310 research outputs found

    Analyse Du Comportement Du Consommateur Du Carburant-Essence Au Cameroun: Examen Du Cas De La Ville De Maroua

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    The presence of violence or terrorism caused by the terrorist sect Boko Haram prompted the Nigerian Government to proceed with the closure of its border with the northern part of Cameroon This decision caused the rise in the price of adulterated fuel commonly known as zoua zoua in the local dialect which represents about 75 of the market for fuel consumed in the northern part of Cameroon In this context the main objective of this study is to analyze the behavior and sensitivity of the fuel-gasoline consumer in the city of Maroua The data used for this study come from a survey carried out by means of a questionnaire among 300 motorists with engines consuming only gasoline in the city of Maroua during the month of July 2019 This choice is justified by the unavailability of aggregate data on the volumes of fuel consumed in the city of Maroua and the concern to guarantee the size of the target sample To construct the sample the study used the non-random sampling method in this case the quota method Comparison of means tests on independent samples are used on cross-sectional data The results of the estimations obtained on primary data show that ceteris paribus the consumer turns to the informal sector and only turns away from it when the price of adulterated gasoline increase

    Analysis of Deprivations Suffered by Children Under Five in Benin

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    Children are seriously affected by poverty and suffer particular deprivations. In addition, their situation is most of the time ignored in the strategies devoted to tackling poverty. This study examined the multidimensional poverty of children under five in Benin by identifying its determinants. It used the data from the demographic and health surveys in Benin from 2011-2012 and adopted the approach by Alkire & Foster (2011) to generate multidimensional poverty profiles of children. The weightings of the dimensions were generated by multiple correspondence analysis. The GLM and Logit models were used to identify the driving factors of child deprivation. Findings indicate that 54 percent of children were multidimensionally poor when the poverty line k = 1 against 32 percent of poor children when k = 3.  Nutrition and sanitation dimensions had the highest relative contributions of 41.12 and 28.77 percent respectively to the global multidimensional poverty index. JEL Classification:  D63, I32, O1

    Étude de la CinĂ©tique d’adsorption des molĂ©cules anti paludĂ©ennes par les rĂ©sines

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    Objectives: This paper presents experimental results of static and dynamic adsorption of molecules of chloroquine sulfate by DOWEX 50 W, with the aim of proposing a technique to purify the blood content of certain drugs overdose in the body. Methodology: This study is a model of in vitro experiments. The dynamic adsorption simulates the elimination of drugs from blood, and the static adsorption simulates the elimination of drugs from stomach. Chloroquine adsorption tests were conducted by different resins to determine which has the best adsorptive as regards chloroquine. The influence of different parameters (mass of adsorbent, initial concentration, temperature, pH, flow rate) on the adsorptive resins was also studied. Results: The adsorption Kinetics of this drug depends on the balance between adsorbed and free substance in the solution. The influences of initial concentration (Co) of the drug, the mass of the resin, the temperature and the pH of the solution have been evaluated. The quantities of adsorbed chloroquine sulfate decreases. The different results obtained, in this in vitro modeling, can confirm the probable role of the resin in the elimination of a drug from blood, stomach or duodenum. Key words: modelisation, dynamic adsorption; chloroquine sulfate; resin DOWEX 50W; Kinetic constant J. Appl. Biosci. 201

    O code-switching fongbe-francĂȘs no Benim : um estudo sociolinguĂ­stico interacional

