463 research outputs found

    Structured proposal for the intervention of rehabilitation nursing care, for elderly people with self-care deficit and motor disorders

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    Abstract The concept of functional capacity is particularly useful in the context of aging. Aging while maintaining all its functions does not mean a problem for both the individual and the community, when their functions begin to deteriorate, problems begin to emerge (Kalache, A et al., 1987). The concept is closely linked to the maintenance of the autonomy from which the potential loss of functionality and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, such as motor diseases, can be maintained, thus enabling the person to perform his or her self-care in the sense of independence, a primary goal of Rehabilitation Nursing. The quality of care is one of the targets of Rehabilitation Nursing, confirming its effectiveness when showing results sensitive to Nursing care. Objective: to develop skills in the area of Rehabilitation Nursing care, through structured intervention plans for elderly people with a deficit in self-care and mobility disorders. Methodology: The present study is descriptive and exploratory, based on the qualitative methodology of the case study (multiple case study method) by Robert Yin (2003) and Lopes' (2006) medium-range theory, based on the theory of self-care deficit of Orem (2001). Results: Considering the increase in the consequences of nursing care, such as functionality, self-care and patient satisfaction, in addition to the user's capacity for self-management of chronic illness, through rehabilitation programs, teaching, prevention of return to health services, decreasing the amounts related to the health system. Conclusion: The structured interposition of Rehabilitation Nursing care, based on a program of motor functional reeducation, empowerment of the person, translates into gains in self-care, at the level of motor function. Key words: results, care, Rehabilitation, altered motor functio

    New synthetic raloxifen-like di(hetero)arylamines induce apoptosis and inhibit the estrogen receptor in breast cancer cells

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    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the western world, and in spite of some decline in death rates in recent years it is still the second most common cause of death from cancer, in women (1). For more than three decades, the estrogen receptor (ER) has been the most important biomarker of breast cancer, largely due to the substantial benefit that endocrine therapy provides in the treatment of ER positive tumors, in women of all ages (2). Endocrine therapies currently available include selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), like tamoxifen and raloxifene (3). Raloxifene acts as an estrogen antagonist in the breast by competitive binding to the ER, inhibiting estrogen-induced breast tissue proliferation and preventing the growth of mammary tumors. In addition, it shows no increase in incidence of endometrial cancer, which is an advantage compared to tamoxifen (4). The successes of these endocrine therapies, however, are often limited. So, it is important to continue searching for new strategies and/or drugs that overcome resistance problems and that can be potent enough with fewer adverse effects. In this work, we studied the effect of two new synthetic di(hetero)arylamines, named MJQ2 and MJQ3 (which have in common with raloxifene a benzothiophene ring), in cell proliferation and apoptosis of two different cell lines from breast cancer: MCF-7 (ER positive) and MDA-MB-231 (ER negative). Our results showed that both diarylamines induce apoptosis without significant necrosis (evaluated by Hoechst-PI staining), at the IC50 concentration that inhibits cell proliferation (evaluated by the SRB assay). The results obtained with TMRM, a marker of mitochondrial membrane potential, suggest that mitochondrial disruption can be involved in this apoptotic process. These effects are more pronounced in the MCF-7 cell line (ER positive), suggesting that the presence of the ER might be important in the response to these compounds. Confirmation of their interaction with the ER was obtained in the E-Screen assay, where a clear antagonism of the proliferative effects of the hormone 17β-estradiol was observed with both compounds, at non-toxic concentrations. The overall results suggest that these new synthetic “raloxifene-like” drugs might have potential to be further developed as alternative hormonal or adjuvant therapies for breast cancer.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) research project PTDC/QUI/68382/2006 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER 007441)

