168 research outputs found

    La gestación del Museo Nacional de Escultura en la encrucijada del patrimonio artístico en España entre los siglos XIX y XX

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    Las sucesivas desamortizaciones llevadas a cabo en España entre los siglos XVIII y XIX como consecuencia de una situación ideológica proveniente de la Revolución Francesa, sacaron a la luz una riqueza de la que hubo que conformar una serie de instituciones encaminadas a su salvaguarda y administración. Instituciones que culminaron en la creación de los museos provinciales y, en concreto, en el Museo Provincial de Valladolid a lo largo de un siglo de revoluciones y cambios en las estructuras sociales y políticas en que el poder absolutista fue dejando paso a un modelo de estado liberal. Con el paso al siglo XX, sus vaivenes políticos y en medio del debate entre lo privado y lo público se fue fraguando la idea de patrimonio con lo que se iría creando la Ley de Protección del Tesoro Artístico, en cuyo contexto se formó el Museo Nacional de Escultura. En el escenario político, económico y cultural español, se traza la trayectoria de una colección que desde la salida del lugar originario de sus piezas termina en lo que hoy es el Museo Nacional de Escultura y su proyección hacia el futuro.Departamento de Historia del ArteGrado en Historia del Art

    Modeling the Multi-layer Nature of the European Air Transport Network: Resilience and Passengers Re-scheduling under random failures

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    We study the dynamics of the European Air Transport Network by using a multiplex network formalism. We will consider the set of flights of each airline as an interdependent network and we analyze the resilience of the system against random flight failures in the passenger's rescheduling problem. A comparison between the single-plex approach and the corresponding multiplex one is presented illustrating that the multiplexity strongly affects the robustness of the European Air Network.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures - Accepted for publication in European Physical Journal Special Topic

    Optimal dose calibration in radiotherapy

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    In this paper, the tools provided by the theory of Optimal Experimental Design are applied to a nonlinear calibration model. This is motivated by the need of estimating radiation doses using radiochromic films for radiotherapy purposes. The calibration model is in this case nonlinear and the explanatory variable cannot be worked out explicitly from the model. In this case an experimental design has to be found on the dependent variable. For that, the inverse function theorem will be used to obtain an information matrix to be optimized. Optimal designs on the response variable are computed from two different perspectives, first for fitting the model and estimating each of the parameters and then for predicting the proper dose. While the first is a common point of view in a general context of the Optimal Experimental Design, the latter is actually the main objective of the calibration problem for the practitioners and algorithms for computing these optimal designs are also provided. The optimal designs obtained have just three different points in their support, but practitioners usually demand for more support points. Thus, a methodology for computing space-filling designs is also provided when the support points are forced to follow some mathematical rule, such as arithmetic or geometric sequences. Cross efficiencies of all these designs are computed in order to show their ability for different goals

    Detallen el mecanisme protector de la interleuquina IL-37

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    Les interleuquines (IL) són proteïnes que regulen la resposta immunitària. En concret, la IL-37, amb activitat antiinflamatòria, exerceix un paper protector en nombroses malalties, entre elles les lesions de medul·la espinal. Investigadors de la UAB i la Universitat de Colorado (EUA) han estudiat en detall el seu mecanisme d'acció, distingint la ruta nuclear de la ruta extracel·lular.Las interleuquinas (IL) son proteínas que regulan la respuesta inmunitaria. En concreto, la IL-37, con actividad antiinflamatoria, desempeña un papel protector en numerosas enfermedades, entre ellas las lesiones de médula espinal. Investigadores de la UAB y la Universidad de Colorado (EE.UU) han estudiado en detalle su mecanismo de acción, distinguiendo la ruta nuclear de la ruta extracelular

    The paradoxes of citizenship education: Frames and factors influencing dispositions toward discussing political issues in the classroom

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    This article aims to explore two assumptions that have underpinned most research on teachers' perceptions of citizenship education (CE). These are, firstly, that teachers' perceptions of CE are relatively coherent, conscious and classifiable into citizenship models and, secondly, that these perceptions are strongly connected to their political ideology and civic engagement. In this article, we present a study conducted at a Spanish public university to test these two assumptions. We designed a questionnaire to investigate the possible effect of tacit framing on preservice teachers' perceptions of CE -by observing whether the use of different wording led them to reason about CE in different, or even contradictory, ways- and the relationship between preservice teachers' disposition toward discussing current political issues and their political ideology and civic engagement. The findings illustrate the power of framing in shaping CE perceptions and show a non-significant relationship between preservice teachers' disposition toward including politica issues in the classroom and their political ideology/civic engagement. Although the items used in the questionnaire cannot fully account for the diversity of views of CE, political ideologies and civic engagement experiences, the results provide enough evidence to begin questioning the assumptions that have dominated the research on teachers' perceptions about CE. These results have important implications for social studies educators and scholars

