874 research outputs found

    Curriculum Framework of Library and Information Science Education In the United States, the United Kingdom and India

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    In the present study researchers have made an analysis of the courses offered by the Schools of Library and Information Science in the United States. An effort is also made to compare the curriculum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Syracuse University and University of Washington is compared with that of American Library Association’s (ALA) Core Competencies. Most of the core courses recommended by ALA were covered in the courses of the curriculum followed at the library and information schools. Furthermore, the comparison of the core curriculum is made with the curriculum recommended by the American Library Association in United States, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in United Kingdom and University Grants Commission (UGC), India


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    Keterampilan proses sains yang rendah terjadi pada kelas VA SD Negeri 2 Karanganyar. Hal ini ditandai dengan kurangnya siswa diberi kesempatan untuk mengoptimalkan keterampilan proses sains, khususnya aspek mengamati, menyimpulkan, dan juga mengkomunikasi. Guru cenderung mendominasi kegiatan proses pembelajaran pada pembelajaran IPA di SD tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa dengan menerapkan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi. Subjek penelitian adalah kelas VA SD Negeri 2 Karanganyar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai rata-rata setiap aspek keterampilan proses sains meningkat. Perolehan nilai rata-rata untuk aspek mengamati pada siklus I sebesar 2,5 atau {83,33%}, siklus II sebesar 3 atau {100%}, siklus III sebesar 3 {100%}. Aspek menyimpulkan mengalami peningkatan dari perolehan nilai rata-ratanya, nilai rata-rata siklus I sebesar 2,5 atau {83,33%}, siklus II sebesar 2,83 atau {94,33%) dan siklus III sebesar 2,92 atau {97,33%}. Perolehan nilai rata-rata aspek mengkomunikasi juga meningkat, siklus I sebesar 2 atau {66,67%}, siklus II sebesar 2,75 atau {91,67} dan siklus III sebesar 2,83 atau {94,33%}. Atau jika dilihat dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata keterampilan proses setiap siklusnya adalah sebagai berikut. Perolehan nilai rata-rata Keterampilan proses sains Siklus I sebesar 2,33 atau {77,66%} berkategori terampil, siklus II diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 2,86 atau {95,33%} berkategori sangat terampil, siklus III diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 2,92 atau {97,33%} berkategori sangat terampil. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains pada siswa kelas VA SD Negeri 2 Karanganyar Kecamatan Panguragan. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Proses Sains, Pendekatan Inkuiri Terbimbing. Science process skills that occur in low grade Karanganyar VA Elementary School 2. It is characterized by a lack of students given the opportunity to optimize the science process skills, particularly aspects of observing, inferring, and also communicate. Teachers tend to dominate the learning process of learning science in elementary school. The purpose of this research is to improve students' science process skills by applying a guided inquiry approach. The research method used was action research. Data collection techniques by observation. Subjects were grade 2 Karanganyar VA Elementary School. The results showed an average value every aspect of science process skills increased. Average grades for aspects observed in the first cycle of 2.5 or {83.33%}, the second cycle of 3 or {100%}, the third cycle of 3 {100%}. Infer aspects of the acquisition to increase its average value, the average value of the first cycle of 2.5 or {83.33%}, the second cycle of 2.83 or {94.33%) and the third cycle of 2.92 or {97.33%}. Acquisition average value also increases communicate aspects, the first cycle of 2 or {66.67%}, the second cycle of 2.75 or {91.67} and the third cycle of 2.83 or 94.33% {}. Or if seen from the increase in the average value of the skills of each cycle is as follows. Acquisition of the average value of science process skills first cycle was 2.33 or 77.66%} {skilled category, the second cycle is obtained mean value by 2.86 or 95.33%} {highly skilled category, the third cycle values obtained average of 2.92 or 97.33%} {highly skilled category. From these data it can be concluded that the application of the guided inquiry approach can improve students' science process skills in grade 2 Karanganyar VA Elementary School District of Panguragan. Keywords: Science Process Skills, Guided Inquiry Approach

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Kegiatan Supervisi Klinis

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    The aim this researcher is to find out the improvement in the quality of learning among IPI Ende elementary school teachers thtough clinical supervision. This type of research used is school action research. The subject in this study were 6 IPI Ende elementary school teachers. Data collection techniques are through observation, documentation and interviews. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that clinical supervision can improve the quality of learning among teachers at IPI Ende Elementary School

    Responsibilities of Land Deed Officials In Disputes of Making Deeds of Sale and Purchase of Inherited Land

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the PPAT's responsibility in making the deed of sale and purchase of jointly owned land rights (boedel) which is in dispute and to find out the efforts of PPAT in completing the deed of sale and purchase of land which is still in the status of joint property rights (boedel). The research method used is sociological juridical, research based on a principle of law or regulation that applies to the reality that occurs in society or in practice as it is. The results of the study found that the PPAT's responsibility was in making the deed of sale and purchase of landShared Property Rights (Boedel) Those Who Are Still Disputingwill not continue in making the deed of sale and purchase when one of them still objected or is still in dispute because it is already contained in the laws and regulations but in other studies will still accept the disputed on the condition that mediation must be carried out so that the problem can be solved and PPAT's efforts in completing the deed of sale and purchase of land common property rights, namely by conducting deliberation


