1,750 research outputs found

    Intervir em paisagens culturais evolutives: a arquitectura do vinho no Alto Douro Vinhateiro

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    Este trabalho tem como âmbito de estudo a realização de uma reflexão em torno da relevância que assume o património vernacular para a manutenção dos pressupostos subjacentes à classificação das paisagens culturais evolutivas pela United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), definindo como amostra as intervenções humanas sobre a paisagem, destinadas à produção de vinho, no contexto da região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro.This investigation work reflects on the relevance that takes the vernacular heritage for the maintenance of the assumptions underlying the classification of evolutionary cultural landscapes by United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), setting to sample human interventions on the landscape, for the production of wine in the context of the Alto Douro Wine Region.Peer Reviewe

    The Presence and Influence of English in the Portuguese Financial Media

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    As the lingua franca of the 21st century, English has become the main language for intercultural communication for those wanting to embrace globalization. In Portugal, it is the second language of most public and private domains influencing its culture and discourses. Language contact situations transform languages by the incorporations they make from other languages and Portugal has witnessed an increase in the pervasion of English in written communication. The aim of this study is to disclose how this sociolinguistic behavior is perceived by examining the presence of English loanwords in the Portuguese financial media to uncover its role and functions. Three Portuguese newspapers, Diário Económico, Expresso Economia and Vida Económica were chosen as the corpus of analysis over a two-week period in January 2016 corresponding to the pre and post presidential election weeks. This may reveal if the electoral results affect the presence of English. The motivations of journalists for borrowing English items and the reactions of readers complement the analysis. Results have shown English borrowing as an acceptable/accepted behavior in the analyzed Portuguese financial newspapers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legados linguísticos da (des) colonização britânica e portuguesa em África: laços comuns (mal) bem-sucedidos?

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    O Reino Unido e Portugal partilham um passado de expansão territorial em África, um continente com uma grande variedade cultural e linguística. As políticas de língua e de educação implementadas durante a colonização e descolonização prevalecem devido à interdependência económica e financeira gerada pela actual situação global. A Commonwealth e a CPLP são também, em parte, responsáveis pela manutenção de relações distintivas com as antigas colónias que levaram à promoção da língua como forma de soft power. Este é um estudo comparativo que analisa as esferas linguísticas e culturais Anglófonas e Lusófonas em África. É possível concluir que existe uma lacuna indesejável entre as políticas oficiais e as realidades linguísticas, que só podem ser entendidas através do paradoxo, a característica que melhor define os legados linguísticos do inglês e do português em África.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New combinations and synonymies for Neotropical species of Diaphorinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae).

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    Anhand von Untersuchungen an Material von Dolichopodidae (Diptera) der Senckenberg Naturhistorischen Sammlung in Dresden werden acht neotropische Arten der Gattung Diaphorus Meigen in die Gattung Chrysotus Meigen übertragen: C. amicus (Parent), comb. n.; C. ciliatus (Becker), comb. n. (= C. superbiens (Parent), comb. n. et syn. n.); C. hamatus (Parent), comb. n.; C. vicinus (Becker), comb. n., nec Parent; C. luteipalpus (Parent), comb. n.; C. mediotinctus (Becker), comb. n.; C. propinquus (Becker), comb. n. Zusätzlich wird C. kallweiti Capellari & Amorim, nom. n. als Ersatzname für C. vicinus Parent, nec C. vicinus (Becker), comb. n. vorgeschlagen. C. diligens Parent ist ein Junior-Synonym von C. viridis Becker. Für Arten, die Syntypen in ihren Typenserien enthalten, werden Lectotyp und Paralectotypen festgelegt. Die mediotinctus-Gruppe, darunter fünf südamerikanische Arten, wird als kleiner Zweig innerhalb von Chrysotus angesehen. Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel zu diesen Arten ist vorhanden.StichwörterDiaphorus, Chrysotus, Dubius, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde DresdenNomenklatorische Handlungenamicus (Parent, 1931) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus amicus Parent, 1931ciliatus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus ciliatus Becker, 1922diligens Parent, 1931 (Chrysotus), LT; syn. n. of Chrysotus viridis Becker, 1922hamatus (Parent, 1931) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus hamatus Parent, 1931luteipalpus (Parent, 1929) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus luteipalpus Parent, 1929mediotinctus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus mediotinctus Becker, 1922propinquus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus propinquus Becker, 1922vicinus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus propinquus Becker, 1922superbiens Parent, 1931 (Diaphorus), syn. n. of Chrysotus ciliatus (Becker, 1922)Based on examination of the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) material in the Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlung Dresden, eight Neotropical species of Diaphorus Meigen are herein transferred to the genus Chrysotus Meigen: C. amicus (Parent), comb. n.; C. ciliatus (Becker), comb. n. (= C. superbiens (Parent), comb. n. et syn. n.); C. hamatus (Parent), comb. n.; C. vicinus (Becker), comb. n., nec Parent; C. luteipalpus (Parent), comb. n.; C. mediotinctus (Becker), comb. n.; C. propinquus (Becker), comb. n. Additionally, C. kallweiti Capellari & Amorim, nom. n. is proposed as a replacement name for C. vicinus Parent, nec C. vicinus (Becker), comb. n., and C. diligens Parent is found to be a junior-synonym of C. viridis Becker. Lectotype and paralectotypes are designated for species with syntypes in their type-series. The mediotinctus-group is proposed within Chrysotus for a small clade including five South American species, and an identification key to the species of the group is provided.KeywordsDiaphorus, Chrysotus, Dubius, Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde DresdenNomenclatural Actsamicus (Parent, 1931) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus amicus Parent, 1931ciliatus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus ciliatus Becker, 1922diligens Parent, 1931 (Chrysotus), LT; syn. n. of Chrysotus viridis Becker, 1922hamatus (Parent, 1931) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus hamatus Parent, 1931luteipalpus (Parent, 1929) (Chrysotus), comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus luteipalpus Parent, 1929mediotinctus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus mediotinctus Becker, 1922propinquus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus propinquus Becker, 1922vicinus (Becker, 1922) (Chrysotus), LT; comb. n. hitherto Diaphorus propinquus Becker, 1922superbiens Parent, 1931 (Diaphorus), syn. n. of Chrysotus ciliatus (Becker, 1922

