydrochemical responses of three springs (Villanueva del Rosario, Pita and Parroso) located in the Alta Cadena carbonate aquifer (province of Malaga, South Spain) have been monitored from September 2006 to January 2008. A first interpretation on the hydrogeological functioning and on the karst network development has been performed, which is useful for groundwater protection. Thus, Villanueva del Rosario spring drains a part of the Alta Cadena aquifer more karstified than the catchment area of the other two springs. This means that catchment area of Villanueva del Rosario spring is more vulnerable than the other to the contamination and consequently it needs more strict protection criteri

    Microtab design and implementation on a 5MW wind turbine

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    Microtabs (MT) consist of a small tab placed on the airfoil surface close to the trailing edge and perpendicular to the surface. A study to find the optimal position to improve airfoil aerodynamic performance is presented. Therefore, a parametric study of a MT mounted on the pressure surface of an airfoil has been carried out. The aim of the current study is to find the optimal MT size and location to increase airfoil aerodynamic performance and to investigate its influence on the power output of a 5 MW wind turbine. Firstly, a computational study of a MT mounted on the pressure surface of the airfoil DU91W(2)250 has been carried out and the best case has been found according to the largest lift-to-drag ratio. This airfoil has been selected because it is typically used on wind turbine, such as the 5 MW reference wind turbine of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Second, Blade Element Momentum (BEM) based computations have been performed to investigate the effect of the MT on the wind turbine power output with different wind speed realizations. The results show that, due to the implementation of MTs, a considerable increase in the turbine average power is achieved.The authors are grateful to the Government of the Basque Country and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU through the SAIOTEK (S-PE11UN112) and EHU12/26 research programs, respectively

    Delamination Fracture Behavior of Unidirectional Carbon Reinforced Composites Applied to Wind Turbine Blades

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    One of the materials that is used widely for wind turbine blade manufacturing are fiber-reinforced composites. Although glass fiber reinforcement is the most used in wind turbine blades, the use of carbon fiber allows larger blades to be manufactured due to their better mechanical characteristics. Some turbine manufacturers are using carbon fiber in the most critical parts of the blade design. The larger rotors are exposed to complex loading conditions in service. One of the most relevant structures on a wind turbine blade is the spar cap. It is usually manufactured by means of unidirectional laminates, and one of its major failures is the delamination. The determination of material features that influence delamination initiation and advance by appropriate testing is a fundamental topic for the study of composite delamination. The fracture behavior is studied across coupons of carbon fiber reinforcement epoxy laminates. Fifteen different test conditions have been analyzed. Fracture surfaces for different mode ratios have been explored using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. Experimental results shown in the paper for critical fracture parameters agree with the theoretically expected values. Therefore, this experimental procedure is suitable for wind turbine blade material characterizing at the initial coupon-scale research level.e authors are grateful to the European Union Ministry of Turkey, National Agency of Turkey for the support of this project under the Project Code: 2015-1-TR01-KA203-021342 entitled Innovative European Studies on Renewable Energy Systems

    E-commerce como herramienta para el desarrollo regional y competitivo de los sectores productivos: estudio empírico

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    The objective of this research is to evaluate e-commerce as a tool for the regional and competitive development of the footwear sector. For this purpose, a qualitative-deductive methodology is applied based on the review of secondary sources of bibliographic information. The study sample is intentional and focuses on the company Mussi Zapatos S. A. S. The results reveal the usefulness of e-commerce for the sector, since it favors the offer of products and services. Therefore, it is concluded that the technological evolution is more demanding every day, which is why conventional business models must be improved, in order to move from physical to virtual commerce, in order to be more effective in the marketing and distribution of products. This research raises awareness in the footwear sector, given that, at present, companies that do not implement e-commerce run the risk of leaving the market and, therefore, affecting the region's economy.El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar el e-commerce como herramienta para el desarrollo regional y competitivo del sector calzado. Para ello, se aplica la metodología cualitativa-deductiva basado en la revisión de fuentes secundarias de información bibliográfica. La muestra de estudio es intencional y se centra en la empresa Mussi Zapatos S. A. S. Los resultados revelan la utilidad del e-commerce para el sector, dado que, propicia de ofertar de productos y servicios. Por lo tanto, se concluye que la evolución tecnológica es cada día más exigente, razón por la cual se deben mejorar los modelos de negocios convencionales, a fin de pasar del comercio en físico al comercio virtual, de cara a ser más efectivos en la comercialización y distribución de los productos. Esta investigación crea conciencia en el sector calzado, dado que, en la actualidad, las empresas que no implemente el e- commerce corren el riesgo de salir del mercado y, por ende, afectar la economía de la región. &nbsp

    Consumers’ willingness to pay for beef direct sales. A regional comparison across the Pyrenees

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    Willingness to pay (WTP) for direct market of beef is investigated in two Spanish and two French regions located on both sides of the Pyrenees. Given the novelty of this distribution system, especially in Spain, a contingent valuation approach is undertaken, and a double-bounded model is estimated. Different patterns of awareness, use and WTP are found across regions. Likewise, the profile of current and potential users of direct sale chains is investigated. Experience in the different stages involved from choice to final consumption of beef, intensity of varied beef consumption, familiarity with direct market of food in general, and beef in particular, are some of the relevant factors to explain WTP and the probability of getting engaged into a direct distribution system of beef