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de LinguĂ­stica, PortuguĂȘs e LĂ­nguas ClĂĄssicas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em LinguĂ­stica, 2021.O presente trabalho dedica-se ao estudo de Code-switching Fongbe-FrancĂȘs nas comunidades Fon das cidades de Cotonou, Abomey-calavi e Abomey, localizadas no Sul da RepĂșblica do Benim, paĂ­s situado na parte oeste da África. A pesquisa contempla a ĂĄrea da linguĂ­stica chamada de SociolinguĂ­stica Interacional. A finalidade da pesquisa Ă© entender e descrever os elementos proporcionadores do Code-switching nas interaçÔes das comunidades Fon, os quais sĂŁo socialmente partilhados. Para alcançar a meta do estudo, alĂ©m das teorias que abarcam os estudos de interação, trouxemos concepçÔes teĂłricas correlacionadas como o bilinguismo, a diglossia e elementos da LinguĂ­stica de Contato. O desenvolvimento e os resultados dessa pesquisa confluem em um trabalho essencialmente descritivo e interpretativista. A natureza social da pesquisa e as condiçÔes sociais de desenvolvimento do fenĂŽmeno linguĂ­stico de Code switching pressupĂ”em um tal carĂĄter na busca do entendimento da socialmente complexa e culturalmente multifacetada questĂŁo da alternĂąncia de cĂłdigos nas comunidades beninenses.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq).The present work is dedicated to the study of Fongbe-French Code-switching in the Fon communities of the cities of Cotonou, Abomey-calavi and Abomey, located in the South of the Republic of Benin, a country located in the western part of Africa. The research covers the area of linguistics called Interactional Sociolinguistics. The purpose of the research is to understand and describe the elements that provide Code-switching in the interactions of Fon communities, which are socially shared. In order to reach the goal of the study, in addition to the theories that encompass interaction studies, we brought theoretical concepts related to bilingualism, diglossia and elements of Contact Linguistics. The development and results of this research converge in an essentially descriptive and interpretive work. The social nature of the research and the social conditions of development of the linguistic phenomenon of Code-switching presuppose such a character in the search for an understanding of the socially complex and culturally multifaceted issue of the code-switching in Beninese communities

    Domestic and agricultural water use by rural households in the Oueme River Basin (Benin): an economic analysis using recent econometric approaches