    Patterns of childhood adversity and health outcomes in early adolescence: Results from the Generation XXI cohort

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    This longitudinal population-based birth cohort study aims to identify childhood adversity patterns over the first 13 years of life and to examine its association with health-related behaviours and outcomes in early adolescence. Using data from the Portuguese birth cohort Generation XXI, we performed latent class analysis to explore the underlying patterns of adversity from birth to early adolescence, using 13 adversity items assessed in five time points. Health-related behaviours and outcomes were evaluated at 13 years. Adjusting for parental unemployment, logistic regression models were performed to determine the association between adversity patterns and outcomes. Among 8647 participants, three adversity patterns were identified: low adversity (56.1%), household dysfunction (17.2%) and multiple adversities (26.7%). For the household dysfunction pattern, girls and boys showed associations with increased odds of alcohol/tobacco use (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.78; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.32-2.40; AOR:1.84; CI:1.38-2.46, respectively) and depressive symptoms (AOR:2.34; CI:1.58-3.48; AOR:5.45; CI:2.86-10.38, respectively). Boys also presented low consumption of fruits/vegetables (AOR:1.51; CI:1.04-2.19). For the multiple adversities pattern, both girls and boys showed an increased probability of alcohol/tobacco use (AOR:1.82; CI:1.42-2.33; AOR:1.63; CI:1.30-2.05, respectively) and depressive symptoms (AOR:3.41; CI:2.46-4.72; AOR:5.21; CI:2.91-9.32, respectively). Boys also revealed increased odds of low consumption of fruits/vegetables (AOR:1.67; CI:1.24-2.23). Childhood adversity patterns are associated with unhealthy behaviours and depressive symptoms in early adolescence. Public policies and early interventions targeting vulnerable children, families and communities can potentially reduce the detrimental effects of adversities on health and promote individual and community resilience.This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalisation and national fundingfrom the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029567; PTDC/SAU-PUB/29567/2017; 2022.06837.PTDC; UIDB/04750/2020; LA/P/0064/2020; CEECIND/01516/2017; SFRH/BD/144503/2019]; Administracao Regional de Saude Norte (Regional Department of Ministry of Health); Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian


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    O Objetivo desse artigo é expor um sentimento contraditório entre a compreensão genérica dos termos Pajé/Pajelança, associados diretamente ao de Xamã/Xamanismo. A oposição a esses termos foi obtida diretamente por meio de experiências etnográficas entre as etnias indígenas do Alto Sertão Alagoano e por meio de debates estabelecidos em eventos acadêmicos e em outros espaços que reúnem indígenas de outros lugares. Enquanto não foi possível encontrar um estudo teórico sobre o problema aqui apresentado, ambos os termos, Pajé/Pajelança, Xamã/Xamanismo, são colocados, concomitantemente iguais em seu conjunto, pela antropologia e também contrários entre si pelos povos indígenas da região. Debate que, teoricamente, vem sendo diferenciado em seus termos e práticas por indígenas em vários espaços quando suscitado o tema de forma genérica, sem distinção de uso. Já que, para os índios da região, Pajé/Pajelança, Xamã/Xamanismo, não se assemelham entre si. Nesse sentido, procuro expor a noção do entendimento dos termos Pajé/Pajelança a partir de sentidos religiosos representados nos rituais de Promessa aos Encantados. Nesses rituais, as ações do Pajé são configuradas como Pajelança. Para as etnias indígenas em Alagoas, esses termos são acionados enquanto identidade étnica local e se particularizam em cada etnia. Percepção que se opõe aos termos Xamã/Xamanismo, terminologia (práticas) universais que “não dão conta” de explicar a etnicidade latente nas etnias indígenas do Nordeste.The goal of this article is to display the contradictory feeling between the general understandings between Pajé/Pajelança, directly associated to Shaman/Shamanism. The opposition between these terms were directly obtained by ethnographies experiences among the Indians ethnicities of Alto Sertão Alagoano and among the settled down debates at academics events and other fields that suit other Indians from other places. While it was not possible to find a theoretical study about the problem here presented, both terms, Pajé/Pajelança, Shaman/Shamanism, are mutually placed in their assortment by Anthropology as much as opposites among the Indian peoples of the region. A debate that, theoretically, has been distinguished into its terms and practices by Indians in many fields when the theme is abridged in a general manner, without a usage distinction. Whereas Pajé/Pajelança, Shaman/Shamanism, to the Indians in the territory, are not alike. Therefore, I seek to bring to light the understanding notion of the terms Pajé/Pajelança following the religious insight represented by the promises rituals to the ‘Enchanted’ spirits. Towards these rituals, the pajé’s actions are taken for pajelança. To the Indian ethnicity in Alagoas, these terms are set off as the local ethnicity identity and are particularized into each ethnicity. Perception that goes opposite to the terms Shaman/Shamanism, terminology for universal practices that cannot ‘handle’ the explanation of an inherent ethnicity in the Indians ethnicities in Northeast

