10,047 research outputs found

    Virginia Woolf: moments of being

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    Put before the labyrinth and proliferation of critical perspectives, studies and readings on Virginia Woolf, entangled in articulations of teleologies and epistemologies, the critic faces a question: from where should she/he start writing, on what and from which critical perspective? These were the circumstances that dictated my choice of writing on “A Sketch of the Past”, published in Moments of Being – A Collection of Autobiographical Writing, (1976, 1985) and of analysing the narrative strategies used by the author to tell herself, to construct her identity and power, giving voice and authority to herself as a discursive formation

    Diferencias según género en las prácticas y los significados asociados al consumo de éxtasis entre jóvenes de la movida dance en Buenos Aires

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    El trabajo encara en primer lugar cómo fue el desarrollo de la movida electrónica en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y cómo fue la introducción del consumo de éxtasis como droga recreativa ligada a ella. Se describe luego la metodología del estudio realizado con 150 jóvenes que participan de este tipo de encuentros (componente cuantitativo) y las entrevistas realizadas con 30 jóvenes y disk jockeys (componente cualitativo). Se analizan los datos demográficos de la muestra y las diferencias encontradas según sexo en cuanto a nivel educativo y tipo de ocupación. Otra variable explorada es el nivel de gastos por salida en el que incurren los jóvenes y las diferencias por sexo encontradas en relación con esto. A continuación se particulariza en las pautas de consumo de éxtasis por parte de los jóvenes del estudio y las diferencias por género en cuanto a las motivaciones para consumirlo. Se toma en cuenta la edad de inicio en el consumo y la combinación en su uso con otras drogas. Finalmente se analizan los significados diferenciados según género atribuidos a la concurrencia a eventos de la movida dance y los aspectos diferenciales según género en relación con el cuidado vinculado con el consumo de éxtasis

    Intenção de compra socialmente responsável: percepção do consumidor a produtos feitos por presidiárias

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Este artigo busca explorar a intenção de compra de consumidores conscientes e não conscientes, em relação a produtos feitos por presidiárias com o objetivo de gerar renda e ressocializá-las. Além disso, analisa-se a sensibilidade desses consumidores em relação à intenção social dos produtos, ao preço e qualidade. Realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e por conveniência, com 181 respondentes, majoritariamente em Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. Foram utilizados cenários simulando situações de compra real, testando seis hipóteses. Os resultados apontaram que a responsabilidade social de um produto gera maior intenção de compra e valor percebido do que os produtos produzidos por empresas tradicionais, embora a qualidade e o preço ainda sejam os fatores mais influentes na decisão de compra. Também, notou-se que clientes com maior renda e perfil consciente aceitam pagar mais por esses produtos, porém ainda preferem que o preço seja igual ao de mercado.This article aims to explore the buying intention of conscious and nonconscious consumers, in relation to products made by prisoners, with the role of generating income and resocialization. Besides that, it analyzes the sensitivity of these consumers in relation to the social intention of the products, price and quality. A quantitative, descriptive and convenience research was carried out, interviewing 181 customers, mostly in Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, through the use of scenarios simulating real purchase situations, testing six hypotheses. The results pointed out that the social responsibility of a product generates a greater buying intention and perceived value than products produced by traditional companies, although quality and price are still the most influential factors in the purchase decision. It was also noticed that customers with higher income and conscious profile accepts to pay more for these products, although still prefer that the price is equal to the market

    Estilos de aprendizaje y prácticas de enseñanza en la universidad: un binomio que sustenta la calidad educativa

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los estilos de aprendizaje y prácticas de enseñanza en la educación superior en el período 2000 a 2010, haciendo énfasis en los desarrollos de América Latina y el Caribe. Los estudios en las aulas universitarias confluyeron en la investigación de los mecanismos del proceso de aprendizaje. Esta problemática se abordó principalmente desde la teoría de los estilos de aprendizaje. En este contexto, se sitúan como corrientes teóricas predominantes en el escenario académico: la perspectiva de Felder y Silverman y el enfoque de Alonso, Gallego y Honey. Desde diferentes aristas, las investigaciones demostraron que el proceso de aprendizaje se facilita cuando el docente enseña en el estilo preferente del estudiante, hallando una relación significativa entre estilos docentes y de aprendizaje; ahí radica su importancia para la investigación psicológica y educativa destinada al conocimiento de la naturaleza procedimental del aprendizaje.Fil: Ventura, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin

