224 research outputs found

    A Knowledge Engineering Method for New Product Development

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    International audienceEngineering activities involve large groups of people from different domains and disciplines. They often generate important information flows that are difficult to manage. To face these difficulties, a knowledge engineering process is necessary to structure the information and its use. This paper presents a deployment of a knowledge capitalization process based on the enrichment of MOKA methodology to support the integration of Process Planning knowledge in a CAD System. Our goal is to help different actors to work collaboratively by proposing one referential view of the domain, the context and the objectives assuming that it will help them in better decision-making

    Exclusion of chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletions 22q11 and 10p13 in Algerian patients with isolated conotruncal malformation

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    The chromosomal abnormalities of number and structure or the 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 microdeletions are considered the main causes of congenital heart disease. In our best knowledge, cytogenetics studies on congenital heart diseases (CHD) have not been performed in Algeria. In this study, we will screen for chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletions of 22q11.2 and 10p13 in a cohort of Algerian patients. G-banded by trypsin Giemsa (GTG) and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) techniques have been performed to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and a critical regions 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 respectively in seventy patients with non syndromic congenital heart. GTG technique visualized no chromosomal abnormalities of number and structure in our patients. Moreover, FISH visualizing critical regions 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 respectively did not detect any microdeletion in the chromosomes 10 and 22 respectively of our patients. Our study could suggest that congenital heart defects observed in Algerian patients are not due to chromosomal abnormalities of number and structure nor the 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 microdeletions. For the fist time, we report here cytogenetics analysis of chromosomal abnormalities and the 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 microdeletions in Algerian patients with congenital heart disease. Genetic testing for screening for deletion 22q11.2 and 10p13-14 is not indicated in all patients with isolated conotruncal defects. In addition, conotruncal heart diseases have a multifactorial background like consanguinity and recessive mutations in some genes involved in cardiac morphogenesis. A genetic study to screen for the role of consanguineous marriages and some genes linked to CHD in Algerian population is on going. This study will focus also on health education for the families at risk about the importance of pre-marital genetic counseling.Хромосомные аномалии числа и структуры или микроделеции 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 считаются главными причинами врожденного порока сердца. Насколько нам известно, цитогенетические исследования врожденного порока сердца (CHD) в Алжире не проводились. В настоящей работе проведен скрининг хромосомных аномалий и микроделеций 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 в группе алжирских пациентов. Методы окраски по Гимза (GTG) и FISH были использованы для скрининга хромосомных аномалий и критичных участков 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 соответственно у 70 пациентов с несиндромным врожденным пороком сердца. GTG не выявило хромосомных аномалий по числу и структуре. Более того, изучение участков 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 не показало никаких микроделеций в хромосомах 10 и 22. Наши исследования позволяют сделать вывод, что дефекты, вызванные врожденным пороком сердца у алжирских пациентов, не связаны ни с хромосомными аномалиями числа и структуры, ни с микроделециями 22q11.2 и 10p13-14. Впервые проведен цитогенетический анализ хромосомных аномалий и микроделеций 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 у алжирских пациентов с врожденным пороком сердца. Генетическое тестирование скрининга на наличие делеций 22q11.2 и 10p13-14 не показано у всех пациентов с врожденным пороком сердца. Кроме того, конотрункальные болезни сердца имеют многофакторную основу, такую как генетическое родство и рецессивные мутации некоторых генов, вовлеченных в кардиальный морфогенез. Проводится генетическое исследование роли близкородственных браков и некоторых генов, связанных с врожденным пороком сердца, в алжирской популяции. Это исследование будет также сфокусировано на профилактической работе в семьях с факторами риска и на важности генетического консультирования перед вступлением в брак

    Knowledge engineering based on software engineering methods for Knowledge-based system specifications

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    International audienceEngineering activities involve large groups of people from different domains and disciplines. They often generate important information flows that are difficult to manage. To face these difficulties, a knowledge engineering process is necessary to structure the information and its use. This paper presents a deployment of a knowledge capitalization process based on the enrichment of MOKA methodology to support the integration of Process Planning knowledge in a CAD System. Our goal is to help different actors to work collaboratively by proposing one referential view of the domain, the context and the objectives assuming that it will help them in better decision-making