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    Improving the management of water resources as well as an efficient use of available water are particularly important to address the increasing scarcity of water and the low level of water accessibility in many developing countries. However, better water management requires an understanding of the existing pattern of water use for domestic and agricultural activities. With a view towards contributing to such knowledge, this dissertation analyzes domestic and agricultural water use by rural households in the Oueme river basin of Benin. This is done within the scope of three research articles. The specific objectives of the dissertation were: 1) to analyze determinants of domestic water use in the rainy and dry seasons; 2) to estimate households? willingness to pay for water supply improvements and analyze its determinants; and 3) to quantify the efficiency of water use for agricultural production and identify factors explaining the differences in water use efficiency among households. The analyses are built on primary data collected from a household survey administrated to a sample of 325 households in the Oueme river basin, in 2007. To analyze domestic water demand, we identified three types of households: those that use only free water sources, those that use only purchased sources and those that combine both free and purchased sources. A system of two demand equations (one equation for free water and another for purchased water) was estimated using a Seemingly Unrelated Tobit (SURT) approach. The advantage of using the SURT approach is that it is appropriate to account simultaneously for the censored nature of water demand and the correlation between the error terms of two equations. In the analysis of households? willingness to pay (WTP) for water supply improvements, particular attention was given to the distribution of WTP, which has been addressed using (arbitrary) parametric assumptions in many previous studies. To avoid distributional assumptions, the dissertation introduced a semi-nonparametric bivariate probit approach to estimate WTP. To analyze water use efficiency, the dissertation combined an input-specific Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with a bootstrapped Tobit model. Bootstrapped Tobit takes care of the dependency problem between efficiency estimates. The analysis of water use efficiency focused on vegetable production in the dry season when water is scarce. Results showed that the average daily domestic water consumption per household during the rainy season (252 liters) is significantly higher than in the dry season (216 liters). SURT estimation results showed that water demand from purchased sources is perfectly price inelastic in the rainy season; indicating that rural households in Benin are very insensitive to changes in water price. This suggests that households are willing to pay more for water supply improvements, due not only to the necessity nature of water but also to its scarcity. Factors affecting domestic water use in the rainy season are household size and composition, education, time for fetching and accessibility to water sources. In the dry season, econometric analysis revealed that there is a positive relationship between wealth and the use of water from free and purchased sources. This result suggests that poverty reduces water use. Purchased water demand in the dry season is also perfectly price inelastic. However, a comparison of determinants of water use between seasons revealed that variables such as time for fetching water, access to water sources and wealth have differential influence on water use during the rainy and dry seasons. These results imply that policy makers must consider among other factors seasonal variation of the determinants of water use. The results of this dissertation provided the first evidence that, in rural Benin, households wanting to improve water supplies are willing to pay more than existing water prices. Households are willing to pay over one and a half times the present average water price. Furthermore, results revealed that estimated WTP would generate substantial revenue from the community, which can lead to significant reductions in subsidies. The supply of safe and adequate water based on estimated WTP will reinforce both the participation of the rural population in water supply management and the sustainability of water facilities. A related policy is that a demand-side management approach can be successfully implemented in rural areas for water supply improvements and sustainability. The important determinants of WTP for water supply improvements were education, age of household head, wealth, queue time at existing water sources and preferred improvements. The policy implication of these findings is that a combination of socio-economic factors affecting WTP, and a demand-side management approach, are likely to improve the sustainability of water projects in rural areas of Benin. Average water use efficiencies were 0.38 and 0.50 under constant and variable returns to scale specification, respectively. This implies that if vegetable farmers in the study area become more efficient in water use, significant amounts of water could be saved and made