754 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Salah satu cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mengasah kemampuan siswa untuk bertanya adalah dengan pengajuan soal (problem posing). Pengajuan soal (Problem posing) adalah suatu tugas yang meminta siswa untuk mengajukan soal kemudian menyelesaikan soal yang dibuatnya. Dalam proses pengajuan soal, soal yang dibuat oleh siswa memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda-beda. Peneliti ingin mengetahui apakah perbedaan tingkat kesulitan soal yang dibuat siswa tersebut juga berkaitan dengan jenis kelamin yang dimiliki siswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan pengajuan soal matematika Kelas VIII SMP ditinjau dari jenis kelamin dengan indikator: (1) kaitan soal dengan materi, (2) dapat tidaknya soal dipecahkan, (3) tingkat kesulitan soal, (4) jawaban atas soal yang diajukan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 1. Siswa laki-laki: mampu mengajukan soal yang sesuai dengan materi, semua soal yang diajukan termasuk soal yang dapat dipecahkan dengan persentase 100%, tingkat kesulitan soal yang diajukan mencapai level applying dan jawaban atas soal yang diajukan sebagian besar benar walaupun penyelesaian kurang terperinci 2. Siswa perempuan: hampir semua soal yang diajukan sesuai dengan materi, hampir semua soal yang diajukan dapat dipecahkan dengan persentase 98,84%, tingkat kesulitan soal yang diajukan mencapai level analyzing dan jawaban atas soal yang diajukan hampir semua memiliki jawaban benar dengan penyelesaian lebih terperinci. Kata Kunci: pengajuan soal, kemampuan pengajuan soal, jenis kelamin Abstract One way that can be used to increase the ability of students to ask is by problem posing. Problem posing is a task that asks students to construct questions then solve it. In problem posing process, problems created by students have different difficulty levels. In posing a problem, students make problems that have different levels of difficulty. Researcher wants to know whether the difficulty level of the problems difference is also related to the studentsā€™gender. Therefore, this research aimed to describe the ability of 8th Grade studentsā€™mathematics problem posing based on gender differentiation. Indicators by: (1) the matter in posing mathematics problem, (2) whether the problem can be solved, (3) the difficulty level of the problem, (4) the answer of the questions posed. The results of this research are: 1. Male students were able to pose a problem that related to the topic, all of the questions posed is included in problems that can be solved, the difficulty level of the problem posed reaches the level of ā€œapplyingā€ and the answer to the proposed problems mostly are correct although less detailed 2. Female student: Almost all of the problem posed are related to the topic, almost all of the questions posed can be solved (98.84%), the difficulty level of the problem posed reaches the level of ā€œanalyzingā€ and almost all the answer are correct and presented in detail. Keywords: problem posing, ability of problem posing, gende

    Cyber attacks and faults discrimination in intelligent electronic device-based energy management systems

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    Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) along with advanced information and communication technology (ICT)-based networks are emerging in the legacy power grid to obtain real-time system states and provide the energy management system (EMS) with wide-area monitoring and advanced control capabilities. Cyber attackers can inject malicious data into the EMS to mislead the state estimation process and disrupt operations or initiate blackouts. A machine learning algorithm (MLA)-based approach is presented in this paper to detect false data injection attacks (FDIAs) in an IED-based EMS. In addition, stealthy construction of FDIAs and their impact on the detection rate of MLAs are analyzed. Furthermore, the impacts of natural disturbances such as faults on the system are considered, and the research work is extended to distinguish between cyber attacks and faults by using state-of-the-art MLAs. In this paper, state-of-the-art MLAs such as Random Forest, OneR, Naive Bayes, SVM, and AdaBoost are used as detection classifiers, and performance parameters such as detection rate, false positive rate, precision, recall, and f-measure are analyzed for different case scenarios on the IEEE benchmark 14-bus system. The experimental results are validated using real-time load flow data from the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

    Natural resources utilization by the Aweer in Boni-lungi and Dodori national reserves, Kenya

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    A study was conducted to record the utilization of Boni-Lungi and Dodori National Reserves by the Aweer community. Results indicate the procuring of a wide gamut of provisional, regulatory, cultural and supportive services from these reserves by the community ranging from wood forest products utilized in construction to their use in expression of religious beliefs to non-wood products. In addition, 16 wildlife species were found to be utilized as primary source of protein, with eggs (guinea fowls and ostrich), fish and honey were utilized as secondary products, while various fungi and algae were consumed as vegetables. Resource extraction occurred with a seasonal dissimilitude.Ā  This study underscores the need for appreciation of Aweer ethnobiology input on native forest conservation.Keywords: Aweer community, Boni-Lungi and Dodori National Reserves, Indigenous Knowledge, Natural Resources Utilizatio


