17 research outputs found

    As atividades lúdicas simbólicas na construção da perceção de si e dos outros: conceções e práticas das educadoras

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    Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarO principal objetivo deste projeto de investigação é compreender e interpretar de que forma as atividades lúdicas simbólicas potenciam, nas crianças, a construção da perceção de si e dos outros, assim como, perceber quais as conceções e práticas que os educadores assumem relativamente a este tema. Este projeto possui a abordagem investigação-ação como método de trabalho, e tem como principal objetivo dar a conhecer o processo de interpretação das informações recolhidas nos dois contextos educativos, creche e jardim-de-infância, assim como, a intervenção realizada por mim. As principais fontes de recolha de informação são a observação participante, os inquéritos realizados às educadoras cooperantes e a análise documental. Os contextos educativos usados como objeto de estudo, inserem-se nas instituições onde foram desenvolvidos os estágios no âmbito do curso Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, sendo que, os participantes do estudo são as educadoras cooperantes que me acompanharam durante todo o estágio. Após a concretização deste projeto de investigação, posso referir que, na opinião de ambas as educadoras cooperantes atividades que participaram neste estudo, as atividades lúdicas simbólicas são consideradas como atividades fundamentais, que são muito importantes para a construção e perceção que a criança faz de si e dos outros.The main purpose of this research project is understanding and interpreting how the symbolic play activities could potentiate, in children, the building of the perception of self and others; as perceiving the conceptions and practices that educators assume regarding this issue. This project has the investigation-action method as the working method, and the main purpose is showing the process of interpretation of information gathered in the two educational contexts, nursery and kindergarten, as well as the intervention made by me. The main information sources are participating observation, surveys conducted at cooperating teachers and documentary analysis. The educational contexts that were used as study objects, are inserted in the institutions where the stages were developed within the course Masters in Preschool Education, and the study participants are cooperating teachers who accompanied me throughout the stage. After the concretion of this research project, I can refer that, in the opinion of both cooperating teachers who participated in this study, the symbolic play activities are considered as core activities, that are very important in the construction and perception that child makes of himself and others

    Gla-rich protein (GRP) as an early and novel marker of vascular calcification and kidney dysfunction in diabetic patients with CKD: a pilot cross-sectional study

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    Vascular calcification (VC) is one of the strongest predictors of cardiovascular risk in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. New diagnostic/prognostic tools are required for early detection of VC allowing interventional strategies. Gla-rich protein (GRP) is a cardiovascular calcification inhibitor, whose clinical utility is here highlighted. The present study explores, for the first time, correlations between levels of GRP in serum with CKD developmental stage, mineral metabolism markers, VC and pulse pressure (PP), in a cohort of 80 diabetic patients with mild to moderate CKD (stages 2-4). Spearman's correlation analysis revealed a positive association of GRP serum levels with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and α-Klotho, while a negative correlation with phosphate (P), fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23), vascular calcification score (VCS), PP, calcium (x) phosphate (CaxP) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). Serum GRP levels were found to progressively decrease from stage 2 to stage 4 CKD. Multivariate analysis identified low levels of eGFR and GRP, and high levels of FGF-23 associated with both the VCS and PP. These results indicate an association between GRP, renal dysfunction and CKD-mineral and bone disorder. The relationship between low levels of GRP and vascular calcifications suggests a future, potential utility for GRP as an early marker of vascular damage in CKD.Portuguese Society of Nephrology (SPN) ; Portuguese national funds from FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology through the transitional provision DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0006 UIDB/04326/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biological effects of thermal water-associated hydrogen sulfide on human airways and associated immune cells: Implications for respiratory diseases

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    Natural mineral (thermal) waters have been used for centuries as treatment for various diseases. However, the scientific background of such therapeutic action is mostly empiric and based on knowledge acquired over time. Among the various types of natural mineral waters, sulfurous thermal waters (STWs) are the most common type in the center of Portugal. STWs are characterized by high pH, poor mineralization, and the presence of several ions and salts, such as bicarbonate, sodium, fluoride, silica, and carbonate. Furthermore, these waters are indicated as a good option for the treatment of various illnesses, namely respiratory diseases (e.g., allergic rhinitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). From the sulfide species present in these waters, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) stands out due to its abundance. In healthy conditions, H2S-related enzymes (e.g., cystathionine β-synthase and cystathionine γ-lyase) are expressed in human lungs, where they have mucolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial roles, thus contributing to airway epithelium homeostasis. These roles occur mainly through S-sulfhydration, a post-translational modification through which H2S is able to change the activity of several targets, such as ion channels, second messengers, proteins, among others. However, in respiratory diseases the metabolism of H2S is altered, which seems to contribute somehow to the respiratory deterioration. Moreover, H2S has been regarded as a good biomarker of airway dysfunction and severity, and can be measured in serum, sputum, and exhaled air. Hence, in this review we will recapitulate the effects of STWs on lung epithelial-immune crosstalk through the action of its main component, H2S