    The consensus on citizenship education purposes in teacher education

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    Although education for democratic citizenship has long been a powerful rationale for social studies education, researchers still report a significant gap between this purpose and what is really taught in classrooms. Explanations of this phenomenon vary, but literature on citizenship education (CE) research has largely interpreted this gap as a result of (preservice) teachers' political worldviews or lack of civic experiences. Other evidence, however, suggests that teacher socialization processes generate conventions about what is necessary, possible, and reasonable in CE that go beyond teachers' political views and behaviors. This mixed-method study, developed at a Spanish university, aims to explore the understandings of CE shared by preservice teachers with different political ideologies and levels of civic engagement. The findings of this study have deep implications for teacher education courses aimed at fostering CE and the curricular inclusion of current social issues."This research was funded by the Vice-rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Cantabria (No. 11.VU03.64662)"

    Two-dimensional compact-finite-difference schemes for solving the bi-Laplacian operator with homogeneous wall-normal derivatives

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    [EN] In fluid mechanics, the bi-Laplacian operator with Neumann homogeneous boundary conditions emerges when transforming the Navier-Stokes equations to the vorticity-velocity formulation. In the case of problems with a periodic direction, the problem can be transformed into multiple, independent, two-dimensional fourth-order elliptic problems. An efficient method to solve these two-dimensional bi-Laplacian operators with Neumann homogeneus boundary conditions was designed and validated using 2D compact finite difference schemes. The solution is formulated as a linear combination of auxiliary solutions, as many as the number of points on the boundary, a method that was prohibitive some years ago due to the large memory requirements to store all these auxiliary functions. The validation has been made for different field configurations, grid sizes, and stencils of the numerical scheme, showing its potential to tackle high gradient fields as those that can be found in turbulent flows.This work was supported by RTI2018-102256-B-I00 of MINECO/FEDER and the ALBATROSS project (National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, No. PID2019-104978RB-I00).Amo-Navarro, J.; Vinuesa, R.; Conejero, JA.; Hoyas, S. (2021). Two-dimensional compact-finite-difference schemes for solving the bi-Laplacian operator with homogeneous wall-normal derivatives. Mathematics. 9(19):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9192508S11391

    IL-4 drives microglia and macrophages toward a phenotype conducive for tissue repair and functional recovery after spinal cord injury

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    Macrophages and microglia play a key role in the maintenance of nervous system homeostasis. However, upon different challenges, they can adopt several phenotypes, which may lead to divergent effects on tissue repair. After spinal cord injury (SCI), microglia and macrophages show predominantly pro-inflammatory activation and contribute to tissue damage. However, the factors that hamper their conversion to an anti-inflammatory state after SCI, or to other protective phenotypes, are poorly understood. Here, we show that IL-4 protein levels are undetectable in the spinal cord after contusion injury, which likely favors microglia and macrophages to remain in a pro-inflammatory state. We also demonstrate that a single delayed intraspinal injection of IL-4, 48 hours after SCI, induces increased expression of M2 marker in microglia and macrophages. We also show that delayed injection of IL-4 leads to the appearance of resolution-phase macrophages, and that IL-4 enhances resolution of inflammation after SCI. Interestingly, we provide clear evidence that delayed administration of IL-4 markedly improves functional outcomes and reduces tissue damage after contusion injury. It is possible that these improvements are mediated by the presence of macrophages with M2 markers and resolution-phase macrophages. These data suggest that therapies aimed at increasing IL-4 levels could be valuable for the treatment of acute SCI, for which there are currently no effective treatments

    A workbench for biomedical applications based on image analysis

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    Unraveling the underlying mechanisms involved in single and collective cell migration, organization, tissue formation and regeneration are some of the currently spearheading research topics worldwide. To overcome the intrinsic difficulties associated to realistic environments in 3D, a multidisciplinary framework combining computer simulations and experiments is proposed. The success of this approach relies on result validation (quantitative comparison: computational vs. experimental), so we have polished different techniques and computational tools to get as accurate measurements as possible. For that, we take advantage of our own designed microfluidic devices and perform thorough image and statistical analyses
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