2,075 research outputs found

    Measuring Intermediary Determinants of Early Childhood Health: A Composite Index Comparing Colombian Departments

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    In recent years there has been growing interest in composite indicators as an efficient tool of analysis and a method of prioritizing policies. This paper presents a composite index of intermediary determinants of child health using a multivariate statistical approach. The index shows how specific determinants of child health vary across Colombian departments (administrative subdivisions). We used data collected from the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) for 32 departments and the capital city, Bogotá. Adapting the conceptual framework of Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), five dimensions related to child health are represented in the index: material circumstances, behavioural factors, psychosocial factors, biological factors and the health system. In order to generate the weight of the variables, and taking into account the discrete nature of the data, principal component analysis (PCA) using polychoric correlations was employed in constructing the index. From this method five principal components were selected. The index was estimated using a weighted average of the retained components. A hierarchical cluster analysis was also carried out. The results show that the biggest differences in intermediary determinants of child health are associated with health care before and during delivery

    Las experiencias de consumo del usuario en servicios de cirugía plástica estética en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud en Medellín

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    El turismo de salud en Colombia ha sido llamado a participar activamente en la economía del país, dada la alta calidad de los profesionales médicos y de las instituciones de salud. Adicionalmente, se perfila como uno de los destinos más atractivos de Latinoamérica que ofrecen este tipo de servicios -- Evaluar la experiencia de consumo del usuario en servicios de cirugía plástica estética es importante para este campo -- El turismo médico es un sector de clase mundial, en el cual Colombia es atractivo y puede competir globalmente -- Los objetivos de este estudio serán identificar las etapas percibidas en el proceso, una serie de variables emocionales y racionales que intervienen en la entrega del servicio y los satisfactores de valor que mueven a los pacientes a operarse -- La contribución académica será proveer información que puede servir para diseñar experiencias más satisfactorias y agradables en este tipo de servicios. Se propone un estudio exploratorio-evaluativo, donde se harán entrevistas semiestructuradas, haciendo uso del customer journey map, o mapa de viaje del cliente, el cual es una de las herramientas heredadas del service design thinking, con pacientes que han vivido la experiencia de consumo en servicios de cirugía plástica estética en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud ubicada en la ciudad de Medellí

    Estudios del sonido producidos en América Latina: el perfil de la investigación sobre el sonido cinematográfico

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    Este número da Revista Brasileira de Iniciação Científica publica os artigos com os resultados das pesquisas de Iniciação Científica 2016/17 da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA). A UNILA é uma das novas universidades federais brasileiras, iniciando suas atividades em 2010. Já em 2011, começa a funcionar seu Programa de Iniciação Científica (IC). A IC é uma das prioridades da política de pesquisa da UNILA. Seu aporte em bolsas de IC é superior ao de fontes externas como CNPq e Fundação Araucária. Em seus seis anos de existência, o Programa de IC tem promovido a difusão da cultura científica entre os estudantes, contribuído com sua formação e os estimulado ao ingresso na pós-graduação.A pesquisa consiste em fazer um levantamento das produções textuais que vem sendo feitas no meio acadêmico na América Latina sobre o som cinematográfico, tomando em conta o crescente interesse pelo som no cinema das últimas décadas, tanto no âmbito de realização, quanto teórico. Procuramos refletir brevemente sobre as tendências temáticas que os sound studies tomam no continente latino-americano, e contribuir com a valorização e divulgação destes trabalhos. Esta pesquisa encontra-se em andamento.The following research consists in a compilation of written works made in the academic environment in Latin America about cinematographic sound, taking into consideration the increasing interest for sound in cinema as well as the field of movie production, and the theoretic field. Briefly pondering about the thematic tendencies that sound studies can manifest in the Latin-American continent, and contributing to the appreciation and propagation of these papers. This research is still in progressEsta investigación consiste en hacer un levantamiento de las producciones textuales que vienen siendo hechas en el medio académico en América Latina sobre el sonido cinematográfico, tomando en cuenta el creciente interés por el sonido en el cine durante las últimas décadas, tanto en el ámbito de realización, cuanto en el ámbito teórico. Buscamos reflexionar brevemente sobre las tendencias temáticas en que los sound studies se manifiestan en el continente latinoamericano, contribuyendo con la valorización y divulgación de estos trabajos. Esta investigación se encuentra en progreso

    Teaching english applying emotional intelligence

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    The following classroom project intends to demonstrate the usefulness to apply Emotional Intelligence into English classes with the only aim of impact students in their academic and personal development. First, we worked on the concepts that are necessary for the understanding of the project. Second, we compare and contrast two research projects in which emotional intelligence was applied and tested in business and pedagogical contexts showing different results that were analyzed by experts. Third, the methodology shows the way in which the project was conducted, exposing the steps and procedures that were followed and the material that was used during the process. Finally, the results obtained from this project are described and exposed in order to demonstrate the effectiveness and weaknesses that the implementation of emotional intelligence has in English lessons

