162 research outputs found

    Presence and significance of Helicobacter spp. in the gastric mucosa of Portuguese dogs

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    Background: Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacters (NHPH) are also able to cause disease in humans. Dogs are a natural reservoir for many of these species. Close and intense human contact with animals has been identified as a risk factor and therefore, an important zoonotic significance has been attributed to NHPH. Methods: To determine the prevalence of Helicobacter species and the gastric histopathological changes associated, gastric mucosa samples of 69 dogs were evaluated. Results: Only one dog presented a normal histopathological mucosa with absence of spiral-shaped organisms. A normal gastric mucosa and the presence of spiral-shaped bacteria was observed in two dogs. All remaining animals presented histopathological changes representative of gastritis. Helicobacter species were detected in 60 dogs (87.0%) by at least one detection method. Histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical evaluations revealed that Helicobacter spp. were present in 45 (65.2%), 52 (75.4%) and 57 (82.6%) dogs, respectively. Spiral-shaped bacteria were detected by qPCR analysis in 33 (47.8%) dogs. H. heilmannii-like organisms were identified in 22 animals (66.7%) and predominantly in the antral gastric region. H. salomonis was the second most prevalent species (51.5%) although it was mainly found in association with other Helicobacter spp. and in the body gastric region. H. bizzozeronii and H. felis were less frequently detected. Conclusions: It was concluded that, despite the high incidence and worldwide distribution of gastric NHPH in dogs, the presence of specific Helicobacter species may vary between geographic regions. NHPH infections were significantly accompanied by mild to moderate intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration and mild to moderate gastric epithelial injury, but a clear relationship between gastritis and Helicobacter infection could not be established

    Perception and knowledge of portuguese veterinarians about the zoonotic transmission of helicobacter pylori and helicobacter suis: the need for one health intervention

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    Helicobacter species can colonize the gastrointestinal tract of both humans and animals, and are associated with gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal diseases. Some studies indicate that animals, health professionals, and people in close contact with animals might be at higher risk for infection with gastric Helicobacter spp. Considering that veterinarians are professionals at risk for infection with zoonotic gastric Helicobacters and are also seen by many as health communicators concerning zoonoses, the aim of this study was to evaluate the Portuguese veterinarians’ perception and knowledge of Helicobacter spp. infection and its zoonotic risk/potential. Therefore, a structured questionnaire composed of 34 dichotomic, multiple-choice, rating scale, matrix, drop-down, and open-ended questions was developed and given to Portuguese veterinarians via an online platform from May 2021 to July 2021, and statistical analysis was used to obtain results. There was a total of 149 respondents, most of them (73.8%) being females. Evidently, Portuguese veterinarians have a limited perception regarding Helicobacter spp. infections. Of the respondents that “have heard of Helicobacter”, 17.6% do not know which animal species can be affected by it. Most of the companion animal veterinarians (76.2%) do not consider Helicobacter spp. infection a differential diagnosis when evaluating animals with gastritis. A significant percentage (37.2%) of the respondents that have “heard of H. suis” do not consider it a zoonotic bacterium. There is a need for education and sensitization of veterinarians regarding the potential zoonotic risk of Helicobacter spp. in order to elucidate these professionals to this One Health issue, as the number of reports of non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter in livestock, companion, and wild animals is increasing.A91F-E8B8-FA62 | Teresa Susana Letra MateusN/