    Análise de domínio sob a luz do conceito de agenciamento de Gilles Deleuze

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2015.Diante adissensão sobre a Análise de Domínio, pretende-se analisar a proposta de Hjørland sob a óptica da Filosofia pós-moderna de Deleuze. Tem-se como objetivo geral deste trabalho a revisão do conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland em uma perspectiva filosófica deleuziana. Os objetivos específicos são:a) identificar e caracterizar as propriedades que sustentam o conceito de Análise de Domínio; b) levantar na Filosofia de Deleuze um conceito que norteie a análise sobre a teoria de Hjørland; c) interpretar o conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland com base no conceito deleuziano. Com a Análise de Conteúdo, dividiu-se o trabalho em três etapas: levantamento e leitura dos artigos de autoria de Hjørland encontradosnas bases Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) e Web of Science e Scopus (WoS) e no periódico Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), a fim de estabelecer índices de análise, definidos como comunidade discursiva, domínio e linguagem. Verificou-se que os três índices fundamentam a Análise de Domínio, pois as concepções compreendem os aspectos sociais que implicam o uso da informação. Além disso, identificou-se que os três índices não estabelecem relações hierárquicas rígidas nos textos de Hjørland, mas relações maleáveis. Com base na obraMil Platôs de Deleuze e Guattari, elegeu-se o conceito de agenciamento por compatibilizar com os índices anteriores. O conceito de agenciamento diz respeito ao funcionamento dos processos de atualização, operados por máquinas abstratas e constituído por duas duplas de elementos, a dinâmica conteúdo e expressão, além dos movimentos de territorialização e desterritorialização. Num segundo momento, realizou-se um cruzamento entre os índices e os componentes do conceito deleuziano, consolidando diretrizes para o estudo de domínios. Por fim, na última etapa, os resultados foram discutidos em relação ao referencial teórico Ainda, propos-se o conceito filosófico de Indomável, indicando à impossibilidade da fidelidade das representações. Os resultados apontam que só a análise sobre a linguagem não basta aos estudos de domínio, que exige a compreensão do meio composto por subjetividades e instituições.Concluiu-se que a Análise de Domínio se alinha à pós-modernidade e que as Filosofias dessa vertente podem contribuir com o avanço teórico e metodológico da área.Abstract : On the dissension on Domain Analysis, it intends to analyze the proposed Hjørland from the perspective of postmodern philosophy of Deleuze. It has the general objective of this work to review the Hjørland?sconcept of Domain Analysis in a Deleuzian philosophical perspective.The specific objectives are: a) identify and characterize the properties that support the concept of Domain Analysis; b) find in Deleuze's philosophy a concept that guides the analysis of the theory Hjørland; c) interpret the Hjørland's concept of Domain Analysis based on the Deleuzian concept. With content analysis, work was divided in three stages: survey and readingthe Hjørland authored articles found the Library and Information Science Abstracts databases (LISA) and Web of Science and Scopus (WoS) and in the journal Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), in order to establish analytical indices defined as a discursive community, domain and language. It was found that the three indices underlie Domain Analysis, for the concepts that comprise the social aspects involve the use of information. In addition, it was identified that the three indices do not establish rigid hierarchical relationships in Hjørland's texts, but malleable relations. Based on the work A Thousand Plateaus of Deleuze and Guattari, was elected the concept of assemblage by compatible with previous rates. The concept of assemblage refers to the operation of the update process, operated by abstract machines and consisting of two pairs of elements, the dynamic content and expression, in addition to the movements of territorialisation and desterritorialization. Secondly, there was a cross between the indices and components of the Deleuzian concept, consolidating guidelines for the study domains. Finally, in the last step, the results were discussed in relation to the theoretical framework. Still, it proposed the philosophical concept of Indomitable, indicating the impossibility of fidelity representations. The results show that only the analysis of the language is not enough to study of domain, which requires an understanding of the environment composed of subjectivities and institutions.It is concluded that the Domain Analysis aligns with post-modernity and the philosophies of this mainstream can contribute to the theoretical and methodological advance of the area