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    Tulisan ini fokus pada bentuk penerapan dakwah persuasif terhadap pembinaan eks pekerja seks komersial yang terdeskripsi pada dakwah fard}iyah yaitu; pembinaan tablig Islam (taujiyah dan tablig kitabah), pembinaan secara Irsyad Islam (bimbingan dakwah, penyuluhan Islam), tadbir Islam meliputi; manajemen (lembaganya), pembinaan takwim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif tentang metode dakwah persuasif dalam bentuk dakwah fard}iyah terhadap pembinaan eks pekerja seks komersial di Panti Sosial Karya Wanita Mattirodeceng Kota Makassar. Pendekatan utama yang digunakan adalah pendekatan ilmu dakwah disertai pendekatan multidisipliner meliputi pendekatan sosiologis, pendekatan komunikasi, dan pendekatan psikologis. Sumber dataĀ  atau informannya 12 orang dengan rincian petugas atau pekerja sosial (Peksos) sebanyak 6 orang dan eks pekerja seks komersial sebanyak 6 Ā orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri dan dibantu dengan pedoman wawancara, matriks perencanaan penelitian, alat-alat dokumentasi, berupa alat perekam (voice recorder ), kamera serta alat tulis sebagai catatan dalam proses perekaman data di lapangan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teori Miles and Hubermen adalah reduksi data (data reduction), penyajian data (data display), dan penarikan kesimpulan (conclusion drawing/verification). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk penerapan dakwah persuasif terhadap pembinaan eks pekerja seks komersial yaitu; a). penyampaian dakwah persuasif dalam bentuk pemberian bimbingan sosial; integritas diri dan materi dakwah, b). penyampaian dakwah persuasif dalam bentuk bimbingan lanjutan, c). penerapan dakwah persuasifĀ  dalam bentuk fard}iyah;Ā  pembinaan dalam bentuk tablig Islam, pembinaan dalam bentuk taujiyah, pembinaan dalam bentuk tablig khitabah, pembinaan dalam bentuk irsyad islam; kegiatan bimbingan dakwah, pembinaan dengan takwin; memiliki kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi, memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan bimbingan sosial, memiliki kemampuan dalam pemberian bimbingan keterampilan

    The Voltammetric Detection of Cadaverine Using a Diamine Oxidase and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Functionalised Electrochemical Biosensor

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    Cadaverine is a biomolecule of major healthcare importance in periodontal disease; however, current detection methods remain inefficient. The development of an enzyme biosensor for the detection of cadaverine may provide a cheap, rapid, point-of-care alternative to traditional measurement techniques. This work developed a screen-printed biosensor (SPE) with a diamine oxidase (DAO) and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) functionalised electrode which enabled the detection of cadaverine via cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. The MWCNTs were functionalised with DAO using carbodiimide crosslinking with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), followed by direct covalent conjugation of the enzyme to amide bonds. Cyclic voltammetry results demonstrated a pair of distinct redox peaks for cadaverine with the C-MWCNT/DAO/EDC-NHS/GA SPE and no redox peaks using unmodified SPEs. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used to isolate the cadaverine oxidation peak and a linear concentration dependence was identified in the range of 3ā€“150 Āµg/mL. The limit of detection of cadaverine using the C-MWCNT/DAO/EDC-NHS/GA SPE was 0.8 Ī¼g/mL, and the biosensor was also found to be effective when tested in artificial saliva which was used as a proof-of-concept model to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of this device. Thus, the development of a MWCNT based enzymatic biosensor for the voltammetric detection of cadaverine which was also active in the presence of artificial saliva was presented in this study

    Diamine Oxidase-Conjugated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes to Facilitate Electrode Surface Homogeneity

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    Carbon nanomaterials have gained significant interest over recent years in the field of electrochemistry, and they may be limited in their use due to issues with their difficulty in dispersion. Enzymes are prime components for detecting biological molecules and enabling electrochemical interactions, but they may also enhance multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) dispersion. This study evaluated a MWCNT and diamine oxidase enzyme (DAO)-functionalised screen-printed electrode (SPE) to demonstrate improved methods of MWCNT functionalisation and dispersion. MWCNT morphology and dispersion was determined using UV-Vis spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Carboxyl groups were introduced onto the MWCNT surfaces using acid etching. MWCNT functionalisation was carried out using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), followed by DAO conjugation and glutaraldehyde (GA) crosslinking. Modified C-MWNCT/EDC-NHS/DAO/GA was drop cast onto SPEs. Modified and unmodified electrodes after MWCNT functionalisation were characterised using optical profilometry (roughness), water contact angle measurements (wettability), Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) (vibrational modes and elemental composition, respectively). The results demonstrated that the addition of the DAO improved MWCNT homogenous dispersion and the solution demonstrated enhanced stability which remained over two days. Drop casting of C-MWCNT/EDC-NHS/DAO/GA onto carbon screen-printed electrodes increased the surface roughness and wettability. UV-Vis, SEM, Raman and EDX analysis determined the presence of carboxylated MWCNT variants from their non-carboxylated counterparts. Electrochemical analysis demonstrated an efficient electron transfer rate process and a diffusion-controlled redox process. The modification of such electrodes may be utilised for the development of biosensors which could be utilised to support a range of healthcare related fields