available for dry season farming land expansion. In addition, many farmers operated at an increasing return to scale (average scale efficiency is 0.70), revealing that most farms should be larger than they currently are to produce efficiently. Water use efficiency in vegetable production was determined by market access, land fragmentation, extension service, ratio of children to adults, water expenditure, water sources, off-farm income and wealth. Results suggest that policy makers should focus on improving farmers? access to input and output markets as well as their access to technical information and training through extension service or NGOs. The findings also showed that households paying for irrigation water or systems are more efficient in water use. However, any price policy should be combined with other policy options such as training and development of improved irrigation techniques adapted to socio-economic conditions of farmers. Overall, various socio-economic characteristic of households and institutional factors are found to explain water use for both domestic and agricultural activities. These factors must be carefully considered for the design and implementation of water management programs that can lead to sustainable accessibility to water. Although the research focuses on Benin, most of the conclusions and policy implications are relevant and could be applicable to many developing countries with similar socio-economics conditions. The dissertation also applies and extends recent econometric approaches that may be used for empirical studies on water management policy in developing countries.Die Verbesserung des Managements von Wasservorkommen und die effiziente Nutzung des verfĂŒgbaren Wassers sind besonders wichtig, um zunehmendem Wassermangel und dem geringen Zugang zu Wasser in vielen EntwicklungslĂ€ndern zu begegnen. Ein besseres Wassermanagement erfordert jedoch das VerstĂ€ndnis der vorhandenen Nutzungsmuster und BestimmungsgrĂŒnde des privaten und landwirtschaftlichen Wasserverbrauchs. Diese Dissertation analysiert, mit dem Ziel das Wissen in diesem Bereich zu erweitern, den privaten und landwirtschaftlichen Wasserverbrauch von lĂ€ndlichen Haushalten im Einzugsgebiet des Oueme-Flusses in Benin. Diesem Ziel wird im Rahmen von drei Forschungsarbeiten, die diese Dissertation bilden, Rechnung getragen. Die spezifischen Ziele der Forschungsarbeiten sind 1) die Determinanten zu analysieren, die den privaten Wasserverbrauch wĂ€hrend der Regen- und Trockenzeit bestimmen; 2) die Zahlungsbereitschaft fĂŒr eine verbesserte Wasserversorgung zu schĂ€tzen und ihre Determinanten zu analysieren; und 3) die Effizienz des landwirtschaftlichen Wasserverbrauchs zu quantifizieren und Faktoren zu identifizieren, welche die Unterschiede der Wasserverbrauchseffizienz zwischen den Haushalten erklĂ€ren. Die Analyse wird mit Hilfe von PrimĂ€rdaten durchgefĂŒhrt, die im Jahr 2007 in einer Haushaltsumfrage mit 325 Haushalten im Oueme-Einzugsgebiet erhoben wurden. Um die private Wassernachfrage zu analysieren, wurden zunĂ€chst drei Haushaltstypen identifiziert: Haushalte, die nur kostenlose Wasserbezugsquellen nutzen; Haushalte, die nur Wasser aus gebĂŒhrenpflichtigen Bezugsquellen nutzen; sowie Haushalte die sowohl gebĂŒhrenpflichtige als auch kostenfreie Wasserbezugsquellen nutzen. Ein System zweier Nachfragefunktionen (eine fĂŒr kostenloses und eine fĂŒr gebĂŒhrenpflichtiges Wasser) wurden mit einem Seemingly Unrelated Tobit (SURT) Ansatz ermittelt. Der Vorteil des SURT-Ansatzes ist, dass er sowohl die nach unten beschrĂ€nkte Wassernachfrage, als auch die Korrelation der Störvariablen der beiden Gleichungen berĂŒcksichtigt. In der Analyse der Zahlungsbereitschaft der Haushalte fĂŒr eine verbesserte Wasserbereitstellung wurde der Verteilung der Zahlungsbereitschaft besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. In vielen vorherigen Studien wurde dieses Problem durch die Anwendung von (beliebigen) parametrischen Annahmen angegangen. Um Annahmen ĂŒber die Verteilung zu vermeiden, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein semi-nonparametrischer bivariater Probit-Ansatz fĂŒr die Berechnung der Zahlungsbereitschaft eingefĂŒhrt. FĂŒr die Analyse der Wasserverbrauchseffizienz wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Input-spezifische Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) mit einem bootstrapped Tobit Model kombiniert. Das bootstrapped Tobit Model berĂŒcksichtigt das AbhĂ€ngigkeitsproblem zwischen den EffizienzschĂ€tzungen. Die Analyse der Wasserverbrauchseffizienz richtet sich hier besonders auf die GemĂŒseproduktion in der Trockenzeit, wenn nur wenig Wasser zur VerfĂŒgung steht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der durchschnittliche private Tagesverbrauch pro Haushalt wĂ€hrend der Regenzeit (252 Liter) signifikant höher ist als in der Trockenzeit (216 Liter). Die Ergebnisse der SURT-Analyse zeigen, dass die Nachfrage nach Wasser von entgeltlichen Bezugsquellen wĂ€hrend der Regenzeit vollkommen preisunelastisch ist, was bedeutet, dass beninische Haushalte kaum auf WasserpreisĂ€nderungen reagieren. Dies weist auf eine Bereitschaft der Haushalte hin, fĂŒr eine verbesserte Wasserbereitstellung mehr zu bezahlen. Dies hĂ€ngt nicht nur damit