    Studies on enantioselective biodegradation of fluoxetine

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    Fluoxetine (FLX) is a chiral fluorinated pharmaceutical indicated mainly for treatment of depression and is one of the most dispensed drugs in the world. There is a clear evidence of environmental contamination with this drug. Granular sludge sequencing batch reactors (SBR) constitute a promising technology for the treatment of effluents containing micropollutants. In this study, a SBR was operated in order to assess its performance when treating a synthetic wastewater containing racemic FLX (rac-FLX), under continuous and intermittent feeding of the compound. The concentration of FLX enantiomers was followed using an enantioselective HPLC method. A removal of 70% of the total supplied FLX was observed in the first continuous feeding period. However, the subsequent feeding periods revealed a significant decrease in the FLX removal; FLX liberation occurred during periods when no compound was supplied. This can be probably explained by desorption of FLX previously adsorbed to the granules. No intermediate metabolites or fluoride release were detected, corroborating the hypothesis that adsorption of FLX to the aerobic granules occurred. Moreover, the absence of enantioselectivity in the decrease of FLX enantiomers concentration is also an indicator of an abiotic mechanism. In face of the incapacity of the aerobic granules to biodegrade FLX, the ability of Labrys portucalensis F11, a previously isolated microbial strain with the capacity to degrade a range of fluorinated aromatic compounds, to biodegrade this compound was investigated. In this study, the enantioselective biodegradation of rac-FLX and of its enantiomers was assessed. The results obtained revealed that this strain is able to degrade both enantiomers of FLX, when supplemented as a racemic mixture, as well as when supplemented as a single enantiomers. Preferential degradation of the (R)-enantiomer was observed. This feature makes L. portucalensis F11 a potential candidate for devising biodegradation technologies able to deal with contamination by this pharmaceutical. Acknowledgements: I.S. Moreira, A.R. Ribeiro and C.L. Amorim wish to acknowledge a research grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (Ref. SFRH/BPD/87251/2012, SFRH/BD/64999/2009 and SFRH/BD/47109/2008 , respectively) and Fundo Social Europeu (Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH), Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN)). This work was supported by FCT through the projects PTDC/EBB-EBI/111699/2009, CEQUIMED-Pest-OE/SAU/UI4040/2011 and PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2011

    Occurrence and Distribution of Fasciolosis in a Cohort of Ovine Livestock Restricted to a Mountain Plateau in Central Portugal

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    Fasciola hepatica is a parasite that is widespread in Europe, having been reported in ru- minants of several European countries and causing an important economic impact. This study ascertained the occurrence and distribution of fasciolosis in Portuguese ovine livestock by assessing F. hepatica IgG antibodies in a cohort of confined sheep from a high-altitude region of central Portugal in a 2-year period. Positive animals were found in most locations and in both years, with 18 of the 92 an- imals (19.6% [95% confidence interval CI: 12.03–19.15]) and 17 of the same 92 animals (18.5% [95% CI: 11.15–27.93]) showing to be seropositive in the first year and second year, respectively (p = 0.85). Pasture contamination by F. hepatica eggs could be reduced by thorough anthelmintic treatments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of artificial vascular polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel grafts in sheep - our experience to date.

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    Researchers developed this project according with the tasks originally planned, so far focusing their research activities in the biocompatibility and functionality of vascular implants. The biocompatibility was studied by following the ISO standard 10993-6 for evaluation of medical devices through the evaluation and grading of inflammation caused by implants placed subcutaneously. The implants were placed in sheep and collected randomly at different time points of the experimental period and subsequently processed histologically and classified according to Annex E to the standard mentioned above. The functionality of vascular implants has been evaluated to date by replacement of segments of the carotid by ePTFE implants with 5 cm long and 4 mm in diameter, coated or not with cultured stem cells. The deployment of these prostheses has been performed in carotid arteries of sheep and their functional performance measured by vascular ultrasound in Doppler and B mode by measuring parameters such as: peak systolic / diastolic blood flow velocity, vascular diameters at implantation and at the periphery of these. These measurements are performed at various time points of the experiment were folloed by euthanasia of sheep and immediately sample collection for the implementation of techniques like immunohistochemistry, morphometry and scanning electronic microscopy. Complications were observed throughout the experimental period include the formation of thrombi after at the transition implantcarotid region and vascular dilatation as the most frequent, respectively, in periods of short-and long-term experiment