    ‘Dios mediante y filoxera aparte’: muestras lingüísticas de la importancia de la filoxera en la viticultura uruguaya

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    ‘Si Déu vol i la fil·loxera a part’: mostres lingüístiques de la importància de la fil·loxera en la viticultura uruguaiana. En aquest article, es mostra que és possible reconèixer la importància que tingué la fil·loxera en la vitivinicultura d’Uruguai a la fi del segle XIX a partir de l’anàlisi de diverses formes i processos lingüístics. Per a fer-ho, analitzem els articles, notes i cartes publicades a la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay, així com en d’altres diaris de l’època. Aquesta anàlisi ens permet de proposar que aquest nom apareix de manera reiterada, que constitueix una base lèxica productiva i que és emprat en diferents construccions, la qual cosa reflecteix una realitat rural per a la qual no es tenien solucions i que va causar molta preocupació

    The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant

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    A cultural study of the autobiographical representation of a Victorian novelist, based on a critical agenda springing from studies of identity and studies of gender. The critical analysis is framed by the concept of autobiography as a landscape of the self, where the strategies of self-representation are approached both as a political act and as a simple story of a woman

    Acerca de una pedagogía embarrada

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    Este trabajo presenta algunos aspectos de la propuesta pedagógica que se desarrolla en la cátedra pedagogía, materia del primer año de los Profesorados de Educación Inicial y Primaria de la Universidad Nacional del Sur. Específicamente, me interesa compartir en esta oportunidad los sentidos desde los cuales se piensa la materia, las perspectivas priorizadas en el programa y las decisiones tomadas respecto a los modos de presentar los contenidos, en relación con el perfil de docente que se pretende formar. Partimos del convencimiento de que la pedagogía como campo de saber tiene un papel central, desde la recuperación de la categoría de intervención, en la formación de los docentes de nivel inicial y primario, en tanto propone transformar la escuela y la educación de objetos naturalizados a objetos de reflexión y de problematización. En este sentido, desde la propuesta de cátedra, intentamos ofrecer lo que llamamos una pedagogía embarrada, profundamente vinculada a los problemas que los docentes de nivel inicial y primario perciben como tales.Fil: Yasbitzky, Ana Clara. Universidad Nacional del Su

    La investigación sobre los estilos de enseñanza. Aportes para mejorar la Didáctica de Ciencias.

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    El objetivo del presente artículo es precisar aspectos conceptuales y operacionales del constructo estilos de enseñanza marcando sus tres propiedades distintivas: relativa estabilidad, multidimensionalidad y neutralidad valorativa. Asimismo, se analizan distintas investigaciones empíricas sobre el tema sintetizando algunos de los puntos más Compartidos: los docentes transmiten conocimientos así como formas típicas de aprendizaje; los estilos de enseñanza se diferencian de acuerdo con el tipo de disciplina enseñada; el ajuste entre los estilos de enseñanza de los docentes y los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes facilita la adquisición de conocimientos. En síntesis, este trabajo pretende aportar conocimientos y estrategias que contribuyan a la formación en didáctica de ciencias y, por ende, al fortalecimiento de prácticas eficaces de enseñanza.Fil: Ventura, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Conicet - Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones En Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    Power, Authority, and Egotism: Emma Woodhouse’s Transformation in the Path into Maturity

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    Jane Austen’s novel “Emma” still inspires and challenges readers in the twenty-first century. The article engages in a critical analysis of the several maps of meaning the eponymous character draws in her circles of intimacy and of social acquaintances, underpinned by questions of identity and representation. It analyses how Emma represents herself and relates with the Other(s) from a position of power, authority, and egotism—identity traits of the narrative text, which is a metaphor of her life, a Landscape of the Self. During a long and painful path, in the fictionality of a possible world, from equivoque to equivoque, these identity traits are progressively transformed into true feelings of friendship and self-awareness. On the one hand, one finds a powerful young lady mastering the family and the social circles, and, on the other, an emotionally fragile young woman in need of orientation. Tracing her path, Emma constructs possibilities for her life, closely followed by the dutiful and loving help of a masculine character, whose enlightened vision transforms her stubborn, immature, and proud nature and is a cornerstone of her growth into maturity