zusammen, dass Wasser ein lebenswichtiges Gut ist, sondern auch mit der Knappheit des Gutes. Faktoren, die den privaten Wasserverbrauch in der Regenzeit beeinflussen sind HaushaltsgrĂ¶ĂŸe und -zusammensetzung, Bildungsniveau, die fĂŒr das Wasserholen verwendete Zeit, sowie die ZugĂ€nglichkeit der Bezugsquellen. Die ökonometrische Analyse machte weiterhin deutlich, dass es in der Trockenzeit einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wohlstandsniveau und der Nutzung von kostenfreien und entgeltlichen Bezugsquellen gibt. Hiervon lĂ€sst sich ableiten, dass Armut den Wasserverbrauch reduziert. Die Nachfrage nach Wasser von entgeltlichen Bezugsquellen ist in der Trockenzeit ebenfalls vollkommen unelastisch. Dennoch zeigt ein Vergleich der Determinanten, dass Variablen wie die fĂŒr das Wasserholen verwendete Zeit, ZugĂ€nglichkeit zu Bezugsquellen und Wohlstand in Regen- und Trockenzeit einen unterschiedlich starken Einfluss auf den Wasserverbrauch haben. Dies bedeutet, dass politische EntscheidungstrĂ€ger neben anderen Faktoren auch die saisonale Schwankung der Determinanten des Wasserverbrauches berĂŒcksichtigen mĂŒssen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit lieferten erste Belege dafĂŒr, dass beninische Haushalte, die die Wasserbereitstellung verbessern wollen, auch bereit sind, einen höheren als den bestehenden Wasserpreis zu bezahlen. Die Haushalte sind bereit das Eineinhalbfache des aktuellen Wasserpreises zu zahlen. Weiterhin zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die errechnete Zahlungsbereitschaft betrĂ€chtliche Einnahmen aus den Gemeinden einbringen wĂŒrde und zu einer Reduzierung der Subventionen fĂŒhren könnte. Die Bereitstellung von sauberem und ausreichendem Wasser, wie sie von der Zahlungsbereitschaft ausgehend berechnet wurde, wĂŒrde sowohl die Partizipation der lĂ€ndlichen Bevölkerung am Wasserbereitstellungsmanagement als auch die Nachhaltigkeit der Wasseranlagen stĂ€rken. Dies impliziert auch, dass ein Management auf der Nachfrageseite erfolgreich die Wasserversorgung verbessern und die Nachhaltigkeit in lĂ€ndlichen Gebieten erhöhen könnte. Die wichtigen Determinanten der Zahlungsbereitschaft fĂŒr eine Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung sind das Bildungsniveau, das Alter des Haushaltsvorstands, der Wohlstand des Haushalts, die Zeit in der Warteschlange an der Bezugsquelle sowie die gewĂŒnschten Verbesserungen. Die sich hieraus ergebenen Implikationen fĂŒr EntscheidungstrĂ€ger sind, dass durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung einer Kombination sozio-ökonomischer Faktoren, welche die Zahlungsbereitschaft beeinflussen, und einem Management der Nachfrageseite sehr wahrscheinlich die Nachhaltigkeit von Wasserprojekten in lĂ€ndlichen Gebieten Benins verbessert werden kann. Die durchschnittliche Effizienz des Wassereinsatzes ist unter konstanten SkalenertrĂ€gen 0,38 und unter variablen SkalenertrĂ€gen 0,50. Das bedeutet, wenn GemĂŒseproduzenten im Forschungsgebiet das Wasser effizienter nutzen wĂŒrden, könnten erhebliche Mengen Wasser gespart und in der Trockenzeit fĂŒr die Ausdehnung der AnbauflĂ€che bereit gestellt werden. Außerdem arbeiteten viele Landwirte mit zunehmenden SkalenertrĂ€gen (die durchschnittliche Skaleneffizienz ist 0,70). Das heißt, um effizient zu produzieren sollten die meisten Betriebe grĂ¶ĂŸer sein als sie aktuell sind. Die Wassereinsatzeffizienz in der GemĂŒseproduktion wurde vom Marktzugang, der Landfragmentierung, vom Vorhandensein von Beratungsdiensten, dem VerhĂ€ltnis von Kindern zu Erwachsenen, den Ausgaben fĂŒr Wasser, den Wasserbezugsquellen, außerlandwirtschaftlichem Einkommen sowie dem Wohlstand der Haushalte bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass EntscheidungstrĂ€ger sich auf den Zugang der Landwirte zu Input- und OutputmĂ€rkten sowie den Zugang zu technischen Informationen und Training durch Beratungsdienste und nichtstaatliche Organisationen konzentrieren sollten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen weiterhin, dass Haushalte, die fĂŒr BewĂ€sserungswasser oder BewĂ€sserungssysteme bezahlen, effizienter mit Wasser umgehen. Trotzdem sollte jede Preispolitik mit anderen politischen Maßnahmen wie Training oder der Entwicklung von verbesserten BewĂ€sserungstechniken kombiniert werden und an die Bedingungen der Landwirte angepasst sein. Insgesamt erklĂ€ren diverse sozio-ökonomische Charakteristika der Haushalte sowie institutionelle Faktoren den Wasserverbrauch fĂŒr private und landwirtschaftliche AktivitĂ€ten. Diese Faktoren mĂŒssen sorgfĂ€ltig bei der Planung und Implementierung von Programmen zum Wassermanagement, die zu einer nachhaltigen Wasserversorgung fĂŒhren können, berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Obwohl sich diese Forschungsarbeit auf Benin konzentriert, sind die meisten der Folgerungen und Implikationen fĂŒr EntscheidungstrĂ€ger auch in anderen EntwicklungslĂ€ndern mit Ă€hnlichen sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen relevant und könnten in diesen angewandt werden. In dieser Dissertation werden neueste ökonometrische AnsĂ€tze angewandt und erweitert, die fĂŒr empirische Studien im Bereich Wasserwirtschaftspolitik in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern genutzt werden könnten