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    The objective of the research is to investigate the effect of using short dialogue in developing speaking skill of Grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 12 Palu. The researcher applied pre-experimental research design. The research populations were Grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 12 Palu. The researcher chose the second year students of SMP Negeri 12 Palu as the population of this research. It consisted of two parallel classes; VIII A and VIII B.  Its samples were 50 students. In collecting its data, she used as pretest and posttest. The pretest was given before was conducted treating the students.The treatment to the students in six times with different topics by using short dialogue. The posttest was intended to measure the students’ ability in speaking after the treatment.In testing the students speaking ability, the researcher considers their fluency and accuracy. The data were analyzed statistically. The result of the data analysis shows that there is significant difference between the pretest and posttest. By applying 0.05 level of significance, the researcher found that t-counted 11.82was higher than t-table (1.711). It could be concluded that the researcher hypothesis was accepted. In other words, short dialogue is effective in developing students speaking skill at Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 12 Palu.  Keyterms:Developing, Speaking Skill;Short Dialogue

    Phenotype and Function of CD25-Expressing B Lymphocytes Isolated from Human Umbilical Cord Blood

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    Background. We have shown that approximately 30% of human peripheral blood B-cells express CD25. B cells expressing CD25 display a mature phenotype belonging to the memory B-cell population and have a better proliferative and antigen-presenting capacity. The aim of the present study was to characterize the CD25-expressing subset of B cells in human cord blood. Material and Methods. Mononuclear cell fraction from human cord blood (n = 34) and peripheral adult blood (n = 22) was sorted into CD20+CD25+ and CD20+CD25− B-cell populations. Phenotype and function of these B-cell populations were compared using flow cytometry, proliferation, cytokine production, and immunoglobulin secretion. Results. CD25-expressing B cells are a limited population of cord blood mononuclear cells representing 5% of the CD20+ B cells. They are characterised by high expression of CD5 in cord blood and CD27 in adult blood. CD25-expressing B cells express a functional IL-2 receptor and high levels of CC-chemokine receptors and spontaneously produce antibodies of IgG and IgM subclass. Conclusions. CD25 expression is a common denominator of a specific immunomodulatory B-cell subset ready to proliferate upon IL-2 stimulation, possibly ready to migrate and home into the peripheral tissue for further differentiation/action

    Bisperoxycarbamates as crosslinking agents for natural and polyisoprene rubbers

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    Most of the early studies using peroxycarbamates concerned their synthesis, decomposition and use as initiators in vinyl or diene polymerisation. The only attempt to use one as a crosslinking agent was reported in 1960 for a plastic. The author's research work is an attempt to prepare new bisperoxycarbamates and to evaluate them as crosslinking agents in natural rubber (DPNR) and polyisoprene rubber (Cariflex IR 305). [Continues.

    Regulation of lymphocyte trafficking to the human gut in physiology and disease

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    Memory T cell recruitment to the non-lymphoid tissue of the intestine (the gut lamina propria) requires the interactions between integrin a4B7 and its ligand Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1), which is exclusively expressed in the gut microvasculature. T cell homing to small intestine also requires the expression of chemokine receptor CCR9 on T cells, whose ligand - the gut chemokine CCL25 - is abundantly expressed in the small intestine. The a4B7 integrin and chemokine receptor CCR9 are known as the "homing" molecules whose expression is "imprinted" on T cells by intestinal dendritic cells during antigen presentation. In the first part of this thesis, data from in vitro studies showed that other than retinoic acid, soluble tissue-derived factors such as the gut chemokine CCL25 and T cell growth factor IL-2 also contributed to the induction of gut-homing receptor acquisition. Moreover, the expression of a4B7 integrin and CCR9 appeared to be modulated differently. The present study suggests that under the influence of tissue-derived factors, T cell acquisition of a4B7 integrin is the "default" response at steady state, and that only fully activated T cells are able to express high levels of CCR9. In the second part of this thesis, T cell gut homing was investigated in the context of disease, i.e. inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). IBD is characterized by excessive lymphocyte infiltration to the intestine. By quantitatively analyzing peripheral blood and intestinal lymphocyte subsets, proportional changes in the circulating gut-homing T cells (a4B7+) was found to be associated with CD. In addition, my data suggest that downregulation of T cell receptor zeta chain (TcRC) correlates to disease severity in both CD and UC. Measuring TcRC expression may thus provide an additional tool for the monitoring and management of IBD

    Players in the parasocial: Athletes impact on advertising through parasocial interactions

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    This research focuses on the social-media driven convention of advertising in order to analyze the parasocial interactions between athlete endorsers and audiences on Facebook. Wardell Stephen Curry II will be the focus of this study due to his placement on Forbes list of The NBA Endorsement All Stars in 2016. A content analysis including posts and comments from Curry's verified Facebook page during the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 regular NBA seasons will be used to analyze the type of advertising messages and the effectiveness of the athlete/audience interactions. The goal of this study is to establish whether parasocial interaction can serve as an effective advertising tool. The results of this study could imply that advertisers will benefit from encouraging their endorsers to interact with audiences, or use parasocial techniques to foster a sense of personalization in communication about the brand on social media in order to enhance sales and the overall success of the brand. Keywords: Parasocial Relationships, Social Penetration Theory, Content Analysis, Endorsements, Advertising. Athleti