    Quantitative Fattorini-Hautus test and minimal null control time for parabolic problems

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    This paper investigates the link between the null controllability property for some abstract parabolic problems and an inequality that can be seen as a quantified Fattorini-Hautus test. Depending on the hypotheses made on the abstract setting considered we prove that this inequality either gives the exact minimal null control time or at least gives the qualitative property of existence of such a minimal time. We also prove that for many known examples of minimal time in the parabolic setting, this inequality recovers the value of this minimal time.Dans cet article nous étudions le lien entre la contrôlabilité à zéro d'un problème parabolique abstrait et la validité d'une inégalité qui est une version quantifiée du test de Fattorini–Hautus. Nous prouvons que cette inégalité permet de caractériser l'existence d'un temps minimal pour le problème de contrôlabilité à zéro et, selon les hypothèses considérées, d'obtenir la valeur de ce temps minimal. Nous prouvons aussi que dans la plupart des exemples connus de problèmes paraboliques ayant un temps minimal de contrôle à zéro, cette inégalité est une condition nécessaire et suffisante de contrôlabilité.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Qui se souvient d'Éléonore ?

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    Il y a les personnages-abstractions : le Minotaure (Mino pour les intimes !), le Génie du Doute, l'Horloge parlante, et il y a Éléonore, Tita, Jérémy, Pierre-Paul et Celui qui tire les ficelles. Les premiers ont fonction d'obstacles dans la « destinée » des seconds. Sur un ton alerte, un rythme où se succèdent les scènes, avec le moins de sérieux possible, sont énoncées (décochées) quelques considérations. Sur le théâtre « qui intéresse peu de monde », le monde du spectacle réduisant les être..

    Écritures d’urgence de femmes algériennes

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    Il s’agit ici de mettre en relief les thématiques portées par des écritures de femmes algériennes, publiées dans les années 90. Thématiques en relation directe avec le réel algérien. Il ne sera pas tenu compte des genres – romans, journaux « de bord », essai… – en tant que tels dans lesquels ces expressions paraissent (ou prétendent paraître), ni de leur qualité littéraire… Le propos est de porter l’attention sur ces écrits en tant que documents forts témoignant de leur temps, de la société qui les a impulsés. Société où se joue, violemment, passionnément, des enjeux essentiels.This article examines the themes of the writing of Algerian women published during the 1990s, themes with a direct relation to the reality of Algeria. It does not consider as such either the literary genres (novels, diaries or journals, essays, etc. ) in which these expressions appear (or claim to appear), nor their literary quality. . . The intention is to focus attention on these writings as documents of their time, of the society that impelled them, a society where violently and passionately essential issues are at stake

    Partial null controllability of parabolic linear systems

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to the partial null controllability issue of parabolic linear systems with n equations. Given a bounded domain Ω in R N (N ∈ N *), we study the effect of m localized controls in a nonempty open subset ω only controlling p components of the solution (p, m n). The first main result of this paper is a necessary and sufficient condition when the coupling and control matrices are constant. The second result provides, in a first step, a sufficient condition of partial null controllability when the matrices only depend on time. In a second step, through an example of partially controlled 2 × 2 parabolic system, we will give positive and negative results on partial null controllability when the coefficients are space dependent

    Processing Knowledge to Support Knowledge Based Engineering Systems Specification

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    International audienceDuring design phase, engineering activities typically involve large groups of people from different domains and disciplines. These differences often generate important information flows that are difficult to manage. To face these difficulties, a knowledge engineering process is necessary to structure the information and its use This article, presents a deployment of a knowledge capitalization process based on the enrichment of Methodology and tools Oriented to Knowledge based engineering Applications methodology to support the integration of Process Planning knowledge in a CAD System. Our goal is to help different actors to work collaboratively by proposing one referential view of the domain, the context and the objectives assuming that it will help them in better decision-making