    Temperatura y densidad de electrones en la región HII compacta Sh 288

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    Se ha hecho obsetvaciones de Sh 288, una región HII compacta, desde Λ 3728 hasta Λ 7326 A°. Se ha determinado un valor de la constante C de enrojecimiento interestelar igual a 1.1 ± 0. 1. Se calculó una temperatura de electrones de Te = 8990 K, y una densidad de electrones Ne = 322 cm-3

    Estudos do som produzidos na América Latina, o perfil da pesquisa sobre o som cinematográfico

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Linguística, Letras e ArtesExiste um crescente interesse pelo som cinematográfico na América Latina, desde produções audiovisuais a produções acadêmicas. No entanto, o som no cinema ainda é um território, de certa maneira, pouco explorado, por tratar-se de uma elemento narrativo utilizado na maioria das vezes para proporcionar realismo a obra cinematográfica, ficando submisso à imagem. Por este motivo grande parte da produção teórica sobre o som cinematográfico nos chega da Europa e Estados Unidos, que por consequência não incluem problemáticas e estéticas latino-americanas, limitando uma possível visão diferenciada, que nos ajudem a entender a diversidade sonora no audiovisual no hemisfério sul, tanto como entendemos o som no cinema de outros continentesUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Evaluación de la biodegradación como alternativa para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de una tintorería y lavandería

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    La idea de este proyecto surgió ante la necesidad que tiene la empresa bajo estudio, de hacerle un tratamiento al agua residual de los procesos que es descargada directamente al alcantarillado, ya que estas deterioran las tuberías y a su vez contaminan las fuentes receptoras, en este caso, las quebradas aledañas a la planta de producción, además ocasionan malos olores que causan malestar y afecciones a la salud colectiva vecina.118 p. + anexos (47 p.)The idea of this project came up from the company requirement of treating the sewage waters used in the chemical processes which go straight to the sewer, damaging the pipes, contaminating the recipients (usually small rivers) and generating stinky smells that causes affections to the health and wellbeing of the community around them.Contenido parcial: Características de las aguas residuales -- Características físicas -- Sólidos totales – Olores -- Características químicas orgánicas -- Demanda Química de Oxígeno -- Ventajas y desventajas de la biodegradación

    Correlación P.D.C. con C.B.R. para suelos en la localidad de Suba

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    Se encontró que para efectos de este trabajo no es viable aplicar la ecuación del US Army Corps of Engineers para suelos colombianos, ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden no representan correctamente el comportamiento y la capacidad de soporte de nuestros suelos. Los resultados de C.B.R. obtenidos con la ecuación US Army Corps of Engineers son mucho mayores que los obtenidos con la ecuación calibrada, en este caso, para suelos en la localidad de Suba, por lo tanto, se puede incurrir en un margen de error considerable en el momento de seleccionar el C.B.R. de diseño para pavimentos. Por otra parte, es posible calibrar una ecuación para la correlación P.D.C. con C.B.R. con un margen de error más pequeño, si se tienen una mayor cantidad de datos homogéneos, de esta forma se obtendrían valores de R2 mas cercanos a 1

    Computer based trainer for signal and systems undergraduate students

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    University students demand many exercises for practicing during their undergraduate courses. Although there are many resources where they can find proposed exercises, specially for basic courses, these resources include a fixed and limited set of proposed exercises. The students usually want to repeat similar exercises till they are sure they have the skill to solve it. Additionally they demand fast feedback about their trials. With the development of the European Higher Education Area, the work of the students must be assessed and this could be seen as a higher workload for the instructors, so the development of tools that help in the assignment and assessment of students work is necessary. Here, a tool that automatically generates thousands of numerical and wording variations of the same exercise and automatically assesses the solution given by the student is presented. The selected exercise is the convolution of two signals, a basic exercise for Signals and Systems undergraduate course for Electrical and Electronic Engineering students. Wording variations of the exercise include discrete time and continuous time signals, to find the output of a linear and invariant system for a given input and different presentations of the signals (analytic expressions, graphical or tabulated representation for the time span where the signals have non zero values). Both wording and numerical variations are obtained from a single seed. The remainders of division of the seed by different divisors are calculated and used to obtain a large set of variations of the exercise. One of these remainders is used to group the variations of the exercise by difficulty grade. The teacher can use this tool to automatically assign personalized exercises for each student that attends his/her course. This personalized assignment makes the cheating among students more difficult than when the same exercise is assigned to all the students. The teacher can be sure that all the assignments are in the same difficulty group. Moreover, this tool automatically grades the solution given by the student, so can be used as an assessment tool by the teacher. The basic algorithm to generate the variations in this exercise could be extended to almost all typical exercises in Signal and Systems cours