    Hypomagnesaemia – One Cause To Remember!

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    A 71-year-old female presented with 5 days of diarrhoea and asthenia. Past medical history of rheumatoid arthritis, arterial hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and chronic gastritis was treated with leflunomide, deflazacort, esomeprazole, carvedilol and spironolactone. At admission, the patient’s physical examination showed signs of dehydration. Lab results revealed leucocytosis, increased C-reactive protein, hypomagnesaemia, hypocalcaemia and hypokalaemia. A presumption of acute infectious diarrhoea causing hypomagnesaemia with hypocalcaemia and hypokalaemia was made. She was started on ciprofloxacin, IV hydration and electrolyte supplementation with an adequate response. However, magnesium levels fell repeatedly. After excluding other causes for hypomagnesaemia, chronic use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) was considered a plausible cause therefore PPI was discontinued, with normalisation of magnesium levels. Hypomagnesaemia is a common disturbance, mainly caused by diarrhoea, gastrointestinal malabsorption, medications, alcoholism and volume expansion. Clinical manifestations include neuromuscular symptoms, cardiovascular manifestations, hypokalaemia and changes in calcium metabolism. PPI-related hypomagnesaemia has been described in later years particularly in chronic use cases, with a medium prevalence of 27%, but further studies remain necessary to clarify its pathophysiologic mechanism. Since PPIs are widely used, it is essential to be aware of hypomagnesaemia as a possible side effect, particularly in refractory cases and after excluding other common causes