    Bacterial community and system performance of an aerobic granular sludge reactor treating pharmaceutical wastewater

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    Pharmaceuticals often reach wastewater treatment systems where low removal rates are observed. In the present study the potential impact of a mixture of such micro-pollutants on an aerobic granular sludge-sequencing batch reactor (AGS-SBR) was investigated using a lab-scale bioreactor. COD and P- removals were affected due to the load of pharmaceuticals resulting in a decrease of the COD uptake and the P-release during the anaerobic feeding phase, but the discharge limits were not exceeded. Nevertheless, both processes returned to its normal operation after resuming the pharmaceuticals feeding. The nitrification process was also affected but the activity of bacteria responsible for both nitrification steps was able to recover. The exposure to the pharmaceuticals induced alterations in the bacterial community structure


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    This report describes an unprecedented case of a gastric carcinoma with osseous metaplasia in a 8-year-old male standard poodle. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a firm yellowish nodular mass in the pyloric region. The lesion was surgically removed and submitted for current histological examination. Immunohistochemistry was performed employing monoclonal antibodies for pan-cytokeratin, vimentin, smooth muscular a-actin and BMP-2/4. The mass consisted in neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells, arranged in a tubular or acinar pattern and supported by scirrhous stroma, with mucin production and multiple foci of heterotopic ossification. Neoplastic epithelial cells showed strong positive immunostaining for AE1/AE3 and BMP-2/4, although they were negative for both vimentin and a-actin. Histopathological findings suggested that the bone tissue may be primarily originated from neoplastic epithelial cells which directly circumscribe the osseous metaplasia foci

    Strategies to enhance the removal of Fluoroquinolones

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    Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics that play an important role in the treatment of serious bacterial infections. Currently, several FQs are available but ciprofloxacin (CPF), ofloxacin (OFL) and norfloxacin (NOR) are amongst the most worldwide prescribed antibiotics. Antibiotics can reach wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) from different routes. Thus removal of these contaminants during the biotreatment process is of major importance in order to avoid their release to other environmental matrices. Granular sludge sequencing batch reactors (SBR) constitute a novel biofilm technology for wastewater treatment extremely promising for the treatment of effluents containing toxic compounds. Therefore, in this study a granular sludge SBR, established with activated sludge from a WWTP, was operated for the treatment of an aqueous stream containing FQs. No evidence of FQ biodegradation followed by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection was observed but FQs adsorbed to the aerobic granular sludge, being gradually released into the medium after withdrawal of the FQs in the inlet stream. In a previous study, Labrys portucalensis F11 demonstrated to be able to degrade FQs, namely OFL, NOR and CPF, when supplied individually or as a mixture, in the presence of an easy degradable carbon source. Different removal extents were obtained for the tested concentrations (ranging from 0.8 to 30 μM), but overall the uptake capacity of strain F11 for individual FQs decreased with increasing the initial FQ concentration. When supplied with a mixture FQs, strain F11 concomitantly removed each target antibiotic but a decrease on the biodegradability of FQs was observed which could be explained by competition mechanisms. The ability of Labrys portucalensis F11 to grow using the readily available carbon source while maintain its ability to degrade FQs reinforce the potential of this strain in bioaugmentation processes. As the indigenous microbial communities in biotreatment processes rarely are able to remove such contaminants, using this promising FQ-degrading strain, bioaugmentation strategies such as inoculation of the degrading strain, as a suspension or immobilized on carrier material, or using a plasmid donor strain carrying the degradative genes, could be assessed to improve FQ removal. Acknowledgments: C.L. Amorim, A.S. Maia and I.S. Moreira wish to acknowledge the research grants from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (Ref. SFRH/BD/47109/2008, SFRH/BD/86939/2012 and SFRH/BPD/87251/2012, respectively) and Fundo Social Europeu (Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH), Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN))). This work was supported by FCT through the projects PTDC/EBB-EBI/111699/2009 and PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2011