    The Voltammetric Detection of Cadaverine Using a Diamine Oxidase and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Functionalised Electrochemical Biosensor

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    Cadaverine is a biomolecule of major healthcare importance in periodontal disease; however, current detection methods remain inefficient. The development of an enzyme biosensor for the detection of cadaverine may provide a cheap, rapid, point-of-care alternative to traditional measurement techniques. This work developed a screen-printed biosensor (SPE) with a diamine oxidase (DAO) and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) functionalised electrode which enabled the detection of cadaverine via cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. The MWCNTs were functionalised with DAO using carbodiimide crosslinking with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), followed by direct covalent conjugation of the enzyme to amide bonds. Cyclic voltammetry results demonstrated a pair of distinct redox peaks for cadaverine with the C-MWCNT/DAO/EDC-NHS/GA SPE and no redox peaks using unmodified SPEs. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used to isolate the cadaverine oxidation peak and a linear concentration dependence was identified in the range of 3ā€“150 Āµg/mL. The limit of detection of cadaverine using the C-MWCNT/DAO/EDC-NHS/GA SPE was 0.8 Ī¼g/mL, and the biosensor was also found to be effective when tested in artificial saliva which was used as a proof-of-concept model to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of this device. Thus, the development of a MWCNT based enzymatic biosensor for the voltammetric detection of cadaverine which was also active in the presence of artificial saliva was presented in this study

    Parental willingness to pay for child safety seats in Mashad, Iran

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Iran has one of the highest rates of road traffic crash death rates throughout the world and road traffic injuries are the leading cause of years of life lost in the country. Using child car safety seats is not mandatory by law in Iran. The purpose of this research was to determine the parental willingness to pay (WTP) for child restraints in Mashad, the second most populated city in Iran with one of the highest rates of road traffic-related deaths.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We surveyed 590 car-owner parents of kindergarten children who were willing to participate in the study in the year 2009. We asked them about the maximum amount of money they were willing to pay for car safety seats using contingent valuation method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of children was 33.5 months. The median parental WTP for CSS was about $15. Considering the real price of CSSs in Iran, only 12 percent of responders could be categorized as being willing to pay for it. Family income level was the main predictor of being willing to pay.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The median parental WTP was much lower than the actual price of the safety seats, and those who were of lower socio-economic class were less willing to pay. Interventions to increase low-income families' access to child safety seats such as providing free of charge or subsidized seats, renting or health insurance coverage should be considered.</p

    Factors influencing implementation of the Ministry of Health-led private medicine retailer programmes on malaria in Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Kenya has experienced a number of retail sector initiatives aimed at improving access to antimalarial medicines. This study explored stakeholders' perceptions of the role of private medicine retailers (PMRs), the value and feasibility of programme goals, perceived programme impact, factors influencing implementation and recommendations in three districts of Kenya.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was part of a larger evaluation of PMR programmes, including quantitative and qualitative components. The qualitative research was conducted to assess implementation processes and actors' experiences in the programmes, through focus group discussions with trained PMRs and mothers of children under five years, and in-depth interviews with programme managers, trainers and co-trainers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PMRs were perceived to provide rapid cheap treatment for non-serious conditions and used as a deliberate and continuously evaluated choice between different treatment sources. All stakeholders supported programme goals and most PMRs described increased customer satisfaction, more rational purchasing of medicine stock and increased medicine sales after participation. Factors undermining programme implementation included a lack of MoH resources to train and monitor large numbers of PMRs, the relative instability of outlets, medicines stocked and retail personnel, the large number of proprietary brands and financial challenges to retailers in stocking antimalarial medicines, and their customers in buying them. Unambiguous national support and a broad range of strategies are important to strengthen the feasibility of change in OTC antimalarial use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Understanding the context and implementation processes of PMR programmes and the perspectives of key actors are critical to identifying measures to support their effective implementation. Financial barriers underlie many described challenges, with important implications for policies on subsidies in this sector. In spite of barriers to implementation, increased exposure to programme activities promoted trust and improved relationships between PMRs and their clients and trainers, strengthening feasibility of such interventions. Public information can strengthen PMR training programmes by engaging local communities and may facilitate performance monitoring of PMRs by their clients.</p
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