    Digital Mapping of Togo’s Soil Fertility: Savannah Region

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    A soil assessment was carried out in the savannah region of Togo in 2018, aiming at drawing the digital map of Togo’s soil fertility and making fertilizer recommendations. Soil samples were taken from geo-referenced GPS points and were analyzed for parameters such as water pH, Organic matter, available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. Thematic maps have been drawn using an ArcGIS package. The results showed that the soils of the Savannah region in Togo are mainly (84%) not very acidic (pH = 5.5 to 6.5), overall poor to very poor (84%) in organic matter (\u3c2% OM), essentially poor to very poor (86%) in available phosphorus (\u3c15 mg/kg of soil) and mostly very poor (87%) in exchangeable potassium (\u3c90 mg / kg of soil). These results allowed the agricultural research institute of Togo to make fertilizer use recommendations and to develop, in partnership with Morocco, a digital platform (fertitogo.tg ) for decision making in crop fertilization

    Niveau d’Instruction de la MĂšre et État Nutritionnel des Enfants de Moins de Cinq ans au BĂ©nin

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    Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  examiner les effets du niveau d’instruction de la mĂšre sur l’état nutritionnel des enfants de moins de cinq au BĂ©nin. Utilisant les donnĂ©es issues de l’enquĂȘte dĂ©mographique et de santĂ© (EDSB-V) de 2018, ce travail adopte une stratĂ©gie d’estimation qui contrĂŽle le biais de sĂ©lection et l’endogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© potentielle du niveau d’instruction de la mĂšre pour examiner la relation entre l’instruction de la mĂšre et l’état nutritionnel des enfants. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que l’instruction de la mĂšre est un facteur dĂ©terminant de l’état nutritionnel des enfants au BĂ©nin. L’effet est plus important et robuste sur le retard de croissance, l’insuffisance pondĂ©rale et l’émaciation. Aussi, le niveau d’instruction des mĂšres nĂ©cessaire pour faire des rĂ©ductions significatives de la malnutrition infantile est au moins le niveau secondaire. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que les politiques de scolarisation des femmes doivent ĂȘtre incorporĂ©es dans les stratĂ©gies nationales de nutrition.   This study aims to examine the effects of mother’s education level on the children’s nutritional status in Benin. Using data from the 2018 Demographic and Health Survey (EDSB-V), this work adopts an estimation strategy that controls for selection bias and potential endogeneity of the mother's education level to examine the relationship between mother's education and children's nutritional status. The findings indicate that the mother’s education is a determining factor of the children’s nutritional status in Benin. The effect is larger and more robust on stunting, underweight and wasting. Also, the mothers’ education level needed to make significant reductions in child malnutrition is at least high school. The obtained results show that women education policies must be incorporated into national nutrition strategies

    Palavrão e expressão de sentimentos : qual a ligação?

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de LinguĂ­stica, PortuguĂȘs e LĂ­nguas ClĂĄssicas, 2021.A questĂŁo da presença de palavrĂ”es no discurso Ă© um fato de interação, apesar de as pessoas desprezarem ou nĂŁo assumirem sua presença. Todavia, sabemos que as pessoas recorrem aos palavrĂ”es nas suas interaçÔes cotidianas para dizerem algo ou para exprimir algum sentimento. Nesse sentido, para entender melhor o porquĂȘ da presença de palavrĂ”es na situação interacional, coletamos dados a partir de um questionĂĄrio de percepção aplicado com 15 participantes de perfis diferentes. A anĂĄlise desses dados foi feita com base na sociolinguĂ­stica interacional com foco nos postulados de contexto de enunciação (HANKS, 2008). A relevĂąncia deste trabalho se justifica pela importĂąncia social e pelo interesse acadĂȘmico em relação ao uso de palavrĂ”es na sociedade e, ainda, pelo desprezo dessa mesma sociedade que rechaça esse uso por mais que ele seja importante na sua expressividade e sua precisĂŁo informativa no ato interacional