    Asma na gravidez : estratégias de controlo e complicações materno-fetais

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina, área cientifica de Imunologia Clínica, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA prevalência da asma em Portugal ronda os 6,8% e esta é uma das patologias que mais frequentemente se complica na gravidez. Sendo uma doença com enorme impacto a nível mundial, estima-se que a prevalência de grávidas com asma seja de 3,7 a 12%, dependendo das áreas geográficas em análise. Em geral, ao longo da gravidez, 1/3 das mulheres asmáticas mantém-se estável, 1/3 sofre agravamento da doença e 1/3 apresenta melhoria clínica. Contudo, o curso da doença é imprevisível. Nesta monografia procurou-se efetuar uma revisão atualizada da literatura médica sobre a asma na gravidez, tendo para o efeito sido selecionadas publicações e documentação pertinente em número de 108. Os principais objetivos foram analisar as alterações fisiopatológicas da asma, da gravidez e da asma durante a gravidez; esclarecer os métodos de diagnóstico e a evolução da asma durante a gestação; descrever as estratégias de controlo durante este período e as principais complicações materno-fetais verificadas na grávida asmática. Durante a gravidez de mulheres asmáticas podem ocorrer inúmeras alterações imunológicas que conferem, desde logo, uma imunotolerância alterada ao feto, assim como modificação do curso da asma. Deste modo, nas grávidas asmáticas têm sido descritas diversas complicações: exacerbações da asma, hipertensão gestacional, pré-eclâmpsia, diabetes gestacional, infeções virais respiratórias, abortamento espontâneo, PPT, BPN, SGA, malformações congénitas e morte perinatal. No entanto, a distinção entre a causalidade da própria asma, como doença inflamatória crónica (gravidade e alterações imunológicas), dos fármacos preconizados ou de ambos na origem das mesmas é ainda pouco clara. Apesar disso, observou-se que a asma tem tendência para agravar quando não está controlada e/ou quando a doença prévia à gravidez é grave. Por outro lado, os SABA e os ICS apresentam segurança 8 globalmente demonstrada, mas os restantes fármacos disponíveis apresentam segurança deficientemente estudada ou efeitos adversos que limitam a prescrição. Porém, verificou-se que os riscos associados ao uso dos fármacos na gravidez eram inferiores aos riscos da asma não controlada e concluiu-se que um controlo ótimo da asma durante a gravidez não parece levar a risco superior de complicações materno-fetais em relação a grávidas saudáveis. Assim, as grávidas asmáticas devem ter consultas com uma periodicidade mínima mensal para monitorização rigorosa da doença, nas quais deve ser avaliado o controlo da doença, adesão à terapêutica, utilização dos dispositivos, presença de fatores desencadeantes e efeitos adversos dos fármacos. Para além disso, devem ser dadas explicações à doente sobre o impacto da asma na gravidez e ressaltar que existem mais riscos quando a asma está mal controlada do que quando é realizada terapêutica farmacológica. Deve, ainda, ser feito ajuste terapêutico sempre que necessário, com implementação de medidas farmacológicas e não farmacológicas, nas quais se inclui um plano escrito detalhado com todas as medidas e atitudes a ter quando surge uma agudização da doença. As grávidas asmáticas devem, obrigatoriamente, ser referenciadas para consulta de Especialidade quando o fenótipo clínico é grave ou quando o controlo da doença não está a ser conseguido. Em conclusão, é essencial garantir um controlo adequado da asma durante a gravidez, uma vez que o mesmo provou não ter riscos superiores de complicações materno-fetais em relação a grávidas saudáveis. No entanto, são necessários mais estudos para melhor esclarecer os mecanismos fisiopatológicas envolvidos na interação asma-gravidez, bem como para avaliar e distinguir os efeitos adversos da asma e dos fármacos na gravidezThe prevalence of asthma in Portugal is 6.8% and this is one of the most common diseases complicating pregnancy. Being a disease with great impact worldwide, it is estimated that the prevalence of pregnant women with asthma is 3.7 to 12%, depending on the geographic areas under consideration. In general, throughout pregnancy, 1/3 of asthmatic women remains stable, 1/3 suffers worsening of the disease and one third have clinical improvement. However, the course of the disease is unpredictable. The aim of this monograph was an updated review of the medical literature about asthma in pregnancy and to this end 108 publications and relevant documents have been selected. The main objectives were to analyze the pathophysiological changes of asthma, of pregnancy and of asthma during pregnancy; clarify the methods of diagnosis and the course of asthma during pregnancy; describe management strategies during this period and refer the main maternal and fetal complications observed in asthmatic pregnant women. During pregnancy of asthmatic women can occur numerous immunological changes that confer, from the beginning, an altered immunological tolerance to the fetus and changes in the course of asthma. Thus, in asthmatic pregnant women have been reported several complications: asthma exacerbations, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, respiratory viral infections, spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, low birth weight, SGA, birth defects and perinatal death. However, the distinction between the impact of asthma as a chronic inflammatory disease (severity and immunological changes) and the influence of the recommended drugs or both at the origin of those complications is still unclear. Nevertheless, it was observed that asthma tends to worsen when not controlled and/or when the disease prior to pregnancy is severe. Moreover, SABA and ICS have widely demonstrated safety, but other available drugs have poorly studied safety or adverse effects 10 which limit the prescription. Though, it was found that the risks associated with the use of drugs in pregnancy were lower than the risks of uncontrolled asthma. Furthermore, a good asthma control during pregnancy does not appear to lead to higher risks of maternal and fetal complications in relation to healthy pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women with asthma should have medical appointments at least once a month for strict monitoring of the disease. At each appointment should be evaluated disease control, therapeutic compliance, use of devices, presence of triggering factors and adverse effects of drugs. In addition, should be explained the impact of asthma on pregnancy and remarked that there are more risks when asthma is poorly controlled than when pharmacological therapy is performed. It should also be made therapeutic setting when appropriate, with the implementation of pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures, in which is included a detailed written plan with all measures and actions to take when it is perceived worsening of the disease. Asthmatic pregnant women must necessarily be referenced to Specialty when there is a severe clinical phenotype or when the control of the disease is not being achieved. In conclusion, it is essential to ensure an adequate asthma control during pregnancy, since it has been proved that controlled asthmatic women don´t have higher risks of maternal and fetal complications in relation to healthy pregnant women. Regardless, more studies are needed to better clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the interaction between asthma and pregnancy, as well to evaluate and distinguish the adverse effects of asthma and drugs in pregnanc