    Estudo experimental

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    A vegetação ripícola desempenha importantes funções no equilíbrio do ecossistema, bem como melhora a qualidade da água. Nas últimas décadas, devido às preocupações ambientais e à proteção contra inundações, a necessidade de entender o comportamento hidrodinâmico dos rios tem crescido. A presença de vegetação afeta a resistência hidráulica, o transporte de massas, a quantidade de movimento e a estrutura do escoamento turbulento, com várias implicações ecológicas e morfológicas. O objetivo da presente dissertação é compreender a hidrodinâmica do escoamento na interface de áreas com vegetação. De modo a interpretar melhor a influencia da vegetação na estrutura do escoamento foram realizados ensaios experimentais no Laboratório de Hidráulica Fluvial e das Estruturas (LHFE), na Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). O leito do canal foi parcialmente coberto por uma matriz uniforme de cilindros metálicos alinhados. O trabalho prático consistiu na medição de campos de velocidade instantânea com o auxílio de um Velocímetro Doppler Acústico (ADV), e o tratamento de dados foi realizado num software próprio, denominado WinADV. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a distribuição das velocidades longitudinais apresentam perfis típicos, quer para o corredor ripícola, quer para o canal principal, sendo quase constante no canal com hastes, e quase logarítmico a aumentar para a superfície no canal principal. A existência de um corredor ripícola leva a que parte do escoamento se afaste dele, percorrendo o trajeto que oferece menor resistência, havendo transferências de massas entre a zona vegetada e o canal principal. Foi ainda possível concluir que o efeito local da presença das hastes é suprimido pelo efeito de corte da camada de mistura.The riparian vegetation has an important role not only in the balance of the ecosystems but also on water quality improvement. In the past decades, due to environmental concerns and protection against floods, the need to understand the hydrodynamical behavior of the rivers has been growing. The existence of vegetation affects the hydraulic resistance, on mass transport, quantity of movement and turbulent flow structure, which leads to several environmental and morphological implications. The aim of this thesis is to understand the hydrodynamics of the flow in the interface of vegetated areas. In order to better understand the influence of vegetation in the flow structure, several experimental studies were carried out at the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Structures (LHFE), at University of Beira Interior (UBI). During these studies, the channel bed was partially covered by an array of circular in a staggered arrangement. In order to meet the proposed objective, the experimental tests were done by measurement instantaneous velocity fields using an ADV device and the data treatment was done with a specific software known as WinADV. The results reveal that the distribution of longitudinal velocities show typical profiles in both vegetated and non-vegetated area. It was also observed that for vegetated areas the profile presented a constant behavior while the main channel exhibited a logarithmic profile. The existence of a riparian zone leads to that part of the flow move away from it and consequently, follow the path that offers less resistance. In this way, there are mass transfer between vegetated and non-vegetated area. It was also concluded that the shear stress effect of the mixing layer overlaps the local effect of the presence of the stem

    A programação artística e cultural para crianças e jovens como oportunidade de construção de mundo comum

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    Apresenta-se um estudo exploratório sobre as potencialidades educativas da programação artística e cultural para crianças e jovens, partindo da análise da oferta de três equipamentos culturais localizados na cidade de Lisboa. Esta análise será feita a partir de três dimensões: concepções de infância/s subjacentes ao trabalho artístico e cultural; a oportunidade de promover encontros com o mundo por via da ampliação da camada sensível dos temas, objetos, contextos, obras que são dadas à fruição através das linguagens artísticas; o lugar da programação artística nas tendências de democratização da cultura e de democracia cultural. Defendendo que o mundo comum não nos é dado, exigindo-se, ao invés, a sua permanente construção pela aventura de pôr em comum que o não era, discutiremos a possibilidade de os contextos de arte e cultura poderem ser lugar de construção de mundo comum pela presença e participação, de pleno direito, de crianças em espaços públicos formais, como seja o museu, o teatro, os monumentos e lugares simbólicos da história, dando visibilidade a uma maior pluralidade da existência humana. Concluímos defendendo que a programação artística e cultural para crianças configura um objeto de estudo em emergência no terreno das ciências da educação.An exploratory study on the specificity of the artistic and cultural program for children and young people is presented. It was developed through the analysis of the program of three cultural institutions located in the city of Lisbon, aiming to present a diversity of approaches, without claiming any type of representativeness. This analysis will be made through three dimensions:The conceptions of childhood underlying the artistic and cultural work;The opportunity to promote encounters with the world by expanding the sensitive layer of themes, objects, contexts, works that are given to fruition through artistic languages;The place of artistic programming in trends towards the democratization of culture and cultural democracy.Defending that the common world is not given, demanding, instead, its permanent construction, through the adventure of putting in common that it was not, we will discuss the possibility of contexts of art and culture being places of construction of the common world due to the presence and participation, by right, of children in formal public spaces, such as the museum, the theater, monuments and symbolic places of the nation's history, giving visibility to a greater plurality of human existence. We conclude by arguing that artistic and cultural programming for children is an emerging object of study in the field of educational sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de prática pedagógica do ensino de educação musical no ensino básico: valorização das atividades extra curriculares

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    Este relatório consiste na reflexão sobre a Prática Pedagógica realizada no 1.º e 3.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, no Agrupamento de Escolas de Figueiró dos Vinhos e Agrupamento de Escolas da Sertã, no ano letivo de 2013/2014. O trabalho, dividido em duas partes, incide na sua Parte I sobre temáticas relevantes no decurso da Prática Pedagógica, tais como as metodologias usadas, uma breve análise do contexto educativo (musical) português e a abordagem às atividades extras curriculares, na perspetiva dos pressupostos investigativos em Educação Musical. A segunda parte, descrevendo todo o processo inerente à Prática Pedagógica desenvolvida nos Ciclos indicados, constitui-se em função da caraterização do Agrupamento e das turmas de trabalho, da planificação de aulas em grelha concebida para o efeito onde se inclui um resumo dos grandes objetivos em função dos conceitos e conteúdos, das atividades, recursos e parâmetros de avaliação, complementando-se com a descrição do desenvolvimento prático ao nível dos materiais, estratégias, e orientações metodológicas