5,083 research outputs found

    Penguatan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan sebagai Pilar Penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia

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    Hingga saat ini masih banyak sekali peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dinilai mengancam perlindungan HAM di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebabnya ditenggarai karena pembentukan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang tidak didasarkan prinsip-prinsip good governance. Artikel ini membahas antara lain, tentang hubungan antara pembentukan peraturan Perundang-undangan, hak asasi manusia dan good governance serta bagaimana Implementasi Prinsip-Prinsip Good Governance dalam pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia. Pembentukan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dibentuk hendaknya menghormati keragaman budaya, memuat solusi terhadap penyelesaian konflik dan menyelesaikan kesenjangan dan kemiskinan ditengah-tengah masyarakat. Peraturan Perundang-undangan atau kebijakan yang demikianlah yang dapat menjamin terlaksananya perlindungan HAM. oleh karena itu, pembentukan peraturan Perundang-undangan harus diselenggarakan dengan ideal. Pembentukan aturan hukum ideal (dalam persepektif good governance) bermakna bahwa proses merumuskan norma atau kaidah hukum harus didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip good governance yang menjamin perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Kondisi faktual di Indonesia hingga saat ini menunjukan bahwa pembentukan peraturan Perundang-undangan di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya didasarkan prinsip good governance, yakni prinsip partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Hal ini tentunya dapat mengancam penegakan dan perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan akses seluas-luasnya terhadap partisipasi masyarakat, berbagai informasi dan mengembangkan bentuk pertanggungjawaban bagi pembentuk peraturan Perundang-undanga

    Low energy scattering with a nontrivial pion

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    An earlier calculation in a generalized linear sigma model showed that the well-known current algebra formula for low energy pion pion scattering held even though the massless Nambu Goldstone pion contained a small admixture of a two-quark two-antiquark field. Here we turn on the pion mass and note that the current algebra formula no longer holds exactly. We discuss this small deviation and also study the effects of an SU(3) symmetric quark mass type term on the masses and mixings of the eight SU(3) multiplets in the model. We calculate the s wave scattering lengths, including the beyond current algebra theorem corrections due to the scalar mesons, and observe that the model can fit the data well. In the process, we uncover the way in which linear sigma models give controlled corrections (due to the presence of scalar mesons) to the current algebra scattering formula. Such a feature is commonly thought to exist only in the non-linear sigma model approach.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Cross-textual reconceptualisation of the deictic space of “victory” in political discourse: Donald Trump versus Joseph Biden

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    The present study propounds the notion-complex of cross-textual reconceptualisation as a cognitive-linguistic output of applying Paul Chilton’s (2013, 2014, 2017) model of Deictic Space Theory (DST) to textual practices drawn from the broad domain of political discourse. The DST model has operated methodologically towards conducting a cognitively oriented political discourse analysis of the two victory speeches produced by Donald Trump and Joseph Biden during the 2020 election for US presidency. As a geometric model, DST has been applied to the two speeches in a way that demonstrated the deictic spatial construction of victory in relation to Trump and Biden as the now-here-real speakers on the three axes of discourse referents, time, and epistemic modality. The data analysis has revealed four significant instantiations of cross-textual reconceptualisation made by Biden of Trump’s deictic space of victory as a contested concept: (i) a “clear” and “convincing” victory, (ii) a peripersonal real victory, (iii) Trump and his voters, and (iv) a now shift from a past Democrat to a future President. All four instantiations have proved the hypothesis that the DST model, while revealing the deictic-spatial conceptualisations of “victory” constituted by each speaker in his speech, may further be extended to disentangle the interesting aspect of how one and the same concept could be reconceptualised across two textual practices produced by speakers with ideologically opposed perspectives.

    Physical demand but not dexterity is associated with motor flexibility during rapid reaching in healthy young adults

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    Healthy humans are able to place light and heavy objects in small and large target locations with remarkable accuracy. Here we examine how dexterity demand and physical demand affect flexibility in joint coordination and end-effector kinematics when healthy young adults perform an upper extremity reaching task. We manipulated dexterity demand by changing target size and physical demand by increasing external resistance to reaching. Uncontrolled manifold analysis was used to decompose variability in joint coordination patterns into variability stabilizing the end-effector and variability de-stabilizing the end-effector during reaching. Our results demonstrate a proportional increase in stabilizing and de-stabilizing variability without a change in the ratio of the two variability components as physical demands increase. We interpret this finding in the context of previous studies showing that sensorimotor noise increases with increasing physical demands. We propose that the larger de-stabilizing variability as a function of physical demand originated from larger sensorimotor noise in the neuromuscular system. The larger stabilizing variability with larger physical demands is a strategy employed by the neuromuscular system to counter the de-stabilizing variability so that performance stability is maintained. Our findings have practical implications for improving the effectiveness of movement therapy in a wide range of patient groups, maintaining upper extremity function in old adults, and for maximizing athletic performance

    Denaturation of Circular DNA: Supercoil Mechanism

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    The denaturation transition which takes place in circular DNA is analyzed by extending the Poland-Scheraga model to include the winding degrees of freedom. We consider the case of a homopolymer whereby the winding number of the double stranded helix, released by a loop denaturation, is absorbed by \emph{supercoils}. We find that as in the case of linear DNA, the order of the transition is determined by the loop exponent cc. However the first order transition displayed by the PS model for c>2c>2 in linear DNA is replaced by a continuous transition with arbitrarily high order as cc approaches 2, while the second-order transition found in the linear case in the regime 1<c≤21<c\le2 disappears. In addition, our analysis reveals that melting under fixed linking number is a \emph{condensation transition}, where the condensate is a macroscopic loop which appears above the critical temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A Configurable Transport Layer for CAF

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    The message-driven nature of actors lays a foundation for developing scalable and distributed software. While the actor itself has been thoroughly modeled, the message passing layer lacks a common definition. Properties and guarantees of message exchange often shift with implementations and contexts. This adds complexity to the development process, limits portability, and removes transparency from distributed actor systems. In this work, we examine actor communication, focusing on the implementation and runtime costs of reliable and ordered delivery. Both guarantees are often based on TCP for remote messaging, which mixes network transport with the semantics of messaging. However, the choice of transport may follow different constraints and is often governed by deployment. As a first step towards re-architecting actor-to-actor communication, we decouple the messaging guarantees from the transport protocol. We validate our approach by redesigning the network stack of the C++ Actor Framework (CAF) so that it allows to combine an arbitrary transport protocol with additional functions for remote messaging. An evaluation quantifies the cost of composability and the impact of individual layers on the entire stack

    Comparing AdS/CFT Calculations to HERA F_2 Data

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    We show that HERA data for the inclusive structure function F_2(x,Q^2) at small Bjorken-x and Q^2 can be reasonably well described by a color-dipole model with an AdS/CFT-inspired dipole-proton cross section. The model contains only three free parameters fitted to data. In our AdS/CFT-based parameterization the saturation scale varies in the range of 1-3 GeV becoming independent of energy/Bjorken-x at very small x. This leads to the prediction of x-independence of the F_2 and F_L structure functions at very small x. We provide predictions for F_2 and F_L in the kinematic regions of future experiments. We discuss the limitations of our approach and its applicability region, and argue that our AdS/CFT-based model of non-perturbative physics could be viewed as complimentary to the perturbative description of data based on saturation/Color Glass Condensate physics.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; v3: new plots added showing our model predictions for charm and longitudinal structure functions and photoproduction cross-section, discussion extended. The version to appear in PR
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