    Mechanisms of Pierce\u27s disease resistance in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): from xylem structure to whole plant function

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    Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) is a xylem-dwelling bacterium that causes Pierce’s disease (PD) in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.), and disease in a range of other ecologically and economically important woody plants. To successfully colonize the xylem network, Xf cells accumulate on the vessel walls and form a biofilm. The biofilm contains cell wall-degrading enzymes, allowing the bacteria to breach the intervessel pit membranes. Thus, Xf can move from one vessel to another and colonize the xylem network. Degraded intervessel pit membranes and the production of tyloses in response to the presence of Xf likely contribute to significant declines in both hydraulic conductivity and resistance to drought-induced embolism spread. Indeed, Xf-infected grapevines typically display a range of symptoms that are often associated with water transport dysfunction.Despite the consensus that PD susceptibility is associated with Xf multiplication and systemic spread within the xylem network, there significant gaps in our understanding of the relationships between xylem structure and function that allow for Xf establishment and colonization still remain. For instance, although Xf can breach pit membranes to move from one vessel to another, the consequences of the breakdown of pit membranes within the context of embolism spread and hydraulic conductivity, and the subsequent implications for whole-plant physiological decline, remain inconclusive. Furthermore, the physical structure of the xylem network, i.e. the spatial distribution of xylem connections that might facilitate the spread of Xf, are largely unknown because of the complex, three-dimensional nature of the network. In my dissertation research, I explored the roles of the xylem structure and function related to the mechanisms of PD resistance. Throughout my work, I applied a holistic approach, coupling anatomical and physiological measurements across different grapevine genotypes with different levels of PD resistance -- from non-cultivated North American species to commercial European vinifera cultivars and their hybrids. In the first chapter, I tested the hypothesis where if the 3D structure of the xylem network connectivity plays a significant role in Xf spread, then PD resistant grapevine genotypes should have fewer total connections in the lateral and radial directions, which thereby limits the total number of pathways. Given that the Xf spread is essentially dependent on the intervessel connections, comparing the number and orientation of connections was a logical step in the fundamental understanding of this host-pathogen relationship. The chapter concludes, however, that there was limited evidence to support this hypothesis, and network connectivity does not appear to be strongly correlated with PD resistance and Xf spread. While network connectivity in the radial and lateral directions is somewhat variable within the genus Vitis, no clear trends emerged linking connectivity with resistance to PD. In the second chapter, I investigated the consequences of the extracellular cell wall-degrading enzyme released by Xf on pit membrane integrity and the downstream effects on water transport. The enzymatic breakdown of the pit membranes was relatively small, less than 10% of the pit aperture area, but enough to weaken pit membrane resistance to air-seeding by introducing pores into the membrane. Not only would larger pore diameters facilitate Xf movement, but they would subsequently increase the vulnerability of those vessels to drought-induced embolism spread. These factors would significantly affect the water transport capacity of infected grapevines and put them at greater risk to the effects of drought. In the third chapter, my objective was to determine the key physiological mechanisms that lead to mortality in the Xf infection process. This chapter reveals the mechanistic cascade of events that occur after Xf inoculation, with a coordinated decline in hydraulic conductivity, photosynthesis, and starch storage in PD susceptible grapevine genotypes. The results support the theory that hydraulic failure and carbon starvation underlie plant mortality resulting from PD. My dissertation explored the roles of the xylem structure and function on the PD mechanisms of resistance. Collectively, this work (1) identifies the variability in 3D xylem network traits in six different Vitis genotypes, representing the most complete analysis of its type for any plant group; (2) reveals that in young shoots the axial pathway appears to be the most important in determining the long-distance movement and systemic spread of Xf in the xylem network, (3) and provides a more robust, mechanistic understanding of the timing and sequence of events from initial Xf inoculation to ultimate death, as well as the variability in this mortality sequence in resistant and susceptible genotypes. As we do not have an effective remedy against the Xf bacterium, a more accurate understanding of how some grapevines resist to the infection process is one piece of this very important puzzle