    Mudanças e Continuidades no Modelo de Participação Política em Portugal: Análise Comparada Europeia: Changes and Continuities in the Model of Political Participation in Portugal: European Comparative Analysis

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    What is the trend that Portuguese political participation has been following in recent decades? Has it been essentially driven by change or continuity? And what position does the Portuguese case take in the European context? In a first part of the article it is presented descriptively and longitudinally (between 1990 and 2008) the panorama of the Portuguese political participation, first inserting it in the European plan, and later analyzing it over the last decades. This analysis follows a categorization of political participation into four types: "protest participation", "institutional political participation", "non-political institutional participation" and "new forms of political participation". The second part of the article explores the main reasons behind joining three of these four types of political participation in Portugal. The data show that Portugal has been consolidating a pattern of participation characterized by very weak mobilization especially in the protest modality and new forms of participation, moving it away from the countries of central and northern Europe. They stand out among the explanatory variables of participation: social class and party identity. Resumo Qual a tendência que a participação política portuguesa tem vindo a seguir nas últimas décadas? Tem sido essencialmente pautada pela mudança ou pela continuidade? E qual a posição que o caso português assume no contexto Europeu? Numa primeira parte do artigo apresenta-se descritiva e longitudinalmente (entre 1990 e 2008) o panorama da participação política portuguesa, primeiro inserindo-o no plano Europeu, e depois analisando-o ao longo das últimas décadas. Esta análise segue uma categorização da participação política em quatro tipos: "participação de protesto", "participação política institucional", "participação institucional não política" e "novas formas de participação política". Na segunda parte do artigo exploram-se as principais razões subjacentes à adesão a três daqueles quatro tipos de participação política em Portugal. Os dados revelam que Portugal tem vindo a consolidar um padrão de participação caracterizado por uma muito fraca mobilização em especial na modalidade de protesto e nas novas formas de participação, afastando-o dos países da Europa central e do norte. Sobressaem de entre as variáveis explicativas da participação: a classe social e a identidade partidária.Qual a tendência que a participação política portuguesa tem vindo a seguir nas últimas décadas? Tem sido essencialmente pautada pela mudança ou pela continuidade? E qual a posição que o caso português assume no contexto Europeu? Numa primeira parte do artigo apresenta-se descritiva e longitudinalmente (entre 1990 e 2008) o panorama da participação política portuguesa, primeiro inserindo-o no plano Europeu, e depois analisando-o ao longo das últimas décadas. Esta análise segue uma categorização da participação política em quatro tipos: "participação de protesto", "participação política institucional", "participação institucional não política" e "novas formas de participação política". Na segunda parte do artigo exploram-se as principais razões subjacentes à adesão a três daqueles quatro tipos de participação política em Portugal. Os dados revelam que Portugal tem vindo a consolidar um padrão de participação caracterizado por uma muito fraca mobilização em especial na modalidade de protesto e nas novas formas de participação, afastando-o dos países da Europa central e do norte. Sobressaem de entre as variáveis explicativas da participação: a classe social e a identidade partidária

    Preliminary diversity assessment of an undervalued tropical bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) through fatty acid profiling

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    Several large-scale metabolic profiling studies have been directed to prospect crops with a major focus on yield-related traits and, ultimately, with the definition of specific markers for plant selection in breeding programs. However, some of these technologies are expensive, time-consuming and not easily feasible for a quick approach. Fatty acid profiling was described as reliable biomarkers and as a chemotaxonomic tool allowing to study not only the diversity in germplasm collections but also to discriminate their geographic origin. We have used fatty acids profiling for a preliminary assessment of Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet (hyacinth bean) diversity and landraces discrimination. Hyacinth bean displays an enormous variability of agro-morphological traits, probably linked to the multi-purpose uses in different regions, i.e. as pulse, or as food with nutraceutical potential (Africa and Asia), forage (Africa and Australia) and ornamental (Europe and USA). Only two forage cultivars are widely marketed, cv. Rongai and cv. Highworth, with several landraces remaining to be addressed in terms of diversity. We show that fatty acids profiling was able to distinguish landraces, which display shared fatty acids with cultivars from the center of hyacinth bean diversity origin (East Africa). We propose that fatty acid profiling is a tool that may be used not only for nutritional value assessment but also as a chemodiversity tool in crop research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio