103 research outputs found

    Earnings and wealth inequality and income taxation: quantifying the tradeoffs of switching to a proportional income tax in the U.S.

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    This paper quantifies the steady-state aggregate, distributional, and mobility effects of switching the U.S. to a proportional income tax system.Income tax

    The home exchange phenomenon in the sharing economy: A research agenda

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    The emergence of the sharing economy has been driven by the increasing value of temporary access to goods over ownership as an alternative mode of consumption. This economy has been enabled by the rapidly evolving Web 2.0 technologies. Scholars have turned their attention to the implications of this sharing economy for the tourism and hospitality industries. However, research on peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation-sharing has mainly focused on a few global (monetised) platforms, especially Airbnb, while other manifestations of P2P sharing accommodation have remained underexplored. This is the case for “home exchange”, an example of non-monetised P2P sharing accommodation where individuals exchange their homes via web-based platforms. Aiming to address this gap, this paper reviews existing literature on the topic and identifies three key research dimensions, namely, economic, social-psychological and spatial. The paper also argues for the value of using second-home tourism literature in the examination of the home exchange phenomenon. Main research gaps and directions for future research are then addressed. Finally, the conclusions and limitations are presented

    Ribavirin as a First Treatment Approach for Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Transplant Recipient Patients

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    The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the major cause of acute hepatitis of viral origin worldwide. Despite its usual course as an asymptomatic self-limited hepatitis, there are highly susceptible populations, such as those with underlying immunosuppression, which could develop chronic hepatitis. In this situation, implementation of therapy is mandatory in the sense to facilitate viral clearance. Currently, there are no specific drugs approved for HEV infection, but ribavirin (RBV), the drug of choice, is used for off-label treatment. Here, we present two cases of chronic HEV infection in transplant patients, reviewing and discussing the therapeutic approach available in the literature. The use of RBV for the treatment of an HEV infection in organ transplant patients seems to be effective. The recommendation of 12 weeks of therapy is adequate in terms of efficacy. Nevertheless, there are important issues that urgently need to be assessed, such as optimal duration of therapy and drug dosage

    Relaci?n entre la congesti?n vehicular, estr?s y rendimiento laboral individual en empresas industriales de fabricaci?n de envases del Callao

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    Estudiamos la relaci?n entre la congesti?n vehicular, el estr?s y el rendimiento laboral, la congesti?n vehicular es considerado un importante problema de pol?tica p?blica ya que tiene el potencial de afectar la econom?a y los niveles de productividad de un pa?s. Para determinar las relaciones entre estas variables se?aladas se realiz? un estudio con trabajadores de Molpack del Per? (Molpack) y Peruana de Moldeados (Pamolsa) empresas industriales de fabricaci?n de envases ubicadas en la Provincia Constitucional del Callao. El estudio es de car?cter descriptivo de correlaci?n, as? mismo es considerada cuantitativa de tipo transversal. Se utiliz? como poblaci?n a los 110 trabajadores de Molpack del Per? y se obtuvo una muestra de 278 trabajadores para el caso de Pamolsa. Los resultados obtenidos nos demuestran que existe relaci?n entre las variables congesti?n vehicular, estr?s y rendimiento laboral, no obstante la fuerza de la relaci?n es baja

    Altered pathways in methylome and transcriptome longitudinal analysis of normal weight and bariatric surgery women

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    DNA methylation could provide a link between environmental, genetic factors and weight control and can modify gene expression pattern. This study aimed to identify genes, which are differentially expressed and methylated depending on adiposity state by evaluating normal weight women and obese women before and after bariatric surgery (BS). We enrolled 24 normal weight (BMI: 22.5 +/- 1.6 kg/m(2)) and 24 obese women (BMI: 43.3 +/- 5.7 kg/m(2)) submitted to BS. Genome-wide methylation analysis was conducted using Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip (threshold for significant CpG sites based on delta methylation level with a minimum value of 5%, a false discovery rate correction (FDR) of q /=2.0 was used to detect differentially expressed probes). The integrative analysis of both array data identified four genes (i.e. TPP2, PSMG6, ARL6IP1 and FAM49B) with higher methylation and lower expression level in pre-surgery women compared to normal weight women: and two genes (i.e. ZFP36L1 and USP32) that were differentially methylated after BS. These methylation changes were in promoter region and gene body. All genes are related to MAPK cascade, NIK/NF-kappaB signaling, cellular response to insulin stimulus, proteolysis and others. Integrating analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression evidenced that there is a set of genes relevant to obesity that changed after BS. A gene ontology analysis showed that these genes were enriched in biological functions related to adipogenesis, orexigenic, oxidative stress and insulin metabolism pathways. Also, our results suggest that although methylation plays a role in gene silencing, the majority of effects were not correlated

    ZNF577 Methylation Levels in Leukocytes From Women With Breast Cancer Is Modulated by Adiposity, Menopausal State, and the Mediterranean Diet

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    The methylation levels of ZNF577 in breast tumors has been previously identified as a possible epigenetic mark of breast cancer associated with obesity. The aim of the current study was to investigate differences in methylation levels of ZNF577 depending on obesity, menopausal state and dietary pattern in blood leukocytes, a non-invasive sample. The methylation levels of ZNF577 of two CpG sites (CpGs) located in promoter and island previously identified as differentially methylated according to adiposity and menopausal state by 450 k array (cg10635122, cg03562414) were evaluated by pyrosequencing in DNA from the blood leukocytes of breast cancer patients [n = 90; n = 64 (71.1%) overweight/obesity and n = 26 (28.9%) normal-weight] and paired tumor tissue biopsies (n = 8 breast cancer patients with obesity; n = 3/5 premenopausal/postmenopausal women). Differences in methylation levels were evaluated at each CpGs individually and at the mean of the two evaluated CpGs. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was evaluated using the MEDAS-validated questionnaire, and the consumption of food groups of interest was also evaluated using the recommended intakes of the Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Comunitaria. The methylation levels of ZNF577 were correlated between paired leukocytes and breast tumor biopsies (r = 0.62; p = 0.001). Moreover, higher methylation was found in leukocytes from patients with obesity (p = 0.002) and postmenopausal patients (p = 0.022) than patients with normal-weight or premenopausal, respectively. After adjusting for the body mass index and age, higher levels of ZNF577 methylation were also found in women with greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet (p = 0.017) or specific foods. Relevantly, the methylation levels of ZNF577 showed a good ability for fish consumption detection [area under the ROC curve (AUC) = 0.72; p = 0.016]. In conclusion, the association between methylation of ZNF577 and adiposity, menopausal state, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet can be detected in the blood leukocytes. The results guarantee the need of performing further studies in longer longitudinal cohorts in order to elucidate the role of ZNF577 methylation in the association between breast cancer, adiposity and dietary patterns

    Plan de acci?n para la prevenci?n del sobrepeso y la obesidad en Galicia desde una perspectiva de salud p?blica 2022-2030

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    Na ?ltima d?cada, a obesidade xurdiu como un problema emerxente na nosa poboaci?n e sup?n un desaf?o para a s?a abordaxe desde unha perspectiva de sa?de p?blica que, contemplada como un acto colectivo, debe asegurar un ?ptimo estado de sa?de para a s?a poboaci?n de referencia, produto ? s?a vez de diferentes niveis de influencia. A trav?s deste plan, a Direcci?n Xeral de Sa?de P?blica pretende mellorar o acceso ao co?ecemento sobre h?bitos de vida saudables, a contornas seguras e propicias e a unha oferta alcanzable e de calidade de produtos saudables, como un remedio que permita reducir o sobrepeso e a obesidade e mellorar a sa?de da nosa poboaci?n.En la ?ltima d?cada, la obesidad surgi? como un problema emergente en nuestra poblaci?n y supone un desaf?o para su abordaje desde una perspectiva de salud p?blica que, contemplada como un acto colectivo, debe asegurar un ?ptimo estado de salud para su poblaci?n de referencia, producto a su vez de diferentes niveles de influencia. A trav?s de este plan, la Direcci?n General de Salud P?blica pretende mejorar el acceso al conocimiento sobre h?bitos de vida saludables, a entornos seguros y propicios y a una oferta asequible y de calidad de productos saludables, como un remedio que permita reducir el sobrepeso y la obesidad y mejorar la salud de nuestra poblaci?n

    El g?nero literario una estrategia pedag?gica para fortalecer el proceso de ense?anza en primaria y secundaria del departamento del Tolima tomando como referencia los trabajos de Lengua Castellana de la Universidad del Tolima

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    47 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste trabajo investigativo se desarroll? tomando 106 tesis de grado de la licenciatura en b?sica con ?nfasis en lengua castellana de los diferentes CREAD de la Universidad del Tolima. Este an?lisis se realiz? con base en tres tablas, la primera ten?a como objetivo conocer la l?nea y la subl?nea a la que correspond?an los trabajos de grado, la segunda tabla se diligencio con datos concretos de cada tesis, por ?ltimo, una tercera que nos permiti? recopilar mayor informaci?n para dar inicio a un an?lisis m?s profundo de estos trabajos. La literatura fue base fundamental para el an?lisis concienzudo desarrollado, ya que nos permiti? observar cada uno de los trabajos y conocer aspectos importantes tales como ?a qu? g?nero literario pertenec?a?, ?Qu? los motivo a desarrollar estas investigaciones? (la expresi?n oral, dislexia, disgraf?a, muletillas, p?nico esc?nico, entre otras), encontrando que los g?neros narrativos, lirico y dram?tico estuvieron siempre presentes en la ejecuci?n de cada una de las investigaciones. Concluyendo as?, que dentro del g?nero narrativo se trabajaron los siguientes subg?neros: el cuento 67%, mitos y leyendas 19%, la f?bula 7%, la novela 5% y el relato 2%, evidenciamos que el cuento fue el subg?nero m?s trabajado, puesto que este les permiti? hallar m?s estrategias para el desarrollo del proceso investigativo, dentro del g?nero lirico la poes?a en un 100% y para finalizar el g?nero dram?tico as?: el teatro 94% y el drama con un 6%. Cabe resaltar que la mayor parte de estas investigaciones logr? el objetivo propuesto.This research work was developed by taking 106 undergraduate theses of the degree in basic with emphasis in Spanish language of the different CREAD of the University of Tolima. This analysis was based on three tables, the first one was to know the line and the subline to which the degree works corresponded, the second table was diluted with specific data of each thesis, finally, a third one that allowed us to gather more information to initiate a deeper analysis of these works. Literature was a fundamental basis for the conscientious analysis developed, since it allowed us to observe each one of the works and to know important aspects such as to which literary genre it belonged? What reasons to develop these investigations? (The oral expression, dyslexia, Dysgraphia, muletillas, scenic panic, among others), finding that the narrative, lyrical and dramatic genres were always present in the execution of each of the investigations. Thus, the following subgenres were worked within the narrative genre: the story 67%, myths and legends 19%, the fable 7%, the novel 5% and the story 2%, we show that the story was the subgenre most worked, Since it allowed them to find more strategies for the development of the investigative process, within the lyrical genre, poetry 100% and to complete the dramatic genre in this way: theater 94% and drama with 6%. It should be noted that most of these investigations achieved the proposed objective. Keywords: Literature, literary genres: narrative, lyric and dramatic

    LipoDDx: a mobile application for identification of rare lipodystrophy syndromes

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    BACKGROUND: Lipodystrophy syndromes are a group of disorders characterized by a loss of adipose tissue once other situations of nutritional deprivation or exacerbated catabolism have been ruled out. With the exception of the HIV-associated lipodystrophy, they have a very low prevalence, which together with their large phenotypic heterogeneity makes their identification difficult, even for endocrinologists and pediatricians. This leads to significant delays in diagnosis or even to misdiagnosis. Our group has developed an algorithm that identifies the more than 40 rare lipodystrophy subtypes described to date. This algorithm has been implemented in a free mobile application, LipoDDx(R). Our aim was to establish the effectiveness of LipoDDx(R). Forty clinical records of patients with a diagnosis of certainty of most lipodystrophy subtypes were analyzed, including subjects without lipodystrophy. The medical records, blinded for diagnosis, were evaluated by 13 physicians, 1 biochemist and 1 dentist. Each evaluator first gave his/her results based on his/her own criteria. Then, a second diagnosis was given using LipoDDx(R). The results were analysed based on a score table according to the complexity of each case and the prevalence of the disease. RESULTS: LipoDDx(R) provides a user-friendly environment, based on usually dichotomous questions or choice of clinical signs from drop-down menus. The final result provided by this app for a particular case can be a low/high probability of suffering a particular lipodystrophy subtype. Without using LipoDDx(R) the success rate was 17 +/- 20%, while with LipoDDx(R) the success rate was 79 +/- 20% (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: LipoDDx(R) is a free app that enables the identification of subtypes of rare lipodystrophies, which in this small cohort has around 80% effectiveness, which will be of help to doctors who are not experts in this field. However, it will be necessary to analyze more cases in order to obtain a more accurate efficiency value

    Employment generation by small firms in Spain

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    Despite the relevance in terms of policy, we still know little in Spain about where and by whom jobs are created, and how that is affecting the size distribution of firms. The main innovation of this paper is to use a rich database that overcomes the problems encountered by other firm-level studies to shed some light on the employment generation of small firms in Spain. We find that small firms contribute to employment disproportionately across all sectors of the economy although the difference between their employment and job creation share is largest in the manufacturing sector. The job creators in that sector are both new and established firms whereas only new small firms outperform their larger counterparts in the service sector. The large annual job creation of the small firm size class is shifting the firm size distribution towards the very small production units, although not uniformly across industries of different technology intensit